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Two stable steady states were found in the numerical solution of the Hodgkin-Huxley equations for the intact squid axon bathed in potassium-rich sea water with an externally applied inward current. Under the conditions the two stable steady-states exist, the Hodgkin-Huxley equations have a complex bifurcation structure including, in addition to the two stable steady-states, a stable limit cycle, two unstable equilibrium points, and one asymptotically stable equilibrium point. It was also concluded that two stable steady states can appear in the Hodgkin-Huxley axons when the leak current is comparable to the currents through the Na and K channels.  相似文献   

Many cellular decision processes, including proliferation, differentiation, and phenotypic switching, are controlled by bistable signaling networks. In response to transient or intermediate input signals, these networks allocate a population fraction to each of two distinct states (e.g. OFF and ON). While extensive studies have been carried out to analyze various bistable networks, they are primarily focused on responses of bistable networks to sustained input signals. In this work, we investigate the response characteristics of bistable networks to transient signals, using both theoretical analysis and numerical simulation. We find that bistable systems exhibit a common property: for input signals with short durations, the fraction of switching cells increases linearly with the signal duration, allowing the population to integrate transient signals to tune its response. We propose that this allocation algorithm can be an optimal response strategy for certain cellular decisions in which excessive switching results in lower population fitness.  相似文献   

Bistability is a common mechanism to ensure robust and irreversible cell cycle transitions. Whenever biological parameters or external conditions change such that a threshold is crossed, the system abruptly switches between different cell cycle states. Experimental studies have uncovered mechanisms that can make the shape of the bistable response curve change dynamically in time. Here, we show how such a dynamically changing bistable switch can provide a cell with better control over the timing of cell cycle transitions. Moreover, cell cycle oscillations built on bistable switches are more robust when the bistability is modulated in time. Our results are not specific to cell cycle models and may apply to other bistable systems in which the bistable response curve is time-dependent.  相似文献   

It is now recognized that molecular circuits with positive feedback can induce two different gene expression states (bistability) under the very same cellular conditions. Whether, and how, cells make use of the coexistence of a larger number of stable states (multistability) is however largely unknown. Here, we first examine how autoregulation, a common attribute of genetic master regulators, facilitates multistability in two-component circuits. A systematic exploration of these modules'' parameter space reveals two classes of molecular switches, involving transitions in bistable (progression switches) or multistable (decision switches) regimes. We demonstrate the potential of decision switches for multifaceted stimulus processing, including strength, duration, and flexible discrimination. These tasks enhance response specificity, help to store short-term memories of recent signaling events, stabilize transient gene expression, and enable stochastic fate commitment. The relevance of these circuits is further supported by biological data, because we find them in numerous developmental scenarios. Indeed, many of the presented information-processing features of decision switches could ultimately demonstrate a more flexible control of epigenetic differentiation.  相似文献   

In addition to gene network switches, local epigenetic modifications to DNA and histones play an important role in all-or-none cellular decision-making. Here, we study the dynamical design of a well-characterized epigenetic chromatin switch: the yeast SIR system, in order to understand the origin of the stability of epigenetic states. We study hysteresis in this system by perturbing it with a histone deacetylase inhibitor. We find that SIR silencing has many characteristics of a non-linear bistable system, as observed in conventional genetic switches, which are based on activities of a few promoters affecting each other through the abundance of their gene products. Quite remarkably, our experiments in yeast telomeric silencing show a very distinctive pattern when it comes to the transition from bistability to monostability. In particular, the loss of the stable silenced state, upon increasing the inhibitor concentration, does not seem to show the expected saddle node behavior, instead looking like a supercritical pitchfork bifurcation. In other words, the ‘off’ state merges with the ‘on’ state at a threshold concentration leading to a single state, as opposed to the two states remaining distinct up to the threshold and exhibiting a discontinuous jump from the ‘off’ to the ‘on’ state. We argue that this is an inevitable consequence of silenced and active regions coexisting with dynamic domain boundaries. The experimental observations in our study therefore have broad implications for the understanding of chromatin silencing in yeast and beyond.  相似文献   

Switch like responses appear as common strategies in the regulation of cellular systems. Here we present a method to characterize bistable regimes in biochemical reaction networks that can be of use to both direct and reverse engineering of biological switches. In the design of a synthetic biological switch, it is important to study the capability for bistability of the underlying biochemical network structure. Chemical Reaction Network Theory (CRNT) may help at this level to decide whether a given network has the capacity for multiple positive equilibria, based on their structural properties. However, in order to build a working switch, we also need to ensure that the bistability property is robust, by studying the conditions leading to the existence of two different steady states. In the reverse engineering of biological switches, knowledge collected about the bistable regimes of the underlying potential model structures can contribute at the model identification stage to a drastic reduction of the feasible region in the parameter space of search. In this work, we make use and extend previous results of the CRNT, aiming not only to discriminate whether a biochemical reaction network can exhibit multiple steady states, but also to determine the regions within the whole space of parameters capable of producing multistationarity. To that purpose we present and justify a condition on the parameters of biochemical networks for the appearance of multistationarity, and propose an efficient and reliable computational method to check its satisfaction through the parameter space.  相似文献   

Switches (bistability) and oscillations (limit cycle) are omnipresent in biological networks. Synthetic genetic networks producing bistability and oscillations have been designed and constructed experimentally. However, in real biological systems, regulatory circuits are usually interconnected and the dynamics of those complex networks is often richer than the dynamics of simple modules. Here we couple the genetic Toggle switch and the Repressilator, two prototypic systems exhibiting bistability and oscillations, respectively. We study two types of coupling. In the first type, the bistable switch is under the control of the oscillator. Numerical simulation of this system allows us to determine the conditions under which a periodic switch between the two stable steady states of the Toggle switch occurs. In addition we show how birhythmicity characterized by the coexistence of two stable small-amplitude limit cycles, can easily be obtained in the system. In the second type of coupling, the oscillator is placed under the control of the Toggleswitch. Numerical simulation of this system shows that this construction could for example be exploited to generate a permanent transition from a stable steady state to self-sustained oscillations (and vice versa) after a transient external perturbation. Those results thus describe qualitative dynamical behaviors that can be generated through the coupling of two simple network modules. These results differ from the dynamical properties resulting from interlocked feedback loops systems in which a given variable is involved at the same time in both positive and negative feedbacks. Finally the models described here may be of interest in synthetic biology, as they give hints on how the coupling should be designed to get the required properties.  相似文献   

We have used identified neurons from the abdominal ganglion of the mollusc Aplysia to construct and analyze two circuits in vitro. Each of these circuits was capable of producing two patterns of persistent activity; that is, they had bistable output states. The output could be switched between the stable states by a brief, external input. One circuit consisted of cocultured L10 and left upper quadrant (LUQ) neurons that formed reciprocal, inhibitory connections. In one stable state L10 was active and the LUQ was quiescent, whereas in the other stable state L10 was quiescent and the LUQ was active. A second circuit consisted of co-cultured L7 and L12 neurons that formed reciprocal, excitatory connections. In this circuit, both cells were quiescent in one stable state and both cells fired continuously in the other state. Bistable output in both circuits resulted from the nonlinear firing characteristics of each neuron and the feedback between the two neurons. We explored how the stability of the neuronal output could be controlled by the background currents injected into each neuron. We observed a relatively well-defined range of currents for which bistability occurred, consistent with the values expected from the measured strengths of the connections and a simple model. Outside of the range, the output was stable in only a single state. These results suggest how stable patterns of output are produced by some in vivo circuits and how command neurons from higher neural centers may control the activity of these circuits. The criteria that guided us in forming our circuits in culture were derived from theoretical studies on the properties of certain neuronal network models (e.g., Hopfield, J. J. 1984. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 81:3088-3092). Our results show that circuits consisting of only two co-cultured neurons can exhibit bistable output states of the form hypothesized to occur in populations of neurons.  相似文献   

The logic of cellular decision-making is largely controlled by regulatory circuits defining molecular switches. Such switching elements allow to turn a graded input signal into an all-or-nothing output. Traditional studies have focused on this bistable picture of regulation, but higher-order scenarios involving tristable and tetrastable states are possible too. Are these multiswitches allowed in simple gene regulatory networks? Are they likely to be observed? If not, why not? In this paper we present the examination of this question by means of a simple but powerful geometric approach. We examine the relation between multistability, the degree of multimerization of the regulators and the role of autoloops within a deterministic setting, finding that N-stable circuits are possible, although their likelihood to occur rapidly decays with the order of the switch. Our work indicates that, despite two-component circuits are able to implement multistability, they are optimal for Boolean switches. The evolutionary implications are outlined.  相似文献   

Logical models provide insight about key control elements of biological networks. Based solely on the logical structure, we can determine state transition diagrams that give the allowed possible transitions in a coarse grained phase space. Attracting pathways and stable nodes in the state transition diagram correspond to robust attractors that would be found in several different types of dynamical systems that have the same logical structure. Attracting nodes in the state transition diagram correspond to stable steady states. Furthermore, the sequence of logical states appearing in biological networks with robust attracting pathways would be expected to appear also in Boolean networks, asynchronous switching networks, and differential equations having the same underlying structure. This provides a basis for investigating naturally occurring and synthetic systems, both to predict the dynamics if the structure is known, and to determine the structure if the transitions are known.  相似文献   

Just as complex electronic circuits are built from simple Boolean gates, diverse biological functions, including signal transduction, differentiation, and stress response, frequently use biochemical switches as a functional module. A relatively small number of such switches have been described in the literature, and these exhibit considerable diversity in chemical topology. We asked if biochemical switches are indeed rare and if there are common chemical motifs and family relationships among such switches. We performed a systematic exploration of chemical reaction space by generating all possible stoichiometrically valid chemical configurations up to 3 molecules and 6 reactions and up to 4 molecules and 3 reactions. We used Monte Carlo sampling of parameter space for each such configuration to generate specific models and checked each model for switching properties. We found nearly 4,500 reaction topologies, or about 10% of our tested configurations, that demonstrate switching behavior. Commonly accepted topological features such as feedback were poor predictors of bistability, and we identified new reaction motifs that were likely to be found in switches. Furthermore, the discovered switches were related in that most of the larger configurations were derived from smaller ones by addition of one or more reactions. To explore even larger configurations, we developed two tools: the “bistabilizer,” which converts almost-bistable systems into bistable ones, and frequent motif mining, which helps rank untested configurations. Both of these tools increased the coverage of our library of bistable systems. Thus, our systematic exploration of chemical reaction space has produced a valuable resource for investigating the key signaling motif of bistability.  相似文献   

Bistability and irreversible transitions in a simple substrate cycle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The dynamic properties of a simple substrate cycle involving two antagonist enzymes are investigated. One of these enzymes exhibits a non-linearity through inhibition by excess substrate. Depending either on the interconverted substrate pool concentration or the maximal activity of the non-inhibited enzyme, monostability, bistability and irreversible transitions may occur. A reversible bistable cycle is shown to present interesting features for regulatory purposes as it can respond to external (and/or internal) modulations in two different ways: A buffering effect by efficient stabilization of the steady-states, or, an increase in sensitivity by switching the system from one regime to the opposite one. The plausible biochemical and biological implications of irreversible transitions are discussed and emphasized in terms of "metabolic transitions".  相似文献   

Neural stem cells (NSCs) often give rise to a mixed population of cells during differentiation. However, the dynamical origin of these mixed states is poorly understood. In this article, our mathematical modeling study demonstrates that the bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP2) mediated disparate differentiation dynamics of NSCs in central and peripheral nervous systems essentially function through two distinct bistable switches that are mutually interconnected via a mushroom-like bifurcation. Stochastic simulations of the model reveal that the mixed population originates due to the existence of these bistable switching regulations and that the maintenance of such mixed states depends on the level of stochastic fluctuations of the system. It further demonstrates that due to extrinsic variability, cells in an NSC population can dynamically transit from mushroom to a unique isola kind of bifurcation state, which essentially extends the range of the BMP2-driven mixed population state during differentiation. Importantly, the model predicts that by individually altering the expression level of key regulatory proteins, the NSCs can be converted entirely to a preferred phenotype for BMP2 doses that previously resulted in a mixed population. Our findings show that efficient neuronal regeneration can be achieved by systematically maneuvering the differentiation dynamics.  相似文献   

Sigmoid functional responses may arise from a variety of mechanisms, one of which is switching to alternative food sources. It has long been known that sigmoid (Holling's Type III) functional responses may stabilize an otherwise unstable equilibrium of prey and predators in Lotka-Volterra models. This poses the question of under what conditions such switching-mediated stability is likely to occur. A more complete understanding of the effect of predator switching would therefore require the analysis of one-predator/two-prey models, but these are difficult to analyze. We studied a model based on the simplifying assumption that the alternative food source has a fixed density. A well-known result from optimal foraging theory is that when prey density drops below a threshold density, optimally foraging predators will switch to alternative food, either by including the alternative food in their diet (in a fine-grained environment) or by moving to the alternative food source (in a coarse-grained environment). Analyzing the population dynamical consequences of such stepwise switches, we found that equilibria will not be stable at all. For suboptimal predators, a more gradual change will occur, resulting in stable equilibria for a limited range of alternative food types. This range is notably narrow in a fine-grained environment. Yet, even if switching to alternative food does not stabilize the equilibrium, it may prevent unbounded oscillations and thus promote persistence. These dynamics can well be understood from the occurrence of an abrupt (or at least steep) change in the prey isocline. Whereas local stability is favored only by specific types of alternative food, persistence of prey and predators is promoted by a much wider range of food types.  相似文献   

An epidemic model with distributed time delay is derived to describe the dynamics of infectious diseases with varying immunity. It is shown that solutions are always positive, and the model has at most two steady states: disease-free and endemic. It is proved that the disease-free equilibrium is locally and globally asymptotically stable. When an endemic equilibrium exists, it is possible to analytically prove its local and global stability using Lyapunov functionals. Bifurcation analysis is performed using DDE-BIFTOOL and traceDDE to investigate different dynamical regimes in the model using numerical continuation for different values of system parameters and different integral kernels.  相似文献   

Switching effect of predation on competitive prey species   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The fact that the predation pressure has a stabilizing effect on the community of competitive species is demonstrated by a mathematical model of two-preys and one-predator system which has the switching property of predation. By analyzing a dynamical system for these three species populations, it is shown that, in a wide range of parameter space, the system has stable coexisting equilibrium states and the manifold of stable stationary points exhibits a cusp catastrophe and there exist two stable stationary points in the cusp region in the parameter space. Thus, it has been shown that Cause's competitive exclusion is actually relaxed by the switching mechanism of predation.  相似文献   



Bistability, the capacity to achieve two distinct stable steady states in response to a set of external stimuli, arises within biological systems ranging from the λ phage switch in bacteria to cellular signal transduction pathways in mammalian cells. On the other hand, more and more experimental evidence in the form of bimodal population distribution has indicated that noise plays a very important role in the switching of bistable systems. However, the physiological mechanism underling noise-induced switching behaviors remains to be fully understood.  相似文献   

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