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Native vegetation is frequently replaced by alien plants on isolated oceanic islands. The effects of such replacements by invasive plants on the diversity and temporal dynamics of island-endemic insects remain unclear. We examined flying insect communities using Malaise traps on the small island of Nishi-jima in the oceanic Ogasawara Archipelago in the northwestern Pacific. On the island, an alien tree, Casuarina equisetifolia, has become dominant, occupying 57.3?% of the vegetation area. The species richness, composition, and abundance of pollinators (bees), predators (wasps), and wood-boring beetles (cerambycids, mordellids, and elaterids) were compared in each summer season of 4?years among three vegetation types: C. equisetifolia forest, natural forest, and grassland. In the traps, 82.3?% of species captured were endemic to the archipelago. The grassland harbored the highest species richness of native bees and wasps, whereas the natural forest had the highest species richness of native wood-boring beetles. The C. equisetifolia forest had the poorest species richness for most insect groups. Principal response curves indicated that differences in species composition among the three vegetation types were consistent through time for all insect groups. Most insect species were more abundant in natural forest or grassland than in C. equisetifolia forest. Standard deviations in both the numbers of individuals and species estimated under a Bayesian framework suggested that annual fluctuations of abundance and species density were similar among vegetation types (except for elaterid abundance). Therefore, replacement by C. equisetifolia has likely altered insect species composition but has not necessarily dramatically affected the temporal dynamics of insect assemblages on the island.  相似文献   

Matching marine reserve design to reserve objectives   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent interest in using marine reserves for marine resource management and conservation has largely been driven by the hope that reserves might counteract declines in fish populations and protect the biodiversity of the seas. However, the creation of reserves has led to dissension from some interested groups, such as fishermen, who fear that reserves will do more harm than good. These perceived differences in the effect of marine reserves on various stakeholder interests has led to a contentious debate over their merit. We argue here that recent findings in marine ecology suggest that this debate is largely unnecessary, and that a single general design of a network of reserves of moderate size and variable spacing can meet the needs and goals of most stakeholders interested in marine resources. Given the high fecundity of most marine organisms and recent evidence for limited distance of larval dispersal, it is likely that reserves can both maintain their own biodiversity and service nearby non-reserve areas. In particular, spillover of larger organisms and dispersal of larvae to areas outside reserves can lead to reserves sustaining or even increasing local fisheries. Ultimately, the success of any reserve network requires attention to the uncertainty and variability in dispersal patterns of marine organisms, clear statements of goals by all stakeholder groups and proper evaluation of reserve performance.  相似文献   

Effective monitoring programs are designed to track changes in the distribution, occurrence, and abundance of species. We developed an extension of Royle and Kéry's (2007) single species model to estimate simultaneously temporal changes in probabilities of detection, occupancy, colonization, extinction, and species turnover using data on calling anuran amphibians, collected from 2002 to 2006 in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley of Louisiana, USA. During our 5-year study, estimates of occurrence probabilities declined for all 12 species detected. These declines occurred primarily in conjunction with variation in estimates of local extinction probabilities (cajun chorus frog [Pseudacris fouquettei], spring peeper [P. crucifer], northern cricket frog [Acris crepitans], Cope's gray treefrog [Hyla chrysoscelis], green treefrog [H. cinerea], squirrel treefrog [H. squirella], southern leopard frog [Lithobates sphenocephalus], bronze frog [L. clamitans], American bullfrog [L. catesbeianus], and Fowler's toad [Anaxyrus fowleri]). For 2 species (eastern narrow-mouthed toad [Gastrophryne carolinensis] and Gulf Coast toad [Incilius nebulifer]), declines in occupancy appeared to be a consequence of both increased local extinction and decreased colonization events. The eastern narrow-mouthed toad experienced a 2.5-fold increase in estimates of occupancy in 2004, possibly because of the high amount of rainfall received during that year, along with a decrease in extinction and increase in colonization of new sites between 2003 and 2004. Our model can be incorporated into monitoring programs to estimate simultaneously the occupancy dynamics for multiple species that show similar responses to ecological conditions. It will likely be an important asset for those monitoring programs that employ the same methods to sample assemblages of ecologically similar species, including those that are rare. By combining information from multiple species to decrease the variance on estimates of individual species, our results are advantageous compared to single-species models. This feature enables managers and researchers to use an entire community, rather than just one species, as an ecological indicator in monitoring programs. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Temporal dynamics and nestedness of an oceanic island bird fauna   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aim To examine temporal variation in nestedness and whether nestedness patterns predict colonization, extinction and turnover across islands and species. Location Dahlak Archipelago, Red Sea. Method The distributions of land birds on 17 islands were recorded in two periods 30 years apart. Species and islands were reordered in the Nestedness Temperature Calculator, software for assessing degrees of nestedness in communities. The occupancy probability of each cell, i.e. species–island combinations, was calculated in the nested matrix and an extinction curve (boundary line) was specified. We tested whether historical and current nested ranks of species and islands were correlated, whether there was a relationship between occupancy probability (based on the historical data) and number of extinctions or colonizations (regression analyses) and whether the boundary line could predict extinctions and colonizations (chi‐square analyses). Results Historical and current nested ranks of islands and species were correlated but changes in occupancy patterns were common, particularly among bird species with intermediate incidence. Extinction and turnover of species were higher for small than large islands, and colonization was negatively related to isolation. As expected, colonizations were more frequent above than below the boundary line. Probability of extinction was highest at intermediate occupancy probability, giving a quadratic relationship between extinction and occupancy probability. Species turnover was related to the historical nested ranks of islands. Colonization was related negatively while extinction and occupancy turnover were related quadratically to historical nested ranks of species. Main conclusions Some patterns of the temporal dynamics agreed with expectations from nested patterns. However, the accuracy of the predictions may be confounded by regional dynamics and distributions of idiosyncratic, resource‐limited species. It is therefore necessary to combine nestedness analysis with adequate knowledge of the causal factors and ecology of targeted species to gain insight into the temporal dynamics of assemblages and for nestedness analyses to be helpful in conservation planning.  相似文献   

Representative sampling of ant communities is time-consuming and laborious. Due to their manifold habitat requirements and sociobiological attributes, a suite of sampling methods is necessary to detect nearly all ant species in a given habitat. We analysed how well different combinations and intensities of sampling methods are suited to assess ant species richness and community patterns. Sampling occurred at 24 sites in mountain and floodplain habitats in Austria using pitfall traps, Winkler litter extraction, hand sampling of foragers, and colony sampling. Of these, pitfall traps delivered the largest species numbers. We drew 19 subsets of sampling approaches and compared these to the complete data. Many subsets that allowed for substantial reduction of work effort nonetheless reflected well the beta diversity patterns of the whole dataset. In contrast, alpha diversity assessment was more sensitive to reduced sampling effort. Pitfall traps turned out to be indispensable to collect ant species for biodiversity studies, but the optimal combination of sampling methods varied between habitat types. In rugged montane habitats pitfalls should be complemented at least by colony sampling. In floodplain forests the number of pitfall trap replicates can be reduced, but inclusion of Winkler samples is advisable.  相似文献   

Accounting for uncertainty in marine reserve design   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ecosystems and the species and communities within them are highly complex systems that defy predictions with any degree of certainty. Managing and conserving these systems in the face of uncertainty remains a daunting challenge, particularly with respect to developing networks of marine reserves. Here we review several modelling frameworks that explicitly acknowledge and incorporate uncertainty, and then use these methods to evaluate reserve spacing rules given increasing levels of uncertainty about larval dispersal distances. Our approach finds similar spacing rules as have been proposed elsewhere – roughly 20–200 km – but highlights several advantages provided by uncertainty modelling over more traditional approaches to developing these estimates. In particular, we argue that uncertainty modelling can allow for (1) an evaluation of the risk associated with any decision based on the assumed uncertainty; (2) a method for quantifying the costs and benefits of reducing uncertainty; and (3) a useful tool for communicating to stakeholders the challenges in managing highly uncertain systems. We also argue that incorporating rather than avoiding uncertainty will increase the chances of successfully achieving conservation and management goals.  相似文献   

Removal of feral cats from island environments is a useful mechanism by which their ecological impact on endangered species can be reduced or ended. Nevertheless, because cats are anthropogenic in their origins, social perceptions of management practices play a large role in their implementation. Four-hundred questionnaires were delivered (386 were returned) with 100 going to each of the following: local residents; environmental workers; tourists; and, hunters. Questions explored respondents’ knowledge about island biodiversity and invasive species as well as attitudes towards cat population management methods. Habitat destruction and introduction of invasive species were considered the main threats for the conservation of island biodiversity. Most respondents considered cats to have a negative impact on biodiversity and sterilization campaigns were considered most appropriate for cat population control. Several free sterilization campaigns have been conducted in La Palma Island Biosphere Reserve in order to reduce free-ranging cats and were well received by local people. This research, which combined concepts of management, ecology and social sciences, provides valuable insights which may to be applicable on several other islands where cats and people are present and in conflict with conservation priorities.  相似文献   

Aerobiological monitoring was conducted in an experimental room to aid in the development of standardized sampling protocols for airborne microorganisms in the indoor environment. The objectives of this research were to evaluate the relative efficiencies of selected sampling methods for the retrieval of airborne fungal spores and to determine the effect of human activity on air sampling. Dry aerosols containing known concentrations of Penicillium chrysogenum spores were generated, and air samples were taken by using Andersen six-stage, Surface Air System, Burkard, and depositional samplers. The Andersen and Burkard samplers retrieved the highest numbers of spores compared with the measurement standard, an aerodynamic particle sizer located inside the room. Data from paired samplers demonstrated that the Andersen sampler had the highest levels of sensitivity and repeatability. With a carpet as the source of P. chrysogenum spores, the effects of human activity (walking or vacuuming near the sampling site) on air sampling were also examined. Air samples were taken under undisturbed conditions and after human activity in the room. Human activity resulted in retrieval of significantly higher concentrations of airborne spores. Surface sampling of the carpet revealed moderate to heavy contamination despite relatively low airborne counts. Therefore, in certain situations, air sampling without concomitant surface sampling may not adequately reflect the level of microbial contamination in indoor environments.  相似文献   

The ability of reserves to replenish fish stocks is relatively well documented, but the evidence of their ability to induce positive effects on benthic communities remains inconclusive. Here, we test whether 10 years of reserve designation have translated into positive effects on coral communities in Glover’s Reef, Belize. Surveys of 87 patch reefs inside and outside the reserve revealed no clear indication of reserve implementation benefitting coral cover, coral colony size, or abundance of juvenile corals. Furthermore, massive broadcasting coral species exhibited greater losses over time than their smaller-sized counterparts across all sites, suggesting that local management actions have not alleviated the regional trend of high mortality for these species. We detected no difference in herbivorous fish abundances or macroalgal cover between reserve and fished sites, providing a potential explanation for the lack of cascading positive effects on the coral community. We conclude that patterns of regional coral decline are evident at Glover’s Reef, including a shift in dominance from broadcasting species to brooding species and declines in mean colony size. Our findings suggest that regional stressors are overwhelming local management efforts and that additional strategies are required to improve local coral condition.  相似文献   

Question: Multi-temporal analysis of remotely sensed imagery has proven to be a powerful tool for assessment and monitoring of landscape diversity. Here the feasibility of assessing land-use diversity and land-use change was tested at multiple scales and over time by means of statistical linear estimators based on a probabilistic sampling design. Location: The study area (the district of Asciano, Tuscany, Italy) is characterized by erosional forms typical of Pliocene claystone (i.e. calanchi and biancane) that have been subject to the phenomenon of biancane reworking over the past 50 years, mainly owing to the expansion of intensive agriculture. Methods: Cells at two different scales (50 m × 50 m and 10 m × 10 m) were classified by two operators according to a multilevel legend, using 1954 and 2000 aerial photographs. Inter-operator agreement and accuracy were tested by Cohen's K coefficient. Total land cover estimation for each class was carried out using a multistage estimator, while the variance was estimated by means of the Wolter estimator. Field-based information on plant species composition was recorded in order to test for a relationship between land use and plant community composition by anova and indicator species analysis. Results: Agreement between photointerpreters and accuracy were significantly higher than those expected by chance, proving that the approach proposed is reproducible, as long as proper quality assurance methods are used. Our data show that, at the two scales considered (50 m × 50 m and 10 m × 10 m), crops have increased against woodlands and semi-natural areas, the latter showing the highest and significantly different mean species richness. Meanwhile, an increase in the coverage of trees and shrubs was found within the semi-natural areas, probably as a result of secondary succession occurring on typical landscape elements such as biancane. Conclusions: Inferential statistics made it possible to acquire quantitative information on the abundance of land cover classes, allowing formal multi-temporal and multi-scale analysis. Sampling design-based statistical linear estimators were found to be a powerful tool for assessing landscape trends considering both time expenditure and other costs. They make it possible to maintain the same scale of analysis over time series data and to detect both coarse- and fine-grained changes in spatial patterns.  相似文献   

Aim To investigate the formation of nestedness and species co‐occurrence patterns at the local (sampling station), the intermediate (island group), and the archipelago scale. Location The study used data on the distribution of terrestrial isopods on 20 islands of the central Aegean (Greece). These islands are assigned to two distinct subgroups (Kyklades and Eastern islands). Methods The Nestedness Temperature Calculator was used to obtain nestedness values and maximally nested matrices, the EcoSim7 software and a modified version of Sanderson (2000 ) method were used for the analysis of species co‐occurrences. Idiosyncratic temperatures of species and the order of species placement in the maximally nested matrices were used for further comparisons among spatial scales. The relationships of nestedness values with beta‐diversity, habitat diversity and a number of ecological factors recorded for each sampling station were also investigated. Results Significant nestedness was found at all spatial scales. Levels of nestedness were not related to beta‐diversity or habitat diversity. Nestedness values were similar among spatial scales, but they were affected by matrix size. The species that contributed most to the nested patterns within single islands were not the same as those that produce nestedness at the archipelago scale. There was significant variation in the frequency of species occurrence among islands and among spatial scales. There was no direct effect of ecological factors on the shaping of patterns of nestedness within individual islands, but habitat heterogeneity was crucial for the existence of such patterns. Positive associations among species prevailed at all scales when species per station were considered, while negative associations prevailed in the species per island matrices. All associations resulted from the habitat structure of sampling stations and from particularities of geographical distributions. Conclusions There was no clear‐cut distinction between nestedness patterns among spatial scales, even though different species, and partially different factors, contributed to the formation of these patterns in each case. There was a core of species that contributed to the formation of nested patterns at all spatial scales, while the patterns of species associations suggested that biotic interactions are not an important causal factor. The results of this study suggest that locally rare species cannot be widespread at a higher spatial scale, while locally common species can have a restricted distribution.  相似文献   

Environmental DNA (eDNA) analyses are powerful for describing marine biodiversity but must be optimized for their effective use in routine monitoring. To maximize eDNA detection probabilities of sparsely distributed populations, water samples are usually concentrated from larger volumes and filtered using fine-pore membranes, often a significant cost–time bottleneck in the workflow. This study aimed to streamline eDNA sampling by investigating plankton net versus bucket sampling, direct versus sequential filtration including self-preserving filters. Biodiversity was assessed using metabarcoding of the small ribosomal subunit (18S rRNA) and mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) genes. Multispecies detection probabilities were estimated for each workflow using a probabilistic occupancy modelling approach. Significant workflow-related differences in biodiversity metrics were reported. Highest amplicon sequence variant (ASV) richness was attained by the bucket sampling combined with self-preserving filters, comprising a large portion of microplankton. Less diversity but more metazoan taxa were captured in the net samples combined with 5 μm pore size filters. Prefiltered 1.2 μm samples yielded few or no unique ASVs. The highest average (~32%) metazoan detection probabilities in the 5 μm pore size net samples confirmed the effectiveness of preconcentration plankton for biodiversity screening. These results contribute to streamlining eDNA sampling protocols for uptake and implementation in marine biodiversity research and surveillance.  相似文献   

Little consideration has been given to the genetic composition of populations associated with marine reserves, as reserve designation is generally to protect specific species, communities or habitats. Nevertheless, it is important to conserve genetic diversity since it provides the raw material for the maintenance of species diversity over longer, evolutionary time-scales and may also confer the basis for adaptation to environmental change. Many current marine reserves are small in size and isolated to some degree (e.g. sea loughs and offshore islands). While such features enable easier management, they may have important implications for the genetic structure of protected populations, the ability of populations to recover from local catastrophes and the potential for marine reserves to act as sources of propagules for surrounding areas. Here, we present a case study demonstrating genetic differentiation, isolation, inbreeding and reduced genetic diversity in populations of the dogwhelk Nucella lapillus in Lough Hyne Marine Nature Reserve (an isolated sea lough in southern Ireland), compared with populations on the local adjacent open coast and populations in England, Wales and France. Our study demonstrates that this sea lough is isolated from open coast populations, and highlights that there may be long-term genetic consequences of selecting reserves on the basis of isolation and ease of protection.  相似文献   

The open exposed Laholm Bay in the Kattegat is eutrophicated through riverine input, mainly of N. The benthic macrofauna down to 10 m depth (60 km2) is dominated by the suspension-feeding bivalves Cardium edule and Mya arenaria. To estimate the seasonal and annual consumption of seston by the suspension-feeders in Laholm Bay, we carried out three sets of observations. (1) The abundance and biomass of the macrofauna in this depth interval were assessed along eight transects. (2) The secondary production of the two bivalves was estimated over a 10-month period in two sampling squares. (3) The filtration rate of C. edule was determined in natural seawater in laboratory experiments during different seasons. The bivalves can in theory filter all of the water volume down to 10 m in 3 days and, thus, make a significant impact on the phytoplankton concentration. In our study, however, they filtered only approximately half of their potential feeding capacity, perhaps because food availability was low due to low turnover close to the bottom or due to physical disturbance. The majority of the phytoplankton is exported from the bay. Bivalve abundance, biomass, production and growth rate were moderate and generally lower than in adjacent areas to the north. In autumn, the bivalves consumed >90% of the seston in comparison with net-zooplankton consumption. An energy-flow diagram for the bivalves is presented including estimates of bivalve N excretion and biodeposition.  相似文献   

We investigated the importance of the spatial context of interactions in a multispecies marine epibenthic assemblage with respect to the outcomes of interspecific interactions, neighbour-specific growth rates, and the dynamics of spatial and mean-field models of the system. We compared the outcomes of interactions and overgrowth rates of pair-wise combinations of species in spatially simplified contrived interactions with the same combinations in an unmanipulated assemblage. While estimates of neighbour-specific growth rates were similar in both sets of interactions, the probability of a species winning a particular interaction was strongly dependent on whether the interaction was contrived or occurred in the unmanipulated assemblage. The dynamics of a spatial model and its mean-field equivalent parameterised from estimates of interaction outcome and neighbour-specific growth from contrived interactions were significantly different to the dynamics of models based on estimates of interaction outcome and neighbour-specific growth obtained from non-manipulated assemblages. Differences in the dynamics of models based on parameters from unmanipulated and contrived interactions are primarily due to differences in outcomes of interspecific interactions, while fluctuations in growth rates contribute to the variability around these dynamics. Our results suggest that conclusions about interspecific interactions and community dynamics examined in simplified spatial associations (e.g. in manipulative experiments) is likely to be limited to assemblages with a similarly simplified spatial structure, which is an unlikely occurrence in nature.  相似文献   

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