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The synthesis of beta-galactosidase (EC;beta-D-galactoside galactohydrolase) in E. coli was repressed as a result of infection with single-stranded DNA phage phi chi 174. Evidence is presented to show that this repression was not due to the restricted entry of the inducer molecules into the infected cells but to some phage-specified product(s). It was further shown that either the infected cells synthesized a fewer number of enzyme-specific mRNA or all such molecules were translated with a reduced efficiency; the half-lives of the mRNA's remained more or less unaffected.  相似文献   

The insertion of a particular phi X DNA sequence in the plasmid pACYC177 strongly decreased the capacity of Escherichia coli cells containing such a plasmid to propagate bacteriophage phi X174. The smallest DNA sequence tested that showed the effect was the HindII fragment R4. This fragment does not code for a complete protein. It contains the sequence specifying the C-terminal part of the gene H protein and the N-terminal part of the gene A protein, as well as the noncoding region between these genes. Analysis of cells that contain plasmids with the "reduction sequence" showed that (i) the adsorption of the phages to the host cells is normal, (ii) in a single infection cycle much less phage is formed, (iii) only 10% of the infecting viral single-stranded DNA is converted to double-stranded replicative-form DNA, and (iv) less progeny replicative form DNA is synthesized. The reduction process is phi X174 specific, since the growth of the related G4 and St-1 phages was not affected in these cells. The effect of the recombinant plasmids on infecting phage DNA shows similarity to the process of superinfection exclusion.  相似文献   

Y Mano  H Sakai    T Komano 《Journal of virology》1979,30(3):650-656
phi X174am3trD, a temperature-resistant mutant of bacteriophage phi X174am3, exhibited a reduced ability to grow in a dnaP mutant, Escherichia coli KM107, at the restrictive temperature (43 degrees C). Under conditions at which the dnaP gene function was inactivated, the amount and the rate of phi X174am3trD DNA synthesis were reduced. The efficiency of phage attachment to E. coli KM107 at 43 degrees C was the same as to the parental strain, E. coli KD4301, but phage eclipse and phage DNA penetration were inhibited in E. coli KM107 at 43 degrees C. It is suggested that the dnaP gene product, which is necessary for the initiation of host DNA replication, participates in the conversion of attached phages to eclipsed particles and in phage DNA penetration in vivo in normal infection.  相似文献   

Mutation in several different cistrons of bacteriophage phi chi 174 blocks net progeny single-stranded DNA synthesis at the late period of infection (15). For the study of the functions of these cistrons in single-stranded DNA synthesis, asymmetric replication of replicative form DNA was examined at the late period of infection with amber mutants of these cistrons. While the normal, rapid process of asymmetric single-stranded viral DNA synthesis is blocked at the late period of these mutant infections, an asymmetric synthesis of the viral strand of replicative-form DNA is observed in this period, though at a reduced level, together with degradation of prelabeled viral strand. Some intermediate replicative-form molecules were also detected. Asymmetric synthesis of the viral strand of replicative-form DNA at the late period of phi chi infection is completely inhibited in the presence of a low concentration (35mug/ml) of chloramphenicol (which also blocks net single-stranded viral DNA synthesis). These results are discussed in terms of the possible role of the specific viral proteins for normal single-stranded DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

A mutant (designated mec(-)) has been isolated from Escherichia coli C which has lost DNA-cytosine methylase activity and the ability to protect phage lambda against in vivo restriction by the RII endonuclease. This situation is analogous to that observed with an E. coli K-12 mec(-) mutant; thus, the E. coli C methylase appears to have overlapping sequence specificity with the K-12 and RII enzymes; (the latter methylases have been shown previously to recognize the same sequence). Covalently closed, supertwisted double-standed DNA (RFI) was isolated from C mec(+) and C mec(-) cells infected with bacteriophage phiX174. phiX. mec(-) RFI is sensitive to in vitro cleavage by R.EcoRII and is cut twice to produce two fragments of almost equal size. In contrast, phiX.mec(+) RFI is relatively resistant to in vitro cleavage by R.EcoRII. R.BstI, which cleaves mec(+)/RII sites independent of the presence or absence of 5-methylcytosine, cleaves both forms of the RFI and produces two fragments similar in size to those observed with R. EcoRII. These results demonstrate that phiX.mec(+) RFI is methylated in vivo by the host mec(+) enzyme and that this methylation protects the DNA against cleavage by R.EcoRII. This is consistent with the known location of two mec(+)/ RII sequences (viz., [Formula: see text]) on the phiX174 map. Mature singlestranded virion DNA was isolated from phiX174 propagated in C mec(+) or C mec(-) in the presence of l-[methyl-(3)H]methionine. Paper chromatographic analyses of acid hydrolysates revealed that phiX.mec(+) DNA had a 10-fold-higher ratio of [(3)H]5-methylcytosine to [(3)H]cytosine compared to phiX.mec(-). Since phiX.mec(+) contains, on the average, approximately 1 5-methylcytosine residue per viral DNA, we conclude that methylation of phiX174 is mediated by the host mec(+) enzyme only. These results are not consistent with the conclusions of previous reports that phiX174 methylation is mediated by a phage-induced enzyme and that methylation is essential for normal phage development.  相似文献   

The behavior of the temperature-sensitive, penicillin-tolerant Escherichia coli mutant VC44 to endogenously induced autolysis by the bacteriophage phi X174 gene E product (gpE) was investigated. Expression of the cloned phi X174 lysis gene showed that cultures of strain VC44 grown at the restricted temperature were fully sensitive to endogenously induced autolysis. The results revealed that the modes of E. coli lysis induction by gpE and by penicillin differ and that the trigger mechanisms for autolysis depend greatly on the specific inducer used.  相似文献   

A Witte  W Lubitz    E P Bakker 《Journal of bacteriology》1987,169(4):1750-1752
We examined the cellular effects after the expression of the cloned lysis gene E of bacteriophage phi X174. Chloramphenicol prevented lysis only when added within the first minute of derepression of E synthesis, indicating that a time lag of several minutes exists between the synthesis of the E protein and the onset of cell lysis. Experiments with protonophores showed the existence of a subsequent step dependent on proton motive force at about 3 to 5 min before lysis.  相似文献   

In the preceeding paper (Brown, D. R., Roth, M. J., Reinberg, D., and Hurwitz, J. (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 10545-10555), it was shown that following bacteriophage phi X174 (phi X) DNA synthesis in vitro using purified proteins, the phi X A protein could be detected covalently linked to nascent 32P-labeled DNA. This phi X A protein-[32P]DNA complex was the product of the reinitiation reaction. The phi X A protein-[32P]DNA complex could be trapped as a protein-32P-oligonucleotide complex by the inclusion of ddGTP in reaction mixtures. In this report, the structure of the phi X A protein-32P-oligonucleotide complex has been analyzed. The DNA sequence of the oligonucleotide bound to the phi X A protein has been determined and shown to be homologous to the phi X (+) strand sequence immediately adjacent (3') to the replication origin. The phi X A protein was directly linked to the 5' position of a dAMP residue of the oligonucleotide; this residue corresponded to position 4306 of the phi X DNA sequence. The phi X A protein-32P-oligonucleotide complex was exhaustively digested with either trypsin or proteinase K and the 32P-labeled proteolytic fragments were analyzed. Each protease yielded two different 32P-labeled peptides in approximately equimolar ratios. The two 32P-labeled peptides formed after digestion with trypsin (designated T1 and T2) and with proteinase K (designated PK1 and PK2) were isolated and characterized. Digestion of peptide T1 with proteinase K yielded a product which co-migrated with peptide PK2. In contrast, peptide T2 was unaffected by digestion with proteinase K. These results suggest that the phi X A protein contains two active sites that are each capable of binding covalently to DNA. The peptide-mononucleotide complexes T1-[32P]pdA and T2-[32P]pdA were isolated and subjected to acid hydrolysis in 6.0 N HCl. In each case, the major 32P-labeled products were identified as [32P] phosphotyrosine and [32P]Pi. This indicates that each active site of the phi X A protein participates in a phosphodiester linkage between a tyrosyl moiety of the protein and the 5' position of dAMP.  相似文献   

Three mutants of phi chi 174 were examined for their abilities to grow in temperature-sensitive dna,A, dnaC, dnaE, or dnaG mutants of Escherichia coli. The results indicate that the phage mutants have acquired the ability to grow in some tsDNA mutants that normally block the replication of wild-type phi chi 174. Evidence is presented indicating that the phage mutants contain one or more altered structural proteins. Several models are presented to explain how altered phage structural proteins could affect phi chi 174 replication.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage phi X174 viral strand DNA molecules shorter than genome length found late in the infectious cycle in Escherichia coli were 5' end labeled with 32P. Hybridization of the 32P-labeled molecules to restriction enzyme fragments of phi X replicative form DNA revealed an excess of phi X molecules whose 5' ends mapped in HaeIII fragments Z3 and Z4 in comparison with fragments Z1 and Z2. This suggests that initiation of phi X174 viral strand DNA synthesis may occur at internal sites on the complementary strand. There are several appropriately located sequences that might serve as n' (factor Y) recognition sequences and thereby facilitate discontinuous synthesis of the viral strand.  相似文献   

It has previously been established that the functional gene A product of phi chi X 174 is required for double-stranded DNA replication and that mutants in gene A affect the lysis of the host cell. We report here other alterations of normal phenotype for a subset of gene A mutants suggesting additional functions of gene A. Mutants in the subset failed to terminate cellular DNA synthesis and were unable to efficiently inactivate the colony-forming ability of the host. Two mutants in a second group retained the ability to kill the infected cell, although only one of these mutants efficiently terminated cellular DNA synthesis. Normal termination of cellular DNA synthesis did not occur by the production of random multiple breaks in the DNA, although it may have occurred by the selective production of breaks in newly synthesized DNA. It has previously been shown that two protein products are produced from the gene A region, the smaller of which is a C-terminal fragment of the larger. The separate phenotypes reported here for the two groups of mutants in gene A are consistent with separate functions for the two gene products previously reported.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage phi X 174 gene D product, a protein required for single-stranded DNA synthesis by the phage, has been purified to near homogeneity. The protein is very abundant; approximately 10(5) monomers are present per infected cell when lysis is delayed. The protein has a monomer molecular weight of 15,200 and is normally a tetramer; however, it can form very large aggregates at high concentrations. Amino acid analysis shows an excess of arginine over lysine and a relatively high number of nonpolar residues. The protein carries a net negative charge at neutral pH. The first eight amino acids of the protein sequence have been determined; they are Ser-Gln-Val-Thr-Glu-Gln-Arg-Val. The carboxy-terminal residue is methionine. The protein has not yet been shown to bind directly to any single-stranded DNA; it does not adsorb to denatured calf thymus DNA-cellulose.  相似文献   

LY 127935 (moxalactam), a new 1-oxa cephalosporin, was evaluated in vitro in agar dilution testing against 177 different clinical isolates of cephalothin-resistant Enterobacteriaceae andPseudomonas aeruginosa in parallel with amikacin, cephalothin, cefoxitin, and cefamandole. Ninety percent of the isolates were also gentamicin-resistant by disk testing. LY 127935 showed a very high degree of activity against cephalothin-resistant organisms but amikacin was more active in vitro, particularly againstP. aeruginosa. Cefoxitin and cefamandole were consistently less active than either LY 127935 or amikacin.  相似文献   

The bacteriophage phi X174 viral (+) origin when inserted in a plasmid can interact in vivo with the A protein produced by infecting phi X174 phages. A consequence of this interaction is packaging of single-stranded plasmid DNA into preformed phage coats resulting in infective particles (1). This property was used to study morphogenesis and to analyse the signals for initiation and termination of the rolling circle DNA replication in vivo. It is shown that the size of the DNA had a strong effect on the encapsidation by the phage coats and the infectivity of the particle. Termination was analysed by using plasmids with two phi X (+) origins either in the same orientation or in opposite orientation. Both origins were used with equal frequency. Initiation at one origin resulted in very efficient termination (greater than 96%) at the second origin in the case of two origins in the same orientation. When the two (+) origins have opposite orientations, no correct termination was observed. The second origin in the opposite strand effectively inhibits (greater than 98%) the normal DNA synthesis; i.e. the covalently bound A protein present in the replication fork interacts with the (+) origin sequence in the opposite strand.  相似文献   

On incubation with deoxynucleoside triphosphates and rATP, ether-treated (nucleotide-permeable) cells convert the single-stranded DNA of adsorbed bacteriophage φX174 particles to the double-stranded replicative forms. The main final product is the doubly-closed replicative form, RFI; a minor product is the relaxed form II. Interruptions in the nascent complementary strand of the viral DNA result in pieces corresponding to 5 to 10% of the unit length of the viral DNA. Pieces of similar size were previously seen in studies of the replication synthesis of Escherichia, coli DNA in ether-treated cells. Since the conversion of the single-stranded φX174 DNA to replicative form is known to be mediated entirely by host factors, it is argued that the viral single strands are replicated by macromolecular factors involed in the replication of E. coli DNA and that this is the reason why new φX174 DNA appears in short pieces. Possible consequences of this interpretation for an understanding of duplex replication are discussed. The joining of the short pieces of complementary φX174 DNA is inhibited at low deoxynucleoside triphosphate concentration (1 μM) but not by nicotinamide mononucleotide, which inhibits the NAD-dependent DNA ligase and blocks the conversion of RFII to RFI in ether-treated cells. The results are discussed with respect to previous studies on cell-DNA synthesis (Geider, 1972). It is argued that there are two polynucleotide joining mechanisms, of which only one requires NAD-dependent ligase action.  相似文献   

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