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Cohesin is a multi-protein complex composed of four core subunits (SMC1A, SMC3, RAD21, and either STAG1 or STAG2) that is responsible for the cohesion of sister chromatids following DNA replication until its cleavage during mitosis thereby enabling faithful segregation of sister chromatids into two daughter cells. Recent cancer genomics analyses have discovered a high frequency of somatic mutations in the genes encoding the core cohesin subunits as well as cohesin regulatory factors (e.g. NIPBL, PDS5B, ESPL1) in a select subset of human tumors including glioblastoma, Ewing sarcoma, urothelial carcinoma, acute myeloid leukemia, and acute megakaryoblastic leukemia. Herein we review these studies including discussion of the functional significance of cohesin inactivation in tumorigenesis and potential therapeutic mechanisms to selectively target cancers harboring cohesin mutations. [BMB Reports 2014; 47(6): 299-310]  相似文献   

Altered metabolism in cancer was first discovered by Otto Warburg early last century.Although the Warburg Effect has been widely used in tumor detection,relatively little progress had been made in mechanistic understanding of cancer metabolism in the subsequent eight decades.Genetic studies have recently identified mutations in human cancer targeting multiple enzymes involved in intermediate metabolism.One emerging mechanism common to these mutant enzymes is the accumulation of a metabolite that alters the epigenetic control.  相似文献   

DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are among the most deleterious types of damage that can occur in the genome of eukaryotic cells because failure to repair them can lead to loss of genetic information and chromosome rearrangements. DSBs can arise by failures in DNA replication and by exposure to environmental factors, such as ionizing radiations and radiomimetic chemicals. Moreover, they might arise when telomeres undergo extensive erosion, leading to the activation of the DNA damage response pathways and the onset of apoptosis and/or senescence. Importantly, DSBs can also form in a programmed manner during development. For example, meiotic recombination and rearrangement of the immunoglobulin genes in lymphocytes require the generation of site- or region-specific DSBs through the action of specific endonucleases. Efficient DSB repair is crucial in safeguarding genome integrity, whose maintenance in the face of DSBs involves branched signalling networks that switch on DNA damage checkpoints, activate DNA repair, induce chromatin reorganization and modulate numerous cellular processes. Not surprisingly, defects in these networks result in a variety of diseases ranging from severe genetic disorders to cancer predisposition and accelerated ageing.  相似文献   

We have devised a mathematical model of gene amplification utilizing recent experimental observations concerning dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) gene amplification in CHO cells. The mathematical model, based on a biological model which proposes that acentric elements are the initial intermediates in gene amplification, includes the following features: (1) initiation of amplification by chromosomal breakage to produce an acentric structure; (2) replication of acentric DNA, once per cell cycle; (3) dissociation of replicated acentric DNA; (4) unequal segregation of acentric DNA fragments to daughter cells at mitosis; (5) subsequent reintegration of acentric fragments into chromosomes. These processes are assumed to be independent for each element present in a cell at a given time. Thus, processes of unequal segregation and integration may occur in parallel, not necessarily in a unique sequence, and may be reiterated in one or multiple cell cycles. These events are described mathematically as a Galton-Watson branching process with denumerable infinity of object types. This mathematical model qualitatively and quantitatively reproduces the major elements of the dynamical behavior of DHFR genes observed experimentally. The agreement between the mathematical model and the experimental data lends credence to the biological model proposed by Windle et al. (1991), including the importance of chromosome breakage and subsequent gene deletion resulting from resection of the broken chromosome ends as initial events in gene amplification.  相似文献   

We have examined the spontaneous and X-radiation-induced chromosomal damage in normal humans and in patients with retinoblastoma using the BudR-Giemsa technique in lymphocytes cultured for 48 h. 9 sporadic unilateral non-hereditary cases, 11 hereditary cases (8 bilateral sporadic and 3 unilateral hereditary cases) and 20 healthy individuals were studied simultaneously. No difference in the spontaneous frequency of chromatid and chromosome aberrations was observed between patients and controls. After treatment with 150 rad the frequency of chromosome exchange aberrations was higher in unilateral hereditary cases than the controls (42.0% +/- 5.3 and 22.3% +/- 2.6 respectively; p = 0.05). In bilateral sporadic retinoblastoma 2 different groups were observed. A hypersensitive group showed a significant increment in radiation-induced chromosomal exchange aberrations over the control group (46.2% +/- 5.4 and 24.2% +/- 2.1 respectively; p = 0.01). The other group had a chromosomal exchange frequency similar to normal individuals (26.5% +/- 2.0 and 24.2% +/- 0.4 respectively; p = 0.10). Sporadic unilateral non-hereditary retinoblastoma had an exchange chromosomal aberration frequency similar to control individuals (26.1% +/- 2.8 and 24.6% +/- 2.7 respectively; p greater than 0.10). These results suggest that: There is no relationship between spontaneous chromosome fragility and retinoblastoma. Sporadic unilateral non-hereditary retinoblastoma has normal chromosome sensitivity to X-irradiation. Some hereditary cases of retinoblastoma are sensitive to X-rays while others behave like normals. A mutation or a submicroscopic deletion at a DNA repair locus which is independent of the retinoblastoma gene may cause this radiosensitivity.  相似文献   

For many years, studies of chromosome evolution were dominated by the random breakage theory, which implies that there are no rearrangement hot spots in the human genome. In 2003, Pevzner and Tesler argued against the random breakage model and proposed an alternative “fragile breakage” model of chromosome evolution. In 2004, Sankoff and Trinh argued against the fragile breakage model and raised doubts that Pevzner and Tesler provided any evidence of rearrangement hot spots. We investigate whether Sankoff and Trinh indeed revealed a flaw in the arguments of Pevzner and Tesler. We show that Sankoff and Trinh's synteny block identification algorithm makes erroneous identifications even in small toy examples and that their parameters do not reflect the realities of the comparative genomic architecture of human and mouse. We further argue that if Sankoff and Trinh had fixed these problems, their arguments in support of the random breakage model would disappear. Finally, we study the link between rearrangements and regulatory regions and argue that long regulatory regions and inhomogeneity of gene distribution in mammalian genomes may be responsible for the breakpoint reuse phenomenon.  相似文献   

Summary Mixed lymphocyte cultures were employed to assess the degree of spontaneous chromosome fragility in patients with retinoblastoma. There was no difference between the patients and their controls. If chromosome instability plays a role in the inherited tumour, more sensitive methods need be employed to elucidate it.  相似文献   

Summary An infant exposed to high levels of lead in utero was found to have increased numbers of cells with chromosome breaks in blood samples obtained at 6 weeks and 3 months of life. Later samples did not show significant abnormality. Physical and neurological examinations of the patient up to 18 months of age gave results within normal limits.  相似文献   

M C Yao 《Cell》1981,24(3):765-774
The chromosomal DNA sequence adjacent to one end of the single ribosomal RNA gene (rDNA) in the micronucleus of Tetrahymena has been isolated by cloning. Using this sequence as a hybridization probe the organization of the same sequence in the somatic macronucleus has been examined. The restriction enzyme digestion maps of this sequence in the two nuclei are very different. Detailed mapping studies suggest that a chromosome break has occurred near the junction between the rDNA and the neighboring sequence during the formation of the macronucleus. As a result the flanking sequence is located near a free chromosome end in the macronucleus. The existence of such a linear DNA end has also been shown by digestion with the exonuclease Bal 31. In addition to the breakage, some sequences at this junction are found to be eliminated from the macronucleus. This observation has been interpreted in relation to the mechanism of rDNA amplification, which in Tetrahymena generates extrachromosomal rDNA molecules during macronucleus development.  相似文献   

Amar L  Dubrana K 《Eukaryotic cell》2004,3(5):1136-1146
Macronuclei and micronuclei of ciliates have related genomes, with macronuclei developing from zygotic micronuclei through programmed DNA rearrangements. While Paramecium tetraurelia wild-type strain 51 and mutant strain d48 have the same micronuclear genome, qualitative differences between their macronuclear genomes have been described, demonstrating that programmed DNA rearrangements could be epigenetically controlled in ciliates. Macronuclear chromosomes end downstream of gene A (A51 Mac ends) and at the 5' end of gene A (Ad48 Mac ends) in strains 51 and d48, respectively. To gain further insight into the process of chromosome end formation, we performed an extensive analysis of locus A rearrangement in strains d48 and 51, in strain d12, which harbors a gene A deletion, and in interstrain cross progeny. We show that (i) allele Ad12 harbors a deletion of >16 kb, (ii) A51 Mac ends distribute over four rather than three DNA regions, (iii) strains d48 and 51 display only quantitative differences (rare Ad48 and A51 Mac ends do form in strains 51 and d48, respectively), (iv) the level of A51 Mac ends is severalfold enhanced in d12- and d48-derived progeny, and (v) this level inversely correlates with the level of Ad48 Mac ends in the d48 parent. Together, these data lead to a model in which the formation of Ad48 Mac ends is epigenetically controlled by a d48 factor(s). We propose that the d48 factor(s) may be derived from RNA molecules transcribed from the Ad48 Mac ends and encompassing the truncated A gene and telomeric repeats.  相似文献   

The controlling sequence for site-specific chromosome breakage in Tetrahymena   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
M C Yao  C H Yao  B Monks 《Cell》1990,63(4):763-772
Site-specific chromosome breakage occurs in many ciliated protozoa during nuclear differentiation. We have determined the cis-acting sequence that controls this process in Tetrahymena thermophila. The Tetrahymena ribosomal RNA gene is bounded by two breakage sites. Injection of this gene into developing macronuclei leads to breakage at these sites. Deletion analysis has localized the sequences essential for breakage to a 28 bp region that includes a 15 bp sequence (Cbs) known to be present in other breakage sites. Insertions of Cbs allow breakage to occur at new sites, which is accompanied by elimination of surrounding DNAs and formation of telomeric sequences, as it is at natural sites. Thus, Cbs is the necessary and sufficient sequence signal for chromosome breakage in Tetrahymena.  相似文献   

The possibility that chemically-induced chromosomal damage is mediated through the mechanism of lysosomal labilization was investigated. The known chromosome breaking agents, mitomycin C and streptonigrin, showed no effect on lysosomal membranes as evidenced by both enzymatic and previous electron microscopic studies [7]. The combination of these drugs with known lysosomal stabilizing agents reduced the frequency of chromosome damage somewhat. However, chromosome damage was also reduced by exposure of cells to heat or cold. The known lysosomal labilizers, vitamin A alcohol and acid, did not increase the frequency of chromosome breakage in peripheral lymphocytes. Therefore, these studies fail to support the hypothesis that the destruction of lysosomal membranes and the subsequent release of hydrolytic enzymes are instrumental in the induction of chromosomal damage by mitomycin C and streptonigrin.  相似文献   

Three mutants of Pisum sativum showing anomalies in the conjugation phase of meiosis, were investigated cytogenetically. Inspite of apparent normal chromosome pairing there is a strong reduction of chiasma number resulting into univalent formation. Simultaneously, chromosome aberrations appear as consequence of breakage and reunions in the prophase stage. The combined occurrence of these anomalies and their respective quantitative relationships to each other have been explained in the light of breakage-reunion hypothesis through the action of following factors: pairing behaviour, breakage frequency, number of breakages at one locus in the chromatid tetrads, behaviour of breakage ends and effects of environment. Due to the interaction of these factors all the anomalies found in our mutants are explainable.This study was supported by the Euratom I.T.A.L. and the Ministry of Science and Education, BRD. The second author is presently on a post doctoral fellowship of the Humboldt-Foundation.  相似文献   

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