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Since cellular zinc is not freely available as the inorganic ion, zinc proteins must acquire their metal from some other source. But how, when, and where they acquire it is unknown. Metallothionein can participate in the controlled delivery of zinc by binding it with high stability and by mobilizing it through a novel biochemical mechanism that critically depends on the redox activity of the zinc–sulfur bond. Thus, metallothionein activates zinc-depleted alcohol (sorbitol) dehydrogenases by glutathione-modulated zinc transfer. In addition to its catalytic, co-catalytic, and/or structural roles in a myriad of enzymes, zinc also inhibits some enzymes that are not necessarily zinc enzymes, e.g. glyceraldehyde and glycerol phosphate dehydrogenases, and aldehyde dehydrogenase. Zinc inhibits glycerol phosphate dehydrogenase with an IC50 value of 100 nM. Zinc binding is slow at low pH, but instantaneous at high pH. Thionein, the apoprotein of metallothionein, re-activates the zinc-inhibited enzyme. Tight inhibition by zinc and activation of glycerol phosphate dehydrogenase by thionein, a biological chelating agent, provide further support that modulation of zinc binding by metallothionein and thionein is a physiological mechanism of enzyme regulation. Since glycerol phosphate dehydrogenase is a key enzyme in energy metabolism, the effect of zinc is expected to elicit significant physiological responses.  相似文献   

The hydrocortisone (HC) induction of glycerol phosphate dehydrogenase (GPDH; EC in rat glial C6 cells was inhibited reversibly and in a dose-dependent manner by cytochalasin B (CB). CB had no effect on basal level GPDH, total cellular RNA, DNA or protein content nor did it act as a general inhibitor of the rate of protein synthesis. CB did not appear to be acting via dissociation of microtubules since colcemid had no effect on the induction process. The addition of an alternate energy source (sodium pyruvate) did not relieve the CB inhibition of GPDH induction suggesting that CB is not exerting its effect by blocking glucose utilization. The inhibition by CB is not dependent on the temporal sequence of the induction process since it specifically inhibited GPDH induction at any time it was added. CB did not alter the rate of degradation of GPDH in these cells and direct measurements of the specific rate of synthesis of GPDH demonstrated that CB decreased the induced rate of GPDH synthesis by about 60%. The site of inhibition was more precisely defined by experiments which demonstrated a 60% decrease in specific nuclear binding of 3H-HC even though total cellular uptake of 3H-HC was unaffected. This effect on nuclear binding of HC is sufficient to account for the decreased accumulation of GPDH activity in CB-treated cells.  相似文献   

A metabolic system in vitro, which converts fructose 1,6-biphosphate into the two alternative products, lactate and glycerol phosphate, was designed to study the distribution of metabolic fluxes and, specifically, the control of glycerol phosphate production rate in rat muscle extract. Experiments were carried out at several protein concentrations by dilution of rat muscle extract, showing non-linear behaviours of flux versus protein concentration. These were hyperbolic for glycerol phosphate and logarithmic for L-lactate. The influence of the flux towards any alternate product on the rate giving the other was studied by stimulation of each. Results obtained show that in this system, flux towards glycerol phosphate is not affected by lactate production and the same occurs for the contrary case. Glycerol phosphate dehydrogenase seems to be the only enzyme in this system whose activity controls the flux towards glycerol phosphate.  相似文献   

Summary Time- and dose-dependent toxic effects of lead (Pb) acetate on astroglia, oligodendroglia, and meningeal fibroblasts cultured from immature rat brain were measured. Cultures were exposed for 3 d to Pb (1,10, and 100 μM) and then examined immediately (Day 0) or 3 or 10 d after Pb treatment was discontinued. The percentages of astroglia and fibroblasts excluding dye were unaffected by Pb, whereas the percentage of oligodendroglia excluding dye decrease significantly (P<0.01) at all time points after exposure to 100 μM Pb. Lead (100 μM) also reduced the total cell numbers of astroglia, oligodendroglia, and meningeal fibroblasts. Amino acid incorporation into protein by oligodendroglia was stimulated after exposure to 100 μM Pb at all time points and also by 1 and 10 μM on Day 3. Incorporation was stimulated in astroglia only on Day 0 by 10 and 100 μM. Hydrocortisone-stimulated glycerolphosphate dehydrogenase (GPDH) activity was assayed in oligodendroglia cultures. A significant decrease in specific activity was seen after a 4-d exposure to lead. Because oligodendroglia are responsible for myelin synthesis in the central nervous system, and GPDH may synthesize a precursor for myelin lipid synthesis, it was proposed that the hypomyelination observed in lead-intoxicated neonatal rats may result partially from a primary toxic effect on oligodendroglia. GPDH activity was not inhibited by Pb in mixed glial cultures containing both astroglia and oligodendroglia. This result suggests that astroglia in culture have the ability to delay the lead-induced inhibition of oligodendroglial GPDH activity and supports the hypothesis that astroglia in culture serve a protective function. This work was supported by Environmental Protection Agency Grant R811500 and by U. S. Department of Agriculture Project M-6839 Animal Health Formula Funding Project 6652. This work was carried out by J.-N. Wu in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a Master of Science degree in Veterinary Public Health at Texas A&M University.  相似文献   

An affinity column was synthesized and utilized to partially purify glycerolphosphate dehydrogenase (L-glycerol-3-phosphate: NAD+ oxidoreductase, E.C. from rat skeletal muscle. The novelty of the column resides in the fact that the ligand used, 6-phosphogluconic acid, is neither an inhibitor nor a substrate of the enzyme when free in solution but when immobilized on an agarose matrix, glycerol phosphate dehydrogenase binds to it with a high degree of specificity. The bound enzyme could be eluted by either increasing the ionic strength or by addition of its natural substrate, α-glycerol phosphate. Using a combination of these methods and ammonium sulfate precipitation GPDH was purified about 250 fold with a 75% yield within 24 hours.  相似文献   

Summary Because natural populations ofDrosophila melanogaster are polymorphic for different allozymes of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and becauseD. melanogaster is more tolerant to the toxic effects of ethanol than its sibling speciesD. simulans, information regarding the sensitivities of the different forms of ADH to the products of ethanol degradation are of ecological importance. ADH-F, ADH-S, ADH-71k ofD. melanogaster and the ADH ofD. simulans were inhibited by NADH, but the inhibition was relieved by NAD+. The order of sensitivity of NADH was ADH-F<ADH-71k, ADH-S<ADH-simulans with ADH-F being about four times less sensitive than theD. melanogaster enzymes and 12 times less sensitive than theD. simulans enzyme. Acetaldehyde inhibited the ethanolto-acetaldehyde activity of the ADHs, but at low acetaldehyde concentrations ethanol and NAD+ reduced the inhibition. ADH-71k and ADH-F were more subject to the inhibitory action of acetaldehyde than ADH-S and ADH-simulans, with ADH-71k being seven times more sensitive than ADH-S. The pattern of product inhibition of ADH-71k suggests a rapid equilibrium random mechanism for ethanol oxidation. Thus, although the ADH variants only differ by a few amino acids, these differences exert a far larger impact on their intrinsic properties than previously thought. How differences in product inhibition may be of significance in the evolution of the ADHs is discussed.  相似文献   

Magnesium stimulates phosphorylation of the calcium pump protein of the sarcoplasmic reticulum by inorganic phosphate, but the effect is reversed by high [Mg2+]. This reversal is readily explained in terms of the generally accepted existence of two conformational states of the enzyme, E1 and E2. E2 is the form of the enzyme that can be phosphorylated by Pi, and it has one binding site for Mg2+. E1 is the form of the enzyme that has two high-affinity Ca2+ binding sites, and it is phosphorylated by ATP when Ca2+ is bound. Mg2+ can bind weakly to the two Ca2+ sites and to a third site known to be present on E1; this stabilizes E1 at the expense of E2 when [Mg2+] is large. Stabilization of E1 at pH 6.2 and 25 degrees C was found to be a highly cooperative function of [Mg2+] and was not prevented by increasing [Pi]. The latter result requires the existence of a binding site for Pi on E1, with an affinity for Pi comparable to that of E2. Cooperativity with respect to [Mg2+] requires that E2 is the stable state of the enzyme in the absence of ligands, with an equilibrium constant [E2]/[E1] on the order of 10(3) or higher at pH 6.2 and 25 degrees C.  相似文献   

Using mRNA differential display, we found that the gene for NAD(+)-dependent glycerol phosphate dehydrogenase (GPDH; EC is induced in rat brain following seizure activity. Northern blot and in situ hybridization analysis confirmed the differential display results; they also showed, in a separate model of neuronal activation, that after thermal noxious stimulation of the hind-paws, a similar increase in GPDH mRNA occurs in the areas of somatotopic projection in the lumbar spinal cord. Surprisingly, administration of analgesic doses of morphine or the nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs aspirin, metamizol (dipyrone), and indomethacin also increased GPDH mRNA levels in rat spinal cord. The opioid receptor antagonist naloxone completely blocked morphine induction of GPDH but had no effect on GPDH induction by noxious heat stimulation or metamizol treatment, implicating different mechanisms of GPDH induction. Nevertheless, in all cases, induction of the GPDH gene requires adrenal steroids and new protein synthesis, as the induction was blocked in adrenalectomized rats and by cycloheximide treatment, respectively. Our results suggest that the induction of the GPDH gene upon peripheral noxious stimulation is related to the endogenous response to pain as it is mimicked by exogenously applied analgesic drugs.  相似文献   

“以人为本”是目前高校广泛推广的一种现代教育理念。我们将“以人为本”的教育理念融入“酶工程”的课程教学中,从备课、上课、评课三个主要教学环节出发,探索了人本位教学理念的具体实施。通过完善教学目标、优化教学内容、构建“三环一体,四导向,全互动”的混合教学模式以及以成果为导向(outcomes-based education,OBE)的多元化实践教学模式,形成了以学生为主体的“酶工程”人本位课程教学体系。此外,采用“全方位,全目标”的课程考核方式,首次对情感目标的量化考核作出探讨,以推进课程思政建设,落实以人为本、全面育人的教育初衷。最后,通过对学生的主观学习体验进行问卷调查以及对学生科研项目及实验技能比赛等实践活动参与情况进行统计,对“酶工程”人本位教学实践的成效进行总结和反思,以期进行积极反馈,从而持续改进。本文旨在为“酶工程”及相关课程践行以人为本的教育理念、构建以学生为主体的课堂及实践教学模式提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

Allen A  Kwagh J  Fang J  Stanley CA  Smith TJ 《Biochemistry》2004,43(45):14431-14443
Glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) is found in all organisms and catalyzes the oxidative deamination of glutamate to 2-oxoglutarate. While this enzyme does not exhibit allosteric regulation in plants, bacteria, or fungi, its activity is tightly controlled by a number of compounds in mammals. We have previously shown that this regulation plays an important role in insulin homeostasis in humans and evolved concomitantly with a 48-residue "antenna" structure. As shown here, the antenna and some of the allosteric regulation first appears in the Ciliates. This primitive regulation is mediated by fatty acids and likely reflects the gradual movement of fatty acid oxidation from the peroxisomes to the mitochondria as the Ciliates evolved away from plants, fungi, and other protists. Mutagenesis studies where the antenna is deleted support this contention by demonstrating that the antenna is essential for fatty acid regulation. When the antenna from the Ciliates is spliced onto human GDH, it was found to fully communicate all aspects of mammalian regulation. Therefore, we propose that glutamate dehydrogenase regulation of insulin secretion is a example of exaptation at the molecular level where the antenna and associated fatty acid regulation was created to accommodate the changes in organelle function in the Ciliates and then later used to link amino acid catabolism and/or regulation of intracellular glutamate/glutamine levels in the pancreatic beta cells with insulin homeostasis in mammals.  相似文献   



To investigate the efficiency of a cofactor regeneration enzyme co-expressed with a glycerol dehydrogenase for the production of 1,3-dihydroxyacetone (DHA).


In vitro biotransformation of glycerol was achieved with the cell-free extracts containing recombinant GlyDH (glycerol dehydrogenase from Escherichia coli), LDH (lactate dehydrogenase form Bacillus subtilis) or LpNox1 (NADH oxidase from Lactobacillus pentosus), giving DHA at 1.3 g l?1 (GlyDH/LDH) and 2.2 g l?1 (GlyDH/LpNox1) with total turnover number (TTN) of NAD+ recycling of 6039 and 11100, respectively. Whole cells of E. coli (GlyDH–LpNox1) co-expressing both GlyDH and LpNox1 were constructed and converted 10 g glycerol l?1 to DHA at 0.2–0.5 g l?1 in the presence of zero to 2 mM exogenous NAD+. The cell free extract of E. coli (GlyDH–LpNox) converted glycerol (2–50 g l?1) to DHA from 0.5 to 4.0 g l?1 (8–25 % conversion) without exogenous NAD+.


The disadvantage of the expensive consumption of NAD+ for the production of DHA has been overcome.

All members of the human herpesvirus protease (HHV Pr) family are active as weakly associating dimers but inactive as monomers. A small-molecule allosteric inhibitor of Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus protease (KSHV Pr) traps the enzyme in an inactive monomeric state where the C-terminal helices are unfolded and the hydrophobic dimer interface is exposed. NMR titration studies demonstrate that the inhibitor binds to KSHV Pr monomers with low micromolar affinity. A 2.0-Å-resolution X-ray crystal structure of a C-terminal truncated KSHV Pr-inhibitor complex locates the binding pocket at the dimer interface and displays significant conformational perturbations at the active site, 15 Å from the allosteric site. NMR and CD data suggest that the small molecule inhibits human cytomegalovirus protease via a similar mechanism. As all HHV Prs are functionally and structurally homologous, the inhibitor represents a class of compounds that may be developed into broad-spectrum therapeutics that allosterically regulate enzymatic activity by disrupting protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   

Abstract— Glutamine transaminase from rat brain was shown to occur in the mitochondrial fraction, whereas the ω-amidase was shown to occur in the soluble fraction. Both enzymes were also found to be widely distributed throughout human brain tissue. Specific activities for the glutamine transaminase and ω-amidase in the parietal cortex of one individual at 5 h post mortem were 8 and 53 μmol per hour per gram of tissue, respectively. Rat brain glutamine transaminase was shown to be identical to that of the liver mitochondrial enzyme. Improved assays for glutamine transaminase and ω-amidase activities in crude tissue homogenates are described. The possible physiological importance of glutamine transaminase and its potential role in the encephalopathy of hepatic disease are discussed.  相似文献   

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