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The taxonomy, ecology and distribution of Rinodina deflectens, R. interjecta, R. rinodinoides, R. tephraspis and R. trachytica are treated. New combinations are made for R. interjecta and R. rinodinoides. R. melanocarpa and R. serpentini are synonyms of R. rinodinoides. R. badiella and R. kentuckyensis are synonyms of R. tephraspis , and R. iberica of R. trachytica.  相似文献   

Abstract:A characteristic, sterile lichen genus with homoiomerous thallus containing terpenoids is described, with one subtropical species, Kroswia crystalliferum sp. nov., occurring scattered in Africa from Kenya south to the Cape, southern India (with Sri Lanka) and Taiwan. Another temperate species, Kroswia gemmascens (Nyl.) comb. nov., is restricted to Eastern Asia. In spite of its gelatinous, homoiomerous thallus, the genus appears to belong to thePannariaceae .  相似文献   

Abstract:The new genus Sporostigma is introduced for the remarkable species Arthonia melaspora. The genus is characterized by mazaediate ascomata and dark brown ascospores. Relationships with other genera are discussed.  相似文献   

A new genus, Oletheriostrigula, is erected for Massarina papulosa. The fungus is redescribed and illustrated, additional synonymy is given, and its relationships within the Ascomycetes are discussed.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of the cetrarioid lichens with bifusiform spermatia and dorsiventral thalli which contain usnic acid is reanalysed using three parts of the genome, ITS rDNA, β-tubulin and GAPDH sequences. Molecular data from five cetrarioid species are presented for the first time, and 13 new sequences are combined with sequences from the gene bank to delimit the genus Nephromopsis. A monophyletic clade of Nephromopsis, Tuckneraria, ‘Cetraria’ leucostigma and ‘C.’ melaloma is identified and circumscribed as one genus, Nephromopsis, which now includes 19 species. Four new combinations are presented. A key to the species is provided.  相似文献   

The genus Vulpicida is monographcd. Its delimitation and nomenclature is revised. The following 6 species are accepted: V. cunudensb, V. juniperinus. V. pinastri, V. tilesii, V. rubulosus and V. viridis . The study includes anatomy, and ontogeny of ascomata, as well as chemical studies. Secondary metabolites was studied with TLC and HPLC, and isozymcs by isoelectric focusing. The ecology. distribution and probahle evolution of the taxa are discussed and compared with other lichens and phorophytes. The systematic position of the genus is investigated by cladistic methods. Keys for the identification of the genus and the species and distrihution maps and photos of the species are included. The new combination Vulpicidu pinustri var. soralifera is made.  相似文献   

To test the phylogenetic position of phenotypically peculiar species in the Physciaceae we generated 47 new sequences (26 of nrITS region and 21 of mtSSU rDNA) from 19 crustose taxa of Physciaceae mainly from the genus Rinodina. Phylogenetic analysis confirmed the Buellia and Physcia groups. The analysis revealed a considerable variability of characters traditionally used for classification, especially in the delimitation of the genera Buellia and Rinodina. While ascus types agree well with the distinction of the Buellia and Physcia groups, none of the other traditional characters, including excipulum type and ascospore thickening, were consistent within subclades of the Physcia group. We suggest that both excipulum type and ascospore characters are rather dynamic in the evolution of Rinodina species and only appear consistent in morphologically more complex foliose and fruticose groups, which are characterized by thallus characters not present in the crustose groups. Two recent taxonomic changes are supported by molecular characters: Endohyalina insularis (syn. 'Rinodina' insularis) and Rinodina lindingeri (syn. 'Buellia' lindingeri). In addition Rinodina parvula (syn. 'Buellia' parvula) is reinstated. New records for Endohyalina brandii, E. diederichii, E. insularis and Rinodina albana are presented.  相似文献   

Bryocentria is described as a new genus of Hypocreales. It is characterized by small orange-coloured perithecia, excipular cells with cyanophilic pitted walls, apical paraphyses, numerous thin-walled asci, small, two-celled ascospores with a cyanophilic central part and parasitism on bryophytes. The generitype B. brongniartii is a frequent biotrophic and host-specific leaf perforator of Frullania dilatata. The related, necrotrophic B. metzgeriae also perforates the leaves of predominantly foliose hepatics. Bryocentria cyanodesma grows necrotrophically and forms superficial ascomata on various mosses. Whereas these three species are known only from Europe, a fourth species from Costa Rica, which causes necrotic lesions in epiphyllous hepatics, is mentioned but not formally described.  相似文献   

Dermatocarpon (Verrucariales, lichenized Ascomycotina) in the Nordic countries is revised. The following 10 species occur: D. bachmannii, D. deminuens, D. leptophyllodes, D. leptophyllum, D. linkolae, D. luridum, D. meiophyllizum, D. miniatum, D. polyphyllizum , and D. rivulorum. Three varieties of D. miniatum , viz. var. miniatum , var. cirsodes , and var. complicatum , are also discussed. A key to the species is given, and distribution maps for all species are supplied. Useful characters for the recognition of different species are discussed.  相似文献   

A new species, Rinodina canariensis (lichenized Ascomycetes, Physciaceae), is described. It usually grows parasitically on saxicolous crustose lichens in Macaronesia and in the Mediterranean region. It is well characterized chemically by the presence of gyrophoric acid. The characters of the new species are compared with those of other taxa of the genus Rinodina containing gyrophoric acid. Rinodina alba and R. atrocinerea are reported from the island of Madeira for the first time. A short survey of lichen-parasitic species of Rinodina is given.  相似文献   

Canoparmelia scrobicularis is shown to be a member of the genus Crespoa and the new combination Crespoa scrobicularis is proposed. The species is described in detail with a discussion of its relationships to other species of Crespoa, especially Crespoa carneopruinata and Crespoa crozalsiana.  相似文献   

Eleven new species in the genus linocarpon collected in Australia, Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia and Philippines are described and illustrated. The new combination L. Jreycinetiae (Rehm) K.D. Hyde is made. Twenty-three species are now recognized in Linocarpon and a key to these species is provided.  相似文献   

Musaespora kalbii sp. nov. is a foliicolous lichen distinguished by its unilocular, blackish brown ascocarps and campylidia. It is known from Costa Rica, French Guiana, the West Indies, Madagascar, and Papua New Guinea. The species is most common at medium elevations (500–1500 m) and prefers semi-open situations. The genus Musaespora seems to be related to the genera Architrypethelium. Megalotremis and Anisomeridium . Its campylidia are assumed to be derived from pycnidia.  相似文献   

A recent phylogenetic analysis of the Myxinidae based on the 16S rRNA gene resulted in synonymization of Paramyxine with Eptatretus. This created homonymy of Paramyxine fernholmi with Eptatretus fernholmi and Paramyxine wisneri with Eptatretus wisneri. In order to resolve this nomenclatural dilemma, we made a more extensive phylogenetic assessment of the Myxinidae and examined the nomenclature of the family. We used 75 sequences (37 of which new for this study) of a 561 bp fragment of the 16S rRNA gene, representing 33 species, and 72 sequences (37 of which new for this study) of a 687 bp fragment of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene, representing 23 species, to reconstruct the phylogeny of Myxinidae. The monophyly of the subfamily Myxininae, traditionally characterized by having a single pair of external gill openings, was rejected (0.50 Bayesian posterior probability) by the 16S analysis, but supported by the COI and combined COI+16S analyses (0.99 and 0.81 Bpp, respectively). The monophyly of the subfamily Eptatretinae, characterized by having several pairs of external gill openings, was not supported by the 16S analysis and rejected by the COI and combined COI+16S analysis due to the placement of Eptatretus lopheliae as the earliest branch of Myxinidae (0.71 and 0.57 Bpp, respectively). Eptatretus lopheliae and Eptatretus rubicundus formed a monophyletic group and were allocated to a new genus, Rubicundus, characterized by the presence of an elongated tubular nostril and reddish coloration. A new monotypic subfamily, Rubicundinae, was proposed for Rubicundus. The synonymy of the genera Paramyxine and Quadratus with Eptatretus was confirmed. E. fernholmi is renamed Eptatretus luzonicus. Eptatretus wisneri was renamed Eptatretus bobwisneri. Petromyzon cirrhatus Forster, 1801, Homea banksii Fleming, 1822, and Bdellostoma forsteri Müller, 1836 are synonyms, but no type specimens are known to exist. Petromyzon cirrhatus was designated as type species of Eptatretus, conserving present usage. Gastrobranchus dombeyi Shaw, 1804 has priority over other names for Chilean myxinids. Bdellostoma stoutii was designated as type species of Polistotrema Gill. The validity of the Western Atlantic Myxine limosa as distinct from the Eastern Atlantic Myxine glutinosa was confirmed.  相似文献   

Aspicilia goettweigensis is a poorly known species from xerothermic siliceous rocks in Europe. It is considered to be common in the Czech Republic and it is new to Hungary and Russia. The main diagnostic character is formation of cracked, popcorn‐like, areoles in the central parts of the thalli. Analysis of nrITS sequences revealed its close relationship to Aspicilia subdepressa and A. volcanica. TLC revealed stictic acid in analysed A. goettweigensis samples. A key to non‐lobate Aspicilia with stictic acid known from Europe is provided.  相似文献   

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