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Uniformly modified oligonucleotide N3'-->P5' phosphoramidates, where every 3'-oxygen is replaced by a 3'-amino group, were synthesized. These compounds have very high affinity to single-stranded RNAs and thus have potential utility as antisense agents. As was shown in this study, the oligonucleotide phosphoramidates are resistant to digestion with snake venom phosphodiesterase, to nuclease activity in a HeLa cell nuclear extract, or to nuclease activity in 50% human plasma, where no significant hydrolysis was observed after 8 h. These compounds were used in various in vitro cellular systems as antisense compounds addressed to different targeted regions of c-myb, c-myc and bcr-abl mRNAs. C-myb antisense phosphoramidates at 5 microM caused sequence and dose-dependent inhibition of HL-60 cell proliferation and a 75% reduction in c-myb protein and RNA levels, as determined by Western blot and RT-PCR analysis. Analogous results were observed for anti-c-myc phosphoramidates, where a complete cytostatic effect for HL-60 cells was observed at 1 microM concentration for fully complementary, but not for mismatched compounds, which were indistinguishable from untreated controls. This was correlated with a 93% reduction in c-myc protein level. Moreover, colony formation by the primary CML cells was also inhibited 75-95% and up to 99% by anti-c-myc and anti-bcr-abl phosphoramidate oligonucleotides, respectively, in a sequence- and dose-dependent manner within a 0.5 nM-5 microM dose range. At these concentrations the colony-forming ability of normal bone marrow cells was not affected. The presented in vitro data indicate that oligonucleotide N3'-->P5' phosphoramidates could be used as specific and efficient antisense agents.  相似文献   

We have designed, synthesized, and evaluated using physical, chemical and biochemical assays various oligonucleotide N3'-->P5' phosphoramidates, as potential telomerase inhibitors. Among the prepared compounds were 2'-deoxy, 2'-hydroxy, 2'-methoxy, 2'-ribo-fluoro, and 2'-arabino-fluoro oligonucleotide phosphoramidates, as well as novel N3'-->P5' thio-phosphoramidates. The compounds demonstrated sequence specific and dose dependent activity with IC50 values in the sub-nM to pM concentration range.  相似文献   

An efficient synthesis of the novel nucleic acid analogs oligodeoxyribonucleotide N3'-->P5' phosphoramidates, where the 3'-oxygen is substituted by a 3'-nitrogen, is described. Synthesis of the title compounds was accomplished by the following synthetic steps. First, 5'-O-DMT base-protected-3'-amino-2',3'-dideoxynucleosides were prepared. The 3'-aminopyrimidines were obtained via the corresponding 2,3'-anhydronucleosides, whereas 3'-aminopurines were derived via 2'-deoxyxylo precursors. Second, using the prepared 3'-aminonucleosides, oligonucleotide N3'-->P5' phosphoramidates were synthesized on a solid support. Oligonucleotide chain assembly was based upon a carbon tetrachloride-driven oxidative coupling of the appropriately protected 3'-aminonucleosides with the 5'-H-phosphonate diester group, resulting in the formation of an internucleoside phosphoramidate link. Fully deprotected oligonucleotide N3'-->P5' phosphoramidates were characterized by ion exchange and reversed phase HPLC, capillary and slab gel electrophoresis and by 31P NMR analysis. Oligonucleotide N3'-->P5' phosphoramidates form remarkably stable duplexes with complementary RNA strands and also with themselves, where the melting temperature of the complexes exceeded that for the parent phosphodiester compounds by 26-33 degrees C. Additionally, duplexes formed by oligonucleotide phosphoramidates with single-stranded DNA were also more thermally stable than those formed by phosphodiesters. The described properties indicate that these compounds may have great potential in oligonucleotide-based diagnostics and therapeutic applications.  相似文献   

The synthesis and properties of novel RNA mimetics, oligoribonucleotide N3'-->P5' phosphoramidates, are described. These oligonucleotides contain 3'-aminoribonucleosides connected via N3'-->P5' phosphoramidate linkages, replacing the native RNA O3'-->P5' phosphodiester counterparts. The key monomers 2'-t-butyldimethylsilyl-3'-(monomethoxytrityl)-amino-5'-phospho ramidi tes were synthesized and used to prepare the oligonucleotide phosphoramidates using a solid phase methodology based on the phosphoramidite transfer reaction. Oligoribophosphoramidates are very resistant to enzymatic hydrolysis by snake venom phosphodiesterase. These compounds form stable duplexes with complementary natural phosphodiester DNA and RNA strands, as well as with 2'-deoxy N3'-->P5' phosphoramidates. The increase in melting temperature, Delta T m, was 5-14 degrees C relative to the 2'-deoxy phosphoramidates for decanucleotides. Also, the thermal stability of the ribophosphoramidatehomoduplex was noticeably higher (Delta T m +9.5 degrees C) than that for the isosequential 2'-deoxy phosphoramidate complex. Furthermore, the oligopyrimidine ribo N3'-->P5' phosphoramidate formed an extremely stable triplex with an oligopurine/oligopyrimidine DNA duplex with Delta T m +14.3 degrees C relative to the 2'-deoxy N3'-->P5' phosphoramidate counterpart. The properties of the oligoribonucleotide N3'-->P5' phosphoramidates indicate that these compounds can be used as hydrolytically stable structural and functional RNA mimetics.  相似文献   

A new synthetic approach to 5-phosphoramidites of 3'-aminonucleosides was developed. The methodology relies upon the use of 3'-amino-2',3'-dideoxy nucleosides as the key starting materials. The final phosphoramidite products were obtained with high yields via 2-3-step efficient chemical transformations using selective introduction of orthogonal protective groups to the 3'-aminonucleoside sugar and base moieties.  相似文献   

The P-N bond in oligonucleotide P3' --> N5' phosphoramidates (5'-amino-DNA) is known to be chemoselectively cleaved under mild acidic conditions. We prepared homopyrimidine oligonucleotides containing 5'-amino-5'-deoxythymidine (5'-amino-DNA thymine monomer) or its conformationally locked congener, 5'-amino-2',4'-BNA thymine monomer, at midpoint of the sequence. The effect of triplex formation with homopurineohomopyrimidine dsDNA targets on acid-mediated hydrolysis of the P3' --> N5' phosphoramidate linkage was evaluated. Very interestingly, it was found that the triplex formation significantly accelerates the P-N bond cleavage.  相似文献   

The synthesis and hybridization properties of novel nucleic acid analogs, alpha-anomeric oligodeoxyribonucleotide N3'-->P5' phosphoramidates, are described. The alpha-3'-aminonucleoside building blocks used for oligonucleotide synthesis were synthesized from 3'-azido-3'-deoxythymidine or 3'-azido-2',3'-dideoxyuridine via acid catalyzed anomerization or transglycosylation reactions. The base-protected alpha-5'-O-DMT-3'-aminonucleosides were assembled into dimers and oligonucleotides on a solid support using the oxidative phosphorylation method.1H NMR analysis of the alpha-N3'-->P5' phosphoramidate dimer structures indicates significant differences in the sugar puckering of these compounds relative to the beta-N3'-->P5' phosphoramidates and to the alpha-phosphodiester counterparts. Additionally, the ability of the alpha-oligonucleotide N3'-->P5' phosphoramidates to form duplexes was studied using thermal denaturation experiments. Thus the N3'-->P5' phosphoramidate decamer containing only alpha-thymidine residues did not bind to poly(A) and exhibited lower duplex thermal stability with poly(dA) than that for the corresponding beta-anomeric phosphoramidate counterpart. A mixed base decamer alpha-CTTCTTCCTT formed duplexes with the RNA and DNA complementary strands only in a parallel orientation. Melting temperatures of these complexes were significantly lower, by 34-47 or 15-25 degrees C, than for the duplexes formed by the isosequential beta-phosphoramidates in antiparallel and parallel orientations respectively. In contrast, the alpha-decaadenylic N3'-->P5' phosphoramidate formed duplexes with both RNA and DNA complementary strands with a stability similar to that of the corresponding beta-anomeric phosphoramidate. Moreover, the self-complementary oligonucleotide alpha-ATATATATAT did not form an alpha:alpha homoduplex. These results demonstrate the effects of 3'-aminonucleoside anomeric configuration on sugar puckering and consequently on stability of the duplexes.  相似文献   

Zwitterionic, net neutral oligonucleotides containing alternating negatively charged N3'-->P5' phosphoramidate monoester and positively charged phosphoramidate diester groups were synthesized. The ability of zwitterionic phosphoramidates to form complexes with complementary DNA and RNA was evaluated. Stoichiometry and salt dependency of these complexes were determined as a function of the nature of the heterocyclic bases of the zwitterionic compounds. Unlike the melting temperatures of the natural phosphodiester-containing oligomers, the T m of the duplexes formed with the zwitterionic oligothymidylates was salt concentration independent. The thermal stability of these duplexes was much higher with Delta T m values of 20-35 degrees C relatively to phosphodiester counterparts at low salt concentrations. The zwitterionic oligoadenylate formed only 2Py:1Pu triplexes with complementary poly(U) or poly(dT) strands. The thermal stability of these complexes was dependent on salt concentration. Also, the T m values of the complexes formed by the zwitterionic oligoadenylate with poly(U) were 6-41 degrees C higher than for the natural phosphodiester counterpart. Triplexes of this compound with poly(dT) were also more stable with a Delta T m value of 22 degrees C at low salt concentrations. Complexes formed by the zwitterionic oligonucleotides with complementary RNAs were not substrates for RNase H. Surprisingly, the duplex formed by the all anionic alternating N3'-->P5'phosphoramidate-phosphodiester oligothymidylate and poly(A) was a good substrate for RNase H.  相似文献   

2'-Deoxyribo- and ribo-oligonucleotide N3'-->P5'phosphoramidates containing 2,6-diaminopurine nucleosides were synthesized. Thermal denaturation experiments demonstrated a significant stabilization of the complexes formed by these compounds with DNA and RNA complementary strands, relative to adenosine-containing phosphoramidate counterparts. The increase in melting temperature of the complexes reached up to 6.9 degrees C per substitution. The observed stabilization was attributed to the apparent synergistic effects of N-type sugar puckering of the oligonucleotide N3'-->P5' phosphoramidate backbone, and the ability of 2,6-diaminopurine bases to form three hydrogen bonds.  相似文献   

Torigoe H 《Biochemistry》2001,40(4):1063-1069
I have investigated the thermodynamic and kinetic effects of N3'-->P5' phosphoramidate (PN) backbone modification of triplex-forming oligonucleotide (TFO) on the pyrimidine motif triplex formation between a 23-bp target duplex and a 15-mer TFO using electrophoretic mobility shift assay, UV melting, isothermal titration calorimetry, and interaction analysis system. The thermodynamic and kinetic analyses have clearly indicated that the PN modification of TFO not only significantly increased the thermal stability of the pyrimidine motif triplex at neutral pH but also increased the binding constant of the pyrimidine motif triplex formation at room temperature and neutral pH by nearly 2 orders of magnitude. The consideration of the observed thermodynamic parameters has suggested that the more rigidity of the PN TFO in the free state relative to the unmodified TFO may enable the significant increase in the binding constant of the pyrimidine motif triplex formation at neutral pH. Kinetic data have also demonstrated that the observed PN modification-mediated promotion of pyrimidine motif triplex formation at neutral pH resulted from the considerable decrease in the dissociation rate constant rather than the increase in the association rate constant. This information will present an effective approach for designing chemically modified TFO with higher binding affinity in the triplex formation under physiological conditions, which may eventually lead to progress in therapeutic applications of the antigene strategy in vivo.  相似文献   

Uniformly modified oligodeoxyribonucleotide N3'-->P5' phosphoramidates containing 2'-fluoro-2'-deoxy-pyrimidine nucleosides were synthesized using an efficient interphase amidite transfer reaction. The 3'-amino group of solid phase-supported 2'-fluoro-2'-deoxynucleoside was used as an acceptor and 5'-diisopropylamino phosphoramidite as a donor of a phosphoramidite group in the tetrazole-catalyzed exchange reaction. Subsequent oxidation with aqueous iodine resulted in formation of an internucleoside phosphoramidate diester. The prepared oligo-2'-fluoro-nucleotide N3'-->P5' phosphoramidates form extremely stable duplexes with complementary nucleic acids: relative to isosequential phosphodiester oligomers, the melting temperature Tm of their duplexes with DNA or RNA was increased approximately 4 or 5 degrees C per modification respectively. Moreover, these compounds are highly resistant to enzymatic hydrolysis by snake venom phosphodiesterase and they are 4-5 times more stable in acidic media (pH 2.2-5.3) than the parent oligo-2'-deoxynucleotide N3'-->P5' phosphoramidates. The described properties of the oligo-2'-fluoronucleotide N3'-->P5' phosphoramidates suggest that they may have good potential for diagnostic and antisense therapeutic applications.  相似文献   

Light-directed synthesis of high-density microarrays is currently performed in the 3'-->5' direction due to constraints in existing synthesis chemistry. This results in the probes being unavailable for many common types of enzymatic modification. Arrays that are synthesized in the 5'-->3' direction could be utilized to perform parallel genotyping and resequencing directly on the array surface, dramatically increasing the throughput and reducing the cost relative to existing techniques. In this report we demonstrate the use of photoprotected phosphoramidite monomers for light-directed array synthesis in the 5'-->3' direction, using maskless array synthesis technology. These arrays have a dynamic range of >2.5 orders of magnitude, sensitivity below 1 pM and a coefficient of variance of <10% across the array surface. Arrays containing >150,000 probe sequences were hybridized to labeled mouse cRNA producing highly concordant data (average R(2) = 0.998). We have also shown that the 3' ends of array probes are available for sequence-specific primer extension and ligation reactions.  相似文献   

The synthesis and properties of a bridged nucleic acid analogue containing a N3'-->P5' phosphoramidate linkage, 3'-amino-2',4'-BNA, is described. A heterodimer containing a 3'-amino-2',4'-BNA thymine monomer, and thymine and methylcytosine monomers of 3'-amino-2',4'-BNA and their 5'-phosphoramidites, were synthesized efficiently. The dimer and monomers were incorporated into oligonucleotides by conventional 3'-->5' assembly, and 5'-->3' reverse assembly phosphoramidite protocols, respectively. Compared to a natural DNA oligonucleotide, modified oligonucleotides containing the 3'-amino-2',4'-BNA residue formed highly stable duplexes and triplexes with single-stranded DNA (ssDNA), single-stranded RNA (ssRNA), and double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) targets, with the average increase in melting temperature (T(m)) against ssDNA, ssRNA and dsDNA being +2.7 to +4.0 degrees C, +5.0 to +7.0 degrees C, and +5.0 to +11.0 degrees C, respectively. These increases are comparable to those observed for 2',4'-BNA-modified oligonucleotides. In addition, an oligonucleotide modified with a single 3'-amino-2',4'-BNA thymine residue showed extraordinarily high resistance to nuclease degradation, much higher than that of 2',4'-BNA and substantially higher even than that of 3'-amino-DNA and phosphorothioate oligonucleotides. The above properties indicate that 3'-amino-2',4'-BNA has significant potential for antisense and antigene applications.  相似文献   

The binding of uniformly modified N3'-->P5' phosphoramidate and stereorandom and stereopure phosphorothioate oligonucleotides (ODN) to cell surface proteins was studied, using both a fibroblast and an epithelial cell line, to assess the effect of different analog backbone types and base composition on cell surface protein binding. Marked differences were observed, both quantitative and qualitative, in the proteins to which individual ODN bound. One phosphoramidate, antisense to the insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) receptor (IGF-1R), bound to different proteins than did either a 6-base mismatch phosphoramidate IGF-1R sequence or a sense N-ras sequence. The latter bound poorly to the fibroblast line and predominantly to a 46 kDa protein in the epithelial line, as did many of the other ODN. This binding was not so marked as that of the isosequential end-capped phosphodiester N-ras sequence, which bound to this protein in both cell lines. Stereopure and stereorandom phosphorothioates containing a G-quartet (shown in other studies to form high-order tetrad structures), antisense to c-myc, exhibited considerable nonspecific binding to many proteins, as did the isosequential phosphoramidate. In particular, this ODN sequence gave notable binding to high molecular weight proteins. In general, binding of the c-myc ODN to proteins of 28-30, 46, 67, and 70-90 kDa was found in this study.  相似文献   

Werner’s syndrome (WS) is an autosomal recessive disorder in humans characterized by the premature development of a partial array of age-associated pathologies. WRN, the gene defective in WS, encodes a 1432 amino acid protein (hWRN) with intrinsic 3′→5′ DNA helicase activity. We recently showed that hWRN is also a 3′→5′ exonuclease. Here, we further characterize the hWRN exonuclease. hWRN efficiently degraded the 3′ recessed strands of double-stranded DNA or a DNA–RNA heteroduplex. It had little or no activity on blunt-ended DNA, DNA with a 3′ protruding strand, or single-stranded DNA. The hWRN exonuclease efficiently removed a mismatched nucleotide at a 3′ recessed terminus, and was capable of initiating DNA degradation from a 12-nt gap, or a nick. We further show that the mouse WRN (mWRN) is also a 3′→5′ exonuclease, with substrate specificity similar to that of hWRN. Finally, we show that hWRN forms a trimer and interacts with the proliferating cell nuclear antigen in vitro. These findings provide new data on the biochemical activities of WRN that may help elucidate its role(s) in DNA metabolism.  相似文献   

Replication fidelity is controlled by DNA polymerase proofreading and postreplication mismatch repair. We have genetically characterized the roles of the 5'-->3' Exo1 and the 3'-->5' DNA polymerase exonucleases in mismatch repair in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae by using various genetic backgrounds and highly sensitive mutation detection systems that are based on long and short homonucleotide runs. Genetic interactions were examined among DNA polymerase epsilon (pol2-4) and delta (pol3-01) mutants defective in 3'-->5' proofreading exonuclease, mutants defective in the 5'-->3' exonuclease Exo1, and mismatch repair mutants (msh2, msh3, or msh6). These three exonucleases play an important role in mutation avoidance. Surprisingly, the mutation rate in an exo1 pol3-01 mutant was comparable to that in an msh2 pol3-01 mutant, suggesting that they participate directly in postreplication mismatch repair as well as in other DNA metabolic processes.  相似文献   

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