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Control of Sodium Transport in Sunflower Roots   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Electrochemical potential differences (driving forces) for sodiumdistributed between the outside solution and the exuding sapof water-culture-grown sunflower plants (Helianthus annuius)have been determined. The results indicated that sodium wasmoving from the outside solution to the xylem against the electrochemicalpotential gradient at external concentrations below approximately0.30 mM Na. At higher external concentrations sodium appearedto be actively excluded from the xylem. An electrical potential difference between the exuding sap andthe external solution of approximately 30 mV was observed. Itwas unaffected by the external sodium concentration. Use ofa short-circuiting technique indicated that the trans-root potentialresides at the plasmalemma of the cortical cells. Driving forces on sodium distributed between the external solutionand the root and between the xylem sap and the root were calculated.They indicated that the root is able to accumulate sodium activelyboth from the external solution and the xylem sap. It is concludedthat sodium transport to the xylem in this species is controlledby the balance of these two opposing forces.  相似文献   

The Na+ and K+ transport characteristics of Spergularia marina (L.) Griseb. were considered in order to compare the systems by which these two physiologically different cations are managed during initial acquisition and subsequent partitioning in midvegetative plants. Uptake of 22Na+ and 42K+ and redistribution of labels in pulse-chase studies were compared under steady state growth conditions or with the concentration of one of the ions elevated. At high external concentrations, the initial 42K+ accumulation and transport to the shoot was associated with a small, rapidly exchanging, cellular compartment similar to that previously indicated for Na+ (D Lazof, JM Cheeseman 1986 Plant Physiol 81: 742-747). At 1 mol m−3, K+ was conducted to the shoot through a root compartment, the specific activity of which rose much more slowly than the rapidly exchanging compartment. After a lag of approximately 5 minutes, 42K+ translocation approached a constant rate with a half-time of 14 minutes compared to 5 minutes for 22Na+ or for 42K+ at higher external levels. At all external levels, prolonged translocation of 42K+ was measured when a 10 minute pulse was followed by an unlabeled chase, again suggesting a conducting compartment distinct from that for Na+. It is suggested that the K+ conducting compartment, possibly the `bulk cytoplasm,' is associated with the active K+ transport system generally found in higher plants.  相似文献   

Absorption of Chloride by Barley Roots: Kinetics and Selectivity   总被引:9,自引:9,他引:0  

NASSERY  H.; BAKER  D. A. 《Annals of botany》1974,38(1):141-144
The quantity of sodium transported to the shoots of intact barleyplants was stimulated by 0·5 mM ouabain when the sodiumchloride level of the bathing medium was below 100 mM. At sodiumchloride concentrations of 100 mM or more this ouabain-stimulatedsodium transport was not observed. Equiosmotic mannitol, equimolarpotassium chloride or equivalent calcium chloride solutionsdid-not affect the ouabain-stimulated sodium transport froma basic medium containing 10 mM sodium chloride. It is suggestedthat under the present experimental conditions the increasedsodium uptake by the root cells at sodium chloride concentrationsof 100 mM or more masks the extrusion process.  相似文献   

The use of water-soluble polyethylene glycol polymers (Carbowax, Hydrowax) as embedding media can be extended and facilitated by incorporating a water insoluble polyvinylacetate resin, AYAF (Union Carbide Co.). A combination of 7.5% resin added by heating to a 3:1 mixture of polyethylene glycols 1540 and 4000 gives blocks which may be cut at 2-3 μ. Sections can be floated and properly expanded on an ordinary water bath in a manner which may be impossible with Carbowax alone because of section fragility. This may require judicious adjustment of surface tension by the prior addition of minute quantities of the wax. On water, polyethylene glycol dissolves out of tissues, which remain supported by the resin. After attachment to albumen-coated slides, residual resin may, at option, be removed by a 1-2 min immersion in methyl alcohol without visible impairment of fat content. Abopon is used for mounting. The method appears suitable for the study of intracellular lipids, particularly in tissues which cannot be conveniently handled after Carbowax alone.  相似文献   

An apoplastic pathway, the so-called bypass-flow, across riceroots to the xylem has been investigated and approximately quantifiedusing the apoplastic tracer dye 8-hydroxy-l,3,6-pyrenetrisulphonicacid (PTS); former nomenclature 3-hydroxy-5,8,10-pyrenetrisulphonicacid. It was confirmed that PTS was confined to a compartmentno greater than the apparent free space in living rice roots.Experimental handling did not contribute to bypass-flow. Riceroots recovered rapidly from severe damage: following root pruning,sodium and calcium uptake returned to steady values in about6 h. Apoplastic flow declined after damage as a first-orderkinetic with a half time of 75 min. Analysis of the pattern of elution of PTS from preloaded roots(intact, excised and heat-killed), and from cellulose, was followedto compare PTS movement in the extracellular compartment withthat of water and small hydrated ions. Consideration is givento the factor by which the bypass-flow estimated with the dyewould need to be corrected to reflect the proportion of thetranspiration stream flowing in the apoplastic pathway. Thedata suggest that this factor would be at least 10 for transpiringrice plants. There was large individual variation in the transport both ofsodium and of the apoplastic tracer PTS to the shoot. Plantswith high sodium transport also had high PTS transport and itis concluded that some proportion of the sodium reaching thexylem in rice does so by a pathway which is also available toPTS, presumably direct apoplastic contact across the endodermis.A median value for the bypass-flow of water (corrected fromPTS) would be 0.5 to 1.0 percent of the transpirational volumeflow, but individuals with the highest sodium transport wouldhave bypass-flow values of several percent. Evidence is discussedwhich suggests that apoplastic transport may increase in stressconditions, and it is argued that bypass-flow is a major contributionto sodium uptake in rice in saline conditions. Key words: Oryza saliva, salinity, roots, radial ion transport, apoplast, bypass-flow  相似文献   

NASSERY  H.; BAKER  D. A. 《Annals of botany》1972,36(5):889-895
An active sodium effux hasbeen demonstrated in excised barleyroots. Isolated cortical and stelar tissues from the same materialdo not show any evidence of such an efflux mechanism. When intactbarley plantswere allowed to absorb 22Na active sodium extrusionwas not observed, although the percentage of 22Na transportedto the shoot was stimulated 20 to 40 percent by ouabain at 5x 10–4 M. Absorption and long-distance transport of phosphatewas unaffected by ouabain at this concentration. Interpretationof these data lead to the conclusion.that the sodium-effluxpump in barley roots is located at or near the endodermis externalto the Casparian band. This pump thus provides a mechanism wherebysodium can be partially excluded from the shoots of barley plants.  相似文献   

The functioning of living cells requires efficient and selective transport of materials into and out of the cell, and between different cellular compartments. Much of this transport occurs through nano-scale channels that do not require large scale molecular re-arrangements (such as transition from a ‘closed’ to an ‘open’ state) and do not require a direct input of metabolic energy during transport. Nevertheless, these ‘always open’ channels are highly selective and pass only their cognate molecules, while efficiently excluding all others; indeed, these channels can efficiently transport specific molecules even in the presence of a vast excess of non-specific molecules. Such biological transporters have inspired the creation of artificial nano-channels. These channels can be used as nano-molecular sorters, and can also serve as testbeds for examining modes of biological transport. In this paper, we propose a simple kinetic mechanism that explains how the selectivity of such ‘always open’ channels can be based on the exclusion of non-specific molecules by specific ones, due to the competition for limited space inside the channel. The predictions of the theory account for the behavior of the nuclear pore complex and of artificial nanopores that mimic its function. This theory provides the basis for future work aimed at understanding the selectivity of various biological transport phenomena.  相似文献   

Unidirectional active and passive fluxes of 42K and 24Na were measured in red blood cells of ground squirrels (hibernators) and guinea pigs (nonhibernators). As temperature is lowered, "active" (ouabain-sensitive) K influx and Na efflux were more greatly diminished in guinea pig cells than in those of ground squirrels. The fraction of total K influx which is ouabain sensitive in red blood cells of ground squirrels was virtually constant at all temperatures, whereas it decreased abruptly in guinea pig cells as temperature was lowered. All the passive fluxes (i.e., Na influx, K efflux, and ouabain-insensitive K influx and Na efflux) decreased logarithmically with decrease in temperature in both species, but in ground squirrels the temperature dependence (Q10 2.5–3.0) was greater than in guinea pig (Q10 1.6–1.9). Thus, red blood cells of ground squirrel are able to resist loss of K and gain of Na at low temperature both because of relatively greater Na-K transport (than in cells of nonhibernators) and because of reduced passive leakage of ions.  相似文献   

Accumulation of sodium and rubidium by excised barley roots was investigated. The concentration isotherm yielded one absorption shoulder. Nevertheless, it is suggested that two mechanisms take part in the uptake of sodium and rubidium: One non-metabolic mechanism with an apparent participation at low external salt concentrations (< 1 mM) and at high concentrations (> 20 mM). Such a mechanism is almost unaffected by low temperature conditions and by metabolic inhibitors. Rubidium possesses a high affinity toward this non-metabolic system. The second mechanism is sensitive to metabolic inhibitors and to low temperature conditions. It dominates at intermediate external concentrations (1–20 mM). Sodium possesses high affinity towards this mechanism. The two mechanisms operate in a parallel manner beyond a diffusion barrier (= plasmamembrane) surrounding the cells. It is assumed that both the metabolic and the non-metabolic mechanisms operate in the entire concentration spectrum, but their relative contribution to the total uptake varies at different ranges.  相似文献   

Steady-state rates of potassium ion and sodium ion absorption by excised barley roots accompanied by various anions were compared with the rates of anion absorption and the concomitant H+ and base release by the roots. The cation absorption rates were found to be independent of the identities, concentrations, and rates of absorption of the anions of the external solution, including bicarbonate. Absorption of the anion of the salt plus bicarbonate could not account for the cation absorption. H+ is released during cation absorption and base during anion absorption. The magnitude by which one or the other predominates depends on the relative rates of anion and cation absorption under various conditions of pH, cation and anion concentration, and inhibitor concentrations. The conclusion is that potassium and sodium ions are absorbed independently of the anions of the absorption solution in exchange for H+, while anions are exchanged for a base. The H+ release reflects a specificity between K+ and Na+ absorption such that it appears to be H+ exchanged in the specific rate-limiting reactions of the cation absorption.  相似文献   

Effects of Osmoprotectants upon NaCl Stress in Rice   总被引:34,自引:1,他引:34       下载免费PDF全文
Plants accumulate a number of osmoprotective substances in response to NaCl stress, one of them being proline (Pro). While characterizing some of the changes in solute accumulation in NaCl-stressed rice (Oryza sativa L.), we identified several other potential osmoprotectants. One such substance, trehalose, begins to accumulate in small amounts in roots after 3 d. We performed a series of experiments to compare the effects of Pro and trehalose on ion accumulation to determine whether the two chemicals protect the same physiological processes. We found that Pro either has no effect or, in some cases, exasperates the effect of NaCl on growth inhibition, chlorophyll loss, and induction of a highly sensitive marker for plant stress, the osmotically regulated salT gene. By contrast, low to moderate concentrations of trehalose reduce Na+ accumulation, salT expression, and growth inhibition. Somewhat higher concentrations (10 mM) prevent NaCl-induced loss of chlorophyll in blades, preserve root integrity, and enhance growth. The results of this study indicate that during osmotic stress trehalose or carbohydrates might be more important for rice than Pro.  相似文献   

Money NP 《Plant physiology》1989,91(2):766-769
Osmotic pressures (II) of aqueous solutions of polyethylene glycols (PEGs) of average relative molecular weight (Mr) between 200 and 10,000 were measured using vapor pressure deficit osmometry. The relationships between molarity and II were described with high precision by second order polynomials for each of the PEGs studied. In contrast to previous reports, equivalent weights of different polymers in solution did not generate the same II; low Mr PEGs generated a higher II than the higher Mr PEGs. The effect of PEGs upon II represents an interaction between concentration and Mr.  相似文献   

Maximum ATPase activities in the cell wall fraction of English ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) roots were stimulated by foru discrete millimole ratios of (Na++ K+); 40:0, 35:5, 5:35, and 0:40. The optimal pH for stimlation was found to be 6.5. Contrary to data in the literature, Mg2+ inhibited all stimulatory ratios of (Na++ K+) when plants were cultured on an adequate nutrient solution. When grown on a dilute solution, Mg2+ enhanced (Na++ K+)-stimulated ATPase activity in this membrane preparation. The single optimal combined concentration of (Na++ K+) for all stimulatory ratios was 40 MM. The ratios of (Na++ K+) which stimulated ATPase activity in the cell wall fraction varied with position along the root axis such that all rarely existed simultaneously nor did any exist in the terminal millimetre of the root. Both cell wall and microsomal fractions showed stimulation by (Na++ K+) at all the above ratios indicating the possible presence of plasma membrane fragments in both fractions. Only the 35:5 ratio was stimulations were found in the supernatant. Implications of ion-stimulated ATPase involvement in ion transport were drawn from the appearance of ATPase activity at a 40:0 ratio of (Na++ K+) and the disappearance of stimulations at 35:5, 5:35, and 0:40 ratios when plants were moved from a strong (35 mM total concentration) to a dilute (0.75 mM) nutrient solution.  相似文献   

铝毒害是酸性土壤限制农作物产量的主要因素之一。本文以水稻为材料,探讨了不同浓度的AlCl3(0、50、100、150 mmol.L-1)胁迫处理对水稻幼苗根生长的影响。结果表明,随着Al3+浓度和胁迫时间的增加,水稻幼苗根的生长受到抑制,长度和鲜重都减小,根尖细胞死亡的程度增大,根中H2O2含量上升;与对照(未经DMTU预处理)相比,经dimethylthiourea(内源过氧化氢抑制剂)预处理的水稻幼苗在Al3+胁迫下根细胞死亡程度减小,H2O2含量降低,根的生长抑制得到缓解,表明内源H2O2的积累是造成Al3+对水稻幼苗根生长抑制的原因之一。  相似文献   

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