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A one‐year phenological study of three columnar cacti, Stenocereus griseus (Haw.) Britton & Rose, Pilosocereus sp., Cereus hexagonus (L.) Mill., and a decumbent cactus Monvillea cf. smithiana (Britton & Rose) Backeberg., was carried out in the Andean arid region of La Tatacoa, Colombia. Pollinators and/or dispersers of the cacti species also were studied monthly, and fecal samples were collected for the identification of pollen and seeds. The flowering of all species was prolonged and showed bimodal, multimodal, or irregular patterns. Fruiting in all species also was prolonged and followed flowering with a lag of less than two months. Although there were no simple correlations between rainfall and flowering or fruiting, flower production during the dry season was higher for 5. griseus, while Pilosocereus sp. and C. hexagonus showed higher flower production during the wet season. Fruit production was also seasonal, with higher production during the wet season for 5. griseus and C. hexagonus. The patterns of flowering and fruiting in M. cf. smithiana showed no relationships with dry and wet seasons. The bats Glossophaga longirostris, Carollia perspicillata, Sturnira lilium, the birds Melanerpes rubricapillus (Picidae) and Mimus gilvus (Mimidae), and moths of the family Sphingidae, were identified as pollinators and/or fruit consumers of these cacti species.  相似文献   

Population density of Tapirus pinchaque was estimated in 7000 ha Parque Nacional Natural Los Nevados in the central Andes of Colombia. Eight variables were measured in 110 left rear foot prints of the mountain tapir: total length and width, and length and width of the three toes. This information was analyzed with Cluster Analysis by means of UPGMA and Euclidean distance using the scores obtained by means of a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) using the eight variables. Habitat availability was measured in 147,000 ha using aerial photographs taken during the 1950s and 1980s. The results of the cluster analysis showed that there are between 11 and 15 individuals, for a mean density of one individual for each 551 ± 85 ha. The measurements of forest cover in the 147000 ha showed that habitat availability for the mountain tapir (montane forests and forestry plantations) increased 18l4lha from the 1950s to the 1980s. This increment in forest cover seems to have a positive effect on the local population size of T. pinchaque, since in areas previously covered by pastures, there are now secondary forests where tapirs tracks and feces can be found.  相似文献   

IntroducciónLa calidad de la mamografía está directamente relacionada con la capacidad para detectar anormalidades y, por ello, es necesario el control de calidad en los centros de imágenes diagnósticas.ObjetivoEvaluar la calidad de la imagen, la lectura y el servicio de mamografía de algunos centros de imágenes diagnósticas en Manizales, Colombia.Materiales y métodosCuatro centros participaron de forma voluntaria y bajo acuerdos de confidencialidad en el estudio. De las 520 mujeres atendidas en ellos, a 318 se les hicieron mamografías. A partir de una inspección visual del servicio, se evaluaron la infraestructura, la tecnología y el personal de la unidad. Un radiólogo experto en lectura e interpretación clínica de imágenes mamarias evaluó la calidad de la imagen y la de su lectura. El análisis estadístico se hizo utilizando un anova y determinando el índice kappa y el porcentaje de desacuerdo.ResultadosSe encontró falta de calidad de las imágenes obtenidas, principalmente, por presencia de artificios en el 75% de ellas, e identificación y rotulación deficientes; además, en la toma de la proyección oblicua medio-lateral, se encontró falta de visualización del ángulo inframamario. El grado de concordancia en el reporte BI-RADS fue bajo en los cuatro centros, con diferencias importantes en el informe y la descripción de los hallazgos.ConclusiónLos centros de imágenes diagnósticas evaluados están habilitados para el funcionamiento, pero se encontraron deficiencias importantes en la calidad de las imágenes y en su lectura, lo que pone de manifiesto la necesidad de establecer estándares de calidad y mejorar los aspectos que se puedan mejorar.Palabras clave: mamografía, gestión de la calidad, diagnóstico por imagen, garantía de la calidad de atención de salud, servicio de mantenimiento e ingeniería en hospital, ingeniería biomédica  相似文献   



Snakebite is a relevant public health problem in Colombia, which is evident in epidemiological data at the Latin American level, where it ranks third place in the number of snakebites, after México and Brazil.


To perform a retrospective analysis of snakebite accidents in the department of Cauca between 2009 and 2018 based on the data from the Public Health Surveillance System of Colombia reported to the Health Institute of Cauca.

Materials and methods:

We compiled and interpreted the information from the compulsory snakebite notification forms for the study’s 10 years period. We determined snakebite incidence and frequency according to the geographical distribution and the causal agents, and we analyzed related socioeconomic variables as well.


The records accounted for 1,653 cases and low mortality. Bothrops and Bothriechis species (77.43%) caused most of the accidents followed by Micrurus (2.9%). Most of the notifications came from the south of the department, and males and farmers were the most affected with bites mainly in the upper extremities. During poisoning, hemorrhagic manifestations predominated over necrosis and infections; serotherapy criteria were not always adequately applied, however, iatrogenic complications were not frequent.


El Tambo and Piamonte municipalities, being male, and rural areas were the variables most affected by ophidism, mainly bothropic ophidism. The highest incidences occurred in the southern part of Cauca, in the Patía and Caquetá river basins.  相似文献   



Cancer patients have significant levels of emotional distress. The National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) developed the distress management tool to quickly assess significant distress in oncological patients who require intervention. For its use in Colombia, we made its cross-cultural adaptation and validation.


To determine the operative characteristics of the distress management tool, version 2.2018, in patients seen at the Instituto Nacional de Cancerología (INC) in Colombia.

Materials and methods:

Counting with the authorization from the NCCN, we translated, made the cross-cultural adaptation, and evaluated the operational characteristics of the tool. We included 343 cancer patients seen at the INC, who filled out the cross-culturally adapted instrument. A diagnostic test study was carried out with a semi-structured interview as a reference.


The patients had an average age of 49.7 years (SD=15) and the majority were women (67%). The instrument had an area under the ROC curve of 0.81 (95% CI: 0.77 - 0.86); its optimal cut-off point was 3.5 approached to 4 when using integers on the scale; its sensitivity was 0.81 (95% CI: 0.76 - 0.85), and its specificity, 0.69 (95% CI: 0.64 - 0.74). The agreement percentage between the result of the interview and the instrument was 73% (kappa = 0.64; p< 0.001).


The distress management tool allowed for the detection of moderate to severe distress requiring intervention and management. This instrument was adapted and validated in cancer patients in Colombia keeping the cutoff point at ≥ 4 as in the original version.  相似文献   



About 80-95% of patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) develop skin manifestations, which are markers of the patients’ immune status. Objective. To describe the dermatologic manifestations and the clinical and sociodemographic factors of hospitalized patients diagnosed with HIV and their correlation with CD4 T-lymphocyte count.

Materials and methods.

We conducted an observational, cross-sectional, and retrospective study of the medical records of 227 adult patients with HIV diagnosis evaluated by dermatology in a hospital in Medellín, Colombia.


We included 227 patient records with 433 dermatologic manifestations, 64.4% of them infectious. The most frequent manifestations were oral candidiasis, condylomata acuminata, and drug reactions. Moreover, a statistically significant relationship was found between disseminated herpes zoster virus and secondary syphilis with a CD4 count between 200-499 cells/mm3 (p=0.04 and 0.028, respectively). There was also a statistically significant relationship between oral candidiasis and a CD4 count of less than 100 cells/ mm3 (p=0.008).


The relationship between disseminated herpes zoster with CD4 between 200-499 cells/mm3 suggests that, despite having high CD4 counts, severe forms of the disease may occur due to possible T-cell dysfunction and depletion of the immune system. Additionally, the relationship between oral candidiasis and CD4 less than 100 cells/mm3 indicates the potential role of oral candidiasis as an essential marker of weakened immune status in HIV patients.  相似文献   

Harengula jaguana is a dominant species in the southern Gulf of Mexico. It is a demersal, estuarine-dependent species, distributed throughout the Campeche Sound area (12-54 m). It is found in areas influenced by coastal discharges. The size at first maturity of females is 117 mm total length. Reproduction occurs from February to October in depths 18-36 m. The juveniles are found on the shelf (<20 m) and inside the Terminos Lagoon. Recruitment is in two distinct periods, March–June and August–November, when adults and juveniles migrate to the outer shelf. Greatest abundance is observed in depths of 12-36 m. The biology and ecology of H. jaguana was analyzed in the Campeche Sound to better understand the structure and function of the demersal fish communities. It is a very important species in the trophic dynamics of the ecosystem because it transports matter and energy. A model of the biological pattern for this species in the area is proposed.  相似文献   

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