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A human transient expression system was used to measure the influence of simian virus 40 T antigen and adenovirus E1a proteins on the activation of alpha interferon subtype 1 (IFN-alpha 1) and IFN-beta promoters linked to the reporter chloramphenicol acetyltransferase gene. Large T-antigen production, amplified by expression plasmid replication in transfected 293 cells, was able to trans activate the IFN-beta promoter 5- to 10-fold, increasing both the constitutive and Sendai virus-induced levels of expression. Surprisingly, the previously quiescent transfected IFN-alpha 1 promoter in T-antigen-expressing cells displayed a level of inducibility similar to IFN-beta. The endogenous IFN-alpha 1 gene was also inducible to a limited extent in cells expressing T antigen. A truncated IFN-beta promoter deleted to position -37 relative to the CAP site was neither inducible nor trans activated by T antigen, suggesting that sequences required for efficient induction were also needed for trans activation. Since 293 cells express adenoviral E1a proteins, experiments were also performed in HeLa cells to assess the relative contribution of T antigen and E1a proteins to IFN trans activation. In HeLa cells, T-antigen coexpression increased the constitutive level of IFN-beta and IFN-alpha 1 promoter activity without augmenting relative inducibility. Coexpression of T antigen and E1a proteins did not have a cooperative effect on type 1 IFN expression.  相似文献   

K A Jones  R M Myers    R Tjian 《The EMBO journal》1984,3(13):3247-3255
We have tested the effects of various mutations within SV40 T antigen DNA recognition sites I and II on specific T antigen binding using the DNase footprint technique. In addition, the replication of plasmid DNA templates carrying these T antigen binding site mutations was monitored by Southern analysis of transfected DNA in COS cells. Deletion mapping of site I sequences defined a central core of approximately 18 bp that is both necessary and sufficient for T antigen recognition; this region contains the site I contact nucleotides that were previously mapped using methylation-interference and methylation-protection experiments. A similar deletion analysis delineated sequences that impart specificity of binding to site II. We find that T antigen is capable of specific recognition of site II in the absence of site I sequences, indicating that binding to site II in vitro is not dependent on binding of T antigen at site I. Site II binding was not diminished by small deletion or substitution mutations that perturb the 27-bp palindrome central to binding site II, whereas extensive substitution of site II sequences completely eliminated specific site II binding. Analysis of the replication in COS7 cells of plasmids that contain these mutant origins revealed that sequences both at the late side of binding site I and within the site II palindrome are crucial for viral DNA replication, but are not involved in binding T antigen.  相似文献   

We isolated 16 new monoclonal antibodies that recognize large T antigen of simian virus 40 and mapped the epitopes to three distinct regions of the large T antigen. Also, 3 of the 16 recognized the large T antigen of the human papovavirus BKV.  相似文献   

The late promoter of simian virus 40 (SV40) is activated in trans by the viral early gene product, T antigen. We inserted the wild-type late-promoter region, and deletion mutants of it, into chloramphenicol acetyltransferase transient expression vectors to identify promoter sequences which are active in the presence of T antigen. We defined two promoter activities. One activity was mediated by a promoter element within simian virus 40 nucleotides 200 to 270. The activity of this element was detectable only in the presence of an intact, functioning origin of replication and accounted for 25 to 35% of the wild-type late-promoter activity in the presence of T antigen. The other activity was mediated by an element located within a 33-base-pair sequence (simian virus nucleotides 168 to 200) which spans the junction of the 72-base-pair repeats. This element functioned in the absence of both the origin of replication and the T-antigen-binding sites and appeared to be responsible for trans-activated gene expression. When inserted into an essentially promoterless plasmid, the 33-base-pair element functioned in an orientation-dependent manner. Under wild-type conditions in the presence of T antigen, the activity of this element accounted for 65 to 75% of the late-promoter activity. The roles of the 33-base-pair element and T antigen in trans-activation are discussed.  相似文献   

The location of phosphorylation sites in the large T antigen of simian virus 40 has been studied both by partial chemical cleavage and by partial proteolysis of various forms of large T. These included the full-size wild-type molecule with an apparent molecular weight of 88,000, deleted molecules coded for by the mutants dl1265 and dl1263, and several shortened derivatives generated by the action of a cellular protease. These molecules differed from each other by variations in the carboxy-terminal end. In contrast, a ubiquitous but minor large T form with a molecular weight of 91,000 was found to be modified in the amino-terminal half of the molecule. In addition to the phosphorylation of threonine at position 701 (K.-H. Scheidtmann et al., J. Virol. 38:59-69, 1981), two other discrete domains of phosphorylation were recognized, one at either side of the molecule. The amino-terminal region was located between positions 81 and 124 and contained both phosphothreonine and phosphoserine residues. The carboxy-terminal region was located between approximate positions 500 and 640 and contained at least one phosphoserine residue but no phosphothreonine. The presence in the phosphorylated domains of large T of known recognition sequences for different types of protein kinases is discussed, together with possible functions of large T associated with these domains.  相似文献   

Four (groups of) phosphorylation sites exist in the large T antigen of simian virus 40, and they involve at least two serine and two threonine residues (Van Roy et al. J. Virol. 45:315-331, 1983). All the phosphorylation sites were found to be modified and again dephosphorylated at discrete rates, with phosphoserine residues having the highest turnover rate. The measured half-lives ranged between 3 h (for the carboxy-terminal phosphoserine site) and 5.5 h (for the amino-terminal phosphothreonine site). The influence of four temperature-sensitive A mutations on phosphorylation of large T antigen was also examined. At restrictive temperature, phosphorylation of the carboxy-terminal phosphoserine in mutated large T antigen was found to be particularly impaired. These data emphasize the physiological importance of the latter phosphorylation site.  相似文献   

Abstract. A set of cell lines was constructed by infection of established murine fibroblasts with recombinant retroviruses encoding the simian virus 40 large T antigen (Tag) gene. By immunofluorescence flow cytometry, it was shown that these cell lines expressed Tag over at least a 20-fold concentration range. Using these cells, the dose-response relationship between Tag concentration and a phenotype detected by flow cytometry that measures the rate at which proliferating cells transit the cell cycle (i.e. cell-cycling phenotype) was determined. This relationship between Tag concentration and phenotype was not linear. Instead, the cell-cycling phenotype became saturated at relatively low Tag concentrations, i.e. a further increase in Tag concentration did not change the phenotype. The dose-response relationship between Tag and a second phenotype, colony formation in soft agar, was also determined. Colony formation in soft agar is a measurement of cell transformation. In contrast to the cell-cycling phenotype, transformation was linearly related to Tag over the entire 20-fold Tag concentration range. This phenotype did not saturate at high Tag concentrations. Therefore, the dose-response relationship between Tag concentration and the cell-cycling phenotype was different from that between Tag concentration and cellular transformation. Since the Tag gene is comprised of multiple genetic domains that independently affect cellular proliferation, one possibility is that the differences in dose-response of the two phenotypes indicate that different genetic domains of the gene are necessary for production of each phenotype.  相似文献   

We used chloramphenicol acetyltransferase transient expression to examine the activity of the promoter elements of the simian virus 40 late promoter in the absence of large T antigen. Since the experiments were done in permissive CV-1 cells, these conditions mimic the state which exists early in the viral lytic cycle before the onset of replication and T-antigen-mediated trans activation. Our data, using deletion analysis, indicate that removal of the 21-base-pair (bp) repeat region causes as much as a 10-fold increase in activity of the late promoter elements. This result suggests that the 21-bp repeat sequences may be involved in repression of the late promoter elements during the early phase of the lytic infection. This is supported by competition analysis which indicates that increasing amounts of competitor containing only the 21-bp repeat region results in increased activity of the intact promoter. A model for the activity of the late promoter through the course of lytic infection is presented.  相似文献   

Simian virus 40 large T antigen from lytically infected cells has been purified to near homogeneity by immunochromatography of the cell extract on a protein A-Sepharose-monoclonal antibody column. The resulting T antigen retains biochemical activity; i.e., it hydrolyzes ATP and binds to simian virus 40 DNA at the origin of replication.  相似文献   

Various mutants of adenovirus E1A were assayed for their ability to complement the growth defect at the nonpermissive temperature for the cell line tsa14 which was isolated by immortalizing rat embryo fibroblasts with the thermolabile large T antigen of tsA58. This cell line grows indefinitely at the permissive temperature but undergoes rapid growth arrest upon shift up to the nonpermissive temperature. Since this growth arrest can be overcome by introduction of wild-type simian virus 40 large T antigen, human papillomavirus 16 E7, and adenovirus E1A, the tsa14 cells provided an excellent system for defining regions of E1A necessary for complementation of the growth defect. We demonstrate that conserved region 1 (CR1) is the region of E1A required for complementation. While CR2 of E1A has been shown to be required for the immortalization of primary cells and is also necessary for the binding of the 105-kDa retinoblastoma protein, mutations within this region did not abrogate complementation of the growth defect. However, since both CR1 and CR2 have previously been shown to be absolutely required for immortalization of primary cells by adenovirus E1A, this evidence suggests that the tsa14 system assays for the maintenance of proliferation and that this requires CR1.  相似文献   

SV40 large T antigen (T-ag) is a multifunctional protein that successively binds to 5'-GAGGC-3' sequences in the viral origin of replication, melts the origin, unwinds DNA ahead of the replication fork, and interacts with host DNA replication factors to promote replication of the simian virus 40 genome. The transition of T-ag from a sequence-specific binding protein to a nonspecific helicase involves its assembly into a double hexamer whose formation is likely dictated by the propensity of T-ag to oligomerize and its relative affinities for the origin as well as for nonspecific double- and single-stranded DNA. In this study, we used a sensitive assay based on fluorescence anisotropy to measure the affinities of wild-type and mutant forms of the T-ag origin-binding domain (OBD), and of a larger fragment containing the N-terminal domain (N260), for different DNA substrates. We report that the N-terminal domain does not contribute to binding affinity but reduces the propensity of the OBD to self-associate. We found that the OBD binds with different affinities to its four sites in the origin and determined a consensus binding site by systematic mutagenesis of the 5'-GAGGC-3' sequence and of the residue downstream of it, which also contributes to affinity. Interestingly, the OBD also binds to single-stranded DNA with an approximately 10-fold higher affinity than to nonspecific duplex DNA and in a mutually exclusive manner. Finally, we provide evidence that the sequence specificity of full-length T-ag is lower than that of the OBD. These results provide a quantitative basis onto which to anchor our understanding of the interaction of T-ag with the origin and its assembly into a double hexamer.  相似文献   

An 8,000-molecular-weight (8K) T antigen was found in all cells transformed by simian virus 40. The 8K T antigen was weakly labeled in vivo with [35S]methionine or 32Pi. A deletion in the human papovavirus BK genome, in the region coding for the carboxy-terminal end of the large T antigen, reduced the size of the 8K T antigen. The last 80 amino acids of the large T antigen include the sequence Asp-Asp-Asp-Asp unique to the activation peptide of trypsinogen. Large T antigen bound diisopropyl fluorophosphate and was retained by D-phenylalanine coupled to Sepharose beads, an affinity adsorbent that can retain chymotrypsin. The large T antigen and the recA protein of Escherichia coli, a known protease, have several properties in common as well as several similar sequences. Antibodies against large T antigen interacted with native recA protein.  相似文献   

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