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Based on data from sedimentation velocity experiments, electrophoresis, electron microscopy, cellular uptake studies, scanning molecular sieve chromatography using a quasi-three-dimensional data display and flow performance liquid chromatography (FPLC), models for the interaction of human serum low density lipoprotein (LDL) and of apolipoprotein B (apo B) with a ternary lipid microemulsion (ME) are proposed. The initial step in the interaction of LDL (Stokes radius 110 A) with the ternary microemulsion (Stokes radius 270 A) appears to be attachment of the LDL to emulsion particles. This attachment is followed by a very slow fusion into particles having a radius of approx. 280 A. Sonication of this mixture yields large aggregates. Electron micrographs of deoxycholate-solubilized apo B indicate an arrangement of apo B resembling strings of beads. During incubation, these particles also attach to the ternary microemulsion particles and, upon sonication, spherical particles result which resemble native LDL particles in size. Scanning chromatography corroborates the electron microscopy results. By appropriate choice of display angles in a quasi-three-dimensional display of the scanning data (corrected for gel apparent absorbance) taken at equal time intervals during passage of a sample through the column, changes in molecular radius of less than 10 A can be detected visually. Such a display gives a quantitative estimate of 101 +/- 2 A for these particles (compared to 110 A for native LDL). The LDL-ME particles and apo B-ME particles compete efficiently with native LDL for cellular binding and uptake. Cellular association studies indicate that both LDL- and apo B-ME particles are effective vehicles for lipid delivery into cells.  相似文献   

The region of apolipoprotein E (apoE) that interacts directly with the low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor lies in the vicinity of residues 136-150, where lysine and arginine residues are crucial for full binding activity. However, defective binding of carboxyl-terminal truncations of apoE3 has suggested that residues in the vicinity of 170-183 are also important. To characterize and define the role of this region in LDL receptor binding, we created either mutants of apoE in which this region was deleted or in which arginine residues within this region were sequentially changed to alanine. Deletion of residues 167-185 reduced binding activity (15% of apoE3), and elimination of arginines at positions 167, 172, 178, and 180 revealed that only position 172 affected binding activity (2% of apoE3). Substitution of lysine for Arg(172) reduced binding activity to 6%, indicating a specific requirement for arginine at this position. The higher binding activity of the Delta167-185 mutant relative to the Arg(172) mutant (15% versus 2%) is explained by the fact that arginine residues at positions 189 and 191 are shifted in the deletion mutant into positions equivalent to 170 and 172 in the intact protein. Mutation of these residues and modeling the region around these residues suggested that the influence of Arg(172) on receptor binding activity may be determined by its orientation at a lipid surface. Thus, the association of apoE with phospholipids allows Arg(172) to interact directly with the LDL receptor or with other residues in apoE to promote its receptor-active conformation.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein E (apoE) serves as a ligand for the low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) only when bound to lipid. The N-terminal domain of lipid-free apoE exists as globular 4-helix bundle that is conferred with LDLR recognition ability after undergoing a lipid binding-induced conformational change. To investigate the structural basis for this phenomenon, site-directed spin label electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy experiments were conducted, focusing on the region near the C-terminal end of helix 4 (Ala-164). Using C112S apoE-N-terminal as template, a series of single cysteine substitution variants (at sequence positions 161, 165, 169, 173, 176, and 181) were produced, isolated, and labeled with the nitroxide probe, methane thiosulfonate. Electron paramagnetic resonance analysis revealed that lipid association induced fixed secondary structure in a region of the molecule known to exist as random coil in the lipid-free state. In a complementary approach, site-directed fluorescence analysis using an environmentally sensitive probe indicated that the lipid-induced transition of this region of the protein to alpha helix was accompanied by relocation to a more hydrophobic environment. In studies with full-length apoE single Cys variants, a similar random coil to stable backbone transition was observed, consistent with the concept that lipid interaction induced an extension of helix 4 beyond the boundary defining its lipid-free conformation. This structural transition likely represents a key conformational change necessary for manifestation of the LDLR recognition properties of apoE.  相似文献   

Abnormal low density lipoprotein metabolism in apolipoprotein E deficiency   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Apolipoprotein(apo) E deficiency is an inherited disease characterized by type III hyperlipoproteinemia and less than 1% normal plasma apoE concentration. The role of apoE in LDL metabolism was investigated by quantitating the metabolism of radiolabeled normal and apoE-deficient LDL in both normal and apoE-deficient subjects. ApoE deficiency resulted in an accumulation of plasma IDL, and a decreased synthesis of LDL consistent with a block in the conversion of IDL to LDL. The LDL isolated from the apoE-deficient patient was similar to normal LDL in hydrated density, size, and composition. However, the apoE-deficient LDL was kinetically abnormal with delayed catabolism in both normal subjects and the apoE-deficient patient. In addition, the catabolism of normal LDL in the apoE-deficient subject was increased. These results were interpreted as indicating that apoE is necessary for the conversion of IDL to LDL and the formation of kinetically normal LDL. The rapid catabolism of normal LDL in the apoE-deficient patient suggests an up-regulation of the hepatic LDL receptor pathway. Based on these results, apoE is proposed to play an important role in the conversion of IDL to LDL, the formation of kinetically normal LDL, and the regulation of LDL receptor function.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein E (apoE) is a 34-kDa exchangeable apolipoprotein that regulates metabolism of plasma lipoproteins by functioning as a ligand for members of the LDL receptor family. The receptor-binding region localizes to the vicinity of residues 130-150 within its independently folded 22-kDa N-terminal domain. In the absence of lipid, this domain exists as a receptor-inactive, globular four-helix bundle. Receptor recognition properties of this domain are manifest upon lipid association, which is accompanied by a conformational change in the protein. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer has been used to monitor helix repositioning, which accompanies lipid association of the apoE N-terminal domain. Site-directed mutagenesis was used to replace naturally occurring Trp residues with phenylalanine, creating a Trp-null apoE3 N-terminal domain (residues 1-183). Subsequently, tyrosine residues in helix 2, helix 3, or helix 4 were converted to Trp, generating single Trp mutant proteins. The lone cysteine at position 112 was covalently modified with N-iodoacetyl-N'-(5-sulfo-1-naphthyl)ethylenediamine, which serves as an energy acceptor from excited tryptophan residues. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer analysis of apoE N-terminal domain variants in phospholipid disc complexes suggests that the helix bundle opens to adopt a partially extended conformation. A model is presented that depicts a tandem arrangement of the receptor-binding region of the protein in the disc complex, corresponding to its low density lipoprotein receptor-active conformation.  相似文献   

Antioxidants can inhibit atherosclerosis in animals, though it is not clear whether this is due to the inhibition of aortic lipoprotein lipid (per)oxidation. Coantioxidants inhibit radical-induced, tocopherol-mediated peroxidation of lipids in lipoproteins through elimination of tocopheroxyl radical. Here we tested the effect of the bisphenolic probucol metabolite and coantioxidant H 212/43 on atherogenesis in apolipoprotein E and low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor gene double knockout (apoE-/-;LDLr-/-) mice, and how this related to aortic lipid (per)oxidation measured by specific HPLC analyses. Dietary supplementation with H 212/43 resulted in circulating drug levels of approximately 200 microM, increased plasma total cholesterol slightly and decreased plasma and aortic alpha-tocopherol significantly relative to age-matched control mice. Treatment with H 212/43 increased the antioxidant capacity of plasma, as indicated by prolonged inhibition of peroxyl radical-induced, ex vivo lipid peroxidation. Aortic tissue from control apoE-/-;LDLr-/- mice contained lipid hydro(pero)xides and substantial atherosclerotic lesions, both of which were decreased strongly by supplementation of the animals with H 212/43. The results show that a coantioxidant effectively inhibits in vivo lipid peroxidation and atherosclerosis in apoE-/-;LDLr-/- mice, consistent with though not proving a causal relationship between aortic lipoprotein lipid oxidation and atherosclerosis in this model of the disease.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to test the hypothesis that lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) deficiency would accelerate atherosclerosis development in low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor (LDLr-/-) and apoE (apoE-/-) knockout mice. After 16 weeks of atherogenic diet (0.1% cholesterol, 10% calories from palm oil) consumption, LDLr-/- LCAT-/- double knockout mice, compared with LDLr-/- mice, had similar plasma concentrations of free (FC), esterified (EC), and apoB lipoprotein cholesterol, increased plasma concentrations of phospholipid and triglyceride, decreased HDL cholesterol, and 2-fold more aortic FC (142 +/- 28 versus 61 +/- 20 mg/g protein) and EC (102 +/- 27 versus 61+/- 27 mg/g). ApoE-/- LCAT-/- mice fed the atherogenic diet, compared with apoE-/- mice, had higher concentrations of plasma FC, EC, apoB lipoprotein cholesterol, and phospholipid, and significantly more aortic FC (149 +/- 62 versus 109 +/- 33 mg/g) and EC (101 +/- 23 versus 69 +/- 20 mg/g) than did the apoE-/- mice. LCAT deficiency resulted in a 12-fold increase in the ratio of saturated + monounsaturated to polyunsaturated cholesteryl esters in apoB lipoproteins in LDLr-/- mice and a 3-fold increase in the apoE-/- mice compared with their counterparts with active LCAT. We conclude that LCAT deficiency in LDLr-/- and apoE-/- mice fed an atherogenic diet resulted in increased aortic cholesterol deposition, likely due to a reduction in plasma HDL, an increased saturation of cholesteryl esters in apoB lipoproteins and, in the apoE-/- background, an increased plasma concentration of apoB lipoproteins.  相似文献   

To investigate the role of apoM in high density lipoprotein (HDL) metabolism and atherogenesis, we generated human apoM transgenic (apoM-Tg) and apoM-deficient (apoM(-/-)) mice. Plasma apoM was predominantly associated with 10-12-nm alpha-migrating HDL particles. Human apoM overexpression (11-fold) increased plasma cholesterol concentration by 13-22%, whereas apoM deficiency decreased it by 17-21%. The size and charge of apoA-I-containing HDL in plasma were not changed in apoM-Tg or apoM(-/-) mice. However, in plasma incubated at 37 degrees C, lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase-dependent conversion of alpha- to pre-alpha-migrating HDL was delayed in apoM-Tg mice. Moreover, lecithin: cholesterol acyltransferase-independent generation of pre-beta-migrating apoA-I-containing particles in plasma was increased in apoM-Tg mice (4.2 +/- 1.1%, p = 0.06) and decreased in apoM(-/-) mice (0.5 +/- 0.3%, p = 0.03) versus controls (1.8 +/- 0.05%). In the setting of low density lipoprotein receptor deficiency, apoM-Tg mice with approximately 2-fold increased plasma apoM concentrations developed smaller atherosclerotic lesions than controls. The effect of apoM on atherosclerosis may be facilitated by enzymatic modulation of plasma HDL particles, increased cholesterol efflux from foam cells, and an antioxidative effect of apoM-containing HDL.  相似文献   

Incubation of human high density lipoprotein (HDL) particles (density = 1.063-1.21 g/ml) with catalytic amounts of Manduca sexta lipid transfer particle (LTP) resulted in alteration of the density distribution of HDL protein such that the original HDL particles were transformed into new particles with an equilibrium density = 1.05 g/ml. Concomitantly, substantial amounts of protein were recovered in the bottom fraction of the density gradient. The LTP-induced alteration in HDL protein density distribution was dependent on the LTP concentration and incubation time. Electrophoretic analysis revealed that the lower density fraction contained apolipoprotein A-II (apoA-II) as the major apoprotein component while nearly all of the apoA-I was recovered in the bottom fraction. Lipid analysis of the HDL substrate and product fractions revealed that the apoA-I-rich fraction was nearly devoid of lipid (less than 1%, w/w). The lipid originally associated with HDL was recovered in the low density, apoA-II-rich, lipoprotein fraction, and the ratios of individual lipid classes were the same as in control HDL. Electron microscopy and gel permeation chromatography experiments revealed that the LTP-induced product lipoprotein population comprised particles of larger size (19.7 +/- 1.4-nm diameter) than control HDL (10.6 +/- 1.4-nm diameter). The results suggest that facilitated net lipid transfer between HDL particles altered the distribution of lipid such that apoprotein migration occurred and donor particles disintegrated. Similar results were obtained when human HDL3 or HDL2 density subclasses were employed as substrates for LTP. The lower surface area to core volume ratio of the larger, product lipoprotein particles compared with the substrate HDL requires that there be a decrease in the total exposed lipid/water interface which requires stabilization by apolipoprotein. Selective displacement of apoA-I by apoA-II or apoC, due to their greater surface binding affinity, dictates that apoA-I is preferentially lost from the lipoprotein surface and is therefore recovered as lipid-free apoprotein. Thus, it is conceivable that the structural arrangement of HDL particle lipid and apoprotein components isolated from human plasma may not represent the most thermodynamically stable arrangement of lipid and protein.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein (apo) E stimulates the secretion of very low density lipoproteins (VLDLs) by an as yet unknown mechanism. Recently, a working mechanism for apoE was proposed (Twisk, J., Gillian-Daniel, D. L., Tebon, A., Wang, L., Barrett, P. H., and Attie, A. D. (2000) J. Clin. Invest. 105, 521-532) in which apoE prevents the inhibitory action of the low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLr) by binding to it. We have first tested whether this newly described effect of the LDLr on VLDL secretion, obtained in vitro, is also observed in vivo. In LDLr knockout mice (LDLr-/-), the production of VLDL triglycerides and apoB was 30% higher than that in controls. Also the ratio of apoB100:apoB48 secretion was increased in the LDLr-/- mice. The composition of nascent VLDL was similar in both strains. To test whether the action of apoE depends on the presence of the LDLr, VLDL production was measured in LDLr-/- and apoE-/- LDLr-/- mice. Deletion of apoE on a LDLr-/- background still caused a 50% decrease of VLDL triglycerides and apoB production. The composition of nascent VLDL was again similar for both strains. We conclude that the effect of apoE on hepatic VLDL production is independent of the presence of the LDLr.  相似文献   

The laying hen expresses two different lipoprotein transport receptors in cell-specific fashion. On the one hand, a 95-kDa oocyte membrane protein mediates the uptake of the major yolk precursors, very low density lipoprotein, and vitellogenin; on the other hand, somatic cells synthesize a 130-kDa receptor that is involved in the regulation of cellular cholesterol homeostasis (Hayashi, K., Nimpf, J., and Schneider, W. J. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 3131-3139). Here we show that the oocyte-specific receptor binds, in addition to the yolk precursor proteins, an apolipoprotein of mammalian origin, apolipoprotein E. Ligand blotting, a solid-phase binding assay, and antireceptor antibodies were employed to demonstrate that binding of vitellogenin, very low density lipoprotein (via apolipoprotein B), and apolipoprotein E occurs to closely related, if not identical, sites on the 95-kDa oocyte receptor. The binding properties of lipovitellin, which harbors the receptor recognition site of vitellogenin, are analogous to those of apolipoprotein E: both require association with lipid for expression of functional receptor binding. The ligand specificity of the avian oocyte lipoprotein receptor supports the hypothesis that vitellogenin, which has evolved in oviparous species, represents a counterpart to mammalian apolipoprotein E.  相似文献   

Activation of very low density lipoprotein receptor (VLDLR) and apolipoprotein E receptor 2 (apoER2) results in either pro- or anti-atherogenic effects depending on the ligand. Using reelin and apoE as ligands, we studied the impact of VLDLR- and apoER2-mediated signaling on the expression of ATP binding cassette transporter A1 (ABCA1) and cholesterol efflux using RAW264.7 cells. Treatment of these mouse macrophages with reelin or human apoE3 significantly increased ABCA1 mRNA and protein levels, and apoAI-mediated cholesterol efflux. In addition, both reelin and apoE3 significantly increased phosphorylated disabled-1 (Dab1), phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), protein kinase Cζ (PKCζ), and specificity protein 1 (Sp1). This reelin- or apoER2-mediated up-regulation of ABCA1 expression was suppressed by 1) knockdown of Dab1, VLDLR, and apoER2 with small interfering RNAs (siRNAs), 2) inhibition of PI3K and PKC with kinase inhibitors, 3) overexpression of kinase-dead PKCζ, and 4) inhibition of Sp1 DNA binding with mithramycin A. Activation of the Dab1-PI3K signaling pathway has been implicated in VLDLR- and apoER2-mediated cellular functions, whereas the PI3K-PKCζ-Sp1 signaling cascade has been implicated in the regulation of ABCA1 expression induced by apoE/apoB-carrying lipoproteins. Taken together, these data support a model in which activation of VLDLR and apoER2 by reelin and apoE induces ABCA1 expression and cholesterol efflux via a Dab1-PI3K-PKCζ-Sp1 signaling cascade.  相似文献   

Mutations in apolipoprotein B (APOB) may reduce binding of low density lipoprotein (LDL) to the LDL receptor and cause hypercholesterolemia. We showed that heterozygotes for a new mutation in APOB have hypobetalipoproteinemia, despite a reduced binding of LDL to the LDL receptor. APOB R3480P heterozygotes were identified among 9,255 individuals from the general population and had reduced levels of apoB-containing lipoproteins. Most surprisingly, R3480P LDL bound with lower affinity to the LDL receptor than non-carrier LDL in vitro, and these results were confirmed by turnover studies of LDL in vivo. In very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) turnover studies, the amount of VLDL converted to LDL in R3480P heterozygotes was substantially reduced, suggesting that this was the explanation for the hypobetalipoproteinemia observed in these individuals. Our findings emphasized the importance of combining in vitro studies with both human in vivo and population-based studies, as in vitro studies often have focused on very limited aspects of complex mechanisms taken out of their natural context.  相似文献   

We have shown previously that low density lipoprotein (LDL) subjected to vortexing forms self-aggregates that are avidly phagocytosed by macrophages. That phagocytic uptake is mediated by the LDL receptor. We now show that LDL self-aggregation is strongly inhibited (80-95%) by the presence of high density lipoprotein (HDL) or apolipoprotein (apo) A-I. Another type of LDL aggregation, namely that induced by incubation of LDL with phospholipase C, was also markedly inhibited by HDL or apoA-I. The aggregation of LDL induced by vortexing was not inhibited by 2.5 M NaCl, and apoA-I was still able to block LDL aggregation at this high salt concentration, strongly suggesting hydrophobic interactions as the basis for the effect of apoA-I. The fact that apoA-I protected against LDL aggregation induced by two apparently quite different procedures suggests that the aggregation in these two cases has common features. We propose that these forms of LDL aggregation result from the exposure of hydrophobic domains normally masked in LDL and that the LDL-LDL association occurs when these domains interact. ApoA-I, because of its amphipathic character, is able to interact with the exposed hydrophobic domains of LDL and thus block the intermolecular interactions that cause aggregation.  相似文献   

Transfer of apolipoprotein (apo) molecules between lipoprotein particles is an important factor in modulating the metabolism of the particles. Although the phenomenon is well established, the kinetics and molecular mechanism of passive apo exchange/transfer have not been defined in detail. In this study, the kinetic parameters governing the movement of radiolabeled apoC molecules from human very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) to high density lipoprotein (HDL3) particles were measured using a manganese phosphate precipitation assay to rapidly separate the two types of lipoprotein particles. In the case of VLDL labeled with human [14C]apoCIII1, a large fraction of the apoCIII1 transfers to HDL3 within 1 minute of mixing the two lipoproteins at either 4 degrees or 37 degrees C. As the diameter of the VLDL donor particles is decreased from 42-59 to 23-25 nm, the size of this rapidly transferring apoCIII1 pool increases from about 50% to 85%. There is also a pool of apoCIII1 existing on the donor VLDL particles that transfers more slowly. This slow transfer follows a monoexponential rate equation; for 35-40 nm donor VLDL particles the pool size is approximately 20% and the t1/2 is approximately 3 h. The flux of apoCIII molecules between VLDL and HDL3 is bidirectional and all of the apoCIII seems to be available for exchange so that equilibrium is attained. It is likely that the two kinetic pools of apoCIII are related to conformational variations of individual apo molecules on the surface of VLDL particles. The rate of slow transfer of apoCIII1 from donor VLDL (35-40 nm) to acceptor HDL3 is unaffected by an increase in the acceptor to donor ratio, indicating that the transfer is not dependent on collisions between donor and acceptor particles. Consistent with this, apoCIII1 molecules can transfer from donor VLDL to acceptor HDL3 particles across a 50 kDa molecular mass cutoff semipermeable membrane separating the lipoprotein particles. These results indicate that apoC molecules transfer between VLDL and HDL3 particles by an aqueous diffusion mechanism.  相似文献   

Binding of low density lipoprotein (LDL) to platelets enhances platelet responsiveness to various aggregation-inducing agents. However, the identity of the platelet surface receptor for LDL is unknown. We have previously reported that binding of the LDL component apolipoprotein B100 to platelets induces rapid phosphorylation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38MAPK). Here, we show that LDL-dependent activation of this kinase is inhibited by receptor-associated protein (RAP), an inhibitor of members of the LDL receptor family. Confocal microscopy revealed a high degree of co-localization of LDL and a splice variant of the LDL receptor family member apolipoprotein E receptor-2 (apoER2') at the platelet surface, suggesting that apoER2' may contribute to LDL-induced platelet signaling. Indeed, LDL was unable to induce p38MAPK activation in platelets of apoER2-deficient mice. Furthermore, LDL bound efficiently to soluble apoER2', and the transient LDL-induced activation of p38MAPK was mimicked by an anti-apoER2 antibody. Association of LDL to platelets resulted in tyrosine phosphorylation of apoER2', a process that was inhibited in the presence of PP1, an inhibitor of Src-like tyrosine kinases. Moreover, phosphorylated but not native apoER2' co-precipitated with the Src family member Fgr. This suggests that exposure of platelets to LDL induces association of apoER2' to Fgr, a kinase that is able to activate p38MAPK. In conclusion, our data indicate that apoER2' contributes to LDL-dependent sensitization of platelets.  相似文献   

The receptor for low density lipoprotein was purified from bovine adrenal cortex in the presence of the nonionic detergent octylglucoside. Receptors were incorporated into the bilayer of egg phosphatidylcholine vesicles by a detergent-dialysis method. Reconstituted receptors were functional in that they bound low density lipoprotein as well as a monoclonal antibody directed against the receptor in a specific, saturable fashion. Binding activity of reconstituted receptors was measured by a gel chromatography assay. The orientation of the receptor molecule within the phospholipid bilayer was investigated by binding assays following proteolytic digestion. Reconstituted receptors showed an orientation that was functionally indistinguishable from that of low density lipoprotein receptors in the plasma membrane of intact human fibroblasts.  相似文献   

Factors affecting the association of apolipoprotein E (apoE) with human plasma very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) were investigated in experiments in which the lipid content of the lipoprotein was modified either by lipid transfer in the absence of lipolysis or through the action of lipoprotein lipase. In both cases, lipoprotein particles initially containing no apoE (VLDL-E), isolated by heparin affinity chromatography, were modified until they had the same lipid composition as native apoE-containing VLDL (VLDL+E) from the same plasma. Transfer-modified lipoproteins, unlike native VLDL+E, did not bind apoE or interact with heparin. In contrast, VLDL-E, whose lipid composition was modified to the same extent by lipase, bound apoE and bound to heparin under the same conditions as native VLDL+E. A structural protein (apolipoprotein B) epitope characteristic of VLDL+E was expressed during lipolysis prior to ApoE or heparin binding. The data suggest that the reaction of apoE with VLDL-E is a two-step reaction. The appearance of apoB is modified during lipolysis, with expression of a major heparin-binding site. The modified VLDL then becomes competent to bind apoE. The lipid composition of VLDL appears not to be a major factor in the ability of VLDL to bind apoE or to bind to heparin.  相似文献   

We previously identified a defect in the in vivo catabolism of low density lipoprotein (LDL) from hypercholesterolemic pigs carrying a mutant apolipoprotein B allele. In the present studies, we examined the in vitro metabolism of mutant LDL in cultured pig fibroblasts. A 3-fold higher concentration of mutant LDL (compared to control) was needed to displace 50% of control 125I-LDL binding. Mutant LDL had a 6-fold higher dissociation constant than control LDL. Scatchard plots of the binding data were concave upward, suggesting multiple classes of binding sites or negative cooperativity. The mutant LDL degradation rate was reduced by 40%; this decrease could be attributed to a dense LDL subspecies. Mutant and control buoyant LDL subspecies were degraded more slowly than the corresponding dense LDL subspecies. Together, these studies show that diminished LDL receptor binding can result from mutations in apolipoprotein B and from changes in the lipid composition of LDL particles.  相似文献   

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