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MerR metalloregulators are the central components of many biosensor platforms designed to report metal contamination. However, most MerR proteins are non-specific. This makes it difficult to apply these biosensors in the analysis of real environmental samples. On-demand implementation of molecular engineering to modify the MerR metal preferences is innovative, although it does not always yield the expected results. As the metal binding loop region (MBL) of these sensors has been proposed to be the major modulator of their specificity, we surgically switched this region for that of well-characterized specific and non-specific homologues. We found that identical modifications in different MerR proteins result in synthetic sensors displaying particular metal-detection patterns that cannot be predicted from the nature of the assembled modules. For instance, the MBL from a native Hg(II) sensor provided non-specificity or specificity toward Hg(II) or Cd(II) depending on the MerR scaffold into which it was integrated. These and other evidences reveal that residues outside the MBL are required to modulate ion recognition and transduce the input signal to the target promoter. Revealing their identity and their interactions with other residues is a critical step toward the design of more efficient biosensor devices for environmental metal monitoring.  相似文献   

We describe the cloning and characterization of tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNF-R)-associated ubiquitous scaffolding and signaling protein (TRUSS), a novel TNF-R1-interacting protein of 90.7 kDa. TRUSS mRNA was ubiquitously expressed in mouse tissues but was enriched in heart, liver, and testis. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments showed that TRUSS was constitutively associated with unligated TNF-R1 and that the complex was relatively insensitive to stimulation with TNF-alpha. Deletion mutagenesis of TNF-R1 indicated that TRUSS interacts with both the membrane-proximal region and the death domain of TNF-R1. In addition, the N-terminal region of TRUSS (residues 1 to 440) contains sequences that permit association with the cytoplasmic domain of TNF-R1. Transient overexpression of TRUSS activated NF-kappaB and increased NF-kappaB activation in response to ligation of TNF-R1. In contrast, a COOH-terminal-deletion mutant of TRUSS (TRUSS(1-723)) was found to inhibit NF-kappaB activation by TNF-alpha. Co-precipitation and co-immunoprecipitation assays revealed that TRUSS can interact with TRADD, TRAF2, and components of the IKK complex. These findings suggest that TRUSS may serve as a scaffolding protein that interacts with TNF-R1 signaling proteins and may link TNF-R1 to the activation of IKK.  相似文献   

NF-kappaB is a critical target of signaling downstream of the T cell receptor (TCR) complex, but how TCR signaling activates NF-kappaB is poorly understood. We have developed an expression cloning strategy that can identify catalytic and noncatalytic molecules that participate in different pathways of NF-kappaB activation. Screening of a mouse thymus cDNA library yielded CARD11, a membrane-associated guanylate kinase (MAGUK) family member containing CARD, PDZ, SH3 and GUK domains. Using a CARD-deleted variant of CARD11 and RNA interference (RNAi), we demonstrate that CARD11 mediates NF-kappaB activation by alphaCD3/alphaCD28 cross-linking and PMA/ionomycin treatment, but not by TNFalpha or dsRNA. CARD11 is not required for TCR-mediated induction of NFAT or AP-1. CARD11 functions upstream of the IkappaB-kinase (IKK) complex and cooperates with Bcl10 in a CARD domain-dependent manner. RNAi-rescue experiments suggest that the CARD, coiled-coil, SH3 and GUK domains of CARD11 are critical for its signaling function. These results implicate CARD11 in factor- specific activation of NF-kappaB by the TCR complex and establish a role for a MAGUK family member in antigen receptor signaling.  相似文献   

The receptor-like phosphotyrosine phosphatase eta (PTPeta) is an important intracellular effector of the cytostatic action of SST. Here we characterize, in Chinese hamster ovary-k1 cells, the intracellular pathway that from somatostatin receptor 1 (SSTR1), leads to the activation of PTPeta and that involves, in a multimeric complex and sequential activation, the tyrosine kinases Janus kinase (JAK) 2 and Src, and the cytosolic phosphotyrosine phosphatase SHP-2. We show that inhibitors of JAK2 and Src and dominant-negative mutants of SHP-2 and Src abolished the SSTR1-mediated PTPeta activation, suggesting that all these effectors participate in the activation of PTPeta. In basal conditions, JAK2 forms a multimeric complex with SHP-2, Src and PTPeta. In response to SST, JAK2 is activated in a G protein-dependent manner, dissociates from and phosphorylates SHP-2, increasing its activity. Subsequently, SHP-2 dissociates from Src, dephosphorylates the Src inhibitory tyrosine-529, and causes an autocatalytical increase of the phosphorylation of Src tyrosine 418, located inside its kinase activation loop. Active Src, in turn, controls the activity of PTPeta, via a direct interaction and phosphorylation of the phosphatase. These data for the first time depict an intracellular pathway involving a precise sequence of interactions and cross-activation among tyrosine phosphatases and kinases acting upstream of PTPeta. In particular the sequential activation of JAK2, SHP-2, and Src conveys the molecular signaling from SSTR1 to the activation of this phosphatase that is responsible for the final biological effects of SST.  相似文献   

Aggregin: a platelet ADP receptor that mediates activation   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
R W Colman 《FASEB journal》1990,4(5):1425-1435
ADP is known to induce platelet shape change, aggregation, and exposure of fibrinogen binding sites as well as inhibit stimulated adenylate cyclase. The platelet is unique in that its purinergic receptor prefers ADP over ATP, which functions as a competitive antagonist. The affinity reagent, 5'-p-fluorosulfonylbenzoyl adenosine (FSBA), has been used to covalently label a single membrane protein, aggregin, on the external platelet surface with mol wt of 100 kDa. Concomitant with incorporation of FSBA, ADP-induced shape change, aggregation, and fibrinogen binding is inhibited. FSBA is also a weak agonist at short times and high concentration, which suggests that prior noncovalent binding to aggregin takes place before covalent modification. Aggregin differs from platelet glycoprotein IIIa in its physical and immunochemical properties. Aggregin is distinct from the receptor coupled to adenylate cyclase. Using FSBA as a probe, platelet aggregation by thromboxane A2 analogs and collagen was shown to be dependent on ADP but not the shape change induced by these agonists. Binding to aggregin is required for epinephrine-induced aggregation. In turn, epinephrine increases the affinity of ADP for its receptor. Thrombin at concentrations greater than 2 nM (0.2 units/ml) stimulates platelet aggregation independent of ADP, but by raising cytoplasmic Ca2+ it activates platelet calpain, which in turn cleaves aggregin. Thus aggregin, in addition to serving as the ADP receptor linked to shape change and aggregation, plays a role in fibrinogen receptor latency that is relieved entirely by ADP binding to or proteolysis of aggregin.  相似文献   

Soil contaminated with heavy metals (e.g., Pb2+, Cu2+, and Zn2+) was treated with aminopoly-saccharide chitosan alone or a strain of the bacterium Bacillus subtilis to determine their effects on metal ion accumulations. Phosphatase and Chitosanase production were also assayed. The combined bacterial-chitosan treatment showed the greater accumulation of Zn2+ followed by Cu2+ as compared to single treatments, while Pb2+ did not show a marked accumulation by either single or combined treatments.  相似文献   

Soil contaminated with heavy metals (e.g., Pb2+, Cu2+, and Zn2+) was treated with aminopoly-saccharide chitosan alone or a strain of the bacterium Bacillus subtilis to determine their effects on metal ion accumulations. Phosphatase and Chitosanase production were also assayed. The combined bacterial-chitosan treatment showed the greater accumulation of Zn2+ followed by Cu2+ as compared to single treatments, while Pb2+ did not show a marked accumulation by either single or combined treatments.  相似文献   

Many G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) activate MAP kinases by stimulating tyrosine kinase signaling cascades. In some systems, GPCRs stimulate tyrosine phosphorylation by inducing the "transactivation" of a receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK). The mechanisms underlying GPCR-induced RTK transactivation have not been clearly defined. Here we report that GPCR activation mimics growth factor-mediated stimulation of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) with respect to many facets of RTK function. beta(2)-Adrenergic receptor (beta(2)AR) stimulation of COS-7 cells induces EGFR dimerization, tyrosine autophosphorylation, and EGFR internalization. Coincident with EGFR transactivation, isoproterenol exposure induces the formation of a multireceptor complex containing both the beta(2)AR and the "transactivated" EGFR. beta(2)AR-mediated EGFR phosphorylation and subsequent beta(2)AR stimulation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) 1/2 are sensitive to selective inhibitors of both EGFR and Src kinases, indicating that both kinases are required for EGFR transactivation. beta(2)AR-dependent signaling to ERK1/2, like direct EGF stimulation of ERK1/2 activity, is sensitive to inhibitors of clathrin-mediated endocytosis, suggesting that signaling downstream of both the EGF-activated and the GPCR-transactivated EGFRs requires a productive engagement of the complex with the cellular endocytic machinery. Thus, RTK transactivation is revealed to be a process involving both association of receptors of distinct classes and the interaction of the transactivated RTK with the cells endocytic machinery.  相似文献   

<正>Insulin signaling is vital for the development and growth of mammals,which also plays a prominent role in the regulation of metabolism,stress response,reproduction,and behaviors.Therefore,insulin signaling is under tight regulation at the levels of insulin biosynthesis,secretion,and post-secretion action(Melloul et al.,2002;Na€ssel et al.,2013).Drosophila insulin-like peptides(DILPs)  相似文献   

2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) and other aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) ligands suppress 17beta-estradiol (E)-induced responses in the rodent uterus and mammary tumors and in human breast cancer cells. Treatment of ZR-75, T47D, and MCF-7 human breast cancer cells with TCDD induces proteasome-dependent degradation of endogenous estrogen receptor alpha (ERalpha). The proteasome inhibitors MG132, PSI, and PSII inhibit the proteasome-dependent effects induced by TCDD, whereas the protease inhibitors EST, calpain inhibitor II, and chloroquine do not affect this response. ERalpha levels in the mouse uterus and breast cancer cells were significantly lower after cotreatment with E plus TCDD than after treatment with E or TCDD alone, and our results indicate that AhR-mediated inhibition of E-induced transactivation is mainly due to limiting levels of ERalpha in cells cotreated with E plus TCDD. TCDD alone or in combination with E increases formation of ubiquitinated forms of ERalpha, and both coimmunoprecipitation and mammalian two-hybrid assays demonstrate that TCDD induces interaction of the AhR with ERalpha in the presence or absence of E. In contrast, E does not induce AhR-ERalpha interactions. Thus, inhibitory AhR-ERalpha cross talk is linked to a novel pathway for degradation of ERalpha in which TCDD initially induces formation of a nuclear AhR complex which coordinately recruits ERalpha and the proteasome complex, resulting in degradation of both receptors.  相似文献   

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