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The envelope glycoprotein (Env) of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type-1 (HIV-1) is a critical determinant of viral infectivity, tropism and is the main target for humoral immunity; however, little is known about the cellular machinery that directs Env trafficking and its incorporation into nascent virions. Here we identify the mammalian retromer complex as a novel and important cellular factor regulating Env trafficking. Retromer mediates endosomal sorting and is most closely associated with endosome-to-Golgi transport. Consistent with this function, inactivating retromer using RNAi targeting the cargo selective trimer complex inhibited retrograde trafficking of endocytosed Env to the Golgi. Notably, in HIV-1 infected cells, inactivating retromer modulated plasma membrane expression of Env, along with Env incorporation into virions and particle infectivity. Mutagenesis studies coupled with coimmunoprecipitations revealed that retromer-mediated trafficking requires the Env cytoplasmic tail that we show binds directly to retromer components Vps35 and Vps26. Taken together these results provide novel insight into regulation of HIV-1 Env trafficking and infectious HIV-1 morphogenesis and show for the first time a role for retromer in the late-steps of viral replication and assembly of a virus.  相似文献   

The HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein, gp120, undergoes multiple molecular interactions and structural rearrangements during the course of host cell attachment and viral entry, which are being increasingly defined at the atomic level using isolated proteins. In comparison, antigenic markers of these dynamic changes are essentially unknown for single HIV-1 particles bound to target cells. Such markers should indicate how neutralizing and/or non-neutralizing antibodies might interdict infection by either blocking infection or sensitizing host cells for elimination by Fc-mediated effector function. Here we address this deficit by imaging fluorescently labeled CCR5-tropic HIV-1 pseudoviruses using confocal and superresolution microscopy to track the exposure of neutralizing and non-neutralizing epitopes as they appear on single HIV-1 particles bound to target cells. Epitope exposure was followed under conditions permissive or non-permissive for viral entry to delimit changes associated with virion binding from those associated with post-attachment events. We find that a previously unexpected array of gp120 epitopes is exposed rapidly upon target cell binding. This array comprises both neutralizing and non-neutralizing epitopes, the latter being hidden on free virions yet capable of serving as potent targets for Fc-mediated effector function. Under non-permissive conditions for viral entry, both neutralizing and non-neutralizing epitope exposures were relatively static over time for the majority of bound virions. Under entry-permissive conditions, epitope exposure patterns changed over time on subsets of virions that exhibited concurrent variations in virion contents. These studies reveal that bound virions are distinguished by a broad array of both neutralizing and non-neutralizing gp120 epitopes that potentially sensitize a freshly engaged target cell for destruction by Fc-mediated effector function and/or for direct neutralization at a post-binding step. The elucidation of these epitope exposure patterns during viral entry will help clarify antibody-mediated inhibition of HIV-1 as it is measured in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

Rabies pseudotyped lentiviral vectors have great potential in gene therapy, not least because of their ability to transduce neurons following their distal axonal application. However, very little is known about the molecular processes that underlie their retrograde transport and cell transduction. Using multiple labeling techniques and confocal microscopy, we demonstrated that pseudotyping with rabies virus envelope glycoprotein (RV-G) enabled the axonal retrograde transport of two distinct subtypes of lentiviral vector in motor neuron cultures. Analysis of this process revealed that these vectors trafficked through Rab5-positive endosomes and accumulated within a non-acidic Rab7 compartment. RV-G pseudotyped vectors were co-transported with both the tetanus neurotoxin-binding fragment and the membrane proteins thought to mediate rabies virus endocytosis (neural cell adhesion molecule, nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, and p75 neurotrophin receptor), thus demonstrating that pseudotyping with RV-G targets lentiviral vectors for transport along the same pathway exploited by several toxins and viruses. Using motor neurons cultured in compartmentalized chambers, we demonstrated that axonal retrograde transport of these vectors was rapid and efficient; however, it was not able to transduce the targeted neurons efficiently, suggesting that impairment in processes occurring after arrival of the viral vector in the soma is responsible for the low transduction efficiency seen in vivo, which suggests a novel area for improvement of gene therapy vectors.  相似文献   

Membrane cholesterol plays an important role in replication of HIV-1 and other retroviruses. Here, we report that the gammaretrovirus XMRV requires cholesterol and lipid rafts for infection and replication. We demonstrate that treatment of XMRV with a low concentration (10 mM) of 2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (2OHpβCD) partially depleted virion-associated cholesterol resulting in complete inactivation of the virus. This effect could not be reversed by adding cholesterol back to treated virions. Further analysis revealed that following cholesterol depletion, virus-associated Env protein was significantly reduced while the virions remained intact and retained core proteins. Increasing concentrations of 2OHpβCD (≥20 mM) resulted in loss of the majority of virion-associated cholesterol, causing disruption of membrane integrity and loss of internal Gag proteins and viral RNA. Depletion of cholesterol from XMRV-infected cells significantly reduced virus release, suggesting that cholesterol and intact lipid rafts are required for the budding process of XMRV. These results suggest that unlike glycoproteins of other retroviruses, the association of XMRV glycoprotein with virions is highly dependent on cholesterol and lipid rafts.  相似文献   

Cell envelope glycoproteins were extracted with sodium dodecyl sulfate from isolated cell walls of two strains of Serratia marcescens and purified by gel filtration column chromatography on Sepharose 4B. There was no significant difference in the chemical composition. Both fractions contained approximately 50% proteins and 10% carbohydrates. Glucosamine and glucose were identified as the only sugar components in the carbohydrate moiety. Immunochemically they shared at least one common antigenic component with each other and possibly with their corresponding lipopolysaccharide fractions.  相似文献   

构建表达狂犬病病毒SRV9株糖蛋白(GP)的重组杆状病毒,评价其表达出的SRV9株糖蛋白对小鼠免疫效果。将狂犬病病毒SRV9株GP基因的完整开放阅读框克隆入穿梭质粒Bacmid中,构建重组穿梭质粒Bacmid-G,以此转染Sf9细胞。对病变细胞培养物进行电镜观察,获得正确重组杆状病毒后,通过Western-blot、IFA及小鼠免疫实验鉴定表达产物的免疫反应性及免疫原性。正确构建重组穿梭质粒Bacmid-G;获得表达SRV9株糖蛋白的重组杆状病毒,其表达产物具有良好免疫原性;表达产物接种小鼠可诱导其产生抗狂犬病病毒中和抗体,中和抗体达到保护水平的比例为100%。本实验所获得的重组杆状病毒表达出的SRV9株糖蛋白具有较好的免疫原性,可诱导小鼠产生保护性中和抗体,该实验为进一步开发狂犬病亚单位疫苗奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The structural flexibility found in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) envelope glycoproteins creates a complex relationship between antigenicity and sensitivity to antiviral antibodies. The study of this issue in the context of viral particles is particularly problematic as conventional virus capture approaches can perturb antigenicity profiles. Here, we employed a unique analytical system based on fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS), which measures antibody-virion binding with all reactants continuously in solution. Panels of nine anti-envelope monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) and five virus types were used to connect antibody binding profiles with neutralizing activities. Anti-gp120 MAbs against the 2G12 or b12 epitope, which marks functional envelope structures, neutralized viruses expressing CCR5-tropic envelopes and exhibited efficient virion binding in solution. MAbs against CD4-induced (CD4i) epitopes considered hidden on functional envelope structures poorly bound these viruses and were not neutralizing. Anti-gp41 MAb 2F5 was neutralizing despite limited virion binding. Similar antigenicity patterns occurred on CXCR4-tropic viruses, except that anti-CD4i MAbs 17b and 19e were neutralizing despite little or no virion binding. Notably, anti-gp120 MAb PG9 and anti-gp41 MAb F240 bound to both CCR5-tropic and CXCR4-tropic viruses without exerting neutralizing activity. Differences in the virus production system altered the binding efficiencies of some antibodies but did not enhance antigenicity of aberrant gp120 structures. Of all viruses tested, only JRFL pseudoviruses showed a direct relationship between MAb binding efficiency and neutralizing potency. Collectively, these data indicate that the antigenic profiles of free HIV particles generally favor the exposure of functional over aberrant gp120 structures. However, the efficiency of virion-antibody interactions in solution inconsistently predicts neutralizing activity in vitro.  相似文献   

Untreated rabies virus (RABV) infection leads to death. Vaccine and postexposure treatment have been effective in preventing RABV infection. However, due to cost, rabies vaccination and treatment have not been widely used in developing countries. There are 55,000 human death caused by rabies annually. An efficacious and cost-effective rabies vaccine is needed. Parainfluenza virus 5 (PIV5) is thought to contribute to kennel cough, and kennel cough vaccines containing live PIV5 have been used in dogs for many years. In this work, a PIV5-vectored rabies vaccine was tested in mice. A recombinant PIV5 encoding RABV glycoprotein (G) (rPIV5-RV-G) was administered to mice via intranasal (i.n.), intramuscular (i.m.), and oral inoculation. The vaccinated mice were challenged with a 50% lethal challenge dose (LD50) of RABV challenge virus standard 24 (CVS-24) intracerebrally. A single dose of 106 PFU of rPIV5-RV-G was sufficient for 100% protection when administered via the i.n. route. The mice vaccinated with a single dose of 108 PFU of rPIV5-RV-G via the i.m. route showed very robust protection (90% to 100%). Intriguingly, the mice vaccinated orally with a single dose of 108 PFU of rPIV5-RV-G showed a 50% survival rate, which is comparable to the 60% survival rate among mice inoculated with an attenuated rabies vaccine strain, recombinant LBNSE. This is first report of an orally effective rabies vaccine candidate in animals based on PIV5 as a vector. These results indicate that rPIV5-RV-G is an excellent candidate for a new generation of recombinant rabies vaccine for humans and animals and PIV5 is a potential vector for oral vaccines.  相似文献   

Conformational changes in the glycoproteins of enveloped viruses are critical for membrane fusion, which enables viral entry into cells and the pathological cell-cell fusion (syncytia) associated with some viral infections. However, technological capabilities for identifying viral glycoproteins and their conformational changes on actual enveloped virus surfaces are generally scarce, challenging, and time-consuming. Our model, Nipah virus (NiV), is a syncytium-forming biosafety level 4 pathogen with a high mortality rate (40 to 75%) in humans. Once the NiV attachment glycoprotein (G) (NiV-G) binds the cell receptor ephrinB2 or -B3, G triggers conformational changes in the fusion glycoprotein (F) that result in membrane fusion and viral entry. We demonstrate that confocal micro-Raman spectroscopy can, within minutes, simultaneously identify specific G and F glycoprotein signals and receptor-induced conformational changes in NiV-F on NiV virus-like particles (VLPs). First, we identified reproducible G- and F-specific Raman spectral features on NiV VLPs containing M (assembly matrix protein), G, and/or F or on NiV/vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) pseudotyped virions via second-derivative transformations and principal component analysis (PCA). Statistical analyses validated our PCA models. Dynamic temperature-induced conformational changes in F and G or receptor-induced target membrane-dependent conformational changes in F were monitored in NiV pseudovirions in situ in real time by confocal micro-Raman spectroscopy. Advantageously, Raman spectroscopy can identify specific protein signals in relatively impure samples. Thus, this proof-of-principle technological development has implications for the rapid identification and biostability characterization of viruses in medical, veterinary, and food samples and for the analysis of virion glycoprotein conformational changes in situ during viral entry.  相似文献   

We characterized human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) envelope glycoprotein epitopes recognized by neutralizing antibodies from monkeys recently infected by molecularly cloned simian-human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV) variants. The early neutralizing antibody response in each infected animal was directed mainly against a single epitope. This primary neutralizing epitope, however, differed among individual monkeys infected by identical viruses. Two such neutralization epitopes were determined by sequences in the V2 and V3 loops of the gp120 envelope glycoprotein, while a third neutralization epitope, apparently discontinuous, was determined by both V2 and V3 sequences. These results indicate that the early neutralizing antibody response in SHIV-infected monkeys is monospecific and directed against epitopes composed of the gp120 V2 and V3 variable loops.  相似文献   

A new recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus (rVSV) that expresses green fluorescent protein (GFP) on the cytoplasmic domain of the VSV glycoprotein (G protein) was used in the mouse as a model for studying brain infections by a member of the Mononegavirales order that can cause permanent changes in behavior. After nasal administration, virus moved down the olfactory nerve, first to periglomerular cells, then past the mitral cell layer to granule cells, and finally to the subventricular zone. Eight days postinoculation, rVSV was eliminated from the olfactory bulb. Little sign of infection could be found outside the olfactory system, suggesting that anterograde or retrograde axonal transport of rVSV was an unlikely mechanism for movement of rVSV out of the bulb. When administered intracerebrally by microinjection, rVSV spread rapidly within the brain, with strong infection at the site of injection and at some specific periventricular regions of the brain, including the dorsal raphe, locus coeruleus, and midline thalamus; the ventricular system may play a key role in rapid rVSV dispersion within the brain. Thus, the lack of VSV movement out of the olfactory system was not due to the absence of potential for infections in other brain regions. In cultures of both mouse and human central nervous system (CNS) cells, rVSV inoculations resulted in productive infection, expression of the G-GFP fusion protein in the dendritic and somatic plasma membrane, and death of all neurons and glia, as detected by ethidium homodimer nuclear staining. Although considered a neurotropic virus, rVSV also infected heart, skin, and kidney cells in dispersed cultures. rVSV showed a preference for immature neurons in vitro, as shown by enhanced viral infection in developing hippocampal cultures and in the outer granule cell layer in slices of developing cerebellum. Together, these data suggest a relative affinity of rVSV for some neuronal types in the CNS, adding to our understanding of the long-lasting changes in rodent behavior found after transient VSV infection.  相似文献   

Enveloped viruses utilize membrane glycoproteins on their surface to mediate entry into host cells. Three-dimensional structural analysis of these glycoprotein ‘spikes’ is often technically challenging but important for understanding viral pathogenesis and in drug design. Here, a protocol is presented for viral spike structure determination through computational averaging of electron cryo-tomography data. Electron cryo-tomography is a technique in electron microscopy used to derive three-dimensional tomographic volume reconstructions, or tomograms, of pleomorphic biological specimens such as membrane viruses in a near-native, frozen-hydrated state. These tomograms reveal structures of interest in three dimensions, albeit at low resolution. Computational averaging of sub-volumes, or sub-tomograms, is necessary to obtain higher resolution detail of repeating structural motifs, such as viral glycoprotein spikes. A detailed computational approach for aligning and averaging sub-tomograms using the Jsubtomo software package is outlined. This approach enables visualization of the structure of viral glycoprotein spikes to a resolution in the range of 20-40 Å and study of the study of higher order spike-to-spike interactions on the virion membrane. Typical results are presented for Bunyamwera virus, an enveloped virus from the family Bunyaviridae. This family is a structurally diverse group of pathogens posing a threat to human and animal health.  相似文献   

为了研制基因工程狂犬病疫苗,我国于1991年首次报道了在痘苗病毒天坛株中表达狂犬病毒糖蛋白,但报道中重组病毒的选择是先经人骨髓瘤细胞(TK-143)在诱变剂5-溴脱氧尿苷(BrudR)作用下通过标记拯救技术筛选出携带有同源基因的重组病毒,然后再利用重组病毒中携带的Lac基因为选择标记,通过噬斑纯化获得重组病毒,用这种选择方式获得的重组病毒,经过了TK-143细胞和BrudR,因此不宜发展成疫苗,本研究探索不经过TK-143细胞和BrudR,仅利用Lac基因为选择标记,直接在鸡胚细胞上通过噬斑纯化获得重组病毒,现将研究结果报道如下。  相似文献   

The HIV-1 Env spike is the main protein complex that facilitates HIV-1 entry into CD4+ host cells. HIV-1 entry is a multistep process that is not yet completely understood. This process involves several protein-protein interactions between HIV-1 Env and a variety of host cell receptors along with many conformational changes within the spike. HIV-1 Env developed due to high mutation rates and plasticity escape strategies from immense immune pressure and entry inhibitors. We applied a coevolution and residue-residue contact detecting method to identify coevolution patterns within HIV-1 Env protein sequences representing all group M subtypes. We identified 424 coevolving residue pairs within HIV-1 Env. The majority of predicted pairs are residue-residue contacts and are proximal in 3D structure. Furthermore, many of the detected pairs have functional implications due to contributions in either CD4 or coreceptor binding, or variable loop, gp120-gp41, and interdomain interactions. This study provides a new dimension of information in HIV research. The identified residue couplings may not only be important in assisting gp120 and gp41 coordinate structure prediction, but also in designing new and effective entry inhibitors that incorporate mutation patterns of HIV-1 Env.  相似文献   

对广西12株狂犬病病毒株g基因全序列进行测序分析,结果显示:广西毒株属于I型,可分为3个群,即Ⅰ群、Ⅱ群和Ⅲ群。GX01、GX08、GX09、GX014、GX091、GX195、GX260、GXLA8株为Ⅰ群,GX219、GX074、GXBM3株为Ⅱ群,GXN119株为Ⅲ群。Ⅰ群的广西毒株g基因核苷酸的同源性为97.6%~99.9%,氨基酸同源性在97.7%~100%之间;Ⅱ群的核苷酸的同源性为98.2%~99.0%,氨基酸的同源性在98.5%~99.2%之间。糖蛋白在主要的抗原位点GI、GⅡ区以及与中和抗原有关的36、263、367位氨基酸没有变异,GⅢ区上只有Ⅱ群在332位缬氨酸变异为异亮氨酸,G蛋白上的氨基酸主要在-2、-5、-13、-14、-15、-16、90、96、132、140、156、168、170、204、241、249、253、264、289、332、382、427、436、445、463、474位共26个氨基酸发生了变异,这些氨基酸的变异具有群的特异性。  相似文献   

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