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An understanding of the dynamic behavior of trace elements leaching from coal mine spoil is important in predicting the groundwater quality. The relationship between trace element concentrations and leaching times, pH values of the media is studied. Column leaching tests conducted in the laboratory showed that there was a close correlation between pH value and trace element concentrations. The longer the leaching time, the higher the trace element concentrations. Different trace elements are differently affected by pH values of leaching media. A numerical model for water flow and trace element transport has been developed based on analyzing the characteristics of migration and transformation of trace elements leached from coal mine spoil. Solutions to the coupled model are accomplished by Eulerian-Lagrangian localized adjoint method. Numerical simulation shows that rainfall intensity determined maximum leaching depth. As rainfall intensity is 3.6ml/s, the outflow concentrations indicate a breakthrough of trace elements beyond the column base, with peak concentration at 90cm depth. And the subsurface pollution range has a trend of increase with time. The model simulations are compared to experimental results of trace element concentrations, with reasonable agreement between them. The analysis and modeling of trace elements suggested that the infiltration of rainwater through the mine spoil might lead to potential groundwater pollution. It provides theoretical evidence for quantitative assessment soil-water quality of trace element transport on environment pollution.  相似文献   

Abstract. Temporal variations in the spatial distribution of fine-root mass and nutrient concentrations were studied in recently harvested and mature bamboo savanna sites in the dry tropical Vindhyan region in India. The soil block method and root-free-soil cages were used to investigate fine-root dynamics. The mean annual fine-root biomass was 596 and 690 g/m2 in harvested and mature sites, respectively. The fine-root net production calculated by different methods ranged from 486 to 749 g m-2 yr-1 in the harvested site and 485 to 875 g m-2 yr1 in the mature site. All fine-root mass fractions decreased with increase in distance from the base of bamboo clumps, and the herb root mass showed the reverse trend. Bamboo fine roots were better developed in the 10 - 20 cm soil depth and those of herbs in the upper 10 cm. The ingrowth of fine roots in root-free-soil cages showed maximum biomass accumulation during the rainy season (64.2 - 69.9 g m-2 mo-1) and minimum in the summer (4.5 - 7.5 g m-2 mo-1). The fine-root nutrient concentrations were strongly related to their diameter. The fine-root nutrient concentrations varied considerably in different seasons. The highest nutrient concentrations in all categories were recorded in summer followed by winter and rainy seasons. Nutrient concentrations in live roots were always greater than those found in dead roots in different diameter classes. We suggest the occurrence of nutrient retranslocation from senescent roots to surviving roots in bamboo savanna. Fine roots in the bamboo savanna increased as a function of N-mineralization and nitrification rates. This tendency further increased after the harvest of bamboo, suggesting the crucial role of fine roots in the bamboo savanna after the harvesting of bamboo culms.  相似文献   

Summary To ensure adequate growth of plants on the highly impoverished and erodable surface mined lands, the application of N and P fertilizers by suitable methods is essential. In the present study, five growth chamber experiments were conducted to evaluate the relative efficacy of foliar and spoil application of N and P using alfalfa (Medicago sativa L. var. Erand) and barley (Hordeum vulgare L. var. Manker) as test crops on a freshly exposed coal mine spoil collected from western North Dakota. In general, barley responded to both N and P, but alfalfa mainly to P. Growth responses of barley to foliar or spoil-applied N+P were substantial and similar in magnitude. However, the yields were much higher when the plants received 3–4 sprays of 1.5–2.2% urea, with P supplied through the spoil. Increasing the number of 2.2% urea sprays from 1 to 3 increased the growth response from 40 to 243%. In another study, increasing the concentration of foliar-applied urea from 0 through 1% resulted in further increases in the dry weights of barley at all the levels of spoil-applied (0, 25, 75, 225 g/g) N.Foliar sprays of 0.5–1.0% NaH2PO4 increased the dry weights of alfalfa and barley by an average of 366% and 86%, respectively. However, the yield response of alfalfa to spoil-applied P (100 g/g) was as high as 782% compared to only 117% for barley. Alfalfa responded significantly to increasing concentrations of H3PO4 (0–0.3%) in foliar sprays only in the absence of spoil-applied P. With increasing rates of spoil-applied P, alfalfa yields increased steadily, but additional supply of P sprays caused leaf burning which intensified as the P concentration in sprays increased.The results of chemical analyses indicated that foliar applications were more effective than soil applications in increasing the concentration of N or P in the plants. Moreover, urea sprays increased the uptake of K, Zn, and Fe in barley, whereas spraying alfalfa with P compounds caused increases in its K and Fe content and decreases in those of Zn and Na. The results of these experiments indicated that the nutritional requirements of plants grown on coal mine spoils can be met through foliar fertilization as effectively as, or better than, through conventional soil fertilization methods.Presented at the Annual Meeting, American Society of Agronomy, Chicago, Illinois, Dec. 3–8, 1978.  相似文献   

Patches (1 m diameter) were cleared in a heavily grazed and a lightly grazed savanna in South Africa; half of them were covered once with grass litter. The greatest colonisation over three years occurred on heavily grazed patches with litter, the least on open, lightly grazed patches. Annual rainfall affected colonisation rate. Basal cover was lower on patches than in the surrounding vegetation. Patch composition was weakly affected by treatment, and was partly related to the composition of adjacent vegetation, but the proportional representation of species on patches differed from the surrounding vegetation. The stoloniferous Digitaria eriantha and the obligate seed reproducers Aristida bipartita and Heteropogon contortus were major components of patch communities but were uncommon in the surrounding vegetation and in the seed bank. Setaria incrassata and Themeda triandra were the predominant components of the surrounding vegetation and of the seed bank, but Setaria established very poorly and Themeda established well only on heavily grazed patches with litter. The pattern of seedling establishment was the same as that of colonisation. Most seedlings emerged atthe beginning of the wet season, with ca. 50% mortality soon thereafter. The colonising species can be partly predicted from the availability of propagules (vegetative or seed), emergence and establishment success, and subsequent growth.  相似文献   

Abstract. We examined the response of tree seedling emergence and survival to the dieback of Sasa and canopy gap formation in an old‐growth forest near Lake Towada, northern Japan. Synchronous death of Sasa occurred in 1995. We established four types of sampling sites differing in forest canopy conditions (Closed or Gap) and Sasa status (Dead or Live). Gap‐Dead sites had the highest light levels and the greatest fluctuation in soil temperatures. The death of Sasa alone facilitated the emergence (Acer japonicum, Fagus crenata, Fraxinus lanuginosa, and Tilia japonica) and survival (Acanthopanax sciadophylloides, F. crenata, F. lanuginosa, Kalopanax pictus, and Sorbus commixta) of species with a seedling bank strategy. Cercidiphyllum japonicum grew at all sites at a higher density than other species, but survived well only in Gap‐Dead sites. This behaviour was associated with a seed rain strategy. The additive effects of Sasa death and canopy gap formation promoted seedling emergence of pioneer tree species (Betula maximowicziana, Lindera umbellata, and Magnolia obovata), probably through break of dormancy by the large temperature fluctuation. In addition, the scarcity of advance regeneration in canopy gaps due to Sasa cover facilitates the regeneration of pioneer species. The dominance and dieback cycle of Sasa contributes to species diversity in this forest.  相似文献   

The relationships of plant species associations and underlying environmental factors in a woodland savanna in South Africa were investigated. 40 plots were included with 25 tree and 17 grass species dominating the arboreal and ground cover. Correspondence Analysis described the relationships between soil moisture retention, soil nutrients and the abundance of trees and grasses. Dry matter indices represented the accumulated effects of rainfall, fire and grazing of the herbaceous layer. Variations in the abundance of plants corresponded to well-defined gradients of soil nutrients. The distribution of grass and tree species along the ordination axes indicated that soils with high water retention capacity and high nutrient contents provided a suitable substrate for many of the tree species sampled. However, grass species abundance was high in plots with porous soils and poor nutrient availability.  相似文献   

Abstract. This study attempts to show the dynamics of the canopy structure of the Mediterranean pioneer shrub Lavandula stoechas after man-made perturbation (i.e. grazing). The development of the vertical structure of the shrub was studied by harvesting the canopy of plants of 2–6 yr old in horizontal layers. The supportive biomass of the canopy was concentrated near the base at all ages. Leaf biomass was evenly distributed all over the vertical profile in 2- and 3-yr old plants. In 4-yr old plants it presented a maximum near the top of the canopy. For 5-yr old plants a structural transition started with leaf profiles showing a bimodal distribution. Leaf biomass predominated near the base in 6-yr old plants, suggesting that the transition was completed. Three canopy stages in the growth processes of the plant were recognized after the first year of growth: in the first one (from 2 to 3 yr old) both leaf and supportive biomass increased; in the second one (from 3 to 4 yr) leaf biomass remained stable and there was an increase in supportive biomass until the plants reached a ‘mature stage’, in 4-yr old plants; finally, in 5- and 6-yr old plants there was a decrease both in leaf and supportive biomass and plant structure showed evidence of senescence. Early transitions from seedling to 1-yr old plant and from this to 2- to 3-yr old plants were less obvious. The leaf/supportive biomass ratio always decreased with plant age, from 1.88 in seedlings to 0.01 in 6-yr old plants. Biomass density followed the pattern of supportive biomass, with an increase from 1.7 g/dm3 (2-yr old plants) to 2.4 g/dm3 (4-yr old plants). Thereafter, biomass density decreased to 0.6 g/dm3 (6-yr old plants).  相似文献   

A two-phase grassland mosaic was described using species association measures and pattern analysis techniques on local frequency data from six transects of contiguous quadrats. One phase consisted of almost mono-specific patches of Setaria incrassata, which was negatively or not associated with ten common species. The other phase was dominated by Themeda triandra which was positively associated with several species. PQV analyses revealed similar, significant, anisotropic scales of contagion of Setaria and Themeda, with phases alternating over 9 m up-slope and 4 m along the contour. Setaria was associated with a tree canopy and deeper soils of higher organic carbon content than Themeda, which was negatively associated with tree canopies. Excavation of Setaria rhizomes indicated mean densities of 20.5 putative genets/m2 and 3.6 ramets per genet. Dense clonal growth, seedling recruitment and a competitive exclusion mechanism may contribute to patch maintenance.  相似文献   

Question: Is light available for subcanopy individuals of Fagus crenata spatiotemporally heterogeneous across patches with closed canopies of different foliage phenologies and gaps? Is local abundance of Sasa influenced by the composition of the canopy layer? If so, does the Sasa layer also affect the amount of light available to small F. crenata saplings? Is variation in F. crenata population structure consistent with the hypothesis that light is important? Location: Mt. Kurikoma, Japan 780 m a.s.l. Methods: Population structure of subcanopy individuals of Fagus crenata and importance of Sasa were examined in five patch types. The patch‐types were Fc (F. crenata only in the crown), Qm (Quercus mongolica var. grosseserrata only in the crown), Mo (Magnolia obovata only in the crown), Fc’ (periphery of F. crenata) and Gap. Seasonal changes in light availability above and below the Sasa layer was examined by using hemispherical photographs and quantum sensors. Results: Subcanopy individuals of F. crenata began unfolding their leaves approximately one month earlier than canopy trees of Q. mongolica var. grosseserrata and M. obovata, but a few days later than those of adult F. crenata. Accumulated photosynthetic photon flux density above the Sasa layer was greatest in Qm and Mo, and lowest in Fc. Importance of Sasa was highest in Gap. Maximum height and the number of subcanopy individuals of F. crenata were greatest in Qm, followed by Mo, and lowest in Fc. Conclusions: Differences in canopy layer composition probably influence the regeneration of F. crenata both directly through their foliage phenologies, and also indirectly by determining the importance of Sasa.  相似文献   

Abstract. In contrast to populations of most dioecious Silene species (which usually are female-biased), populations of Silene otites have been frequently reported to be male-biased. We describe sex ratio variation in 34 natural S. otites populations in Central Germany in relation to vegetation cover, population size and fungal infection. The overall sex ratio was unbiased in 1994 and only slightly male-biased in 1995. Sex ratio varied among the populations from 26.6 % to 72.6 % females. The sex ratio of small populations varied strongly due to stochastic processes. Furthermore, we found that populations in habitats with high vegetation cover contained a higher percentage of females. Hermaphroditic plants, theoretically, could increase male bias as they only produce male or hermaphroditic offspring. Their frequency in the populations, however, was far too low to affect sex ratio. In 1994 12.1 % and in 1995 17.0 % of the plants were infected by the smut fungus Ustilago major. Disease incidence in the population was not related to sex ratio, suggesting equal susceptibility of males and females. The sex ratio of partially infected plants did not deviate from the population sex ratio, both under field conditions and in a greenhouse laboratory experiment. The results suggest that the frequently reported male bias in Silene otites populations is not a general pattern, but is mainly caused by environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Questions: Is species diversity affected in protected areas where human activities are permitted or tolerated? On plots of a fixed size, does stem density alone predict number of species? Are differences in density related to disturbance and altitude? Location: Achanakmar‐Amarkantak Biosphere Reserve, central India. Methods: 42 sites, each with three replicate 10‐m radius plots, were examined. All trees (≥ 30 cm GBH) in each plot were measured for girth at breast height. α‐diversity, species richness and evenness were calculated for each site. The sites were ordinated by Nonmetric Multidimensional Scaling (NMS) using relative importance values of component species. Correspondence Analysis was used to broadly delineate communities. Anthropogenic disturbances were recorded in terms of percentage of trees lopped, scale of lopping, number of domestic livestock dung piles and foot trails (both livestock and people) for each plot. Results: The NMS analysis exhibited a near linear arrangement of sites with no evidence of discrete vegetation zones. NMS axes were significantly related to altitude and disturbance scores. With increasing elevation, basal area increased but number of species, α‐diversity and its components declined monotonically. The number of species and indices of species diversity were positively associated with tree lopping and also with total disturbance. Number of species was controlled by stem density only in plots not dominated by Shorea robusta. Conclusions: Recent levels of human disturbance are associated with higher species diversity in this biosphere reserve. There is some evidence that stands at all altitudes follow the same successional pattern to dominance by Shorea, a successional pattern that also results in decreased diversity without disturbance.  相似文献   

Abstract. We focused on community boundaries in a sub‐alpine forest landscape in the Shiretoko Peninsula, northern Japan. Gradient‐directed transects were conducted on the northwestern slope (ranging 500–600 m a.s.l.) of Mount On'nebetsu (1331 m), where complex topography was formed by past landslides. Pioneer Picea glehnii made up a mosaic of pure stands related to landslides. Structural and compositional changes from P. glehnii pure stands to P. glehnii and Abies sachalinensis mixed stands were characterized by ca. 20 m transitional zones over the landscape. Stand density of the species changed across boundaries. A. sachalinensis preferred less undulated slopes with deep soil and P. glehnii preferred undulated rocky sites. Positive spatial associations between overstorey‐understorey P. glehnii were found at undulated core parts of P. glehnii pure stands. Short‐lived A. sachalinensis grew faster to the smaller maximum size than long‐lived P. glehnii. Undulated topography controlled the increase of A. sachalinensis and provided regeneration sites for P. glehnii, which prevented the general trend of canopy replacement from P. glehnii to late‐successional A. sachalinensis. However, the locations of current boundaries were not accordant with the topographic changes in the meso‐scale landscape. Initial P. glehnii pure stands would extend to larger areas if current patterns reflect vegetation recovery since the last landslide. P. glehnii pure stands with accurate boundaries were not maintained by topographic complexity, but were dynamically arranged by the one‐sided canopy replacements from P. glehnii to A. sachalinensis at less undulated slopes in the sub‐alpine forest landscape.  相似文献   

Abstract. Microhabitats for seedling establishment and gap regeneration in subalpine forests of northern Japan were studied for two conifers, Abies sachalinensis and Picea glehnii. The abundance of understorey dwarf bamboo (Sasa spp.) was different for the four plots examined. Two types of micro-habitats were recognized for the two conifers: ground and elevated woody substrates (fallen logs and buttresses). Picea regenerated mostly on elevated sites, while Abies regenerated on both ground and elevated sites. The densities of Picea were independent of those of Sasa, but Abies densities decreased with increasing abundance of Sasa because Sasa reduced regeneration on the ground. Density of Abies on elevated sites was higher than that of Picea, irrespective of Sasa and of the density of adult trees. There was no significant difference in growth in sapling trunk height between the two conifers, but Picea grew more slowly under the canopy than Abies and was aggregated into gaps. Thus, in forests with less Sasa, the recruitment capacity of Abies was greater than that of Picea. The long life span of Picea compensated for its low density on elevated sites. Examination of a dynamic system model showed that Picea was excluded by Abies in forests without Sasa because regeneration on the ground is more advantageous than on elevated sites, but the two conifers could coexist in forests with Sasa because of the increased relative success of regeneration on elevated sites by Picea saplings.  相似文献   

Hartmann  R.  Schneider  B. U.  Gast  C.  Keplin  B.  Hüttl  R. F. 《Plant and Soil》1999,213(1-2):99-115
The effects of a slow-release N-enriched rock powder on soil chemistry, on the development of the soil vegetation (field layer vegetation), on the nutritional status of pine seedlings (Pinus sylvestris L.), and on decomposition rates of cellulose in lignite-poor mine spoils were studied. In the initial phase after afforestation fertilization caused a significant increase in NO3 -N concentrations in the soil solution of the top-soil (0–60 cm). Subsequently, NO3 -N concentrations of all N fertilized treatments decreased with the exception of the highest N application area (500 kg N ha−1). This decrease of NO3 -N concentrations was related to the establishment of a field layer vegetation, which developed according to the amount of N applied. In the above-ground phytomass of the field layer vegetation a maximum N accumulation amount of 22 kg ha−1 was measured. Cellulose decomposition increased with higher N application rates. In the second year after N-fertilization, the pine needles indicated insufficient supply for almost all nutrients except for N. The deficiency symptoms were most pronounced at the plots that had received the highest amounts of nitrogen. This phenomenon appears to be related to the competition by the field layer vegetation. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Abstract. Vegetation zonation in salt marshes has traditionally been attributed largely to altitudinal differences, since altitude determines the temporal pattern of tidal flooding and is thus closely related to proximate determinants of the distribution of species and plant communities. We investigated the distribution of vascular plants and plant communities along a series of altitudinal transects in two salt marshes in the northwestern Iberian Peninsula. Our results indicate that altitudinal range varies significantly both among species and among communities, and confirm that salt-marsh vegetation characteristics (species cover and composition) can be predicted on the basis of altitude, particularly at the lower levels of the profile.  相似文献   

Abstract. Size-structure dynamics and co-existence of the conifers Abies sachalinensis and Picea glehnii in subalpine forests in Japan, in relation to the understorey dwarf bamboo Sasa, were examined using a simulation model. This model explicitly incorporated recruitment rate, size growth rate and mortality. Recruitment and growth rates were assumed to be suppressed by the cumulative basal area of taller trees and the density of Sasa. As for the one-sided crowding effect, two types of model were examined. The total basal area of the two species suppresses the growth and recruitment rates in an additive model, while the basal area of each species has a separate effect included in a specific model. Two types of recruitment process were examined, i.e. open and closed systems; recruitment rates of open and closed systems are independent of, and proportional to, the basal area of the same species within the plot, respectively. Parameters were estimated from data of plot censuses for four years. The parameters of the specific model showed that recruitment and size growth rates were more suppressed by the same species than the other species. Recruitment of A. sachalinensis was more sensitive to suppression by Sasa compared with P. glehnii. The stationary size structure of the two species, generated from both the models with the open system, fitted well to the observed size structures across various Sasa densities. A. sachalinensis and P. glehnii dominated at lower and higher densities of Sasa, respectively. However, the closed-system simulation showed that the stable co-existence of the two species with a good fit to the observed size structure occurred only in the specific model. These results suggest that within-species interference, which is more severe than between-species interference, is important for the co-existence of the two species and that the relative dominance of the two species readily explained the differential responses to Sasa abundance.  相似文献   

Abstract. A numerical syntaxonomic study of rupicolous vegetation of the Asplenietalia petrarchae in the Iberian Peninsula is described. The study is based on 37 local tables (OSUs) of different rupicolous communities from limestone cliffs found in the eastern half of the Iberian Peninsula. Three classification approaches were followed: (1) ‘hard partition’ techniques, (2) ‘fuzzy partition’ and (3) ordination partition. In order to find a direct solution, we tried an evaluation system based on the inertia associated with a CCA, Canonical Correspondence Analysis, and its relationships with the inertia of a similar CA, Correspondence Analysis. The most effective solutions were found through spatial partitions, and the best partition was obtained with CA considering five segments per axis. Among the fuzzy partitions the best solution was obtained with two clusters and a fuzziness value of 1.20. The best hierarchical partition was Complete Linkage with Chord Distance as a resemblance function. With the GRID procedure applied to the CA diagram, three different groups were distinguished. The first group is related to the Saxifragion boisseriano-reuterani, including five OSUs from Baetic ranges; the second group is very close to the Cosentinio-Lafuenteion rotundifoliae and includes 11 OSUs from thermo-mediterranean areas; the third group, including 21 OSUs basically related to meso-mediterranean areas, is strongly related to the Teucrion buxifolii.  相似文献   

Abstract. The effects of selective logging on tree diversity, changes in tree species composition and plant functional types were studied with the use of seven permanent plots in virgin and in logged forest. All plots were located in a lowland dipterocarp rain forest in East Kalimantan on the island of Borneo. Just after logging and during the following 20 yr tree diversity measured as Fishers’α was not significantly affected in logged forest plots. Temporal shifts in tree species composition were analysed with Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Logged forest plots had much larger changes over time than virgin forest plots. In the smallest diameter class, some logged forest plots showed a distinct trajectory in PCA space compared to virgin forest plots, while in larger diameter classes movement of logged plots in PCA space was random. This suggests that there is no predetermined community to which logged forest plots tend to shift when recovering from logging. We found a significant negative correlation between diameter increments and the species‐specific wood densities of tree species. Species‐specific wood density and potential tree height were used to assign species to five PFTs. As expected, logging increased the fraction of softwood stems in small diameter classes. In the largest diameter classes (≥ 50 cm DBH) a strong decrease of softwood emergent stems was found in logged forest plots. After more than 20 yr no recruitment was found of softwood emergent stems in selectively logged forest.  相似文献   

Abstract. The germinable soil seed bank is described from a coastal barrier island off the northwest coast of Florida, USA. Soil samples collected from seven vegetation types, recently deposited dredge spoil and unvegetated areas in autumn 1990 and spring 1991 were placed out in greenhouse trays. 110 taxa germinated from the samples with the largest number (41) being C3 perennial dicots. The largest number of taxa germinated from dry (57) and wet (54) swales, the fewest (one species: Heterotheca subaxillaris) from strand. Similarity of seed bank densities to above-ground species cover was low (Jaccard's Index = 0.36), not different between vegetation types, but higher in the autumn than in the following spring. Compositional gradients in the seed bank and above-ground vegetation determined using DCA ordination were highly correlated and related to distance from mean high water, and plot elevation. At the landscape scale, the seed bank provided an equally clear delineation of vegetation types to that based upon the above-ground vegetation. The seed bank of low disturbance, late-succession vegetation types (wooded dunes, swales, marshes) was well developed (high species richness, emergent density, and percentage annual species) with the exception that the large-seeded woody species (i.e. Quercus spp.) were absent from the wooded dune seed bank. By contrast, a poorly developed and transient seed bank occurred in more frequently disturbed (extensive sand movement, salt spray), early successional dredge spoil, unvegetated areas and strand. These contrasts support a general pattern of increasing seed bank development and a persistent rather than transient seed bank with decreasing disturbance frequency, increasing time since disturbance and successional maturity.  相似文献   

Question: Are growth form and dispersal-mode replacement during vegetation succession in semi-arid Mediterranean conditions affected by the starting quality of the substrate and by site aspect? Location: Central-western Spain. Methods: We monitored successions on three waste materials left after uranium mining: unbroken waste, broken waste and wastes amended with a sandy material (Arkoses); both north and south aspects were also studied on each substrate. Results: The substrate starting quality had the greatest influence on spontaneous succession, separating the poorer quality substrates (broken and unbroken wastes) from the better ones (Arkoses) and two reference communities (Topsoil and Dehesa). The importance of aspect was confirmed then within each substrate type. Most species with a short life span (mostly annuals and a few biennials), together with some woody species on Arkoses, showed no response to age (years following the deposition of new soil). Others short-lived species declined over time on the poorer wastes but not on the better Arkoses. There was a tendency for life form replacement (from thero-phytes to hemicryptophytes) during succession only on the poorer-quality substrates. No dispersal-mode replacement sequence was found. Conclusion: Improving the abiotic conditions of the substrate had a great effect on vegetation succession, but this effect was modified by aspect. Aspect took longer to induce differences in floristic composition on the poorer substrates, where succession was slower. Some trends in species responses to successional change were found by considering species traits, particularly life-form.  相似文献   

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