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Question: What are the effects of shallow flooding on boreal peatlands on vegetation composition and size of carbon pools in the living and dead vegetation? Location: Lake 979, Experimental Lakes Area, northwestern Ontario, Canada. Methods: A boreal basin peatland complex with treed bog, open bog, and open water was experimentally flooded by raising water level ca. 1.3 m. Vegetation and above‐ground biomass were compared between pre‐flood conditions and those nine years after flooding. Peat accumulation since flooding was also quantified. Results: Flooding caused almost all trees to die, leading to a net loss of 86% of the above‐ground living plant biomass after nine years of the flooding. Floating up of peat was rapid in the central part of the basin, and the floating peat mats were characterized by newly established open bog community. Wetland types were diversified from bog into open bog, fen, and marsh, accompanied with great species turnover. Floating open bog community accumulated the greatest amount of peat since flooding. Conclusions: This study shows that shallow flooding of bog vegetation can lead to quick re‐establishment of open bog vegetation upon the floating up of peat mats as well as changes to more diverse vegetation over decadal time spans. We estimate that the carbon pools in 2002 in living and dead plant biomass since 1992 are comparable to what they were in the above‐ground biomass in 1992. Flooding caused an initial net decrease in carbon stores, but carbon in the pre‐flood living plant biomass was replaced by both carbon in dead biomass of the pre‐flood vegetation and newly sequestered carbon in new peat growth and post‐flood living plant biomass. Possible vegetation change toward bog‐dominated system could lead to increasing rate of new peat growth, which could affect future carbon sink/source strength of the system.  相似文献   

Actual ecological research postulates for alder carrs a cyclic alternation of Alnus tree vegetation with open fen or Salix dominated vegetation. Such cycles are also indicated in palaeo-ecological studies, but normally the temporal resolution of these studies is insufficient to resolve the duration of short-term cycles in vegetation development. This paper presents a high resolution palaeoecological study (including pollen, macrofossils and non-pollen palynomorphs) of a Late Holocene wood peat section from the small, long-term Alnus dominated peatland ‘Heger Soll’ in the ‘Rodder Forst’ in Western Pomerania (NE Germany) to reconstruct short-term vegetation changes. During a time-span of ca. 800 years, sedge-dominated fen vegetation types alternated with two phases of Alnus carr and one phase of Salix shrubland. The alder carr decline coincided with the beginning of intensified human activity in the surroundings of the mire and was probably connected to increased water discharge resulting from large-scale deforestation, after which willow scrub and sedge fen became established. Growth of Alnus trees was associated with prolonged phases of reduced human impact and probably less water supply. This study shows that human impact on the uplands surrounding the mire and on the alder carr itself may explain the observed “cyclic” vegetation development of alder carrs, willow scrubs and sedge fens in Central Europe.  相似文献   

 Temporal and spatial variation in CH4 emissions was studied at hummock, Eriophorum lawn, flark and Carex lawn microsites in an oligotrophic pine fen over the growing season using a static chamber method, and CH4 production and oxidation potentials in peat profiles from hummock and flark were determined in laboratory incubation experiments. Emissions were lowest in the hummocks, and decreased with increasing hummock height, while in the lawns and flarks they increased with increasing sedge cover. Statistical response functions with water table and peat temperature as independent variables were calculated in order to reconstruct seasonal CH4 emissions by reference to the time series for peat temperature and water table specific to each microsite type. Mean CH4 emissions in the whole area in the snow-free period of 1993, weighted in terms of the proportions of the microsites, were 1.7 mol CH4 m–2. Potential CH4 production and oxidation rates were very low in the hummocks rising above the groundwater table, but were relatively similar when expressed per dry weight of peat both in the hummocks and flarks below the water table. The CH4 production potential increased in autumn at both microsites and CH4 oxidation potential seemed to decrease. The decrease in temperature in autumn certainly reduced in situ decomposition processes, possibly leaving unused substrates in the peat, which would explain the increase in CH4 production potential. Received: 16 August 1996 / Accepted: 30 November 1996  相似文献   

Selective inhibition of substrate-induced respiration with antibiotics cycloheximide and streptomycin sulphate provided insight into eukaryotic versus prokaryotic activities in surface peat soil of three Canadian peatlands. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic communities in peatlands are important in the net sequestration of atmospheric carbon dioxide and therefore play a unique role in global carbon cycling. Selective inhibition techniques were generally successful, with a maximum non-target inhibition of only 17%. Assuming that eukaryotic and prokaryotic activities were dominated by fungi and bacteria respectively, across 3 ecologically and hydrologically diverse and spatially dispersed peatlands, we demonstrated bacterial dominance in a bog and a poor fen both with acidic and primarily Sphagnum derived peat soil and in a near pH neutral wetter rich fen with sedge peat (fungal to bacterial activity ratio = 0.31 to 0.68). These results differ in that in other acidic environments, such as conifer forest soils, fungal to bacterial activity ratios are mostly greater than 1 indicative of fungal dominance.  相似文献   

The moss layer transfer technique removes the top layer of vegetation from donor sites as a method to transfer propagules and restore degraded or reclaimed peatlands. As this technique is new, little is known about the impacts of moss layer transfer on vegetation and carbon fluxes following harvest. We monitored growing season carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) fluxes as well as plant communities at donor sites and neighbouring natural peatland sites in an ombrotrophic bog and minerotrophic fen in Alberta, Canada from which material was harvested between 1 and 6 years prior to the study. Plant recovery at all donor sites was rapid with an average of 72% total plant cover one growing season after harvest at the fen and an average of 87% total plant cover two growing seasons after harvest at the bog. Moss cover also returned, averaging 84% 6 years after harvest at the bog. The majority of natural peatlands in western Canada are treed and tree recruitment at the donor sites was limited. Methane emissions were higher from donor sites compared to natural sites due to the high water table and greater sedge cover. Carbon budgets suggested that the donor fen and bog sites released higher CO2 and CH4 over the growing season compared to adjacent natural sites. However, vegetation re-establishment on donor sites was rapid, and it is possible that these sites will return to their original carbon-cycle functioning after disturbance, suggesting that donor sites may recover naturally without implementing management strategies.  相似文献   

Tropical tree species distributions are determined by a wide range of biotic and abiotic factors, including topography and hydrology. Tropical peat swamp forests (TPSFs) are characterized in part by small‐scale variations in topography (‘hummocks’ and ‘hollows’) that create distinct microhabitats and thus may contribute to niche diversification among TPSF tree species. Using tree elevations calibrated to daily peat water levels collected using a data logger and a permutation test, we evaluated topographical microhabitat preferences for 21 tree species in a relatively undisturbed TPSF in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, to determine whether these species show preferential association with hummocks or hollows and to quantify the prevalence of microhabitat specialization among them. Only one species, Tetractomia tetrandrum, emerged as a hollow specialist, with no hummock specialists among the species tested. The remaining 20 species, including Psydrax dicoccos, which had the lowest mean observed elevation, and Maasia hypoleuca, which had the highest mean observed elevation, showed no clear microtopographic preference. This suggests that many TPSF species may be resilient to the natural hydrologic variations that occur in relatively intact peat swamp forests. Such studies of microtopographic preferences of tree species in TPSF and other wetland forest ecosystems can inform selection of tree species for reforestation projects, and potentially also provide information on how future climate change may impact these habitats and their resident tree species.  相似文献   

Questions: What vegetational changes does a boreal rich fen (alkaline fen) undergo during a time period of 24 years after drainage? How is plant species richness affected, and what are the changes in composition of ecological groups of species? Is it possible to recover parts of the original flora by rewetting the rich fen? Which are the initial vegetation changes in the flora after rewetting? What are the major challenges for restoration of rich fen flora after rewetting? Location: Eastern central Sweden, southern boreal vegetational zone. Previously rich fen site, drained for forestry purposes during 1978–1979. The site was hydrologically restored (rewetted) in 2002. Method: Annual vegetation survey in permanent plots during a period of 28 years. Results: There were three successional stages in the vegetational changes. In the first stage there was a rapid (< 5 years) loss of rich fen bryophytes. The second step was an increase of sedges and early successional bryophytes, which was followed by an increase of a few emerging dominants, such as Molinia caerulea, Betula pubescens and Sphagnum spp. After rewetting, there are indications of vegetation recovery, albeit at slow rates. Depending on, for instance, initial species composition different routes of vegetation change were observed in the flora after drainage, although after 24 years, species composition became more homogenous and dominated by a few species with high cover. Conclusion: Major changes have occurred after changes in the hydrology (drainage and rewetting) with a severe impact on the biodiversity among vascular plants and bryophytes. Several rich fen bryophytes respond quickly to the changes in water level (in contrast to vascular plants). The recovery after rewetting towards the original rich fen vegetation is slow, as delayed by substrate degradation, dispersal limitation and presence of dominant species.  相似文献   

Questions: Does succession of rewetted species‐poor fen grasslands display similar trends when different water levels, sites and regions are compared? Will restoration targets as peat growth and waterfowl diversity be reached? Location: Valley fen of the river Peene (NE‐Germany) and the Hanság fen (Lake Neusiedler See, NW‐Hungary). Methods: Analysis of permanent plot data and vegetation maps over a period of up to seven years of rewetting. The general relations between newly adjusted water levels and changes in dominance of helophytic key species during early succession are analysed considering four rewetting intensities (water level classes) and eight vegetation types (Phalaris arundinacea type, Carex type, Glyceria maxima type, Phragmites australis type, Typha type, aquatic vegetation type, open water type and miscellaneous type). Results: The initial period of balancing the site conditions and vegetation is characterised by specific vegetation types and related horizontal vegetation structures. Most vegetation types displayed similar trends within the same water level class when different sites and regions were compared. A significant spread of potentially peat forming vegetation with dominance of Carex spp. or Phragmites as desired goal of restoration was predominantly restricted to long‐term shallow inundated sites (water level median in winter: 0–30 cm above surface). Open water patches as bird habitats persisted mainly at permanent inundated sites (water level median in winter > 60 cm above surface). Conclusions: Site hydrology appeared as a main force of secondary succession. Thus the rewetting intensity and restoration targets have to be balanced adequately.  相似文献   

The habitat preferences of small rodents were studied by live trapping methods at Wicken Fen, Cambridgeshire, a relict area of East Anglian fenland. The study sites were chosen to cover areas of managed fields, dominated by sedge ( Cladium mwiscus ) or by litter (grasses with sedges); the adjacent fen carr "bush growth"; and an area of unmanaged sedge. Clethrionomys glareolus is the commonest rodent species, occurring at relatively high densities, and closely associated with sedge growth. It is ubiquitous in unmanaged sedge but in managed sedge and litter field areas there is a marked preference for the field/fen carr transition where sedge growth is not cut. Thick sedge seems to afford the optimum habitat for this species probably because of the three-dimensional vegetation structure which provides dense ground cover with a natural thatch of dead leaves; this decays only slowly, even in succeeding fen carr. Sedge fields provide a less stable habitat and recolonization of a harvested field by Clethrionomys only began after eight months of sedge regrowth. Micromys minutus are caught only in sedge and litter. Apodemus sylvaticus seem to show no marked habitat preference but there are some data which suggest that high Clethrionomys densities can affect Apodemus distributions locally. Microtus agrestis prefers grassy patches within sedge fields; trap success points tending to be associated with the presence of Calamagrostis canescens. Microtus avoids fen carr and unmanaged sedge and is generally caught more often in litter fields than in sedge fields; however, this preference seems to disappear at the end of the Clethrionomys breeding season. During flooding, Clethrionomys found refuge in the dense sedge and sedge/carr transition habitats; prolonged flooding caused a decline in numbers of Clethrionomys and the elimination of Microtus , while the distribution of Apodemus was apparently unaffected.  相似文献   

Abstract. In the cool-temperate Bibi Mire, Hokkaido, Japan, valley fens and flood-plain fens have quite different vegetation. The main variables controlling the vegetation were all hydrological: mean water level, water level fluctuation and surface water flow. Chemical factors such as electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen and related peat decomposition were less important. The pH was about neutral and has little effect. The flood-plain fen developed under fluctuating water table conditions. The dominant species are Calamagrostis langsdotffii and Carex pseudocuraica. When temporal inundation occurs in the rainy or typhoon seasons, the submergence stimulates bud germination of the stoloniferous C. pseudocuraica, which can rapidly elongate its stolons upward. Some large floating peat mats occurred in the flood-plain fen zone. On these mats some Alnus japonica saplings establish and patches of alder forest can arise. Here the water level was higher than in the peripheral alder forest zone. The valley fen is dominated by Carex lasiocarpa var. occultans and/or C. limosa. It is formed under stable water table conditions in the inundated parts of the mire -where the non-inundated wet areas are dominated by alder trees. In the area where the surface water is flowing, these two fen sedges grow in deeper water since the high oxygen content is considered to compensate the flooding stress.  相似文献   

In this article, we focused on hummocky microtopography as a prominent feature of mires and explored the microenvironmental conditions suitable for alder seedling establishment. Japanese alder (Alnus japonica) forest is widely distributed in wetlands in northern Japan. However, because alder seedlings are rare in mires, alder population dynamics and conditions that favor the establishment of alder seedlings are still unknown. The study was conducted in northern Japan at a site in mesotrophic mire. We surveyed the seedling density, the microenvironmental conditions (light, litter cover, and soil quality), and the density of dispersed seeds in alder forest and in the adjacent herbaceous fen. In addition, we performed a laboratory experiment to examine the germination characteristics of alder. Seedlings grew only on hummocks in alder forest. The percentage of litter cover on hummocks was lower than in hollows, and the density of dispersed seeds in alder forest was much higher than in herbaceous fen. Seeds of Japanese alder germinated under both light and dark conditions, and the germination rate were high under light and high-temperature conditions. Our results suggest that litter cover may inhibit seedling establishment and hummocks that characterized by less litter cover are suitable place for the establishment of seedlings. We conclude that hummocky microtopography and abundant seed rain in the mire enable the establishment of Japanese alder seedlings.  相似文献   

To study the effects of elevated ozone concentration on methane dynamics and a sedge species, Eriophorum vaginatum, we exposed peatland microcosms, isolated by coring from an oligotrophic pine fen, to double ambient ozone concentration in an open‐air ozone exposure field for four growing seasons. The field consists of eight circular plots of which four were fumigated with elevated ozone concentration and four were ambient controls. At the latter part of the first growing season (week 33, 2003), the methane emission was 159±14 mg CH4 m?2 day?1 (mean±SE) in the ozone treatment and 214±8 mg CH4 m?2 day?1 under the ambient control. However, towards the end of the experiment the ozone treatment slightly, but consistently, enhanced the methane emission. At the end of the third growing season (2005), microbial biomass (estimated by phospholipid fatty acid biomarkers) was higher in peat exposed to ozone (1975±108 nmol g?1 dw) than in peat of the control microcosms (1589±115 nmol g?1 dw). The concentrations of organic acids in peat pore water showed a similar trend. Elevated ozone did not affect the shoot length or the structure of the sedge E. vaginatum leaves but it slightly increased the total number of sedge leaves towards the end of the experiment. Our results indicate that elevated ozone concentration enhances the general growth conditions of microbes in peat by increasing their substrate availability. However, the methane production did not reflect the increase in the concentration of organic acids, probably because hydrogenotrophic methane production dominated in the peat studied. Although, we used isolated peatland microcosms with limited size as study material, we did not find experimental factors that could have hampered the basic conclusions on the effects of ozone.  相似文献   

Abstract. Vegetation switches are those processes in which there is positive-feedback between vegetation and environment, i.e. a vegetation state modifies its environment producing conditions more favourable to itself (Wilson & Agnew 1992). Switches can produce and maintain abrupt ecotones between plant communities. Such a sharp ecotone exists between beech-podocarp forest and mire vegetation, both on deep peat, in southwest New Zealand. One such site was examined. There was no apparent explanation for the ecotone in the present topography nor in the substrate. Levelled transects through the forest demonstrated that most seedling establishment occurred on dead fallen tree boles. These microsites were significantly richer in N, P and K than the wet sump microsites. We argue that this is a mechanism whereby trees can become established in the forest, but not in the open mire. In the forest, the presence of trees ensures the presence of dead-log microsites on the ground, permitting tree seedlings to grow. In the mire, there are no such micro-sites, and trees cannot establish. The ecotone may be sharpened because of the presence of an ecotonal band of the small tree Leptospermum sco-parium between forest and mire. This species can reproduce vegetatively by root suckers in the mire. Its boles are light, and even if they fall to the mire surface they are not thick enough to form a substrate for tree-seedling establishment. The larger tree species may be prevented from falling onto the mire by the wind-sheltering of the forest, and by the zone of Leptospermum. The postulated process would represent a new kind of water-/nutrient-mediated switch, of Type 1 (‘One-sided’). It may occur in many waterlogged forests worldwide.  相似文献   

Severe natural disturbances can lead to the recovery of the original vegetation or the shift to new vegetation types. While post-disturbance succession is well documented for regularly disturbed ecosystems, little is known about the pathways and rapidity of vegetation dynamics after rare events such as peat mass movements in bogs. We monitored the floristic changes in a mire subject to a bog burst in 1987 for two decades through the repeated sampling of permanent plots. The mean species number per plot increased continuously, while the evenness increased only in the first decade and then slightly decreased. Declining species were mostly mire species, while colonist species were mostly wet meadow species. Species turnover was higher in the first decade after the disturbance, and was also higher in the area of peat erosion than in the area of peat accumulation. Changes in plant species composition indicate a succession towards tall-forb vegetation (Filipendulion), acidic fen vegetation (Caricion fuscae) and swamp willow forest (Salicion). We conclude that the effects of the disturbance are still ongoing, and that the mire’s potential for recovery is therefore difficult to predict.  相似文献   

Abstract. The vegetation succession in a floating mire was studied in relation to management and hydrological conditions in a former peat cutting area in the northern part of the Netherlands. An existing map showed that in 1956 the vegetation consisted mainly of meadows, reedbeds and rich fen vegetation while a recent survey revealed that this picture had completely changed in 1989. The area had mainly become woodland but part had remained open, due to the continuation of a mowing regime. The timing of the mowing appears to be critical, especially during the earlier phases of the succession. Winter-mowing favours the development of eutrophic reedbeds, while summer-mowing promotes mesotrophic sedge communities. In the course of time these succession lines converge increasingly towards acidic vegetation types. The development from open water to embryonic bog differed greatly between sites with a similar management regime. Mostly this took only a few decades but in a few sites the vegetation had hardly changed since 1956. Whereas the former sites were acid throughout the profile, the latter showed a high pH from top to bottom. It is obvious that acidification does not occur as long as alkaline surface water can move freely underneath the floating mat. As soon as a given site becomes disconnected from the surface water the depletion of bases by infiltrating rainwater is no longer compensated. A rough estimate of the acidification rate shows that in an infiltration area three decades are sufficient for a floating mat of 40 cm to become completely decalcified. This corresponds well to the observed succession from rich fens to embryonic bogs in the same period. It is suggested that the best way to preserve rich fen vegetation is to start the succession anew by digging turf ponds.  相似文献   

In contrast to several organisms that have already shown range shifts to the north as a response to climate change, southern populations of relict species are trapped in isolated altitudinal habitats. Therefore, there is a growing interest to better understand their habitat use, with particular attention to the thermal aspects and associated significance for their habitat management. We address this issue by a study of larval habitat use relative to vegetation structure and microclimate in a glacial relict butterfly of peat bog ecosystems, using a functional, resource‐based habitat approach. We analysed caterpillar presence and density relative to vegetation composition (reflecting gradients of humidity, temperature, and natural succession of the peat bog) and to the availability and quality of thermal refuges for caterpillars (i.e., structures provided by Sphagnum hummocks). We also tested caterpillar survival rates under different temperature and humidity treatments. We found that (1) Boloria aquilonaris was a specialist butterfly of early successional stages with very humid zones of peat bog, (2) the lack of Sphagnum hummocks reduced larval habitat suitability, and hence the population density, and (3) a reduction of the thermal buffering ability of Sphagnum hummocks was observed in less humid, degraded parts, or late‐successional stages of peat bog. A larval rearing experiment showed a significant impact of temperature on caterpillar survival; survival being higher at lower temperature. Our field and laboratory results support the idea that the thermal environment exploited by caterpillars should be considered as a functional resource and included in a population‐specific habitat definition. Appropriate management of the peat bog habitat of this glacial relict species should not exclusively focus on the larval and adult feeding resources, but also on the quality of thermal refuges provided by Sphagnum hummocks in humid zones of the peat bog, especially in the current critical context of climate warming.  相似文献   

Nils Malmer  Bo Wallén 《Oikos》2005,109(3):539-554
Southern Sweden has long been exposed to an increasing atmospheric nitrogen deposition. We investigated the effects of this supply on the Sphagnum mire vegetation in SW Götaland by comparing above‐ground tissue concentrations of N and P and biomass variables in five vascular plant and two Sphagnum species collected during three periods since 1955 at 81 sites representing three vegetation types, viz. ombrotrophic bog, extremely poor fen and moderately poor fen, within two areas differing in annual N deposition. The N:P ratios in the plants were rarely below 17, suggesting P as the growth‐limiting mineral nutrient. In the vascular plants both growth and concentrations of N and P were highest in the moderately poor fen sites because of a higher mineralization rate, the differences between the extremely poor fen and bog sites being smaller in these respects. In the extremely poor fen and bog sites the N concentrations were slightly higher in the area with the highest N deposition. From 1955 to 2002 the concentration of N in the Sphagnum spp. increased proportionally to the supply rate while P remained constant. In the vascular plants the concentrations of P remained constant while N showed slightly decreasing trends in the bog and extremely poor fen sites, but since the size of the plants increased the biomass content of N and P increased, too. The increased N deposition has had its greatest effects on the site types with the highest Sphagnum biomass and peat accumulation rate. The high N concentration in the Sphagnum mosses probably reduced their competitiveness and facilitated the observed expansion of vascular plants. However, the increased N deposition might also have triggered an increased mineralization in the acrotelm increasing the supply of P to the vascular plants and thus also their productivity. This may also explain the slightly higher productivity among the vascular plants in the area with the highest N deposition rate. In conclusion, it seems as the increased N deposition has directly influenced only the growth of the Sphagnum mosses and that the effects on the growth of the vascular plants are indirect.  相似文献   

Two cores from Sandao Swamp and 18 surface samples from different vegetational zones and different parts of Sandao Swamp were used to reconstruct the history of vegetation and environment at west foot of Changbei Mountain, Northeast China. Pollen influx and R-value as well as P-value were used to interpret the pollen data besides the pollen percentage. The history of this area can be divided into four stages as follows: 1. Stage Ⅰ(10,300–10,000 yrs. B. P.): The shallow lake was surrounded by fir-spruce woodland. The climate was cold and humid. 2. Stage Ⅱ(10,000–9,000 yrs. BP): The birch forest replaced fir-spruce woodland. Instead of the shallow lake, low level bog consisted of sedge and intermediate bog composed of larchmoss were formed and spreaded gradually. The climate became a little warmer. 3. Stage Ⅲ(9,000–4,000 yrs. BP): The deciduous forest began to flourish with mixed pine deciduous forest existing at the uppermost of the surrounding mountains. The bog of larch-moss was prosperous. The climate was warm. 4. StageⅣ (4,000–0 yrs. BP): Vegetation was composed of mixed pine-deciduous forest and pine-boreal forest. The bog developed into moor of larch- peat moss at the beginning, then evolved into intermediate bog of sedge moss. The climate was cool and humid.  相似文献   

This paper presents a landscape-ecological analysis of Ladoga Region, a 30 000 km2 territory around Lake Ladoga, which is the largest lake in Europe. The Region includes the contact zone between the crystalline bedrock of Baltic Shield and the sedimentary rocks of the East European plain, and the transition from Boreonemoral to Southern Boreal (Taiga) forest vegetation; it is characterized by abundance of lakes. The Region is divided into 17 discrete landscape areas that are classified in 6 groups.The author uses the landscape-dynamcal approach to the analysis of recent (from 2–3 to 40–50 yr) environmental changes in the region, caused by human activities: forest felling, fires, peat excavation, agriculture, recreational development etc. The following processes are observed: vegetation successions after clearcutting and selective logging; effects of forest fires on the spreading and conservation of pine forests; consequences of peatland drainage; landscape effects of collective farming and gardening; forest succession from pine and deciduous tree dominance towards spruce dominance (observable in all landscape regions); natural vegetation succession on former Finnish arable lands (two types of scenarios: forest succession or development of sedge meadows).  相似文献   

Abstract. The long-term growth dynamics of natural forest stands on the island of Hokkaido were described on the basis of an analysis of data from 38 permanent plots spanning 15–22 yr. Stand structure was characterized by basal area, stem density and tree size variability. To detect trends in stand structure, regression models for recruitment rate (per ha per yr), mortality rate and the rate of change in stem density and tree size variability were developed by a stepwise method using initial basal area, stem density, tree size variability, species composition summarized by LNMDS ordination, altitude, annual mean temperature, annual precipitation, type of understorey vegetation, topography and slope aspect as candidates for predictor variables. The same analyses were conducted for basal area increment (net growth) and its components: survivor growth = basal area gain by growth of surviving individuals and mortality = basal area loss by death of individuals. Stem density remained generally unchanged; recruitment was relatively low even in very sparse stands. Stand basal area generally increased as survivor growth was approximately double the mortality. Recruitment rate was strongly affected by the presence of dwarf bamboo (Sasa spp.) vegetation on the forest floor which inhibited tree regeneration. Mortality rate was density-dependent; dense stands had higher mortality than sparse stands. Density change rate (recruitment rate - mortality rate) was, therefore, determined by both the type of understorey vegetation and stem density. Survivor growth was high in stands with high stem density and basal area. Mortality was dependent on basal area and altitude. Net basal area increment (net growth) was dependent only on stem density with other factors that influenced survivor growth and mortality omitted. Tree size variability decreased in stands with high tree size variability whereas it increased in stands with low size variability. Based on the obtained models for density change rate and net basal area increment, trajectories of stands were illustrated on a log-log diagram of stem density and basal area. The predicted differences in trajectories as affected by the understorey vegetation type indicated the importance of dwarf bamboo vegetation for forest dynamics on Hokkaido.  相似文献   

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