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Festuca L. has an important diversification centre in the Iberian Peninsula. We used chromosome counting, fluorescence (FISH) and genomic in situ hybridization (GISH), and DNA flow cytometry (FCM) to clarify the taxonomic position of several taxa, to search for phylogenetic relationships and to assess the extent and pattern of genome variation in fescues. The chromosome number of Festuca duriotagana var. barbata is determined for the first time and new ploidy level estimations are given for F. rothmaleri and F. summilusitana. In the latter species, besides the reported decaploid level, dodecaploidy was found in some populations, which points to the existence of an unrecognized taxon. Moreover, these differences were confirmed by FCM and a high positive correlation was found with the type of substrate where F. summilusitana was growing. For each section, a decrease of genome size with increase of polyploidy was observed. In general, in situ hybridization techniques failed to reveal phylogenetic relationships among the selected species. In FISH, a variation in the number of rDNA sites was observed in some species. GISH results indicate that F. henriquesii is not a progenitor of the studied polyploid species.  相似文献   

A cytogenetic study of human spontaneous abortions using banding techniques   总被引:20,自引:4,他引:16  
Summary The karyotypes of 941 singleton and 42 twin abortuses and 4 cystic placentae were determined. 30.5% of the singletons were chromosomally abnormal; 49.8% of these were trisomic, 23.7% X-monosomics and 17.4% polyploid. 143 trisomies were identified by banding; over a third had an extra chromosome 16, more than 10% and extra 21 or 22 and about 5% an extra 2, 18 or 15. Examples of trisomy 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14 and 20 were also encountered. Using the data from two other published studies, the prevalence of different trisomies was estimated and an attempt was made to relate the karyotype of the conceptus to its subsequent development.  相似文献   

Summary In a study of spontaneous abortions the correlations between karyotype (166 cases), anamnestic data, and macroscopic and histologic findings in placentas (107 cases) and embryos (73 cases) were analyzed. The main results were: 1. The rate of chromosomal aberrations was 39%. Trisomies predominated (60%), followed by monosomy X (20%), triploidies (14%), and structural aberrations (6%). 2. In trisomies a clear prevalence of female sex constitution (2:1) was observed. In normal karyotypes a slight prevalence of females was seen (1.2:1). 3. With increasing maternal age, more trisomies were found in the abortions. 4. Women whose index abortion had a normal karyotype had a history of fewer births but more abortions. 5. Trisomies of acrocentric chromosomes were mainly chorionic sacs with an embryo, while trisomies of the other autosomes resulted in intact empty sacs. 6. The average developmental stage of the embryos was 5 weeks, with a mean gestational age of 14 weeks. Gross malformations were found in 58% of the embryos.  相似文献   

A cytogenetic study of repeated spontaneous abortions.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
During a cytogenetic study of spontaneous abortions, successive abortions from 40 couples were karyotyped. The chromosome constitutions of the first and second abortions were found to be highly correlated. In each of 21 instances in which the first abortion was chromosomally normal, the subsequent abortion(s) was normal as well. In nine cases, the two abortions were chromosomally abnormal, and in four of these, both abortions were trisomic. Combined with findings from other studies of consecutive spontaneous abortions, the present data indicate that certain couples are at an increased risk for either repeated chromosomally normal abortions or for repeated trisomic conceptions. The increased risk of trisomy does not seem to be restricted to a particular chromosome, and the magnitude of the risk increase appears to be independent of maternal age.  相似文献   

Summary Data from a cytogenetic survey of spontaneous abortions were examined to determine the incidence and origin of mosaic trisomies in this population. The overall frequency of mosaicism among trisomies was approximately 5%, but the level of mosaicism varied significantly among trisomies, being much higher for the nonacrocentric than for the acrocentric trisomies. Evidence from chromosome heteromorphism analysis suggests that the extra chromosome in mosaic trisomies usually has a meiotic origin.This work was supported by Grant HD 07879 and Fellowship HD 05576 from the National Institutes of Health  相似文献   

Summary Spontaneous abortions were studied by analyzing chromosomes directly from chorionic villi. The frequency and the type of anomalies detected among 140 abortuses are in good agreement with those observed by others using conventional tissue cultures. Abnormal karyotypes were found in 48.6% of the cases. Trisomy predominated (66.2%), followed by polyploidy (22.1%), monosomy X (7.4%), and structural anomalies (4.4%). Among the trisomies, the most prevalent were of chromosome 22 (22.2%), 16(22.2%), and 13 (9.5%). The relative frequencies of trisomies, monosomy X, and the different chromosomes involved in trisomies seem to differ between our study and those in which tissue cultures were analyzed. Our low frequency of 45,XO karyotypes and the shift to trisomies of chromosomes whose involvement increases steeply with maternal age are considered due to the approximately 3 year higher mean maternal age in our sample. The sex ratio (male to female) in chromosomally abnormal abortuses was 1.28, which is nearly identical to the 1.2 found in earlier studies. Surprisingly, in chromosomally normal abortions males were significantly outnumbered by females (sex ratio 0.76). Since maternal cell contamination cannot have influenced the sex ratio in our study, we consider it worthwhile to investigate whether failures associated with X inactivation are responsible for pregnancy wastage of some euploid female conceptuses. Knowledge of the karyotypes may serve as a prerequisite for the investigation of non-chromosomal genetic causes of pregnancy wastage.  相似文献   

Chromosome studies of 242 spontaneous abortions were carried out by Q-banding technique. The abortuses were selected for study because they were phenotypically abnormal, had not progressed beyond 12 weeks development or were from women with repeated abortions. Chromosome anomalies were found in 126 (52%) of the abortuses. Of these, 71 (56%) were trisomies. Trisomies were found for all the autosomes except Nos. 1, 3, 5, 11, 17 and 18. Triploidy was the second commonest anomaly in this series, making up 26 (21%) of the total anomalies. About 70% of these had an XXY sex chromosome complement. Only 16 (13%) of the abortuses had X monosomy, a lower frequency than would be expected in an unselected study. Tetraploidy was found in 8 abortuses and the 5 remaining specimens had various anomalies. These included 3 translocations, a trisomy 21,X monosomy and a ring chromosome 13. Except for the greater frequency of XXY than XXX sex chromosomes in the triploids, there was no evidence of a distortion of the sex ratio, either among the trisomic or among the chromosomally normal abortuses.  相似文献   

Summary Chromosome heteromorphisms of 34 trisomic abortuses and their parents were compared to determine the origin of the extra chromosome. Fourteen of the trisomies were maternal in origin, ten resulting from a first-meiotic-division error and four from either first- or second-meiotic-division errors. No paternally derived trisomy was identified.  相似文献   

80 spontaneous abortions (40 at 6-12 weeks and 40 at 13-32 weeks of pregnancy) and 50 induced abortions (49 at 6-12 weeks and 1 at 18 weeks) were karyotyped. Among spontaneous abortions of the first trimester were found 14 different types of chromosome anomalies. The chromosome complex 48,XY, D+, F+, has not yet been described in the literature and belongs to the eempty embryonic sac 1.0:1.5 cm with a weakly developed trophoblast. Among late-term spontaneous abortions no chromosome anomalies were found. An aberrant karyotype of a 7-8 week induced abortion was revealed as 46, XX/47, XXX (5% of the nuclei with double sex chromatin and 47% with single sex chromatin). Normal karyotypes were distributed according to sex chromosome complex as follows: spontaneous abortions of 6-12 weeks, 18(XY), 8(XX); spontaneous abortions 13-32 weeks, 19(XY), 21(XX); induced abortions, 16(XY), 32(XX). The data revealed a random character in the series of investigations. The absence of the XO monosomies was noted.  相似文献   

Calendula L. (Asteraceae) is a taxonomically and cytologically complex genus due to its high morphological and karyological variation. To gather consistent cytological information aiming to consolidate the existing knowledge, sustain the taxonomic revision of the genus and explore the evolutionary relationships among species, the genome size and chromosome number of the Iberian Peninsula representatives of this genus were assessed. The study included 11 taxa that occur in the Iberian Peninsula, one in Madeira and two from Morocco. Chromosome counts were made using the squash technique in root tips and flower buds, while nuclear DNA contents were assessed using propidium iodide flow cytometry. The following chromosome numbers are reported: 2n = 44 for C. arvensis, 2n = 30 for C. tripterocarpa, and 2n = 32 for the remaining Iberian taxa. The genome size of Calendula species was assessed for the first time and ranged from 1.75 pg/2C in C. maroccana to 5.41 pg/2C in C. arvensis. Within the complex formed by C. incana and C. suffruticosa, a gradient of genome size values was obtained. Intraspecific variation in genome size was detected in some taxa. The obtained genome size values and their variation are discussed in the light of the theories proposed for the speciation of the genus, with events of hybridization, genome duplication and dysploidy being hypothesized to play a major role in the evolution of this genus.  相似文献   

More than 50% of spontaneous abortions (SAs) have abnormal chromosomes; the most common abnormalities are trisomy, sex chromosome monosomy, and polyploidy. Conventional cytogenetic analysis of SAs depends on tissue culturing and is associated with a significant tissue culture failure rate and contamination by maternally derived cells. Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH), in combination with flow cytometry (FCM), can detect numerical and unbalanced structural chromosomal abnormalities associated with SAs while avoiding the technical problems associated with tissue culture. Routine cytogenetic and CGH analysis was performed independently on tissue from 301 SAs. Samples shown to be chromosomally balanced by CGH were analyzed by FCM to determine ploidy. Of 253 samples successfully analyzed by both approaches, there was an absolute correlation of results in 235 (92.8%). Of the 18 cases with discrepancies between cytogenetic and CGH/FCM results, an explanation could be found in 17. Twelve samples produced a 46,XX karyotype by cytogenetics, whereas CGH/FCM demonstrated aneuploidy/polyploidy or a male genome, indicating maternal contamination of the tissue cultures. In two cases, where tetraploidy was demonstrated by cytogenetics and diploidy by FCM, tissue culture artifact is implied. In three cases, CGH demonstrated an aneuploidy, and cytogenetics demonstrated hypertriploidy. In one unexplainable case, aneuploidy demonstrated by CGH could not be detected by repeat CGH analysis, conventional cytogenetic, or FISH analysis. These results demonstrate that CGH supplemented with FCM can readily identify chromosomal abnormalities associated with SAs and, by avoiding maternal contamination and tissue culture artifacts, can do so with a lower failure rate and more accuracy than conventional cytogenetic analysis.  相似文献   

The binding characteristics of ten FITC-labeled plant lectins (Con-A, MPA, BPA, PNA, WGA, SBA, UEA-I, DBA, GS-I, GS-II) to lavaged rat alveolar macrophages were assessed by flow cytometry. The alveolar macrophages (AM) were incubated with varying concentrations of each lectin in a pinocytosis-inhibiting buffer. In addition to measuring lectin-associated green fluorescence, the electronic cell volumes and axial light loss characteristics of the AM were also measured flow cytometrically. These latter parameters were found to be good indicators of cell agglutination caused by some of the lectins, and, in conjunction with green fluorescence measurements, usefully serve to determine optimal or nonagglutinating lectin concentrations for flow cytometric studies. With the exception of UEA-I, all of the lectins examined bound to AM, although a wide range of binding was observed among the lectins. At subagglutinating concentrations, Con A, MPA, BPA, PNA, WGA, SBA, and GS-I bound to the AM with unimodal patterns. Histograms of lectin-associated fluorescence intensity obtained with DBA clearly presented a pattern consistent with a more complex, bimodal distribution of labeled AM, suggesting the presence of at least two subset populations. The low-intensity distribution of AM represented congruent to 70% of the cells, while the more strongly labeled subset represented congruent to 15% of the parent AM population. The remaining balance of the AM was identified as another subpopulation by the failure to detectably bind to the DBA. While GS-II bound to all of the AM, this lectin labeled about 5% of the cells much more intensely than the bulk of the population. Thus, two subset populations of AM could be resolved according to their differing avidities for the GS-II lectin.  相似文献   

Flow cytometric DNA analyses of epithelial dysplasia of the esophagus   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
OBJECTIVE: To investigate, with flow cytometry, DNA aneuploidy as a marker of early carcinogenesis in dysplastic esophageal lesions. STUDY DESIGN: DNA content of exfoliated cells from 789 cases of esophageal dysplasia (including mild dysplasia, 195 cases; moderate dysplasia, 383 cases; and severe dysplasia, 211 cases) was determined with a FACS 420 flow cytometer. RESULTS: Cellular DNA content was closely related to the severity of dysplasia. The carcinogenesis rate in patients with dysplasia showed that DNA aneuploidy was significantly higher than in patients showing DNA diploidy. CONCLUSION: DNA aneuploidy in dysplastic lesions is a very important early signal of carcinogenesis. Patients with dysplastic lesions showing DNA aneuploidy should be treated and closely followed.  相似文献   

K. S. Reddy 《Human genetics》1997,101(3):339-345
Cytogenetic data on products of conception from spontaneous abortions studied over a 10-year period have been reviewed for double trisomies. A total of 3034 spontaneous abortions were karyotyped between 1986 and 1997. Twenty-two cases with double trisomy, one case with triple trisomy, and a case with a trisomy and monosomy were found. The tissues studied were mostly sac, villi, or placenta. The gestational age ranged from 6 to 11 weeks and the mean age was 8.2 ± 1.7 (SD) weeks. The mean maternal age in years was 35.9 ± 5.3. Of the twenty-two cases, four were mosaics. All but two of the cases involved autosomal aneuploidies. The double trisomies included chromosomes 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, and 22. The chromosomes that were trisomic in more than one double trisomy case were numbers 16 (8 cases), 8 (5 cases), 15 (4 cases), 2, 13, and 21 (3 cases each), and 5, 7, 14, 18, 20, 22, and X (2 cases). The triple trisomy involved chromosomes 18, 21, and X. The monosomy and trisomy case was a mosaic, with a monosomy 21 in all cells and some cells also with a trisomy 5. The double trisomies cited for the first time in this study were 4/13, 5/16, 8/14, 8/15, 14/21, 15/20, and 7/12. The pooled mean maternal age for double trisomy cases (34.1 ± 5.7 years) was higher than that for single trisomy cases (31 ± 6.1 years). The difference was statistically significant at P = < 0.001. The pooled mean gestational age of spontaneous abortions was lower for double trisomy (8.7 ± 2.2 weeks) than for reported single trisomy cases (10.1 ± 2.9 weeks). This difference is also statistically significant at P = < 0.001. The sex ratio among double trisomies was 15 females to 13 males. This difference was not statistically significant from the expected 1 : 1. Received: 27 June 1997 / Accepted: 4 September 1997  相似文献   

Chromosome translocations involving one donor chromosome and multiple recipient chromosomes have been referred to as jumping translocations (JTs). Acquired JTs are commonly observed in cancer patients, mainly involving chromosome 1. Constitutional forms of JTs mostly involve the acrocentric chromosomes and their satellites and have been reported in patients with clinical abnormalities. Recognizable phenotypes resulting from these events have included Down, Prader-Willi, and DiGeorge syndromes. The presence of JTs in spontaneous abortions has not been previously described. The breakpoints of all JTs occur in areas rich in repetitive DNA (telomeric, centromeric, and nucleolus organizing regions). We report two different unstable chromosome rearrangements in samples derived from spontaneous abortions. The first case involved a chromosome 15 donor. The recipient chromosomes were 1, 9, 15, and 21, and the respective breakpoints were in either the heterochromatic regions or the centromeres. FISH studies confirmed that the breakpoints of the jumping 15 rearrangement did not involve the Prader-Willi region but originated at the centromere or in the proximal short arm. A second case of instability was observed with a rearrangement resulting from a presumed de novo 8;21 translocation. Three JT cell lines were observed. They consisted of a deleted 8p chromosome, a dicentric 8;21 translocation, and an 8q isochromosome. The instability regions appeared to be at the pericentromeric region of chromosome 8 and the satellite region of chromosome 21. Both cases proved to be de novo events. The unstable nature of the JT resulting in chromosomal imbalance most likely contributed to the fetal loss. It appears that JT events may predispose to chromosomal imbalance via nondisjunction and chromosomal rearrangement and, therefore, may be an unrecognized cause of fetal loss.  相似文献   

Carbohydrate components known from biochemical analysis to be present in peripheral normal human erythrocytes so far could not be detected cytochemically. By periodic acid oxidation followed by Schiff pararosaniline (SO2) staining, however, a specific fluorescent signal can be obtained, strong enough to allow measurement by flow cytometry. Dimethylsuberimidate fixation results in low autofluorescence and low staining of unoxidized cells. By treating erythrocyte ghosts similarly, it is found that about 20% of the signal is present in the membrane, most probably due to glycophorins. The main signal resides in the matrix of the fixed erythrocyte and may be due to traces of glycogen and to the glycosylation of proteins, especially hemoglobin.  相似文献   

Summary Carbohydrate components known from biochemical analysis to be present in peripheral normal human erythrocytes so far could not be detected cytochemically. By periodic acid oxidation followed by Schiff pararosaniline (SO2 sstaining, however, a specific fluorescent signal can be obtained, strong enough to allow measurement by flow cytometry. Dimethylsuberimidate fixation results in low autofluorescence and low staining of unoxidized cells. By treating erythrocyte ghosts similarly, it is found that about 20% of the signal is present in the membrane, most probably due to glycophorins. The main signal resides in the matrix of the fixed erythrocyte and may be due to traces of glycogen and to the glycosylation of proteins, especially hemoglobin.Dedicated to Professor Dr. T.H. Schiebler on the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   

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