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To understand vegetation development during the ecological succession of rehabilitated quarries, floristic composition and structure were evaluated at different restoration phases on three quarries in Hong Kong that were planted with exotic woody species over the course of 2–14 years. A total of 113 species, of which 82 were woody species, were recorded. Exotic species dominated the overstory, and species number, richness, and diversity increased with age. Some light‐demanding early successional species were becoming dominant in the overstory vegetation at the older phases of revegetation. These species could be potential candidates for early enrichment planting with Acacia spp. Common secondary forest species occurred naturally in the understory vegetation, and were more abundant and dominant after 10 years of ecological development. The most successful restorations were on scree slopes using leguminous Acacia spp. as nurse species.  相似文献   

Abstract. Pollen, plant macrofossils and charcoal from a small forest hollow were analyzed to determine the formation and dynamics of a Pinus strobus-dominated forest stand on outwash soil in northern New York. P. strobus, Betula papyrifera and Abies balsamea colonized the upland surrounding the hollow following a major disturbance that occurred ca. 360 yr ago. Pre-disturbance vegetation consisted of shade-tolerant Tsuga canadensis, Fagus grandifolia and Picea ruhens. The size-class distribution of modern vegetation suggests continuing recruitment of A. balsamea and Acer rubrum at the site. The status of P. strobus and B. papyrifera in the stand is uncertain, but there is no evidence for recolonization of T. canadensis, F. grandifolia or P. rubens. Frequent windthrow has probably played a role in stand dynamics since ca. 310 yr BP due to the high wind-susceptibility of overstory and understory tree taxa in the modern forest patch. Vegetation change that occurred following fire(s) ca. 310 yr BP was recorded by plant macrofossils but not by pollen, indicating that the pollen assemblage was insensitive to vegetation change within at least 30 m (and potentially 60 m) of the hollow. The apparent insensitivity of this small-hollow pollen assemblage to local vegetation change may be related to the relatively large size of the hollow (75 m2) and/or to its close proximity to a 0.24 ha kettle pond.  相似文献   

Elevated atmospheric CO2 and O3 have the potential to affect the primary productivity of the forest overstory, but little attention has been given to potential responses of understory vegetation. Our objective was to document the effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 and O3 on understory species composition and biomass and to quantify nitrogen (N) acquisition by the understory vegetation. The research took place at the aspen free-air CO2 and O3 enrichment (FACE) experiment, which has four treatments (control, elevated CO2, elevated O3, and elevated CO2+O3) and three tree communities: aspen, aspen/birch, and aspen/maple. In June 2003, each FACE ring was uniformly labeled with 15N applied as NH4Cl. Understory biomass was harvested in June of 2004 for productivity, N, and 15N measurements, and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) was measured below the canopy. The understory was divided into five species groups, which dominate in this young aggrading forest: Taraxacum officinale (dandelion), Solidago sp. (goldenrod), Trifolium repens and T. pretense (clover), various species from the Poaceae family (grass), and composited minor components (CMC). Understory species composition, total and individual species biomass, N content, and 15N recovery showed overstory community effects, but the direct effects of treatments was masked by the high variability of these data. Total understory biomass increased with increasing light, and thus was greatest under the open canopy of the aspen/maple community, as well as the more open canopy of the elevated O3 treatments. Species were different from one another in terms of 15N recovery, with virtually no 15N recovered in clover and the greatest amount recovered in dandelion. Thus, understory species composition and biomass appear to be driven by the structure of the overstory community, which is determined by the tree species present and their response to the treatments. However, N acquisition by the understory does not appear to be affected by either the overstory community or the treatments at this point.  相似文献   

Invasive species interacting with fires pose a relatively unknown, but potentially serious, threat to the tropical forests of Hawaii. Fires may create conditions that facilitate species invasions, but the degree to which this occurs in different tropical plant communities has not been quantified. We documented the survival and establishment of plant species for 2 yr following 2003 wildfires in tropical moist and wet forest life zones in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii. Fires were ignited by lava flows and burned across a steep environmental gradient encompassing two previously burned shrub-dominated communities and three Metrosideros polymorpha forest communities. Fires in all community types were stand replacing, where >95 percent of overstory trees were top killed. Over half (>57%) of the trees survived via basal sprouting, but sprout growth differed among forest communities. Sprout growth (>250,000 cm3) was greatest in the forest community where postfire understory cover was lowest presumably due to thick native Dicranopteris linearis fern litter that remained postfire. In contrast, M. polymorpha sprout growth was much slower (<100,000 cm3) in the two forest communities where there was rapid understory recovery of nonnative ferns Nephrolepis multiflora and invasive grasses Paspalum conjugatum. These results suggest that the rapid establishment of an invasive-dominated understory limited recovery of the overstory dominant M. polymorpha. In contrast to the three forest communities, there were few changes in vegetation composition in the shrubland communities. Nonnative species invasions coupled with repeated fires selectively eliminated fire-sensitive species thereby maintaining these communities in dominance of primarily nonnative, fire-resilient, species.  相似文献   

Isolated forested mountains in deserts have numerous ecological and societal values, but land-management practices (e.g., fire-regime alteration) and climate change can affect forest composition. We analyzed tree overstory-understory relationships on 123 sites in the Spring Mountains within the Mojave Desert near Las Vegas, Nevada, USA to assess three hypotheses. We hypothesized that: the tree species comprising understories are less tolerant of fire than species in overstories, reflecting land-management practices of fire exclusion; mid-elevation forests have the lowest overstory:understory similarity because this zone could have maximum species mixing; and overstory:understory similarity is correlated with environmental gradients (consisting of 14 topographic and soil variables). We found that Pinus monophylla comprised greater relative canopy cover in understories of juniper (32% relative cover) and pinyon-juniper (78%) forests than it did in overstories of these forests (0% and 53%). Similarly, fire-intolerant Abies concolor had 6-fold greater understory than overstory cover in forests with overstories dominated by the fire-tolerant Pinus ponderosa. Overstory:understory S?rensen similarity averaged 43%?77% among six forest types, and there was little support for the supposition that similarity was lowest in mid-elevation forests. Distributions of individual overstory and understory species more closely corresponded with environmental gradients than did overstory:understory similarity. Results suggest that there is high potential for change in at least two of the six dominant forest types of the Spring Mountains. The direction of change (species of moist, higher elevation sites establishing in understories of drier forests) is the opposite of what would be expected for forest adaptation to the warmer, drier, more fire-prone conditions projected for the next century in the southwestern USA.  相似文献   

Question: Can augmented forest stand complexity increase understory vegetation richness and cover and accelerate the development of late‐successional features? Does within‐stand understory vegetation variability increase after imposing treatments that increase stand structural complexity of the overstory? What is the relative contribution of individual stand structural components (i.e. forest matrix, gaps, and leave island reserves) to changes in understory vegetation richness? Location: Seven study sites in the Coastal Range and Cascades regions of Oregon, USA. Methods: We examined the effects of thinning six years after harvest on understory plant vascular richness and cover in 40‐ to 60‐year‐old forest stands dominated by Douglas‐fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii). At each site, one unthinned control was preserved and three thinning treatments were implemented: low complexity (LC, 300 trees ha?1), moderate complexity (MC, 200 trees ha?1), and high complexity (HC, variable densities from 100 to 300 trees ha?1). Gaps openings and leave island reserves were established in MC and HC. Results: Richness of all herbs, forest herbs, early seral herbs and shrubs, and introduced species increased in all thinning treatments, although early seral herbs and introduced species remained a small component. Only cover of early seral herbs and shrubs increased in all thinning treatments whereas forest shrub cover increased in MC and HC. In the understory, we found 284 vascular plant species. After accounting for site‐level differences, the richness of understory communities in thinned stands differed from those in control stands. Within‐treatment variability of herb and shrub richness was reduced by thinning. Matrix areas and gap openings in thinned treatments appeared to contribute to the recruitment of early seral herbs and shrubs. Conclusions: Understory vegetation richness increased 6 years after imposing treatments, with increasing stand complexity mainly because of the recruitment of early seral and forest herbs, and both low and tall shrubs. Changes in stand density did not likely lead to competitive species exclusion. The abundance of potentially invasive introduced species was much lower compared to other plant groups. Post‐thinning reductions in within‐treatment variability was caused by greater abundance of early seral herbs and shrubs in thinned stands compared with the control. Gaps and low‐density forest matrix areas created as part of spatially variably thinning had greater overall species richness. Increased overstory variability encouraged development of multiple layers of understory vegetation.  相似文献   

Responses of forest ecosystems to increased atmospheric CO2 concentration have been studied in few free‐air CO2 enrichment (FACE) experiments during last two decades. Most studies focused principally on the overstory trees with little attention given to understory vegetation. Despite its small contribution to total productivity of an ecosystem, understory vegetation plays an important role in predicting successional dynamics and future plant community composition. Thus, the response of understory vegetation in Pinus taeda plantation at the Duke Forest FACE site after 15–17 years of exposure to elevated CO2, 6–13 of which with nitrogen (N) amendment, was examined. Aboveground biomass and density of the understory decreased across all treatments with increasing overstory leaf area index (LAI). However, the CO2 and N treatments had no effect on aboveground biomass, tree density, community composition, and the fraction of shade‐tolerant species. The increases of overstory LAI (~28%) under elevated CO2 resulted in a reduction of light available to the understory (~18%) sufficient to nullify the expected growth‐enhancing effect of elevated CO2 on understory vegetation.  相似文献   

Abstract. Patterns of understory colonization by native and naturalized trees and shrubs were evaluated in 4.5-year-old plantations of three exotic tree species, Casuarina equisetifolia, Eucalyptus robusta, and Leucaena leucocephala, on a degraded coastal grassland site with reference to overstory composition and understory environmental conditions. 19 secondary forest species were established in the plantation understories (with a total area of 0.52 ha), while no natural regeneration occurred in unplanted, though protected, control areas. The majority of these species (90 %) and the total seedling population (97 %) were zoochorous, indicating the importance of frugivorous bats and particularly birds as facilitators of secondary forest species colonization. Understory species richness and seedling densities were affected significantly by overstory composition, the most abundant regeneration occurring beneath Leucaena and least under Casuarina. Understory colonization rates within mixed-species stands were intermediate between those of single-species stands of the trees comprising their overstories. Significant negative correlations were found between understory species richness and seedling density, and forest floor depth and dry mass, especially for small-seeded ornithochorous species. Higher colonization rates near the peripheries of plantation plots relative to plot interiors were due in part to roosting site preferences by frugivores, particularly bats. The study results indicate that overstory species selection can exert a significant influence on subsequent patterns of colonization by secondary forest species and is an important consideration in the design of plantations for ‘catalyzing’ succession on deforested, degraded sites.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of tree canopy, understory, herbivores, and litter depth on seedling establishment, survival, and reproduction of the alien grass, Bromus tectorum (cheatgrass), was examined in a series of experiments in four forest habitat types in western North America. Higher recruitment, survival, and reproduction on clearcuts, which would be expected if the overstory alone is limiting the distribution of cheatgrass in forests, were not observed. Removing the understory in an otherwise undisturbed Pinus ponderosa forest did, however, increase the emergence of B. tectorum, but plants in these experimentally-created openings were more vulnerable to grazing by small mammals. In contrast, removing the sparse understory in an Abies forest neither enhanced recruitment nor increased the incidence of grazing of B. tectorum seedlings. Regardless of the forest habitat, most grazed plants died before maturity; even fewer grazed plants produced seeds. Litter depth influenced both recruitment and biomass production: both the rate of germination and the size of resultant seedlings were lower on thick litter (6 cm) compared to results on thin litter (1.5 cm). In the more open Pinus ponderosa and Pseudotsuga menziesii forests, cheatgrass colonization may often occur in openings in the understory alone. Colonization in the more shady A. grandis and Thuja plicata forests is unlikely, however, unless the opening extends through both the understory and the overstory. As a result, cheatgrass is unlikely to increase in any of these forests unless the scale and incidence of disturbance increases substantially.  相似文献   

非结构性碳水化合物(Non-structural Carbohydrates, NSCs)是植物生长代谢过程中重要的能量来源。通过在华南热带次生林进行氮磷添加试验,探究不同林层植物叶片NSCs的季节变化及其对氮磷添加的响应,取样时间为2019年1月、4月、7月和10月。结果表明:1)植物叶片NSCs存在显著的种间差异,磷(P)添加对叶片淀粉和NSCs含量具有显著影响,且物种与磷添加的交互作用显著影响叶片淀粉含量。2)黑嘴蒲桃和紫玉盘叶片NSCs含量对氮(N)添加的响应较为敏感,而白车和竹节叶片NSCs含量对P添加的响应较为敏感,氮磷同时添加(+NP)对植物叶片NSCs的增效作用最好。3)植物叶片NSCs存在显著的季节性变化,且季节与林层间的交互作用对叶片可溶性糖和NSCs含量具有显著影响。4)不同林层植物对氮磷添加的响应不同,氮磷添加使林下层植物叶片可溶性糖含量增高,林冠层降低,在干季,N添加会使林下层植物叶片淀粉含量增高,林冠层降低。P添加的影响恰好与之相反。在湿季,氮磷添加使林下层和林冠层植物叶片的淀粉含量增加。5)林冠层植物叶片NSCs含量高于林下层,且林下层植物叶片NSCs含量...  相似文献   

To the discussion on secondary succession in tropical forests, we bring data on three under‐addressed issues: understory as well as overstory changes, continuous as opposed to phase changes, and integration of forest succession with indigenous fallow management and plant uses. Changes in vegetation structure and species composition were analyzed in secondary forests following swidden agriculture in a semideciduous forest of Bolivian lowlands. Twenty‐eight fallows, stratified by four successional stages (early = 1–5 yr, intermediate = 6–10 yr, advanced = 12–20 yr, and older = 22–36 yr), and ten stands of mature forests were sampled. The overstory (plants ≥5 cm diameter at breast height [DBH]) was sampled using a 20 × 50 m plot and the understory (plants <5 cm DBH) in three nested 2 × 5 m subplots. Semistructured interviews provided information on fallow management. Canopy height, basal area, and liana density of the overstory increased with secondary forest age. The early stage had the lowest species density and diversity in the overstory, but the highest diversity in the understory. Species composition and abundance differentiated mature forests and early successional stage from other successional stages; however, species showed individualistic responses across the temporal gradient. A total of 123 of 280 species were useful with edible, medicinal, and construction plants being the most abundant for both over‐ and understories. Most of Los Gwarayo preferred mature forests for making new swidden, while fallows were valuable for crops, useful species, and regenerating timber species.  相似文献   

Plantations cover large areas in many countries, and the enhancement of plantation biodiversity is an increasingly important ecological concern. Many studies have demonstrated that overstory composition is important because it influences understory regeneration. To compare the understory vegetation and analyze its determinant factors, six typical plantations in South China were investigated: Acacia mangium plantation, Schima superba plantation, Eucalyptus citriodora plantation, E. exserta plantation, mixed‐coniferous plantation, and mixed native species plantation. The results show that native species plantations shaded out more grasses and herbs than exotic species plantations, mixed‐species plantations recruited more understory species than monoculture plantations, the leguminous species plantation had higher soil nitrogen than nonleguminous species plantations, and understory vegetation in the mixed‐coniferous plantation was similar to that of mixed, native broadleaf species plantation. Although light is the crucial environmental factor affecting the understory community and diversity among the 14 measured factors, other environmental variables such as soil nutrients and soil moisture are also important.  相似文献   

Many studies have examined short-term changes in understory vegetation following prescribed burning. However, knowledge concerning longer term effects on both forest understory and overstory vegetation is lacking. This investigation was initiated to examine changes in understory (herbaceous and shrub) and overstory species composition almost four decades after logging and prescribed burning at the Pike Bay Experimental Forest in Minnesota. The experiment was established in 1964 with a randomized block design with four treatments: control (c); burned in spring 1967 (S0); burned in spring 1967 + repeat burn spring 1969 (S2); and burned in spring 1967 + repeat burn fall 1970 (F4). Overstory and understory species diversity indices and richness varied within and among treatments but were not strongly or consistently affected by the treatments. Multivariate analyses (multi-response block permutation procedures and non-metric multidimensional scaling) reveal some lingering effects of burning intensity and seasonal variation as well as some compositional differentiation among treatments, but only in the herb layer. In this environment, the effects of two repeated burnings (fire) have essentially disappeared for overstory and understory species diversity and community composition and have failed to convert an aspen-dominated stand to a coniferous stand (an original goal of the study).  相似文献   

The woody vegetation and associated soil-site variables from a range of upland to swamp sites were measured using 480 0.04 ha plots from Little Black Slough, Goose Pond and Horseshoe Lake in Illinois, and Mingo Wildlife Refuge, Missouri. Multiple regression, correlation, and factor analysis were used to relate soil-site data to vegetation structure and composition. Coenoclines of both the understory and overstory were constructed to represent the upland-swamp vegetation gradient of the region near the northern terminus of the southern floodplain forest. Percent sand, depth of flooding, and silt content were variables most strongly related to the understory coenocline. Depth of flooding, and clay content were most strongly related to the overstory coenocline. Beta diversities of the understory and overstory coenoclines were 5.8 and 6.9HC. Understory density and overstory basal area increased and species richness and heterogeneity decreased along the upland-swamp gradient.Classification techniques identified three or four major overstory vegetation types within each study area. The 15 overstory types were ordinated and environmental characteristics summarized for each. Mingo Wildlife Refuge had the least flooding and lowest soil clay content. Classification of all 480 plots from the four study areas identified three major understory groups (mesic, floodplain and swamp) and eight overstory groups. These eight include aQuercus velutina-Q. alba, Quercus rubra-Q. alba, Liquidambar styraciflua-Ulmus americana, Quercus phellos-Q. palustris, Quercus lyrata-Acer rubrum, Acer rubrum-Nyssa aquatica, Nyssa aquatica-Taxodium distichum and aTaxodium distichum-Nyssa aquatica type arranged from upland to swamp.Botanical nomenclature follows Mohlenbrock (1975).Horseshoe Lake and Little Black Slough studies were supported, in part, by McIntire-Stennis Grants to PAR through the Department of Forestry, Southern Illinois University. The Department of Botany, Southern Illinois University provided support for the studies in Goose Pond, Illinois and Mingo Wildlife Refuge, Missouri. We thank Chris Baker and especially Claudia Mitchell for aid in data acquisition and analysis.  相似文献   

Many studies have indicated relationships between individual species, but none have related combinations of overstory variables to understory herbaceous vegetation in a Ponderosa pine/Gambel oak ecosystem. Our objective was to determine not only the general relationships between the two sets of variables, but also identify the hyghest contributing variables. We used canonical correlation analysis to relate overstory variables (canopy cover, basal cover and density) to herbaceous vegetation cover variables. Canopy, basal, and ground cover were measured by the line intercept method using a 12.2 m tape as a sample unit. Tree density was measured by the Point-Center-Quarter method. The analysis was made with selected overstory variables and 5 understory herbaceous cover variables. This analysis revealed a significant canonical correlation between the two canonical variables (r=0.69). The analysis showed that among herbaceous cover variables, Oregon grape, Kentucky bluegrass, sedge, and foxtail barley; and among overstory variables, the density and the basal cover of Ponderosa pine indicated the highest positive contribution to the correlation of the two linear combinations while the density and canopy of Gambel oak negatively affected the canonical correlation.  相似文献   

Improved sampling designs are needed to detect, monitor, and predict plant migrations and plant diversity changes caused by climate change and other human activities. We propose a methodology based on multi-scale vegetation plots established across forest ecotones which provide baseline data on patterns of plant diversity, invasions of exotic plant species, and plant migrations at landscape scales in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, USA. We established forty two 1000-m2 plots in relatively homogeneous forest types and the ecotones between them on 14 vegetation transects. We found that 64% of the variance in understory species distributions at landscape scales were described generally by gradients of elevation and under-canopy solar radiation. Superimposed on broad-scale climatic gradients are small-scale gradients characterized by patches of light, pockets of fertile soil, and zones of high soil moisture. Eighteen of the 42 plots contained at least one exotic species; monitoring exotic plant invasions provides a means to assess changes in native plant diversity and plant migrations. Plant species showed weak affinities to overstory vegetation types, with 43% of the plant species found in three or more vegetation types. Replicate transects along several environmental gradients may provide the means to monitor plant diversity and species migrations at landscape scales because: (1) ecotones may play crucial roles in expanding the geophysiological ranges of many plant species; (2) low affinities of understory species to overstory forest types may predispose vegetation types to be resilient to rapid environmental change; and (3) ecotones may help buffer plant species from extirpation and extinction.  相似文献   

Forest floor of larch species often provides growth habitat for many kinds of understory species because of relatively sparse structure in a larch canopy. A rich flora of forest understory species may play an essential role in maintaining fertility of a larch stand. An attempt was made to evaluate photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency (PNUE) of many understory and overstory species according to their Raunkiaer lifeform. By studying 72 perennial deciduous species in a larch plantation in northeast China, marked photosynthetic differences between phanerophytes (Ph) and other three lifeforms of chamaephytes (Ch), hemicryptophytes (He), and cryptophytes (Cr) were found, with marginal differences found among Ch, He, and Cr. Ph species had much lower PNUE, and much lower values of rate of nitrogen allocation to chlorophyll (Chl./N) and nitrogen allocation to carboxylation processes (V cmax/N) were concurrently observed in Ph compared with the other three lifeforms. Ph had much lower leaf nitrogen per unit of projection area (N area) and specific leaf area (SLA, cm2 g–1). At lower SLA, for Ph species the change of PNUE with SLA was small, but these changes became very large at higher SLA for Ch, He, and Cr species. Our findings indicate that leaf morphological change is important for clarifying photosynthesis differences among species with different lifeform.  相似文献   

Conservation strategies of forested landscapes must consider biodiversity of the included site types, i.e. timber-quality forests and associated non-timber-quality stands. The objectives were to characterize forest overstory structure in timber-quality versus associated non-timber-quality stands; and to compare their understory communities. Six forest types were sampled in Nothofagus forests of Tierra del Fuego (Argentina): two timber-quality N. pumilio forests, and four associated non-timber-quality stands (edge, N. antarctica, wetlands and streamside forests). Overstory structure and understory vegetation (species richness, frequencies, cover and biomass) were characterized during spring and summer seasons. Analysis of variance and multivariates were carried out. Overstory structure differed across the site types, with higher tree size, canopy closure and tree volume in timber-quality stands. Fifty-one understory plant species were observed, but understory variables varied with site types, especially wetlands (highest native and exotic richness, cover and biomass, and 25% of exclusive species). Site types were grouped in three: N. antarctica stands, streamside stands and the other N. pumilio forests according to multivariate analysis. Forty three percent of plants were distributed in all site types, and all timber-quality forest understory species were present in some associated non-timber-quality stands. Timber-quality N. pumilio forests have a marginal value for understory conservation compared to associated non-timber-quality stands, because these last include all the plants observed in timber-quality forests and also possess many exclusive species. Therefore, protection of associated non-timber-quality stands during forest management planning could increase understory conservation at landscape level, and these could be better reserves of understory diversity than retentions of timber-quality stands.  相似文献   

Question: How are the effects of mineral soil properties on understory plant species richness propagated through a network of processes involving the forest overstory, soil organic matter, soil nitrogen, and understory plant abundance? Location: North‐central Arizona, USA. Methods: We sampled 75 0.05‐ha plots across a broad soil gradient in a Pinus ponderosa (ponderosa pine) forest ecosystem. We evaluated multivariate models of plant species richness using structural equation modeling. Results: Richness was highest at intermediate levels of understory plant cover, suggesting that both colonization success and competitive exclusion can limit richness in this system. We did not detect a reciprocal positive effect of richness on plant cover. Richness was strongly related to soil nitrogen in the model, with evidence for both a direct negative effect and an indirect non‐linear relationship mediated through understory plant cover. Soil organic matter appeared to have a positive influence on understory richness that was independent of soil nitrogen. Richness was lowest where the forest overstory was densest, which can be explained through indirect effects on soil organic matter, soil nitrogen and understory cover. Finally, model results suggest a variety of direct and indirect processes whereby mineral soil properties can influence richness. Conclusions: Understory plant species richness and plant cover in P. ponderosa forests appear to be significantly influenced by soil organic matter and nitrogen, which are, in turn, related to overstory density and composition and mineral soil properties. Thus, soil properties can impose direct and indirect constraints on local species diversity in ponderosa pine forests.  相似文献   

  • The reproductive characteristics of understory bamboo and the effects of dieback on overstory tree seedlings through temporal changes in the environment at the forest floor have only been examined in a few bamboo species, due to the unpredictable occurrence of flowering events and long intervals between them but provide valuable information on tree regeneration and succession in a forest with dense dwarf bamboo cover.
  • We investigated environmental conditions and assessed seedlings (< 30-cm tall) of the dwarf bamboo Sasa borealis and overstory tree species at 44–50 measurement points during 2016–2021, which included a S. borealis mass flowering event in 2017. We also conducted seed germination tests to determine germination rates and patterns in S. borealis. Environmental factors affecting seedling recruitment of S. borealis and of overstory trees were analysed using spatiotemporal generalized linear mixed models in the Bayesian framework.
  • We observed gradual temporal changes in the environment, including increasing canopy openness and decreasing maximum height of dead S. borealis culms. The seeds germinated slowly and the emergence of current-year S. borealis seedlings peaked in spring–summer in 2019. The tree seedling density after 2019 increased significantly compared to that before the dieback. The model results suggest that tree seedling establishment was enhanced by increased light availability.
  • Continuous field observation beginning before S. borealis dieback revealed gradually enhanced tree recruitment in response to slow decay of the remaining dead culms and slow recovery of S. borealis. The seedling regeneration pattern of understory bamboo partly contributes to a prolonged opportunity for overstory tree regeneration.

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