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顾世红  陈建国 《昆虫知识》2009,46(4):501-508
胰岛素及其信号转导的探讨为当代生物学一大热点,研究显示:从线虫到果蝇、小鼠及其人类其胰岛素信号转导路径十分类似。昆虫胰岛素的研究开始于家蚕,在20世纪80年代,日本学者在分离家蚕促前胸腺激素(prothoracictropic hormone,简称PTTH)时,发现所纯化的为一称为家蚕素的神经激素,该激素之氨基酸排列顺序与高等动物体内的胰岛素部分相似,但是家蚕素的生理功能至今仍不是很清楚。而果蝇的分子遗传学研究则显示,胰岛素及其信号转导调控果蝇的生长、发育、寿命等许许多多的生理现象。专一性地改变果蝇前胸腺之胰岛素信号转导,会严重影响幼虫的蜕皮与变态。而作者利用家蚕所进行的研究更显示,将牛的胰岛素注射于家蚕幼虫体内可显着提高其蜕皮激素的分泌,离体培养前胸腺时加入牛胰岛素也可直接增加其激素的分泌,牛胰岛素可直接活化家蚕前胸腺细胞之胰岛素受体及信号分子Akt的磷酸化。另外,从线虫、果蝇到小鼠胰岛素及其信号转导突变体的研究结果显示了胰岛素信号转导调控寿命的重要性。利用猴子及人所进行的研究结果显示,低卡路里摄取之所以会延长寿命是因为卡路里的摄取与胰岛素信号转导的变化有关。因此,不同物种利用相同的胰岛素信号转导通路调控发育及老化机制,该发现大大鼓舞了科学家们利用低等的生物来研究复杂的生命现象。  相似文献   

We have studied alterations in the structural state of DNA, the level of membrane Fas-receptor expression, functional activity of caspase-3, the concentration of Ca2+, p53 and cytochrome c proteins in human lymphocyte cells in the dynamics of apoptosis, induced by UV light (240–390 nm) at doses of 151, 1510, and 3020 J/m2 and reactive oxygen species (ROS): superoxide anion radical, hydroxyl radical, hydrogen peroxide, and singlet oxygen. It was established that UV light and ROS induce lymphocyte DNA fragmentation after the incubation of a modified cell for 20 h. It was shown that in 1–5 h after UV light and ROS exposure on lymphocytes, an increase is observed in the level of membrane death Fas-receptors as compared to intact cells. Enhancement was revealed in the functional activity of lymphocyte caspase-3 4 h after the generation of singlet oxygen, hydroxyl radical, and the addition of hydrogen peroxide, as well as 8 and 24 h and 6 and 8 h of UV irradiation of cells at doses of 151 and 1510 J/m2, respectively. Using the DNA comet approach, it was revealed that DNA damage (single-stranded breaks) appears approximately 15–20 min after UV irradiation of lymphocytes at doses of 1510 and 3020 J/m2 and the addition of hydrogen peroxide at a concentration of 10−6 mol/L (comets of the C1 type) and reaches its maximum 6 h after cell modification (comets of the C2 and C3 types). Six hours after exposure of lymphocytes to hydrogen peroxide and UV light at doses of 1510 and 3020 J/m2, it was established that the p53 level increased in the investigated cells. It was established that under UV light exposure and exogenous generation of reactive oxygen species, the increase in the calcium level in lymphocyte cytoplasm is determined by Ca2+ efflux from the intracellular depots as a result of activation of the components of the phosphoinositide information transmission mechanism to a cell. A hypothesis was proposed on the correlation between changes in the calcium level and initiation of programmed cell death in human lymphocytes after UV light and ROS exposure. It was concluded that the lead role is played by receptor-mediated (Fas-dependent) caspase and p53-dependent pathways in the development of lymphocyte apoptosis induced by exposure to UV light at doses of 151 and 1510 J/m2 and reactive oxygen metabolites. A scheme is presented which considers possible intracellular events leading to apoptotic death of lymphocytes after UV irradiation.  相似文献   

Apoptosis pathways in cancer and cancer therapy   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
Activation of apoptosis pathways is a key mechanism by which cytotoxic drugs kill tumor cells. Also immunotherapy of tumors requires an apoptosis sensitive phenotype of target cells. Defects in apoptosis signalling contribute to resistance of tumors. Activation of apoptosis signalling following treatment with cytotoxic drugs has been shown to lead to activation of the mitochondrial (intrinsic) pathway of apoptosis. In addition, signalling through the death receptor (extrinsic) pathways, contributes to sensitivity of tumor cells towards cytotoxic treatment. Both pathways converge finally at the level of activation of caspases, the effector molecules in most forms of cell death. In addition to classical apoptosis, non-apoptotic modes of cell death have recently been identified. Mechanisms to overcome apoptosis resistance include direct targeting of antiapoptotic molecules expressed in tumors as well as re-sensitization of previously resistant tumor cells by re-expression of caspases and counteracting apoptotis inhibitory molecules such as Bcl-2 and molecules of the IAP family of endogenous caspase inhibitors. Molecular insights into regulation of apoptosis and defects in apoptosis signalling in tumor cells will provide novel approaches to define sensitivity or resistance of tumor cells towards antitumor therapy and provide new targets for rational therapeutic interventions for future therapeutic strategies.This work was presented at the first Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy Summer School, 8–13 September 2003, Ionian Village, Bartholomeio, Peloponnese, Greece.  相似文献   

Apoptosis signaling pathways and lymphocyte homeostasis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Xu G  Shi Y 《Cell research》2007,17(9):759-771
It has been almost three decades since the term "apoptosis" was first coined to describe a unique form of cell death that involves orderly, gene-dependent cell disintegration. It is now well accepted that apoptosis is an essential life process for metazoan animals and is critical for the formation and function of tissues and organs. In the adult mammalian body, apoptosis is especially important for proper functioning of the immune system. In recent years, along with the rapid advancement of molecular and cellular biology, great progress has been made in understanding the mechanisms leading to apoptosis. It is generally accepted that there are two major pathways ofapoptotic cell death induction: extrin- sic signaling through death receptors that leads to the formation of the death-inducing signaling complex (DISC), and intrinsic signaling mainly through mitochondria which leads to the formation of the apoptosome. Formation of the DISC or apoptosome, respectively, activates initiator and common effector caspases that execute the apoptosis process. In the immune system, both pathways operate; however, it is not known whether they are sufficient to maintain lymphocyte homeostasis. Recently, new apoptotic mechanisms including caspase-independent pathways and granzyme-initiated pathways have been shown to exist in lymphocytes. This review will summarize our understanding of the mechanisms that control the homeostasis of various lymphocyte populations.  相似文献   

The age‐related loss of skeletal muscle mass and function (sarcopenia) is a consistent hallmark of ageing. Apoptosis plays an important role in muscle atrophy, and the intent of this study was to specify whether apoptosis is restricted to myofibre nuclei (myonuclei) or occurs in satellite cells or stromal cells of extracellular matrix (ECM). Sarcopenia in mouse gastrocnemius muscle was characterized by myofibre atrophy, oxidative type grouping, delocalization of myonuclei and ECM fibrosis. Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase‐mediated dUTP nick end‐labelling (TUNEL) indicated a sharp rise in apoptosis during ageing. TUNEL coupled with immunostaining for dystrophin, paired box protein‐7 (Pax7) or laminin‐2α, respectively, was used to identify apoptosis in myonuclei, satellite cells and stromal cells. In adult muscle, apoptosis was not detected in myofibres, but was restricted to stromal cells. Moreover, the age‐related rise in apoptotic nuclei was essentially due to stromal cells. Myofibre‐associated apoptosis nevertheless occurred in old muscle, but represented < 20% of the total muscle apoptosis. Specifically, apoptosis in old muscle affected a small proportion (0.8%) of the myonuclei, but a large part (46%) of the Pax7+ satellite cells. TUNEL coupled with CD31 immunostaining further attributed stromal apoptosis to capillary endothelial cells. Age‐dependent rise in apoptotic capillary endothelial cells was concomitant with altered levels of key angiogenic regulators, perlecan and a perlecan domain V (endorepellin) proteolytic product. Collectively, our results indicate that sarcopenia is associated with apoptosis of satellite cells and impairment of capillary functions, which is likely to contribute to the decline in muscle mass and functionality during ageing.  相似文献   

Mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways and fungal pathogenesis   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
Zhao X  Mehrabi R  Xu JR 《Eukaryotic cell》2007,6(10):1701-1714

Light inhibits mating and haploid fruiting of the human fungal pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans, but the mechanisms involved were unknown. Two genes controlling light responses were discovered through candidate gene and insertional mutagenesis approaches. Deletion of candidate genes encoding a predicted opsin or phytochrome had no effect on mating, while strains mutated in the white collar 1 homolog gene BWC1 mated equally well in the light or the dark. The predicted Bwc1 protein shares identity with Neurospora crassa WC-1, but lacks the zinc finger DNA binding domain. BWC1 regulates cell fusion and repression of hyphal development after fusion in response to blue light. In addition, bwc1 mutant strains are hypersensitive to ultraviolet light. To identify other components required for responses to light, a novel self-fertile haploid strain was created and subjected to Agrobacterium-mediated insertional mutagenesis. One UV-sensitive mutant that filaments equally well in the light and the dark was identified and found to have an insertion in the BWC2 gene, whose product is structurally similar to N. crassa WC-2. The C. neoformans Bwc1 and Bwc2 proteins interact in the yeast two-hybrid assay. Deletion of BWC1 or BWC2 reduces the virulence of C. neoformans in a murine model of infection; the Bwc1-Bwc2 system thus represents a novel protein complex that influences both development and virulence in a pathogenic fungus. These results demonstrate that a role for blue/UV light in controlling development is an ancient process that predates the divergence of the fungi into the ascomycete and basidiomycete phyla.  相似文献   

Reduction in nutrient intake without malnutrition can delay ageing and extend healthy life in diverse organisms from yeast to primates. This effect can be recapitulated by genetic or pharmacological dampening of the signal through nutrient signalling pathways, making them a promising target for intervention into human ageing and age-related diseases. Here we review the current knowledge of the interactions between nutrient signalling pathways and ageing, focusing on the findings emerged in the past few years.  相似文献   

Ras GTPases act as molecular switches to control various cellular processes by coupling integrated signals in eukaryotes. Activities of Ras GTPases are triggered by Ras GTPase guanine nucleotide exchange factors (RasGEFs) in general, whereas the role of RasGEF in plant pathogenic fungi is largely unknown. In this study, we characterized the only RasGEF protein in Fusarium graminearum, FgCdc25, by combining genetic, cytological and phenotypic strategies. FgCdc25 directly interacted with RasGTPase FgRas2, but not FgRas1, to regulate growth and sexual reproduction. Mutation of the FgCDC25 gene resulted in decreased toxisome formation and deoxynivalenol (DON) production, which was largely depended on cAMP signalling. In addition, FgCdc25 indirectly interacted with FgSte11 in FgSte11-Ste7-Gpmk1 cascade, and the ΔFgcdc25 strain totally abolished the formation of infection structures and was nonpathogenic in planta, which was partially recovered by addition of exogenous cAMP. In contrast, FgCdc25 directly interplayed with FgBck1 in FgBck1-MKK1-Mgv1 cascade to negatively control cell wall integrity. Collectively, these results suggest that FgCdc25 modulates cAMP and MAPK signalling pathways and further regulates fungal development, DON production and plant infection in F. graminearum.  相似文献   

Resistance to apoptosis (programmed cell death) is a characteristic feature of human malignancies including pancreatic cancer, which is one of the leading causes of cancer deaths in the western world. Defects in this intrinsic cell death program can contribute to the multistep process of tumorigenesis, because too little cell death can disturb tissue homeostasis. Further, blockade of apoptosis pathways can cause treatment failure, because intact apoptosis signalling cascades largely mediate therapy-induced cytotoxicity. The elucidation of apoptosis pathways in pancreatic carcinoma over the last decade has resulted in the identification of various molecular defects. How apoptosis pathways can be exploited for the treatment of pancreatic cancer will be discussed in this review.  相似文献   

The complex life cycle of Myxococcus xanthus includes predation, swarming, fruiting-body formation and sporulation. The genome of M. xanthus is large and comprises an estimated 7,400 open reading frames, of which approximately 605 code for regulatory genes. These include eight clusters of chemotaxis-like genes that define eight chemosensory pathways, most of which have dedicated functions. Although many of these chemosensory pathways have a role in controlling motility, at least two of these pathways control gene expression during development.  相似文献   

Embryo development and ageing in birds and mammals   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The rate of ageing is a genetically influenced feature of an individual's life history that responds to selection on lifespan. Various costs presumably constrain the evolution of prolonged life, but these have not been well characterized and their general nature is unclear. The analyses presented here demonstrate a correlation among birds and mammals between rates of embryonic growth and ageing-related mortality, which are quantified by the exponents of fitted power functions. This relationship suggests that rapid early development leads to accelerated ageing, presumably by influencing some aspect of the quality of the adult individual. Although the mechanisms linking embryo growth rate and ageing are not known, a simple model of life-history optimization shows that the benefits of longer life can be balanced by connected costs of extended development.  相似文献   

Apoptosis in metanephric development   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19       下载免费PDF全文

Apoptosis (programmed cell death) is important in normal biological processes and in pathogenesis in vertebrates. This review focuses on some of the prominent features of apoptosis during fish development. Caspases and other apoptosis-regulating genes have been cloned from zebrafish (Danio rerio) and other fish species. Elucidation of in vivo functions of apoptosis is focused on development, morphogenesis and sex differentiation. In an attempt to elucidate cause and effect relationships between caspase and development, transgenic zebrafish overexpressing procaspase-3 were generated. Stress-induced apoptosis in zebrafish embryos can be monitored by whole mount TUNEL staining and caspase assay. Thus, zebrafish is a useful experimental model animal for investigation of apoptosis in vivo.  相似文献   

Apoptosis in cardiac development   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Cell degeneration, as a phenomenon accompanying developmental processes, was originally described over a century ago. Apoptosis, a term introduced approximately three decades ago, has occupied investigators particularly with respect to cell and tissue kinetics, emphasizing its role in the disposal of supernumerary, malinstructed or damaged cells. Although apoptosis is mostly related to developmental processes, evidence has been gathered indicating that it may also perform other roles. In this review, which concentrates on cardiac development, we examine focal apoptosis and subsequent signal cascades in combination with timed morphogenetic events. Apoptosis mainly occurs in the non-myocardial compartment of the embryonic heart, a compartment that consists of cells derived from the endocardium, the epicardium and the neural crest. The last-mentioned population invades the outflow tract and the atrioventricular endocardial cushions. The signalling cascade seems to involve the activation of latent transforming growth factor beta, resulting in cardiomyocyte migration and subsequent myocardialization of the endocardial cushions. Aberrant apoptosis accompanies cardiac anomalies. Furthermore, an apoptotic population is found surrounding the developing conduction system. A possible role for differentiation is suggested.  相似文献   

Although major advances have been made over the past few decades in prosthetic dentistry, deterioration in oral function and altered facial appearance are still common accompaniments of ageing. Molecular biology methods now allow us to understand these age-related changes at the level of gene expression. Muscle loss as well as bone loss still present major problems, the magnitude of which increases as the age profile of our society changes. Both muscle and bone tissue respond to mechanical signals for which bone depends on muscle and for muscle, stretch has been shown to be important as it induces protein synthesis and an increase in girth as well as length of the muscle fibres. The latter involves the production of more sarcomeres in series so that the jaw muscles adapt to a new functional length following changes in vertical dimension of occlusion. It also determines the postural position of the lower jaw. In our investigations into the control of muscle mass we have recently cloned a growth factor which is expressed in exercised and/or overloaded muscles. This comes in two forms: an autocrine or local form and a paracrine or systemic form. Both growth factors influence muscle growth markedly and it is probable that the systemic type is also involved in maintenance of bone. The discovery of these growth factors provides the mechanisms by which mechanical signals are transduced into chemical signals that in turn regulate gene expression and protein synthesis.  相似文献   

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