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The neural network underlying rhythmic wing movements in the molluscClione limacina is well-studied. Two different groups of motoneurons innervate two distinct groups of wing muscles. The locomotor rhythm generated in the left and right pedal ganglia is synchronized by interneurons. When the axons of the locomotor motoneurons are crushed, numerous fine neurites sprout towards the denervated muscles and reach them in 8–15 days. At this stage motoneurons project to and synapse on not only correct but equally incorrect muscle targets. After 2 weeks of regeneration the number of incorrect neurites and synaptic connections begins to decrease and following 1.5–2 months all incorrect connections are eliminated, incorrect axons are withdrawn and the behavioral deficit is compensated. In this study the regeneration of interneurons and the growth profiles of inter- and motoneurons were also studiedin vitro. Two individually isolated pedal ganglia were co-cultured in three different configurations: a) the wing nerve stump from one ganglion was fixed against the commissural stump from another ganglion; b) the wing nerve stumps were fixed against each other; c) the commissural stumps were fixed against each other. Under the above experimental conditions we found that the interneurons were able to cross only the contact between two commissural stumps, and in this case found their original targets, restored correct connections and synchronized the rhythm in two pedal ganglia. In contrast, motoneurons were able to cross all types of contacts.  相似文献   

This paper reviews findings on the adaptive changes of locomotion in cats after spinal cord or peripheral nerve lesions. From the results obtained after lesions of the ventral/ventrolateral pathways or the dorsal/dorsolateral pathways, we conclude that with extensive but partial spinal lesions, cats can regain voluntary quadrupedal locomotion on a treadmill. Although tract-specific deficits remain after such lesions, intact descending tracts can compensate for the lesioned tracts and access the spinal network to generate voluntary locomotion. Such neuroplasticity of locomotor control mechanisms is also demonstrated after peripheral nerve lesions in cats with intact or lesioned spinal cords. Some models have shown that recovery from such peripheral nerve lesions probably involves changes at the supra spinal and spinal levels. In the case of somesthesic denervation of the hindpaws, we demonstrated that cats with a complete spinal section need some cutaneous inputs to walk with a plantigrade locomotion, and that even in this spinal state, cats can adapt their locomotion to partial cutaneous denervation. Altogether, these results suggest that there is significant plasticity in spinal and supraspinal locomotor controls to justify the beneficial effects of early proactive and sustained locomotor training after central (Rossignol and Barbeau 1995; Barbeau et al. 1998) or peripheral lesions.  相似文献   

To increase our knowledge concerning the central and peripheral regulation of reproduction in mammals a series of studies were performed. In the first experiment, we found that exogenous leptin altered the activity of the hypothalmo-pituitary-gonadotropic axis in sheep during insufficient feeding. The action of leptin appears to be mediated by changes in GnRH and LH secretion as well as NPY immunoreactivity. The aim of the second experiment was to investigate the role of the adipoinsular axis hormones during pregnancy in rats. The elevated levels of plasma leptin as wells as the increased mRNAs expression of the leptin receptors in placenta indicate the significant role of the hormone in fetal growth and development. On the other hand, a decrease in leptin receptors mRNA content within hypothalamus and pituitary together with unchanged plasma insulin level may suggest that during rat pregnancy leptin resistance was developed in the hypothalamus, pituitary and pancreatic islets. The third experiment was carried out to establish the role of opioids and glucocorticoids in the regulation of the hypothalmo-pituitary-gonadal axis in ewes during natural or synchronized estrous cycle. Prolonged treatment with progesterone resulted in significant changes in plasma levels of Met-enkephalin, cortisol and steroids and altered the expression of proenkephalin mRNA in the hypothalamus, pituitary, ovary and adrenals. Injections of Met-enkephalin or naltrexone (blocker of opioid receptors) modulated the progesterone influence in tested tissues. The data clearly suggest that opioids are involved in the regulation of the estrous cycle at the hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal/adrenal axes.  相似文献   

Resetting mechanism of central and peripheral circadian clocks in mammals   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  

The morphogenesis of individual organs and the whole organism occurs under the control of intercellular chemical signals mainly during the perinatal period of ontogenesis in rodents. In this study, we tested our hypothesis that the biologically active concentration of noradrenaline (NA) in blood in perinatal ontogenesis of rats is maintained due to humoral interaction between its central and peripheral sources based on their plasticity. As one of the mechanisms of plasticity, we examined changes in the secretory activity (spontaneous and stimulated release of NA) of NA-producing organs under deficiency of its synthesis in the brain. The destruction of NA-ergic neurons was provoked by administration of a hybrid molecular complex–antibodies against dopamine-β-hydroxylase associated with the cytotoxin saporin–into the lateral cerebral ventricles of neonatal rats. We found that 72 h after the inhibition of NA synthesis in the brain, its spontaneous release from hypothalamus increased, which was most likely due to a compensatory increase of NA secretion from surviving neurons and can be considered as one of the mechanisms of neuroplasticity aimed at the maintenance of its physiological concentration in peripheral blood. Noradrenaline secretion from peripheral sources (adrenal glands and the organ of Zuckerkandl) also showed a compensatory increase in this model. Thus, during the critical period of morphogenesis, the brain is integrated into the system of NA-producing organs and participates in their reciprocal humoral regulation as manifested in compensatory enhancement of NA secretion in each of the studied sources of NA under specific inhibition of NA production in the brain.  相似文献   

An in vitro organ culture system for buccal ganglia of the adult snail, Helisoma, is described. The system supports: (1) maintenance of characterstic electrophysiological parameters of identified neurons over seven days of culture; (2) choline metabolism including uptake and synthesis over the same duration; (3) sprouting and growth of neurons in response to axotomy; (4) the formation of novel central electrotonic connections between identified neurons as a result of sprouting and growth. These observations on neuronal growth and the formation of connections are similar to those made with in vivo culture. The use of in vitro culture allows precise manipulations not previously possible. When buccal ganglia are cultured in vitro with the cut distal ends of peripheral nerve trunks held closely apposed, axons of neurons 5R and 5L in the nerve trunks are capable of forming electrotonic connections similar to central connections. The capability of these neurons to form electrotonic connections via their peripheral axons implies that special structures (i. e., central neurites) are not required for the formation of connections; and neither are special environments (i. e., the central neurites) required for these connections.  相似文献   

In an overview of the problem of occupational muscle pain the evidence indicates that injury is more common the greater the load and the worse the posture in which the work is performed. The commonest are backstrains or ligament or joint damage due to overuse. Fatigue is associated with alterations in energy metabolites in muscle while pain is often due to microscopical damage to the cellular architecture. The progress of pathological changes in muscle following occupational injury may be similar to those seen in primary fibromyalgia (fibrositis) because of a final common pathway involving calcium-induced secondary damage. Occupational muscle pain frequently occurs in the muscles supporting the upper limb girdle and head in workers engaged in repetitively performing skilled manipulations or activities requiring high or sustained mental concentration. It is suggested that both occupational myalgia of this kind may be due to an imbalance in the use of muscles for postural activity (holding or supporting fine movements) compared to phasic use in dynamic work. While there are undoubtedly muscular indications of damage these may be secondary to alterations in (unconscious) central motor control mechanisms.  相似文献   

In the pteropod mollusk Clione limacina, locomotor rhythm is produced by the central pattern generator (CPG), due mainly to the activity of interneurons of groups 7 (active in the phase of the dorsal flexion of the wings) and 8 (active in the phase of the ventral flexion). Each of these groups excites the neurons active in the same phase of the locomotor cycle, and inhibits the neurons of the opposite phase. In this work, the nature of connections formed by group 7 interneurons was studied. Riluzole (2-amino-6-trifluoro-methoxybenzothiazole), which is known to inhibit the presynaptic release of glutamate, suppressed the action of the type 7 interneurons onto the follower neurons of the same and of the antagonistic phase of the locomotor cycle. The main pattern of rhythmic activity of CPG with alternation of two phases could be maintained after suppression of inhibitory connections from group 7 interneurons to antagonistic neurons. This suggests redundancy of the mechanisms controlling swimming rhythm generation, which ensures the reliable operation of the system.  相似文献   

In adult mammals, the severing of the optic nerve near the eye is followed by a loss of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) and a failure of axons to regrow into the brain. Experimental manipulations of the non-neuronal environment of injured RGCs enhance neuronal survival and make possible a lengthy axonal regeneration that restores functional connections with the superior colliculus. These effects suggest that injured nerve cells in the mature central nervous system (CNS) are strongly influenced by interactions with components of their immediate environment as well as their targets. Under these conditions, injured CNS neurons can express capacities for growth and differentiation that resemble those of normally developing neurons. An understanding of this regeneration in the context of the cellular and molecular events that influence the interactions of axonal growth cones with their non-neuronal substrates and neuronal targets should help in the further elucidation of the capacities of neuronal systems to recover from injury.  相似文献   

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