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Neutrophils play a significant role in maintaining the integrity of innate immunity via their potent respiratory burst activity. However, the uncontrolled activation of respiratory burst in neutrophils also attributes to chronic diseases such as primary hypertension and atherosclerosis. In our study, we have investigated the activation of respiratory burst function of neutrophils harvested from essential hypertensive patients. In the presence of stimuli PMA and opsonized zymosan (OZ), hypertensive patients’ neutrophils secrete significantly higher amount of superoxide anions compared to normotensive control. Although the magnitude of activation varies between both groups, yet the kinetics of activation is similar. When normotensive control’s neutrophils were pre-treated with hypertensive serum, the cells failed to migrate toward fMLP which indicates the impairment of the migration property. In conclusion, the respiratory burst activity of neutrophils is affected by hypertension and their elevated superoxide anions production could be an aggravating factor in hypertension-related complication.  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate the effect of exercise intensity on cardiorespiratory fitness and coronary heart disease risk factors. Maximum oxygen consumption (Vo(2 max)), lipid, lipoprotein, and fibrinogen concentrations were measured in 64 previously sedentary men before random allocation to a nonexercise control group, a moderate-intensity exercise group (three 400-kcal sessions per week at 60% of Vo(2 max)), or a high-intensity exercise group (three 400-kcal sessions per week at 80% of Vo(2 max)). Subjects were instructed to maintain their normal dietary habits, and training heart rates were represcribed after monthly fitness tests. Forty-two men finished the study. After 24 wk, Vo(2 max) increased by 0.38 +/- 0.14 l/min in the moderate-intensity group and by 0.55 +/- 0.27 l/min in the high-intensity group. Repeated-measures analysis of variance identified a significant interaction between monthly Vo(2 max) score and exercise group (F = 3.37, P < 0.05), indicating that Vo(2 max) responded differently to moderate- and high-intensity exercise. Trend analysis showed that total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, non-high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and fibrinogen concentrations changed favorably across control, moderate-intensity, and high-intensity groups. However, significant changes in total cholesterol (-0.55 +/- 0.81 mmol/l), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (-0.52 +/- 0.80 mmol/l), and non-high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (-0.54 +/- 0.86 mmol/l) were only observed in the high-intensity group (all P < 0.05 vs. controls). These data suggest that high-intensity training is more effective in improving cardiorespiratory fitness than moderate-intensity training of equal energy cost. These data also suggest that changes in coronary heart disease risk factors are influenced by exercise intensity.  相似文献   

Previous studies from this lab have demonstrated that in vitro ascorbate augments neutrophil nitric oxide (NO) generation and oxidative burst. The present study was therefore undertaken in guinea pigs to further assess the implication of ascorbate deficiency in vivo on neutrophil ascorbate and tetrahydrobiopterin content, NOS expression/activity, phagocytosis, and respiratory burst. Ascorbate deficiency significantly reduced ascorbate and tetrahydrobiopterin amounts, NOS expression/activity, and NO as well as free radical generation in neutrophils from scorbutics. Ascorbate and tetrahydrobiopterin supplementation in vitro, though, significantly enhanced NOS catalysis in neutrophil lysates and NO generation in live cells, but could not restore them to control levels. Although phagocytic activity remained unaffected, scorbutic neutrophils were compromised in free radical generation. Ascorbate-induced free radical generation was NO dependent and prevented by NOS and NADPH oxidase inhibitors. Augmentation of oxidative burst with dehydroascorbate (DHA) was counteracted in the presence of glucose (DHA uptake inhibitor) and iodoacetamide (glutaredoxin inhibitor), suggesting the importance of ascorbate recycling in neutrophils. Ascorbate uptake was, however, unaffected among scorbutic neutrophils. These observations thus convincingly demonstrate a novel role for ascorbate in augmenting both NOS expression and activity in vivo, thereby reinforcing oxidative microbicidal actions of neutrophils.  相似文献   

The effect of carbonic anhydrase inhibition with acetazolamide (Acz) on CO2 output (VCO2) and ventilation (VE) kinetics was examined during moderate- and heavy-intensity exercise. Seven men [24 +/- 1 (SE) yr] performed cycling exercise during control (Con) and Acz (10 mg/kg body wt iv) sessions. Each subject performed step transitions (6 min) in work rate from 0 to 100 W [below ventilatory threshold (VET)]. VE and gas exchange were measured breath by breath. The time constant (tau) was determined for exercise VET by using a three-component model (fit from the start of exercise). VCO2 kinetics were slower in Acz (VET, MRT = 75 +/- 10 s) than Con (VET, MRT = 54 +/- 7 s). During VET kinetics were faster in Acz (MRT = 85 +/- 17 s) than Con (MRT = 106 +/- 16 s). Carbonic anhydrase inhibition slowed VCO2 kinetics during both moderate- and heavy-intensity exercise, demonstrating impaired CO2 elimination in the nonsteady state of exercise. The slowed VE kinetics in Acz during exercise 相似文献   

The oxygen-dependent respiratory burst is a key neutrophil function required for the killing of bacteria. However, despite intensive investigation, the molecular events which initiate the respiratory burst remain unclear. Recent reports have suggested the agonist-induced hydrolysis of cellular phosphatidylcholine (PtdCho) by phospholipase D may be an essential requirement for initiating or mediating the respiratory burst. We have investigated the effects of the chemotactic peptide N-formylmethionylleucylphenylalanine (fMLF), the phorbol ester 12-O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol 13-acetate (TPA) and the polyunsaturated fatty acids arachidonic [20:4 (n-6)] and docosahexaenoic [22:6 (n-3)] acids in light of this hypothesis. Ethanol-inhibited superoxide production in response to 20:4, 22:6 and fMLF, in a dose-dependent fashion, suggesting an involvement of phospholipase D. The phosphatidic-acid phosphohydrolase inhibitor DL-propranolol completely inhibited superoxide production induced by both 20:4 and 22:6, and partially inhibited the response to TPA. In contrast, superoxide production in response to fMLF was increased by propranolol. fMLF and TPA, but not the fatty acids, stimulated phospholipase D as indicated by the accumulation of phosphatidic acid and, in the presence of ethanol, phosphatidylethanol derived from PtdCho. Extracellular Ca2+ was found to be an essential requirement for fMLF-induced superoxide production. However, responses to the fatty acids were dramatically enhanced under Ca(2+)-free conditions. Responses to TPA were independent of the extracellular Ca2+ concentration. Both fatty acids and fMLF, but not TPA, mobilised Ca2+ from intracellular stores, a response insensitive to the effects of both ethanol and propranolol. These results show that, unlike fMLF and TPA, the fatty acids do not cause hydrolysis of PtdCho by phospholipase D. However, the data indirectly suggests that the fatty acids may initiate the phospholipase-D-catalysed hydrolysis of phospholipids other than PtdCho.  相似文献   

It was investigated why the fMLP-stimulated respiratory burst in human neutrophils was enhanced by N-(6-aminohexyl)-5-chloro-1-naphthalenesulfonamide (W-7), a considered calmodulin antagonist, at lower concentration but inhibited at higher concentration. Flow cytometric analysis on binding of the receptor to the fluorescence-labeled formyl peptide and the polymerization of actin in cells showed that the drug inhibited actin polymerization and promoted expression of the fMLP receptors on cell membrane at lower concentration, while promoted the actin polymerization and depressed the receptor expression at higher concentration. As intracellular Ca(2+) ([Ca(2+)](i)) is elevated, polymerization of actin decreases and the receptor expression increases. At normal physiological and two moderately high intracellular calcium levels, the dual effect of W-7 became less significant as [Ca(2+)](i) was elevated indicating that the dual effect is calcium-dependent. Under two extreme conditions that the intracellular calcium was either depleted or highly elevated, the dual effect disappeared but only an inhibitory effect on actin polymerization was observed. Colchicine and taxol study showed that disruption or stabilization of microtubules had no effect on formyl peptide receptor expression. The results suggest that W-7 primes the fMLP stimulation by direct action on actin leading to breakdown of microfilaments and more expression of formyl peptide receptors, and inhibits the stimulation by indirect action on actin through inactivation of some Ca(2+)-dependent proteins resulting in assembly of actin into microfilaments. Which action is favorable depends on the drug concentration.  相似文献   

During constant-work-rate exercise in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, dyspnea increases steeply once inspiratory reserve volume (IRV) falls to a critical level that prevents further expansion of tidal volume (Vt). We studied the effects of this mechanical restriction on the quality and intensity of exertional dyspnea and examined the impact of an anticholinergic bronchodilator. In a randomized, double-blind, crossover study, 18 patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (forced expiratory volume in 1 s = 40 +/- 3%predicted; mean +/- SE) inhaled tiotropium 18 mug or placebo once daily for 7-10 days each. Pulmonary function tests and symptom-limited cycle exercise at 75% of each patient's maximal work capacity were performed 2 h after dosing. Dyspnea intensity (Borg scale), operating lung volumes, breathing pattern, and esophageal pressure (n = 11) were measured during exercise. Dynamic hyperinflation reached its maximal value early in exercise and was associated with only mild increases in dyspnea intensity and the effort-displacement ratio, which is defined as the ratio between tidal swings of esophageal pressure (expressed relative to maximum inspiratory pressure) and Vt (expressed relative to predicted vital capacity). After a minimal IRV of 0.5 +/- 0.1 liter was reached, both dyspnea and the effort-displacement ratio rose steeply until an intolerable level was reached. Tiotropium did not alter dyspnea-IRV relationships, but the increase in resting and exercise inspiratory capacity was associated with an improved effort-displacement ratio throughout exercise. Once a critically low IRV was reached during exercise, dyspnea rose with the disparity between respiratory effort and the Vt response. Changes in dyspnea intensity after tiotropium were positively correlated with changes in this index of neuromechanical coupling.  相似文献   

The N-formyl peptide receptor mediates a number of host defensive responses of human neutrophils that result in chemotaxis, secretion of hydrolytic enzymes, and superoxide generation. Inappropriate activation or defective regulation of these responses can result in pathogenic states responsible for inflammatory disease. The receptor is a 50 to 70-kD, integral plasma membrane glycoprotein with intracellular and surface localization. Its abundance in the membrane is regulated by membrane flow and recycling processes. Cytoskeletal interactions are believed to control its organization in the plane of the membrane and interaction with other proteins. The receptor's most important interaction is with guanyl nucleotide binding proteins that serve as signal transduction partners ultimately leading to activation of effector responses. Because the interaction of the receptor with G proteins is necessary for transduction, control of this interaction may be at the root of understanding the molecular control of responses in these cells. This review briefly summarizes some of the molecular properties, dynamics, and interactions of this receptor system in human neutrophils and discusses how these characteristics may pertain to the activation and control of superoxide generation.  相似文献   

Neutrophil function and plasma membrane receptor expression was measured in cell suspensions isolated by two separate procedures and in unfractionated whole blood. When cells were prepared by a combined dextran/ficoll procedure, their ability to generate reactive oxidants in response to fMet-Leu-Phe was greater than in corresponding cells isolated by a one-step procedure on Mono-Poly Resolving Medium (M-PRM). Cells prepared by both methods could be primedin vitro by rGM-CSF, but the priming ratio was greater in cells prepared by the latter method. The ability of neutrophils in whole blood to generate reactive oxidants in response to fMet-Leu-Phe was extremely low, but this was increased by more than 10 fold if the blood was pre-incubated with rGM-CSF. Similarly, expression of CD 11b and CD 16 was very low (or undetectable) in neutrophils in whole blood, but this was rapidly increased upon priming. Activation by PMA resulted in a down regulation of CD 16 expression as the receptor was shed from the cell surface. Neutrophils isolated by either the dextran/ficoll or the M-PRM method showed increased expression of receptors compared with those in whole blood, although this expression was lower in cells isolated by the latter method. These data indicate that the isolation procedures used to obtain purified neutrophils prime both receptor expression and oxidase function, although these effects are minimalised in isolation procedures using M-PRM. Furthermore, as CD 16 expression on neutrophils in whole blood is rapidly up-regulated during priming, it seems likely that, as for complement receptors, rapidly-mobilisable intracellular stores of this receptor exist.  相似文献   

Previous research on overtraining due to excessive use of maximal resistance exercise loads [100% 1 repetition maximum (1 RM)] indicates that peripheral muscle maladaptation contributes to overtraining-induced performance decrements. This study examined the cellular and molecular responses of skeletal muscle to performance decrements due to high-relative-intensity (%1 RM) resistance exercise overtraining. Weight-trained men were divided into overtrained (OT, n = 8) and control (Con, n = 8) groups. The OT group performed 10 x 1 at 100% 1 RM daily for 2 wk, whereas the Con group performed normal training 2 days/wk. Muscle biopsies from the vastus lateralis muscle, voluntary static and dynamic muscle performances, and nocturnal urinary epinephrine were assessed before (pre) and after (post) overtraining. Overtraining occurred as indicated by a decrease in 1-RM strength for the OT group (mean +/- SE; OT pre = 159.3 +/- 10.1 kg, OT post = 151.4 +/- 9.9 kg, Con pre = 146.0 +/- 12.9 kg, Con post = 144.9 +/- 13.3 kg), as well as a 36.3% decrease in mean power at 100% 1-RM loads. Normal training could be resumed only after 2-8 wk of training cessation. Muscle beta(2)-adrenergic receptor (beta(2)-AR; fmol/mg protein) density significantly decreased by 37.0% for the OT group and was unchanged for the Con group (-1.8%). Nocturnal urinary epinephrine for the OT group increased by 49%, although this was not significant (effect size = 0.42). The ratio of nocturnal urinary epinephrine to beta(2)-AR density suggested a decreased beta(2)-AR sensitivity for the OT group (2.4-fold increase). Overtraining occurred based on decreased muscular force and power. Desensitization of the beta(2)-AR system suggests that this may be an important contributor to performance decrements due to excessive use of maximal resistance exercise loads.  相似文献   

Platelet-activating factor (PAF) is a potent lipid mediator of inflammation that can act on human neutrophils. When neutrophils are stimulated with PAF at concentrations greater than 10 nM, a double peak of intracellular calcium mobilization is observed. The second calcium peak observed in PAF-treated neutrophils has already been suggested to come from the production of endogenous leukotriene B4 (LTB4). Here we demonstrate the involvement of endogenous LTB4 production and subsequent activation of the high affinity LTB4 receptor (BLT1) in this second calcium mobilization peak observed after stimulation with PAF. We also show that the second, but not the first peak, could be desensitized by prior exposure to LTB4. Moreover, when neutrophils were pre-treated with pharmacological inhibitors of LTB4 production or with the specific BLT1 antagonist, U75302, PAF-mediated neutrophil degranulation was inhibited by more than 50%. On the other hand, pre-treating neutrophils with the PAF receptor specific antagonist (WEB2086) did not prevent any LTB4-induced degranulation. Also, when human neutrophils were pre-treated with U75302, PAF-mediated chemotaxis was reduced by more than 60%. These data indicate the involvement of BLT1 signaling in PAF-mediated neutrophil activities.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of short‐term weight reduction on neutrophil functions in female judoists. Sixteen actively competing female judoists were divided into two groups. Eight who required weight reduction were de?ned as the weight reduction group, and the remaining eight were used as the control. Blood samples were taken before, immediately after and 8 days after the match. Phagocytic activity and oxidative burst activity of neutrophils were measured by ?ow cytometry. In the weight reduction group, the phagocytic activity per cell decreased signi?cantly at the end of weight reduction compared with the control group. The rate of neutrophils producing reactive oxygen species and the oxidative burst activity per cell increased signi?cantly at the end of weight reduction in both the control and the weight reduction groups. We concluded that weight reduction, consisting of both intense exercise and energy restriction, might possibly cause both an increase in oxidative burst activity and decrease in neutrophil phagocytic activity in female judoists. However, although exercise increased oxidative burst activity, it did not affect neutrophil phagocytic activity alone. Therefore, to avoid this problem, female judoists are recommended to keep their weight within those limits determined by their class, and which can be reduced by exercise. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Neutrophil polymorphonuclear leucocytes kill bacteria by oxygen-dependent and oxygen-independent mechanisms. Many potentially toxic mechanisms have been described, but the complexity of the phagosomal environment and the synergy between oxidative and non-oxidative systems hamper the investigation of individual bactericidal mechanism in whole cells. Neutrophil cytoplasts are greatly depleted of granule proteins and permit the investigation of the bactericidal effects of the respiratory burst in isolation. In this study they have been used to examine the role of the respiratory burst and myeloperoxidase in oxygen-dependent killing of Staphylococcus aureus. Cytoplasts generated oxygen radicals at comparable rates to human neutrophils and phagocytosed but did not kill S. aureus. The selective reconstitution of the myeloperoxidase-hydrogen peroxide-halide system by coating bacteria with myeloperoxidase conferred on cytoplasts the ability to kill intracellular bacteria. However, extracellular killing by diffusible bactericidal factors was not detected in this system.  相似文献   

This study explores the hypothesis that high-intensity exercise induces degenerative changes in the injury-prone equine superficial digital flexor tendon (SDFT), but not in the rarely injured common digital extensor tendon (CDET). The horse represents a large-animal model that is applicable to human tendon and ligament physiology and pathology. Twelve age-matched female horses undertook galloping exercise three times a week with trotting exercise on alternative days (high-intensity group, n = 6) or only walking exercise (low-intensity group, n = 6) for 18 mo. The SDFT, suspensory ligament, deep digital flexor tendon, and CDET were harvested from the forelimb. Tissue from the mid-metacarpal region of the right limb tendons was analyzed for water, DNA, sulfated glycosaminoglycan and collagen content, collagen type III-to-I ratios, collagen cross-links, and tissue fluorescence. Left limb tendons were mechanically tested to failure. The analyses showed matrix composition to have considerable diversity between the functionally different structures. In addition, the specific structures responded differently to the imposed exercise. High-intensity training resulted in a significant decrease in the GAG content in the SDFT, but no change in collagen content, despite a decrease in collagen fibril diameters. There were no signs of degeneration or change in mechanical properties of the SDFT. The CDET had a lower water content following high-intensity training and a higher elastic modulus. Long-term, high-intensity training in skeletally mature individuals results in changes that suggest accelerated aging in the injury-prone SDFT and adaptation in the CDET.  相似文献   

Immunofluorescence and flow cytometric techniques have been used to study changes in surface Ag expression and viability that occur during human basophil degranulation. Treatment with polyclonal anti-IgE, FMLP, or the calcium ionophore A23187 induced histamine release, along with rapid and sustained unimodal increases in basophil CD11b mean fluorescence intensity. In contrast, treatment with anti-IgE or FMLP resulted in a decrease in Leu 8 expression. Degranulation did not significantly affect basophil viability (as determined by exclusion of propidium iodide), scatter characteristics, or percentage of identifiable IgE-bearing cells, and an inconsistent association was seen between percent histamine release and reduction in the percent of cells identified by light microscopy after staining with alcian blue. For anti-IgE, dose-dependent changes in CD11b, CD11c, and Leu 8 expression were seen (optimal at 0.1, 0.1, and 1 microgram/ml, respectively), although CD11a expression remained unchanged. Histamine release was optimal at 0.3 microgram/ml anti-IgE, and at superoptimal concentrations, reduced CD11b expression was observed which paralleled decreases in histamine release; reduction of the expression of Leu 8, however, occurred equally at optimal and superoptimal concentrations of anti-IgE. Kinetic analyses of these responses revealed that CD11b up-regulation proceeded more rapidly than histamine release, whereas Leu 8 down-regulation was much slower and did not plateau until 120 min of stimulation. Although changes in CD11b mean fluorescence intensity correlated with the magnitude of histamine release, exposure to stimuli in the absence of calcium (which blocked degranulation) resulted in similar alterations in CD11b and Leu 8, suggesting that degranulation was not required for changes in the surface expression of these adhesion molecules. Interestingly, pretreatment of basophils with drugs that either inhibited or enhanced histamine release (isobutylmethylxanthine and cyclosporin A vs cytochalasin B, respectively) significantly decreased the magnitude of anti-IgE-induced CD11b up-regulation; down-regulation of Leu 8 expression was also partially inhibited by treatment with isobutylmethylaxanthine. These studies demonstrate that activation of human basophils by secretagogues in vitro results in a variety of phenotypic changes including alterations in surface expression of adhesion molecules, and suggest that degranulation in vivo may be accompanied or preceded by changes in adhesion-related functions.  相似文献   

Formylated peptides specifically activate many of the neutrophil functions; their action is mediated via formyl peptide receptors (FPRs). FPRs belong to the family of receptors having seven transmembrane-spanning domains and coupled with G-proteins (GPCR). About a dozen of highly homologous genes of FPRs were found to be localized in mouse chromosome 17. By binding with labeled N-formyl-Met-Leu-Phe (fMLF), FPRs are classified as receptors with high (FPR1) and low (FPR2 and FPR3/FPRL1) affinity to formyl peptide. Binding of formyl peptide with FPRs triggers the complex signaling events, the most studied are: activation of phospholipase C (PLC) with subsequent calcium signaling; launching of mitogen activated protein kinases (MAPKs) cascade pathway, and activation of phosphoinositol-3-kinase (PI3K) cascades. As we have shown previously, the priming of the respiratory burst of mice neutrophils occurs under the cell activation by fMLF in high doses only, i.e., it is necessary to activate low affinity FPRs. Besides, the usage of the specific MEK and p38MAPK inhibitors induced significant suppression of the response to 1 μM fMLM, while the response to 50 μM fMLF increased in the presence of the inhibitors. We suggest that there is a signal divergence upon activation of high and low affinity fMLF receptors, and small G protein dependent signaling pathways could be alternative to activate NADPH oxidase. Here we demonstrate that Ras-proteins participate in the respiratory burst activation, especially in activation via the high affinity fMLF receptors. Activation of the Rho- and Rac-proteins induced the down-regulation of the respiratory burst under the stimulation of high affinity FPRs. The inhibition of the Rho-proteins almost completely suppressed the respiratory burst activated via the high and low affinity receptors, probably due to inability to assemble of the cytoskeleton proteins and NADPH oxidase components.  相似文献   

A feeding trial was conducted for 60 days to delineate the effect of dietary carbohydrate on the haematology, respiratory burst activity and histology in Labeo rohita juveniles. One hundred and forty four fish (av. wt. 10+/-0.15 g) were randomly distributed into 12 treatment groups with each of two replicates. Twelve semi-purified diets with either 35% or 28% of crude protein were prepared with different amylase concentrations (0, 50, 100 and 150 mgkg(-1)) and starch type (gelatinised, G/non-gelatinised, NG) designated as T1 (NG, 35% CP, 0 mgkg(-1) amylase), T2 (G, 35% CP, 0 mgkg(-1) amylase), T3 (NG, 28% CP, 50 mgkg(-1) amylase), T4 (NG, 35% CP, 50 mgkg(-1) amylase), T5 (G, 28% CP, 50 mgkg(-1) amylase), T6 (G, 35% CP, 50 mgkg(-1) amylase), T7 (NG, 28% CP, 100 mgkg(-1) amylase), T8 (NG, 35% CP, 100 mgkg(-1) amylase), T9 (G, 28% CP, 100 mgkg(-1) amylase), T10 (G, 35% CP, 100 mgkg(-1) amylase), T11 (NG, 28% CP, 150 mgkg(-1) amylase) and T12 (NG, 35% CP, 150 mgkg(-1) amylase). The fish were acclimatised to the experimental conditions for 15 days during which time the control diet was fed. The blood haemoglobin percentage and RBC count was not significantly different (P>0.05) among the various treatments. Highest WBC count, total plasma protein, serum globulin and respiratory burst activity was found at 50 mgkg(-1) dietary amylase supplementation, whereas no variation (P>0.05) was found at 0, 100 and 150 mgkg(-1) dietary amylase supplementation. There was no difference (P>0.05) in the serum albumin and AG ratio among the experimental groups. Feeding either gelatinised or non-gelatinised carbohydrate did not affect the histological structure of the liver, kidney and intestine except in the T4 and T7 groups. The T4 group showed hyperplasia of the intestine and moderate vacuolation in hepatic cells, whereas the T7 group showed hyperplasia of the intestine. Non-gelatinised carbohydrates (46%) along with supplementation with 50 mgkg(-1) amylase stimulated the immune system in L. rohita juveniles. But supplementation of amylase to the gelatinised carbohydrate had no immunostimulating effect.  相似文献   

The priming effect of insulin on the fMLP-induced respiratory burst of mouse neutrophils as well as the involvement of tyrosine protein kinases and phosphatases in this process have been studied. Peritoneal evoked neutrophils of NMRI strain mice were incubated with 0.01-100 nM insulin for 1-60 min at 22, 30, or 37°C and activated by 0.1-50 M N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (fMLP). The production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by neutrophils was monitored by luminol-dependent chemiluminescence. We found that 125I-labeled insulin binding by mouse neutrophils occurred with saturation and high affinity. Insulin itself did not change the basal level of the ROS production but could modulate fMLP-induced respiratory burst. The effect of insulin depended on temperature and duration of pretreatment of the neutrophils with insulin and the concentration combination of the insulin and fMLP. The tyrosine kinase inhibitor tyrphostin 51 decreased the fMLP-induced respiratory burst significantly. Insulin did not change the fMLP response of neutrophils pretreated with tyrphostin. However, the effect of tyrphostin on the response to 50 M fMLP was considerably decreased in neutrophils treated with insulin. There was no such effect during activation by 5 M fMLP, for which the priming effect of insulin was not observed. Insulin did not increase the fMLP-induced respiratory burst in neutrophils treated with the protein phosphatase inhibitors orthovanadate and pyrophosphate. If the inhibitors were added after insulin, the combined effect was nearly additive. It is possible that priming by insulin of the fMLP-induced respiratory burst is triggered by tyrosine phosphorylation, realized with its participation, and involves the signaling pathways initiated by tyrosine phosphorylation but subsequently is not dependent on the latter. The role of protein phosphatases in priming by insulin is of little importance. The data indirectly confirm the idea that priming of the neutrophil respiratory burst is a result of crosstalk of signaling pathways of the insulin and fMLP receptors with the participation of tyrosine phosphorylation.  相似文献   

We studied the influence of mastication on respiratory activity in nine healthy volunteers who were requested to masticate a 5-g chewing gum bolus at a spontaneous rate (SR) for 5 min and "at the maximum possible rate" (MPR) for 1 min. Significant increases in respiratory frequency were induced by SR mastication due to a decrease in both the inspiratory and expiratory time. Tidal volume displayed slight nonsignificant decreases, but minute ventilation and mean inspiratory flow significantly increased. The duty cycle (TI/TT) did not change significantly. Total airway resistance significantly increased. Both peak and rate of rise of the integrated electromyographic activity of inspiratory muscles presented marked increases, accompanied by the appearance of a low level of tonic muscular activity. Similar but more intense effects on respiratory activity were induced by MPR mastication; in addition, a significant decrease in tidal volume and a significant increase in TI/TT were observed. Rhythmic handgrip exercise performed at metabolic rates comparable to those attained during SR or MPR mastication induced similar changes in the drive and time components of the breathing pattern, although accompanied respectively by nonsignificant or significant increases in tidal volume. Furthermore, the frequency of SR mastication significantly entrained the respiratory rhythm. The results suggest that mastication-induced hyperpnea does not merely represent a ventilatory response to exercise but also reflects complex interactions between respiratory and nonrespiratory functions of the upper airway and chest wall muscles.  相似文献   

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