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海洋放线菌盐孢菌属研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1991年,Jensen等从热带及亚热带海洋样品中分离获得了放线菌目专性海洋放线菌类群MAR1。根据形态学特征、生理生化特征及16S rRNA基因分析,提议该类群为新属——盐孢菌属(Salinospora)。2005年,盐孢菌属被正式报道,并将Salinospora更正为Salinispora。盐孢菌属是放线菌目第一个被报道的专性海洋微生物属,可以产生丰富的活性次级代谢产物,使盐孢菌属成为海洋微生物研究的热点。短短几年内,相继报道了许多研究成果。本文从盐孢菌属的建立过程、属及所含种的分类特征、生理生态学研究、次级代谢产物和分子生物学研究等方面对盐孢菌属的研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

海洋放线菌Marinactinospora thermotolerans的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海洋放线菌以产生多种活性天然产物而著称,其中部分结构新颖的活性化合物具有发展成为新药的巨大潜力,引起国内外相关领域研究人员的极大关注。同时,也促进了我国海洋放线菌研究工作的全面展开。本文系统综述了海洋放线菌新属种Marinactinospora thermotolerans的分类鉴定、新颖的次级代谢产物的发现及其生物合成机制以及该菌株的全基因组生物信息学分析等方面的最新研究进展,以期能为其他海洋放线菌新属种的分类鉴定、活性次级代谢产物的发现和生物合成机制研究提供借鉴作用。  相似文献   

糖丝菌属放线菌研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1984年美国著名放线菌分类学家Labeda建立的糖丝菌属(Saccharothrix),是典型的丝状稀有放线菌重要类群之一。糖丝菌的气生菌丝在孢子形成过程中通常呈现锯齿状形态,细胞壁含meso-二氨基庚二酸,磷酸类脂主要包括磷脂酰乙醇胺,优势甲基萘醌是MK-9(H4)和MK-10(H4),基因组中16S rRNA基因的特异性诊断核苷酸序列为CAC(607–609)和GTG(617–619)。近年来基因组学研究证实,糖丝菌基因组中存在丰富的聚酮合成酶、非核糖体多肽合成酶等基因簇,具有生物合成化学结构新颖、生物活性多样的次生代谢物与酶产物的潜能,且研究证实糖丝菌能够代谢产生已知抗生素的衍生物或新骨架结构的抗生素,如二硫吡咯酮类、内酰胺类、蒽环类和氯霉素等新抗生素,在抗病毒、抑菌和抗肿瘤等方面具有巨大的医药价值。同时,糖丝菌也是工业酶制剂生产菌种资源的新成员,在酶制剂应用方面具有较强的开发潜力,其代谢产生的几丁质酶、纤维素酶等新型活性酶在现代农业以及轻工业等领域有着广泛应用。另外,糖丝菌凭借自身独特的遗传代谢多样性在土壤有机污染物降解和重金属污染修复中扮演着重要角色。结合近期本实验室发表的...  相似文献   

未建华  李净净  倪金凤 《微生物学报》2019,59(10):1864-1871
昆虫共生微生物是一种特殊的微生物资源,其中放线菌在昆虫肠道、体表和巢穴中广泛分布。近年来,人们从培菌昆虫来源的放线菌中分离得到多种新型化合物,可以选择性抑制菌圃的致病真菌,部分还对植物致病真菌、昆虫致病真菌、人类病原菌和癌细胞有抑制活性。因此,研究培菌昆虫相关微生物不仅有助于了解宿主与微生物的共生机制,还能发掘新的活性物质,用于生物农药、生物医药的开发。本文对培菌昆虫来源放线菌次级代谢产物的研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

海洋放线菌研究进展   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
海洋放线菌因其产生独特的次生代谢产物而备受世界的关注。本文以海洋放线菌的研究历史为主线,综述了海洋放线菌研究的发展历程,海洋放线菌的概念、生物资源、多样性及其分布状况、次生代谢产物以及基因组研究等方面,探讨了其生态功能,最后展望了我国海洋放线菌研究存在的问题及未来发展的前景。  相似文献   

海洋放线菌的研究:Ⅱ,绿色小四孢菌一新亚种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

【目的】筛选产广谱、高效抑菌活性物质的海洋放线菌,为新型抗生素的开发奠定基础。【方法】采用琼脂块法初筛,打孔扩散法复筛,以金黄色葡萄球菌、大肠埃希氏菌、枯草芽孢杆菌和单核细胞增生李斯特菌为指示菌从海泥样品中筛选目标菌株;利用20种指示菌株考查Y10、Y11、Y15、Y16和Y21的抑菌谱;通过形态观察和16S r RNA基因序列分析确定菌株分类地位;以单核细胞增生李斯特菌的OD600值为指标探讨Y15抑菌活性物质对该菌的作用方式;以抑菌活性为指标研究Y15抑菌活性物质的理化性质。【结果】共分离12株具抑菌活性的海洋放线菌,其中Y15抑菌谱最广,对20种指示菌株中的18种具有抑菌活性,并且在4种培养基中均能产生抑菌活性物质。16S r RNA基因序列分析表明Y15属于小单孢菌属,并与Micromonospora endolithica亲缘关系最近。Y15抑菌活性物质在144 h达到最高值为480 AU/m L,在168-216 h保持平衡为320 AU/m L。Y15抑菌活性物质对单核细胞李斯特菌作用方式为杀菌。Y15抑菌活性物质在-20-60°C抑菌活性保持稳定,在80-120°C活性逐渐下降,但在120°C处理30 min仍保留37.5%的活性;在p H 7.0-10.0抑菌活性稳定,在p H 2.0-6.0和p H 11.0-12.0抑菌活性均有所损失;Y15抑菌活性物质对紫外和4种酶(蛋白酶K、胰蛋白酶、木瓜蛋白酶和α-淀粉酶)处理均保持稳定,表明活性物质为非蛋白和非多肽类的抑菌物质。【结论】Y15产生的活性物质具有良好的抑菌谱和抑菌活性,且较为稳定,具有较高的应用价值。  相似文献   

海洋放线菌生活的环境如养分、光照、氧气浓度、压力、盐度和温度等与陆地环境存在极大差异,因此海洋放线菌形成了独特的生物化学代谢和生理能力。近年来,海洋放线菌成为生物资源开发和研究的热点。海洋放线菌分布广泛,种类多样。海洋放线菌活性代谢产物具有极强的医药应用潜力,其代谢产物的功能研究及重要代谢产物的开发成为海洋放线菌研究的重要方向。此外,海洋放线菌在环境保护以及生产应用等方面展现出的潜能,引起研究人员极大的兴趣。本文结合近年来海洋放线菌的分离种类与生境、海洋放线菌的研究策略与手段以及代谢产物功能多样性进行了归纳总结,以期对海洋放线菌的认识更全面、系统。  相似文献   

随着耐药细菌和新型病毒的不断出现,癌症的发病率和死亡率持续上升,迫使人们不断寻找新的化合物来治疗疾病。放线菌次级代谢产物结构新颖,作用独特,具有抗菌、杀虫、抗肿瘤、免疫抑制等活性,广泛应用于医疗、农业、食品等领域,深入挖掘放线菌资源来开发新型抗生素潜力巨大。然而从自然界分离的放线菌生产目标化合物的能力较弱,这直接影响其工业应用,增加其生产成本,因此构建目标化合物高产菌株显得尤为重要。本文以此为出发点,从放线菌新药资源挖掘和放线菌产抗能力提高两个方面对近年来的研究情况进行概述,为放线菌资源开发提供参考。  相似文献   

海洋来源放线菌3275化学成分及抗肿瘤活性研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
从海洋来源的放线菌Streptomyces sp.3275中分到7个化合物,经IR,ESI-MS,NMR等光谱数据鉴定及与文献对照,确定其结构为环(脯-缬)(1),环(脯-酪)(2),环(脯-甘)(3),环(脯-异亮)(4),环(脯-亮)(5),胆甾醇(6)及1-甲基-1,2,3,4.四氢咔啉-3-羧酸(7);并采用SRB法对其抗肿瘤活性进行了测试,其中化合物2,3,5对温敏型小鼠乳腺癌细胞tsFT210显示弱的增殖抑制活性。  相似文献   

Salinispora is the first obligate marine genus within the order Actinomycetales and a productive source of biologically active secondary metabolites. Despite a worldwide, tropical or subtropical distribution in marine sediments, only two Salinispora species have thus far been cultivated, suggesting limited species-level diversity. To further explore Salinispora diversity and distributions, the phylogenetic diversity of more than 350 strains isolated from sediments collected around the Bahamas was examined, including strains cultured using new enrichment methods. A culture-independent method, using a Salinispora-specific seminested PCR technique, was used to detect Salinispora from environmental DNA and estimate diversity. Overall, the 16S rRNA gene sequence diversity of cultured strains agreed well with that detected in the environmental clone libraries. Despite extensive effort, no new species level diversity was detected, and 97% of the 105 strains examined by restriction fragment length polymorphism belonged to one phylotype (S. arenicola). New intraspecific diversity was detected in the libraries, including an abundant new phylotype that has yet to be cultured, and a new depth record of 1,100 m was established for the genus. PCR-introduced error, primarily from Taq polymerase, significantly increased clone library sequence diversity and, if not masked from the analyses, would have led to an overestimation of total diversity. An environmental DNA extraction method specific for vegetative cells provided evidence for active actinomycete growth in marine sediments while indicating that a majority of sediment samples contained predominantly Salinispora spores at concentrations that could not be detected in environmental clone libraries. Challenges involved with the direct sequence-based detection of spore-forming microorganisms in environmental samples are discussed.  相似文献   

以啤酒酵母为指示菌,研究了海洋放线菌YT-10产抗菌物质的发酵条件。利用Plackett-Burman设计对影响YT-10产抗菌物质的因素的效应进行评价,筛选出具有显著效应的三个因素:葡萄糖、黄豆粉和氯化钠。利用响应面中心旋转组合设计优化三个显著因素,确定了葡萄糖,黄豆粉和氯化钠浓度分别为0.7%,1.3%,0.952%。优化后抑菌圈直径可达32.6mm,比原来增加了34.7%。  相似文献   

Wolfiporia cocos is a wood-decay brown rot fungus belonging to the family Polyporaceae. While the fungus grows, the sclerotium body of the strain, dubbed Bokryeong in Korean, is formed around the roots of conifer trees. The dried sclerotium has been widely used as a key component of many medicinal recipes in East Asia. Wolfiporia cocos strain KMCC03342 is the reference strain registered and maintained by the Korea Seed and Variety Service for commercial uses. Here, we present the first draft genome sequence of W. cocos KMCC03342 using a hybrid assembly technique combining both short- and long-read sequences. The genome has a total length of 55.5 Mb comprised of 343 contigs with N50 of 332 kb and 95.8% BUSCO completeness. The GC ratio was 52.2%. We predicted 14,296 protein-coding gene models based on ab initio gene prediction and evidence-based annotation procedure using RNAseq data. The annotated genome was predicted to have 19 terpene biosynthesis gene clusters, which was the same number as the previously sequenced W. cocos strain MD-104 genome but higher than Chinese W. cocos strains. The genome sequence and the predicted gene clusters allow us to study biosynthetic pathways for the active ingredients of W. cocos.  相似文献   

海洋植物及其共附生微生物是海洋生物的重要组成部分,能够产生许多结构新颖、活性独特的次级代谢产物,承担多种生理生态功能。北部湾海洋植物物种资源丰富,据统计,海洋植物有3门43种。该文综述了从2002年起北部湾海洋植物及其共附生微生物次级代谢产物的研究进展,从11种红树植物和7种共附生微生物中获得59个新化合物和35个已知活性化合物,从3种海草植物中获得3个新化合物和7个已知活性化合物,从6种海藻植物和1种共附生微生物中获得25个新化合物和8个已知活性化合物,主要涉及结构类型有萜类、生物碱、黄酮类、甾醇,多数具有良好的抗菌、抗氧化、抗肿瘤、抗炎、增强机体免疫力等功效。在此基础上,进一步提出了北部湾海洋植物研究方向及后续的研究建议。该综述为深入研究和开发利用北部湾海洋植物及其共附生微生物提供了参考。  相似文献   

AIMS: Hahella chejuensis KCTC 2396 produces red pigments, showing antibacterial and algicidal activities. The main red-coloured metabolite of the pigments was identified as antibiotic prodigiosin. With the expectation that the red pigments are a mixture of a series of close relatives, the aim of the present study is to detect new antibiotic prodigiosin analogues and to analyse the biosynthetic pattern for prodiginines in KCTC 2396. METHODS AND RESULTS: Except prodigiosin, the other constituents in the red pigments were confirmed as well-known dipyrrolyldipyrromethene prodigiosin, norprodigiosin, and undecylprodiginine. Additionally, four new prodigiosin analogues, each of which was distinguished from prodigiosin (C(5)), according to differences in alkyl chain length (C(3)-C(7)), were detected in small quantities by liquid chromatography mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry spectroscopy. Owing to the presence of a cytotoxic methoxy group, it is expected that all the new prodigiosin analogues are bioactive. CONCLUSIONS: Four characterized prodiginines, including prodigiosin and four new prodigiosin analogues are produced in different ratio in KCTC 2396. All of the prodiginines possess a common linear tripyrrolyl structure and a cytotoxic methoxy group. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study shows for the first time that KCTC 2396 is able to produce antibiotic prodigiosin, undecylprodiginine and new prodigiosin analogues in a mixture of pigments. It is also shown that KCTC 2396 possesses a novel system for the simultaneous production of multiple prodiginines in a single micro-organism.  相似文献   

Here we report associations between secondary metabolite production and phylogenetically distinct but closely related marine actinomycete species belonging to the genus Salinispora. The pattern emerged in a study that included global collection sites, and it indicates that secondary metabolite production can be a species-specific, phenotypic trait associated with broadly distributed bacterial populations. Associations between actinomycete phylotype and chemotype revealed an effective, diversity-based approach to natural product discovery that contradicts the conventional wisdom that secondary metabolite production is strain specific. The structural diversity of the metabolites observed, coupled with gene probing and phylogenetic analyses, implicates lateral gene transfer as a source of the biosynthetic genes responsible for compound production. These results conform to a model of selection-driven pathway fixation occurring subsequent to gene acquisition and provide a rare example in which demonstrable physiological traits have been correlated to the fine-scale phylogenetic architecture of an environmental bacterial community.  相似文献   

南海海域广阔,生物资源丰富多样,其中微生物资源尚未得到全面系统的研究和挖掘。本文回顾了中山大学25年来在南海微生物资源及其活性代谢产物方面的研究成果,着重介绍了近10年来本校团队研究红树林真菌资源并对其次生代谢产物开展靶向抗结核、抗炎、抗Ⅱ型糖尿病和抗肿瘤筛选的进展。最后介绍近年来我们利用中山大学海洋科考计划在西沙群岛及其海域初步开展的微生物资源的研究。  相似文献   

Reductive evolution in mitochondria and obligate intracellular microbes has led to a significant reduction in their genome size and guanine plus cytosine content (GC). We show that genome shrinkage during reductive evolution in prokaryotes follows an exponential decay pattern and provide a method to predict the extent of this decay on an evolutionary timescale. We validated predictions by comparison with estimated extents of genome reduction known to have occurred in mitochondria and Buchnera aphidicola, through comparative genomics and by drawing on available fossil evidences. The model shows how the mitochondrial ancestor would have quickly shed most of its genome, shortly after its incorporation into the protoeukaryotic cell and prior to codivergence subsequent to the split of eukaryotic lineages. It also predicts that the primary rickettsial parasitic event would have occurred between 180 and 425 million years ago (MYA), an event of relatively recent evolutionary origin considering the fact that Rickettsia and mitochondria evolved from a common alphaproteobacterial ancestor. This suggests that the symbiotic events of Rickettsia and mitochondria originated at different time points. Moreover, our model results predict that the ancestor of Wigglesworthia glossinidia brevipalpis, dated around the time of origin of its symbiotic association with the tsetse fly (50-100 MYA), was likely to have been an endosymbiont itself, thus supporting an earlier proposition that Wigglesworthia, which is currently a maternally inherited primary endosymbiont, evolved from a secondary endosymbiont.  相似文献   

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