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The ubiquity of avian ultraviolet plumage reflectance   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Although several bird species have been shown to reflect ultraviolet (UV) light from their plumages, the incidence of UV reflectance, and therefore the potential for UV or UV-enhanced signals, across the avian tree of life is not known. In this study, we collected reflectance data from the plumages of 312 bird species representing 142 families. Our results demonstrate that all avian families possess plumages that reflect significant amounts of UV light. The ubiquity of UV reflectance indicates that all studies of avian behaviour, ecology and evolution involving plumage coloration would benefit from consideration of plumage reflectance in the UV portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. Additionally, we demonstrate the existence of cryptic UV plumage patches and cryptic dimorphism among birds.  相似文献   

Intraguild predation (IGP) occurs when one predator species attacks another predator species with which it competes for a shared prey species. Despite the apparent omnipresence of intraguild interactions in natural and managed ecosystems, very few studies have quantified rates of IGP in various taxa under field conditions. We used molecular analyses of gut contents to assess the nature and incidence of IGP among four species of coccinellid predators in soybean fields. Over half of the 368 predator individuals collected in soybean contained the DNA of other coccinellid species indicating that IGP was very common at our field site. Furthermore, 13.2% of the sampled individuals contained two and even three other coccinellid species in their gut. The interaction was reciprocal, as each of the four coccinellid species has the capacity to feed on the others. To our knowledge, this study represents the most convincing field evidence of a high prevalence of IGP among predatory arthropods. The finding has important implications for conservation biology and biological control.  相似文献   

Adaptation to heterogeneous environments can occur via phenotypic plasticity, but how often this occurs is unknown. Reciprocal transplant studies provide a rich dataset to address this issue in plant populations because they allow for a determination of the prevalence of plastic versus canalized responses. From 31 reciprocal transplant studies, we quantified the frequency of five possible evolutionary patterns: (1) canalized response–no differentiation: no plasticity, the mean phenotypes of the populations are not different; (2) canalized response–population differentiation: no plasticity, the mean phenotypes of the populations are different; (3) perfect adaptive plasticity: plastic responses with similar reaction norms between populations; (4) adaptive plasticity: plastic responses with parallel, but not congruent reaction norms between populations; and (5) nonadaptive plasticity: plastic responses with differences in the slope of the reaction norms. The analysis included 362 records: 50.8% life‐history traits, 43.6% morphological traits, and 5.5% physiological traits. Across all traits, 52% of the trait records were not plastic, and either showed no difference in means across sites (17%) or differed among sites (83%). Among the 48% of trait records that showed some sort of plasticity, 49.4% showed perfect adaptive plasticity, 19.5% adaptive plasticity, and 31% nonadaptive plasticity. These results suggest that canalized responses are more common than adaptive plasticity as an evolutionary response to environmental heterogeneity.  相似文献   

 Recently, several species of basidiomycetes were shown to produce de novo high concentrations of chloroaromatic metabolites. Since these lignocellulose-degrading fungi play a major role in the ecosphere, the purpose of this study was to determine the ubiquity of organohalogen production among basidiomycetes. A total of 191 fungal strains were monitored for adsorbable organic halogen (AOX) production when grown on defined liquid media. Approximately 50% of the strains tested and 55% of the genera tested produced AOX. A low production of 0.1–0.5 mg AOX/l was observed among 25% of the strains, a moderate production of 0.5–5.0 mg AOX/l was observed among 16% of the strains and 9% of the strains produced high levels (5–67 mg AOX/l). The latter group was dominated by species belonging to the genera Hypholoma, Mycena and Bjerkandera, showing specific AOX productions in the range 1074–30893 mg AOX/kg dry weight of mycelial biomass. Many highly ecologically significant fungal species were identified among the moderate to high producers. These species were also able to produce AOX when cultivated on natural lignocellulosic substrates. Hypholoma fasciculare and Mycena metata respectively produced up to 132 mg and 193 mg AOX/kg dry weight of forest litter substrate in 6 weeks. Received: 5 October 1995/Received revision: 28 December 1995/Accepted: 12 February 1996  相似文献   

The present work shows that antibodies raised in rabbits against rat liver P1 confirmed the presence of P1 in lung, kidney, brain heart, muscle, intestine and thymus in rats. The antiserum reacted with P1 from human and monkey but not from bovine, pig and mouse P1 in spite of there being a close relationship in amino acid composition, electrophoretic properties and peptide mapping. Proteolytic digestion of rat P1 showed that only some of the peptides produced reacted with the antiserum, suggesting that conformational determinants may be dominating compared to sequential determinants in P1, or that only minor parts of P1 which exhibit sequential variation between species are immunoreactive.  相似文献   

Benham B 《Bioethics》2008,22(3):147-156
Does the fact that deception is widely practised – even though there is a general prohibition against deception – provide insight into the ethics of deceptive methods in research, especially for social‐behavioral research? I answer in the affirmative. The ubiquity of deception argument, as I will call it, points to the need for a concrete and nuanced understanding of the variety of deceptive practices, and thus promises an alternative route of analysis for why some deception may be permissible in social‐behavioral research. As an alternative argument it also promises to break the stalemate that emerges in debates on the ethics of deceptive methods in social‐behavioral research. In the current paper I (1) motivate and articulate the ubiquity argument in order to clarify the significance of ubiquity and discharge some initial objections. Then, on the recommendations of the ubiquity argument, I (2) highlight the importance of interpersonal relationships for understanding the ethics of deception. Following this insight I (3) provide an analysis of several features of the researcher‐participant relationship relevant to the understanding of the ethics of deception in research. I then (4) conclude the argument with some recommendations for the ethical use of deceptive methods in social‐behavioral research.  相似文献   

Angiosperms synthesize S-methylmethionine (SMM) from methionine (Met) and S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet) in a unique reaction catalyzed by Met S-methyltransferase (MMT). SMM serves as methyl donor for Met synthesis from homocysteine, catalyzed by homocysteine S-methyltransferase (HMT). MMT and HMT together have been proposed to constitute a futile SMM cycle that stops the free Met pool from being depleted by an overshoot in AdoMet synthesis. Arabidopsis and maize have one MMT gene, and at least three HMT genes that belong to two anciently diverged classes and encode enzymes with distinct properties and expression patterns. SMM, and presumably its cycle, must therefore have originated before dicot and monocot lineages separated. Arabidopsis leaves, roots and developing seeds all express MMT and HMTs, and can metabolize [35S]Met to [35S]SMM and vice versa. The SMM cycle therefore operates throughout the plant. This appears to be a general feature of angiosperms, as digital gene expression profiles show that MMT and HMT are co-expressed in leaves, roots and reproductive tissues of maize and other species. An in silico model of the SMM cycle in mature Arabidopsis leaves was developed from radiotracer kinetic measurements and pool size data. This model indicates that the SMM cycle consumes half the AdoMet produced, and suggests that the cycle serves to stop accumulation of AdoMet, rather than to prevent depletion of free Met. Because plants lack the negative feedback loops that regulate AdoMet pool size in other eukaryotes, the SMM cycle may be the main mechanism whereby plants achieve short-term control of AdoMet level.  相似文献   

The insulin superfamily is composed of a diverse group of proteins that share a common structural design whose most notable feature is a set of disulfide bonds. There is now sufficient experimental and bioinformatics evidence that it is represented in at least a number of well-investigated invertebrates, where they have been found to intervene mainly in complex processes such as mitosis, cell growth, castes differentiation, and fertility. In this article we automated a methodology first proposed elsewhere-that combines sequence similarity with assessing membership to the superfamily by conservation of structuraly key residues-to identify putative insulin-like peptides (ILPs) in completely sequenced genomes, and applied it as a pipeline to a group of 46 organisms both vertebrates and invertebrates. As a result, we were able to identify 1,653 putative members of the insulin superfamily, from 17 putative members in C. savigny to 58 in X. tropicalis. Moreover, we found that structural distinctions-such as peptides length-between functionally diverse members of the superfamily found in vertebrates, that is, insulins, IGFs, and relaxins, are not equally represented in invertebrates genomes, suggesting that such divergence has occurred only recently in the evolutionary history of vertebrates.  相似文献   

On the ubiquity of aldolase C in ruminant tissues   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Wolbachia are intracellular bacteria that occur in an estimated 20% of arthropod species. They are of broad interest because they profoundly affect the reproductive fitness of diverse host taxa. Here we document the apparent ubiquity and diversity of Wolbachia in the insect orders Anoplura (sucking lice) and Mallophaga (chewing lice), by detecting single or multiple infections in each of 25 tested populations of lice, representing 19 species from 15 genera spanning eight taxonomic families. Phylogenetic analyses indicate a high diversity of Wolbachia in lice, as evidenced by the identification of 39 unique strains. Some of these strains are apparently unique to lice, whereas others are similar to strains that infect other insect taxa. Wolbachia are transmitted from infected females to their offspring via egg cytoplasm, such that similar species of lice are predicted to have similar strains of Wolbachia. This predicted pattern is not supported in the current study and may reflect multiple events of recent horizontal transmission between host species. At present, there is no known mechanism that would allow for this latter mode of transmission to and within species of lice.  相似文献   

Apparent global ubiquity of species in the protist genus Paraphysomonas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Finlay BJ  Clarke KJ 《Protist》1999,150(4):419-430
Evidence is presented for the ubiquity of protist species. Using the example of protists that leave traces (siliceous scales) of their recent population growth, we show that most - perhaps all species in the genus Paraphysomonas, are ubiquitous. Of the species recorded in surveys carried out worldwide, we have identified 78% of their number in 0.1 cm2 of sediment collected from a freshwater pond (total area 10(8) cm2) in England. Moreover, the pond appears to act like a microcosm of aquatic environments in general, for species that are globally rare or abundant, are likewise rare or abundant in the pond. We assume that the rate of neutral migration to the pond is greatest for the globally abundant species. As these species are probably capable of growth in a broad range of conditions, they will more frequently encounter the environment they require for population growth. Thus globally abundant species are also locally abundant in the pond - a pattern that will be amplified by periodic cyst production. Ubiquitous dispersal is probably driven by very high absolute abundance of individuals, and the water column of the pond was estimated to support >10(14) Paraphysomonas individuals. Ubiquity will dampen rates of speciation, and the evidence presented here indicates that global species richness of Paraphysomonas is indeed modest - perhaps close to what is already known.  相似文献   

The nature of population structure in eukaryotic microbes has been the subject of intense debate, but until recently the tools to test these hypotheses were either problematic (e.g., allozymes that cannot detect all genetic changes) or beyond financial and technological limits of most laboratories (e.g., high throughput sequencing). In a recent issue of Molecular Ecology, Craig et al. (2019) use a genomic approach to investigate the population structure of a model alga, the chlorophyte Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (Figure 1). Using high throughput sequencing, read mapping, and variant calling, they detected strong signals of differentiation at a continental scale, while local patterns of admixture were complex. Population genomic techniques such as these have not been used extensively in studies of microbial eukaryotes and the fields of conservation genetics and evolution stand to benefit vastly from the adoption of these techniques to studies of diverse protist lineages.  相似文献   

Two statements will be presented and defended in this paper. First, it is claimed that oscillations are common in all biological systems. From the subcellular to the organismic levels of organization, oscillations are the normal operational mode for many biochemical and physiological control networks. Second, it will be demonstrated that periodic control offers several functional advantages over steady-state control.  相似文献   

Cell-free extracts from several microorganisms, when prepared by methods originally devised for Chlorella pyrenoidosa (Emerson strain 3) and incubated anaerobically with ATP, Mg2+, and 2, 3-dimercaptopropan-1-ol, are capable of reducing sulfate-35S to thiosulfate. These microorganisms include, in addition to C. pyrenoidosa (Emerson strain 3), several other strains of C. pyrenoidosa, Chlorella protothecoides, Chlorella vulgaris, Anacystis sp., Chlamydomonas reinhardi, Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium, and baker's yeast. Three of these organisms, E. coli, S. typhimurium, and baker's yeast, were previously reported by others to reduce sulfate to sulfite. Moreover, three mutant strains of S. typhimurium (Ba-25, Ce-363, and Bc-482) previously reported by other workers to be unable to reduce sulfate to sulfite also cannot form thiosulfate, and one mutant strain (Cd-68) reportedly able to form sulfite can also form thiosulfate. Taken together, this suggests that thiosulfate-forming activity may be a common feature of sulfate-reducing systems, and it may be present in enzymatic systems previously thought to be forming sulfite. Reasonably conclusive identification of thiosulfate is provided by ion exchange chromatography and by paper electrophoresis; the ambiguities associated with other analytical methods are discussed.  相似文献   

Horizontal gene transfer shapes the genomes of prokaryotes by allowing rapid acquisition of novel adaptive functions. Conjugation allows the broadest range and the highest gene transfer input per transfer event. While conjugative plasmids have been studied for decades, the number and diversity of integrative conjugative elements (ICE) in prokaryotes remained unknown. We defined a large set of protein profiles of the conjugation machinery to scan over 1,000 genomes of prokaryotes. We found 682 putative conjugative systems among all major phylogenetic clades and showed that ICEs are the most abundant conjugative elements in prokaryotes. Nearly half of the genomes contain a type IV secretion system (T4SS), with larger genomes encoding more conjugative systems. Surprisingly, almost half of the chromosomal T4SS lack co-localized relaxases and, consequently, might be devoted to protein transport instead of conjugation. This class of elements is preponderant among small genomes, is less commonly associated with integrases, and is rarer in plasmids. ICEs and conjugative plasmids in proteobacteria have different preferences for each type of T4SS, but all types exist in both chromosomes and plasmids. Mobilizable elements outnumber self-conjugative elements in both ICEs and plasmids, which suggests an extensive use of T4SS in trans. Our evolutionary analysis indicates that switch of plasmids to and from ICEs were frequent and that extant elements began to differentiate only relatively recently. According to the present results, ICEs are the most abundant conjugative elements in practically all prokaryotic clades and might be far more frequently domesticated into non-conjugative protein transport systems than previously thought. While conjugative plasmids and ICEs have different means of genomic stabilization, their mechanisms of mobility by conjugation show strikingly conserved patterns, arguing for a unitary view of conjugation in shaping the genomes of prokaryotes by horizontal gene transfer.  相似文献   

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