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This paper looks at recent attention given to feral cats in Australia, particularly focusing on their symbolic status in eco-nationalist discourses. Australian eco-nationalism is a specific blend of environmentalist and patriotic sentiments which, in an exaggerated way, positions the feral cat as a rapacious European invader predating on native wild life. This vilification of the cat can be related to much earlier forms of (mainly European) symbolism associating the creature with femininity and evil, which I illustrate by looking at the manner in which the feral cat is opposed to the masculinised Australian wild dog—the dingo. I argue that the recent surfacing of this totemic opposition between ‘the howl and the pussycat’ is related to an eco-nationalist sense of place which simultaneously recognises and denies that the human colonisation of Australia was (and is) a form of feral invasion.  相似文献   

The Scalpel's Edge: The Culture of Surgeons. Pearl Katz. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn and Bacon, 1999. xii. 251 pp.  相似文献   

Anthropology at the Edge: Essays on Culture, Symbol, and Consciousness. J. Ian Prattis. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1997. 311 pp.  相似文献   

Through an ethnography of parakeets and other denizens in London, this article expounds the concept of the feral and foregrounds its purchase for an anthropological inquiry into urban life. Ecological, cultural, and political connotations of ferality impinge upon evaluations of what counts and is allowed to flourish as metropolitan nature. Ferality is constructed through nativist and racial taxonomies which promote a biopolitics of eradicating parakeets. At the same time, parakeets trigger new ‘recombinant' ecological associations when they enter into relations with other avian life. They also foster affective alignments with people that create possibilities for a more just politics of dwelling. The feral recasts London's metropolitan nature as postcolonial and opens up novel ways of doing urban anthropology.  相似文献   

The history of honeybee ( Apis mellifera ) importations and management in Australia is largely anecdotal and therefore a survey and characterisation of this agriculturally important insect is of value. We give information on the genetic composition of 42 feral and commercial strains by sequencing sections of the ATPase 6, cytochrome oxidase III, cytochrome b and ND2 mitochondrial genes to determine the relationship of the strains to each other. Our phylogenetic analysis shows novel associations between A. m. mellifera, A. m. scutellata, A. m. ligustica and A. m. caucasica.  相似文献   

Efforts to eradicate nonnative mammals to restore oceanic island ecosystems have become increasingly successful but parallel tracking of response by native species for which control efforts are intended to benefit has been rare. A major campaign to eradicate nonnative goats and burros was initiated in 1995 on Alcedo Volcano in the Galápagos Archipelago that ultimately removed 62,868 goats and eliminated them by 2006. Planners of the eradication program had the foresight to invest in intensive monitoring of the status of the volcano's giant tortoise (Chelonoidis nigra) population whose welfare was a primary motivation for the eradication effort. Monitoring revealed an increase in the proportion of juveniles among all tortoises as well as increased growth rates of individual tortoises on Alcedo Volcano from earlier to later phases of the eradication campaign. Over the same time frame in a control population on nearby Santa Cruz Island (where goats and donkeys were not removed) juvenile fraction and individual growth rates remained unchanged. Although goat removal coincided with occurrence of a rare climatic event that simultaneously boosted forage availability for tortoises, failure to observe a comparable improvement in the control population implies that removal of goats and burros was the primary causative factor of improving population status of tortoises on Alcedo Volcano.  相似文献   

Community studies as a form of study in complex societies cart be unduly restrictive though this need not be the case. It depends on the criteria employed to select a field location, and on the types of social organization studied within that location. These themes are illustrated by reference to the Australian community studies of Ron Wild and Harry Oxley. Some limitations in their studies are noted only in order to illustrate how their work might have been linked profitably with debates in Australian historiography over issues of class culture, ideology and consciousness. I propose a framework for Australian community studies that would allow anthropologists to explore some of the themes introduced in this discussion.  相似文献   

The SED1 gene (YDR077W), coding for the major cell wall glycoprotein of Saccharomyces cerevisiae stationary-phase cells, contains two blocks of tandem repeat units located within two distinct regions of the nucleotide sequence. A PCR survey of the SED1 open reading frames (ORFs) of 186 previously uncharacterized grape must isolates of S. cerevisiae yielded 13 PCR profiles arising from different combinations of seven SED1 length variants in individuals homozygous or heterozygous for the gene. Comparison of the nucleotide sequences of a group of representatives of each of the seven length variants with those of S288C and the type strain, CBS1171, unequivocally identified them as SED1 alleles and provided evidence for the presence of two minisatellite-like sequences, variable in length, within the ORF of an S. cerevisiae gene. The segregation analyses of the SED1 length variants and other genetic markers in 13 isolates representative of each PCR profile suggested that molecular mechanisms involved in minisatellite expansion and contraction may be responsible for SED1 heterozygosities within a population of homothallic must isolates of S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

Nesting habitat of Reed and Marsh Warblers, M. Philips Price

Post-nuptial wing-moult in the Garden Warbler, by T. W. Gladwin  相似文献   

Numerous researchers have documented the adverse effects of feral donkeys Equus asinus introduced to semi-arid ecosystems. With the release of feral donkeys and potential increasing populations in natural habitats in northern Cyprus, there is concern for negative impacts on vegetation and native species. In the north of the island, there has been only one published study of feral donkey populations, and population estimators were relatively subjective. We estimated feral donkey populations on the Karpaz Peninsula using line transect surveys and quantitative distance sampling estimators. We stratified the sampling by using 11 sample units within the study area. We evaluated potential biases associated with habitat, topography, and perpendicular distance from the transect line and found that these variables did not bias donkey detections during our surveys. Using program DISTANCE, we found that a hazard rate cosine model was the best model that described our distance data based on model selection criterion (Akaikes Information Criteria adjusted for small sample bias). Estimated effective strip width was 280.19 m and detection probability was 0.47 with this model. Estimated donkey density was 6.7 donkeys/km2, and estimated total abundance was 800 donkeys for the entire 132.5 km2 study area. Of 95 donkey groups detected: 16% were detected in agricultural habitats with flat topography, 9% were detected in agricultural habitats with sloped topography, 24% were detected in shrub/forest habitats with flat topography, and 51% were detected in shrub/forest habitats with sloped topography. Of 102 behavioral observations recorded (multiple behaviors were detected in groups), frequencies of behaviors were 1% bedded, 70% standing, 22% grazing, 6% moving, and 2% other. Our estimated donkey population density in the Karpaz Peninsula was >2 times densities reported in arid regions of the United States and Australia, but slightly lower than earlier density estimates reported for the Karpaz region. These estimates of feral donkey populations in the Karpaz Peninsula provide a quantitative baseline from which to make population management decisions.  相似文献   

The paper examines the role of feral sheep ( Ovis aries ) in facilitating the naturalization of alien plants and degrading a formerly robust and stable ecosystem of Socorro, an isolated oceanic island in the Mexican Pacific Ocean. Approximately half of the island is still sheep-free. The other half has been widely overgrazed and transformed into savannah and prairie-like open habitats that exhibit sheet and gully erosion and are covered by a mix of native and alien invasive vegetation today. Vegetation transects in this moderately sheep-impacted sector show that a significant number of native and endemic herb and shrub species exhibit sympatric distribution patterns with introduced plants. Only one alien plant species has been recorded from any undisturbed and sheep-free island sector so far.
Socorro Island provides support for the hypothesis that disturbance of a pristine ecosystem is generally required for the colonization and naturalization of alien plants. Sheep are also indirectly responsible for the self-invasion of mainland bird species into novel island habitats and for the decline and range contraction of several endemic bird species.  相似文献   

A key to the supraspecific taxa of the Australian Megaloptera, as recognized in this paper, is presented. Identification of species and subspecies is possible by comparison with illustrations of genitalia which are presented for all known forms. Their geographical ranges are quoted. Species status is proposed for phaeoscius Riek and polypastus Riek, both originally described as subspecies of Archichauliodes guttiferus (Walker). A new subgenus of Archichauliodes, Apochauliodes is erected. Stenosialis Tillyard is re‐instated. The adults of the following new taxa are described: Archichauliodes cervulus, A. collifer, A. conversus, A. cuspidatus, A. isolatus, A. lewis, A. neoguttiferus. A. pictus, A. piscator, A. rieki, A. simpsoni, A. uncinatus, Protochauliodes biconicus incertus, P. b. tooloomensis, P. kirramae, Austrosialis maxmouldsi, Stenosialis hollowayi. Also presented is the hitherto undescribed female of Archichauliodes phaeoscius Riek. Austrochauliodes Riek is regarded a junior synonym of Protochauliodes Weele. Archichauliodes australica Kimmins is synonymized with Archichauliodes anagaurus Riek. Five species groups are defined and proposed for the subdivision of Archichauliodes s. str.  相似文献   

Air temperature, vapor pressure deficit, and light intensity microclimatic gradients were examined along four forest edge and four paired forest interior transects in the East and West Usambara Mountains, Tanzania. Between 14 August 1995 and 11 August 1998, 287, 282, and 196 air temperature, vapor pressure deficit, and light intensity gradients, respectively, were measured along the four forest edge and four interior transects. The relationship between microclimate and distance from the forest edge was examined using piecewise linear regression. All microclimatic gradients were classified into one of nine shapes based on the sign and the size of the two estimated slopes. The relative frequency in the shapes of 65 percent of air temperature gradients, 52 percent of vapor pressure deficit gradients, and 62 percent of light intensity gradients along forest edge transects exceeded the relative frequency of these same shapes along forest interior transects, indicating that a majority of the forest edge microclimatic gradients measured were influenced by edge effects. Yet this result also indicated that approximately one‐third of all air temperature and light intensity gradients and nearly one‐half of all vapor pressure deficit gradients recorded during this study were affected by factors independent of edge effects per se, and that forest edge microclimatic gradients were temporally nonconstant. For air temperature and vapor pressure deficit gradients, low spatial but high temporal variation existed in estimated edge width and the relative change in microclimate between the forest edge and interior. For light intensity gradients, both high spatial and temporal variability characterized estimated edge width and relative change in microclimate between the forest edge and interior. The pooled mean edge width and relative change in microclimate between die forest edge and interior across the four forest edge transects for air temperature, vapor pressure deficit, and light intensity gradients were 94.1 m and 2.00°C, 82.6 m and 0.29 kPa, and 60.5 m and 10.6 joules/sec/m2, respectively. These results suggest that forest edge microclimatic gradients in general may be inherently dynamic and nonconstant.  相似文献   

Variation in nest predation levels associated with rainforest fragmentation (edge effects) was assessed in Australia's Wet Tropics bioregion. Artificial nests were placed in the forest understorey at seven edge sites where continuous forest adjoined pasture, seven interiors (about 1 km from the edge), and six linear riparian forest remnants (50–100 m wide) that were connected to continuous forest. Four nest types were also compared, representing different combinations of two factors; height (ground, shrub) and shape (open, domed). At each site, four nests of each type, containing one quail egg and two model plasticine eggs, were interspersed about 15 m apart within a 160 m transect during September–October 2001. Predators were identified from marks on the plasticine eggs. The overall depredation rate was 66.5% of 320 nests' contents damaged over a three-day period. Large rodents, especially the rat Uromys caudimaculatus, and birds, especially the spotted catbird Ailuroedus melanotis, were the main predators. Mammals comprised 56.5% and birds 31.0% of predators, with 12.5% of unknown identity. The depredation rate did not vary among site-types, or between open and domed nests, and there were no statistically significant interactions. Nest height strongly affected depredation rates by particular types of predator; depredation rates by mammals were highest at ground nests, whereas attacks by birds were most frequent at shrub nests. These effects counterbalanced so that overall there was little net effect of nest height. Mammals accounted for 78.4% of depredated ground nests and birds for at least 47.4% of shrub nests (and possibly up to 70.1%). The main predators were species characteristic of rainforest, rather than habitat generalists, open-country or edge specialists. For birds that nest in the tropical rainforest understorey of the study region, it is unlikely that edges and linear remnants presently function as ecological population sinks due to mortality associated with increased nest predation.  相似文献   

The control of feral goats (Capra hircus) was studied on Aldabra Atoll, Republic of Seychelles, from October 1993 to May 1994 and November 1994 to May 1995. A total of 832 goats was killed on Aldabra using the Judas goat technique and traditional hunting methods. Twenty-eight goats equipped with radio transmitters (Judas goats) were used to locate and kill other feral goats. The remnant goat populations on Ile Picard (n=13) and Ile Malabar (n=19) were eradicated during the first season. On Grande Terre, a total of 798 (374 M : 424 F) goats were killed. Mean group size was 3.2 with a range of 1–20. Judas goat hunting became increasingly important over time with 18.0% (n=85) of goats killed in the presence of Judas goats in the first season compared to 42.3% (n=126) of goats killed during the second season. The overall kill rate for the project was almost 2 times greater for Judas goat hunting (0.61 goats killed/h) than traditional hunting (0.32 goats killed/h). The home range size of each Judas goat and the number of goats killed in association with it was significantly related. Using the Leslie–Davis removal method of population estimation, 84 goats were estimated to remain on all of Grande Terre at the end of thebreak project. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Horse flies (Tabanidae) on and around feral ponies in harem groups were counted at Assateague Island National Seashore, Maryland, U.S.A., between June and August 1985. Harem stallions attracted the most flies; adult mares showed intermediate fly numbers, while few flies landed on foals under any circumstances. The use of thermal and chemical cues by flies selecting a host may have helped create this disparity. When flies were abundant, ponies reduced spacing within the group. Ponies in larger groups suffered from fewer flies than ponies in smaller groups. There was, however, no evidence that ponies merged into larger groups in response to fly harassment, suggesting that biting flies play little role in structuring pony social organization.  相似文献   

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