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The suitability of fission yeast as a model for understanding the eukaryotic cell cycle has been validated in five years of exciting developments. We review recent advances in understanding the nature of the controls that regulate progression through the cell cycle and the coordination of DNA replication and mitosis.  相似文献   

Many enzymes show a pattern of increase in activity through the cell cycle which is different from the continuous exponential pattern of total protein synthesis. A group of proteins at an intermediate level between single enzymes and total protein, the soluble proteins, was examined to resolve this anomaly. The synthesis of the pH 8.1 soluble proteins of Schizosaccharomyces pombe through the cell cycle was followed by pulse labelling with 3H-leucine in synchronous cultures. The soluble proteins were analysed by electrophoresis on acrylamide gels. Soluble proteins represent 30% of the total proteins of S. pombe and the rates of synthesis showed a continuous increase through the cell cycle. Individual groups of proteins, represented by a single band after electrophoresis, showed a similar continuous increase in synthesis through the cell cycle. Any proteins which may be synthesised discontinuously, such as some enzymes, represent such a small proportion of any one protein group in the electrophoretic separation that their effect was not detectable. These results are different from those described for mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Phosphotyrosyl turnover is an essential regulatory mechanism for many biological processes, and the balance between tyrosine kinases and phosphatases plays a major role in the control of cell proliferation. Phenylarsine oxide (PAO), a potent inhibitor of tyrosine phosphatases (PTPase), was used to investigate the involvement of PTPase in the growth and control of the cell cycle of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Cell proliferation was arrested by treatment with PAO, which was found to inhibit cdc25 PTPase in vitro but appeared not to act in vivo on this mitosis inducer. The PAO-treated cells displayed a mono- or binucleated phenotype and a DNA content that was either 2C or 4C, indicating a cell cycle arrest with a failure to complete cytokinesis. Entry into the cell division cycle from the G0 quiescent stage was also delayed by treatment with PAO. These results suggest that a number of key events in the mitotic cell cycle are regulated by as yet unidentified PTPases.  相似文献   

A temperature-sensitive Schizosaccharomyces pombe mutant, cdc16-116, has been isolated which undergoes uncontrolled septation during its cell division cycle. The mutant accumulates two types of cells after 3 h of growth at the restrictive temperature: (i) type I cells (85% of the population), which complete nuclear division and then form up to five septa between the divided nuclei; and (ii) type II cells (15% of the population), which form an asymmetrically situated septum in the absence of any nuclear division. cdc16-116 is a monogenic recessive mutation unlinked to any previously known cdc gene of S. pombe. It is not affected in a previously reported control by which septation is dependent upon completion of nuclear division. We propose the cdc16-116 is unable to complete septum formation and proceed to cell separation and is also defective in a control which prevents the manufacture of more than one septum in each cell cycle.  相似文献   

Cell growth and uptake of glucose and glycine during the cell cycle were studied in synchronous cultures of Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Rates of accumulation of glucose and glycine were constant during most of the cell cycle, implying a constant rate of cell mass increase. Rates of uptake of glycine appeared to double at an average cell age of 0.9 generations.  相似文献   

By using the intact cells of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, the activity of acid phosphatase (EC was compared through the cell cycle with the growth in cell length as a measure of cell growth. The cells of a growing asynchronous culture increased exponentially in number and in total enzyme activity, but remained constant in average length and in specific activity, In a synchronous culture prepared by selection or by induction, the specific activity was periodic in parallel with the increase in average cell length. When hydroxyurea was added to an asynchronous or a synchronous culture by selection, both specific and total activity followed the same continuous pattern as the growth in cell length after the stoppage of cell division. When oversized cells produced by a hydroxyurea pulse treatment to the culture previously syndronized by selection were transferred to a poor medium, they divided synchronously but could hardly grow in the total cell length. In this experimental situation, the total enzyme activity also scarcely increased through three division cycles. These results suggested that the increase in acid phosphatase in dependent on cell elongation.  相似文献   

Dikaryons, cells with two haploid nuclei contributed by the members of a mating pair, are part of the life cycle of many filamentous fungi, but the molecular mechanisms underlying the division of dikaryons are largely unknown. We found that the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe has a latent ability to divide as a dikaryon. Cells capable of restarting the mitotic cycle with two nuclei were prepared by transient inactivation of the septation initiation network. Close pairing of the two nuclei before mitosis was dependent on minus-end-directed kinesin Klp2p and was essential for propagation as a dikaryon. The two spindles extended in opposite directions, keeping their old spindle pole bodies at the prospective site of cell division until the mid-anaphase. The spindles then overlapped, exchanging the inner nuclei. Finally, twin mitosis was followed by a single cytokinesis, producing two daughter dikaryons carrying copies of the original pair of nuclei.  相似文献   

Yeasts have proven to be invaluable, genetically tractable systems to study various fundamental biological processes including programmed cell death. Recent advances in the elucidation of the molecular pathways underlying apoptotic cell death in yeasts have revealed remarkable similarities to mammalian apoptosis at cellular, organelle and macromolecular levels, thus making a strong case for the relevance of yeast models of regulated cell death. Programmed cell death has been reported in fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, primarily in the contexts of perturbed intracellular lipid metabolism, defective DNA replication, improper mitotic entry, chronological and replicative aging. Here we review the current understanding of the programmed cell death in fission yeast, paying particular attention to lipid-induced cell death. We discuss our recent findings that fission yeast exhibits plasticity of apoptotic and non-apoptotic modes of cell death in response to different lipid stimuli and growth conditions, and that mitochondria, reactive oxygen species and novel cell death mediators including metacaspase Pca1, SpRad9 and Pck1 are involved in the lipotoxic cell death. We also present perspectives on how various aspects of the cell and molecular biology of this organism can be explored to shed light on the governing principles underlying lipid-mediated signaling and cell demise.  相似文献   

A recombinant protein was obtained in Escherichia coli by subcloning part of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe POL1 gene at the 3'-end of lacZ. Antibodies raised against this protein were used to identify the POL1 gene product in extracts of exponentially growing S. pombe cells. A major 170-kDa protein, whose structure and properties were typical of the catalytic subunit of eukaryotic DNA polymerases alpha (pol alpha), was detected. The same antibodies were used to trace pol alpha and to quantify its level during the S. pombe cell cycle. We found that pol alpha was present at all stages of the cycle and that its cellular pool was subject to limited (three-fold) increase in G1 and S phases, with a decline to the initial level soon after. In addition, we found that a second form of pol alpha with slightly lower molecular weight (165 kDa) existed only during late G1 and S phases. Moreover, absence of initiation or perturbations in the course of DNA replication induced overproduction of the 165-kDa form.  相似文献   

The cdc2+ gene of Schizosaccharomyces pombe is homologous to the CDC28 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Both genes share limited homology with vertebrate protein kinases and have protein kinase activity. cdc2+ has been subjected to mutagenesis in vitro. A null allele of the gene, constructed by insertion of the S. cerevisiae LEU2 gene into a site within the gene, has a phenotype similar to that of many temperature-sensitive alleles of cdc2. Mutations within the predicted ATP-binding site and in a region which may be a site of phosphorylation result in loss of cdc2+ activity. A single substitution of Gly-146 to Asp-146 has been identified in cdc2-1w, a dominant activated allele of the gene. The four introns within the cdc2+ gene have been deleted. The resulting gene not only functions in fission yeast but also rescues cdc28(Ts) strains of S. cerevisiae, a property which is not shared by the genomic cdc2+ gene.  相似文献   

Fourteen unlinked sin genes could be mutated to recessive antisuppressor alleles preventing the expression of suppressors in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. cyh1 alleles, resistant to the ribosomal inhibitor cycloheximide, also have some antisuppressor effect. The genetical and physiological characterization of these mutants is consistent with the hypothesis that they affect components of the messenger RNA translation machinery such as tRNA modifying enzymes or ribosomal proteins.  相似文献   

Cell cycle is the central process that regulates growth and division in all eukaryotes. Based on the environmental condition sensed, the cell lies in a resting phase G0 or proceeds through the cyclic cell division process (G1??S??G2??M). These series of events and phase transitions are governed mainly by the highly conserved Cyclin dependent kinases (Cdks) and its positive and negative regulators. The cell cycle regulation of fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe is modeled in this study. The study exploits a detailed molecular interaction map compiled based on the published model and experimental data. There are accumulating evidences about the prominent regulatory role of specific phosphatases in cell cycle regulations. The current study emphasizes the possible role of multiple phosphatases that governs the cell cycle regulation in fission yeast S. pombe. The ability of the model to reproduce the reported regulatory profile for the wild-type and various mutants was verified though simulations.  相似文献   

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