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Cyclosporine is crucial for the prevention of organ allograft rejection and allogeneic graft-vs-host disease (GVHD). Despite its potent immunosuppressive activity, cyclosporine elicits a T cell-mediated autoimmune syndrome after autologous or syngeneic bone marrow transplantation, which has been termed syngeneic GVHD (SGVHD). Recent studies have shown that for disease manifestation, a cytoxan and radiation-sensitive T cell dependent host resistance mechanism must be eliminated, allowing the clonal expansion of autoreactive cells. This report characterizes the autoregulatory lymphocyte population, present in normal animals, capable of inhibiting the adoptive transfer of SGVHD. First, twice the number of unfractionated splenocytes from normal animals to those from autoimmune donors ensured complete inhibition of the adoptive transfer of immune reactivity. Second, the phenotype of this host resistance mechanism in normal splenocytes involves dual regulatory T cell subsets. A helper/inducer subset (W3/25+) must be cotransferred with a cytotoxic/suppressor subset (OX8+) in a ratio that approximates the normal ratio in normal unfractionated splenocytes in order to affect inhibition of the transfer of SGVHD. Moreover the specific inducer regulatory activity resides in the OX22-, W3/25+ subset of Th cells.  相似文献   

Syngeneic graft-vs-host disease (SGVHD) is induced by reconstituting lethally irradiated mice with syngeneic bone marrow cells followed by a short course of therapy with the immunosuppressive agent cyclosporine A. Following cessation of cyclosporine A therapy, animals develop clinical symptoms of SGVHD: weight loss, runting, and diarrhea. While it has been suggested that T cells are responsible for the induction and effector phases of SGVHD, the role of nonspecific effector cells and cytokine mediators has yet to be examined in the disease process. Mice with SGVHD had increased levels of message for IL-12p40, IFN-gamma, and TNF-alpha in the target organs of SGVHD as compared with transplant controls and asymptomatic cyclosporine A-treated mice. Concomitant with the increase in Th1 cytokines was an enhanced cellular infiltrate in the target organs of SGVHD mice as determined by histological analysis. To directly examine the role of IL-12 in the development of SGVHD, in vivo neutralization of IL-12 was performed. Treatment of mice with Abs to IL-12 inhibited SGVHD-mediated tissue pathology and mortality. Because IL-12 has been shown to activate both T cells and NK cells to secrete IFN-gamma and to become more cytolytic, studies were initiated to ascertain which lymphocyte populations play a role in the development of murine SGVHD. Depletion of NK cells inhibited clinical symptoms of SGVHD. In contrast, T cell depletion did not alter the disease process. Therefore, these findings collectively demonstrate a role for IL-12 and NK cells in the effector phase of murine SGVHD.  相似文献   

Syngeneic graft-versus-host disease (SGVHD) is a T cell-mediated autoimmune disease occurring postsyngeneic bone marrow transplantation and the administration of the potent immunosuppressive agent, cyclosporine A. Paradoxically, cyclosporine A disrupts the immunologic homeostasis governing self-tolerance. Our studies using an adoptive transfer model attempted to identify effector mechanisms associated with the autoimmune disease. Both CD4+ and CD8+ splenic T cells isolated from autoimmune donors were required for the adoptive transfer of active disease into lethally irradiated secondary recipients reconstituted with normal bone marrow. Doses of more than 5 x 10(6) of nylon wool depleted splenocytes from autoimmune donors effectively transferred disease into lethally irradiated secondary recipients. Splenocytes that are T cell depleted or CD4(+)-enriched cells did not elicit disease upon adoptive transfer. Nylon wool fractionated CD8+ splenocytes also failed to adoptively transfer disease unless high doses (greater than or equal to 30 x 10(6)) were used. The disease transferred with the CD8+ subset presented as acute type SGVHD and was self-limiting. The recombination of the individually isolated T cell subsets not only restored but also enhanced immune reactivity upon adoptive transfer. Moreover, use of the recombined subsets resulted in progressive disease with the development of chronic type SGVHD. The titration of each subset to the other suggested that a minimal number of CD4+ T cells was required to potentiate the CD8+ autoreactive cells in vivo. Further analysis of the helper cell involved demonstrated that it had a CD4+ CD45r- phenotype, characteristic of an amplifying helper cell population. Administration of IL-2 did not substitute for CD4+ Th cells but yet amplified the activity of unfractionated cells or recombined subsets implicating the role of other factors in the pathogenesis of SGVHD. Delineation of the effector mechanisms involved in SGVHD is critical in determining the underlying events that trigger either the production of autoreactive cells or the perturbation of the regulation of these autoreactive cells, culminating in autoimmunity.  相似文献   

Murine syngeneic graft-versus-host disease (SGVHD) initiates colon and liver inflammation following lethal irradiation, reconstitution with syngeneic bone marrow transplantation, and therapy with the immunosuppressive agent cyclosporine A. Previous studies have demonstrated that the inducible disease is mediated by CD4(+) T cells with increased reactivity of peripheral and liver-associated lymphocytes against intestinal microbial Ags. In the current report, studies were performed to analyze the specificity of the CD4(+) T cell response of T cells isolated from diseased animals and to determine the in vivo role of the microbiota to the development of SGVHD. Increased major histocompatibility Ag (MHC) class II-restricted responsiveness of SGVHD CD4(+) T cells against microbial Ags isolated from the ceca of normal animals was observed. The enhanced proliferative response was observed in the CD62L(-) memory population of CD4(+) T cells. To determine the role of the bacterial microbiota in the development of murine SGVHD, control and CsA-treated bone marrow transplantation animals were treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics (metronidazole, ciprofloxacin) after transplantation. Cyclosporine A-treated animals that were given antibiotic therapy failed to develop clinical symptoms and pathological lesions in the target tissues characteristic of SGVHD. Furthermore, the reduction in intestinal bacteria resulted in the elimination of the enhanced antimicrobial CD4(+) T cell response and significantly reduced levels of the inflammatory cytokines, IFN-γ, IL-17, and TNF-α. The elimination of the disease-associated inflammatory immune responses and pathology by treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics definitively links the role of the microbiota and microbial-specific immunity to the development of murine SGVHD.  相似文献   

Non-melanoma skin cancers (NMSCs) are the most common neoplasm in organ transplant recipients (OTRs). These cancers are more invasive and metastatic as compared to those developed in normal cohorts. Previously, we have shown that immunosuppressive drug, cyclosporine A (CsA) directly alters tumor phenotype of cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) by activating TGF-β and TAK1/TAB1 signaling pathways. Here, we identified novel molecular targets for the therapeutic intervention of these SCCs. We observed that combined blockade of Akt and p38 kinases-dependent signaling pathways in CsA-promoted human epidermoid carcinoma A431 xenograft tumors abrogated their growth by more than 90%. This diminution in tumor growth was accompanied by a significant decrease in proliferation and an increase in apoptosis. The residual tumors following the combined treatment with Akt inhibitor triciribine and p38 inhibitors SB-203580 showed significantly diminished expression of phosphorylated Akt and p38 and these tumors were less invasive and highly differentiated. Diminished tumor invasiveness was associated with the reduced epithelial-mesenchymal transition as ascertained by the enhanced E-cadherin and reduced vimentin and N-cadherin expression. Consistently, these tumors also manifested reduced MMP-2/9. The decreased p-Akt expression was accompanied by a significant reduction in p-mTOR. These data provide first important combinatorial pharmacological approach to block the pathogenesis of CsA-induced highly aggressive cutaneous neoplasm in OTRs.  相似文献   

Syngeneic graft-versus-host disease (SGVHD), a chronic inflammatory disease, develops following irradiation, syngeneic bone marrow transplantation (BMT) and treatment with the immunosuppressive agent cyclosporine A (CsA). We have shown that TH1 and TH17 cytokine responses are increased during the development of SGVHD. The current study was designed to further investigate the involvement of TH17 immunity in SGVHD-associated colitis. IL-23 is a TH17 cytokine responsible for maintaining the effector functions of TH17 cells. The administration of anti-mouse IL-23p19 was shown to significantly reduce the clinical symptoms of primary and secondary SGVHD-associated colitis resulting in a significant reduction in both TH1 and TH17 associated cytokine expression. These results demonstrate that the TH17-associated cytokine, IL-23, may prove to be a beneficial therapeutic target in the treatment of chronic colon inflammation.  相似文献   

Syngeneic graft-versus-host disease (SGVHD) develops following lethal irradiation, reconstitution with syngeneic bone marrow (BM) and treatment with a 21 day course of the immunosuppressive agent cyclosporine A (CsA). Clinical symptoms of SGVHD appear 2–3 weeks post-CsA with inflammation occurring in the colon and liver. Previously we have demonstrated that CD4+ T cells and a T helper cell type 1 cytokine response (TH1) are involved in the development of SGVHD associated intestinal inflammation. Studies have recently discovered an additional T cell lineage that produces IL-17 and is termed TH17. It has been suggested that inflammatory bowel disease is a result of a TH17 response rather than a TH1 response. This study was designed to investigate TH17 involvement in SGVHD-associated colitis. Following induction of SGVHD, the levels of TH17 and TH1 cytokine mRNA and protein were measured in control and SGVHD animals. In vivo cytokine neutralization was performed to determine the role of the prototypic TH17 cytokine, IL-17, in the disease process. We found that during CsA-induced murine SGVHD there was an increase in both TH17 and TH1 mRNA and cytokines within the colons of diseased mice. The administration of an anti-mouse IL-17A mAb did not alter the course of disease. However, neutralization of IL-17A resulted in an increased production of IL-17F, a related family member, with an overlapping range of effector activities. These results demonstrate that in the pathophysiology of SGVHD, there is a redundancy in the TH17 effector molecules that mediate the development of SGVHD.  相似文献   

Far-red light (FR) inhibition of seed germination of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) was studied with the phytochrome (phy)-hypersensitive mutants, hp-1w, hp-1w,fri1, a phyA-deficient double mutant, and hp-1w,tri1, a phyB1-deficient double mutant. Seeds of all mutants germinated readily in the dark at 25 degrees C, and the germination was retarded by a single 100-s FR pulse given 1-3 h after sowing. The effect of an FR pulse was red-light reversible in all mutants used. After 24 h where a single FR pulse was no longer effective, prolonged FR exposure or hourly FR pulses suppressed germination in hp-1w and hp-1w,tri1, whereas in hp-1w,fri1 the suppressive effect of FR was almost absent. The effect of the prolonged FR was greater than that of the hourly 3-min FR pulses having equal photon fluence, and was fluencerate dependent. Thus we conclude that the germination inhibition by FR in tomato seed consists of a low-fluence response and a high irradiance response (HIR); the latter is controlled by phyA, but not phyB1. This is the first indication of phyA being involved in the HIR of seed germination inhibition.  相似文献   

The cellular basis of the transplantation tolerance in a model system of BALB/c (Mls-1b) mice rendered cyclophosphamide (CP)-induced tolerant to DBA/2 (Mls-1a) skin allograft was investigated by assessing V beta 6+ T cells. From our results, three major mechanisms that are essential to the CP-induced skin allograft tolerance were sequentially elucidated. The first mechanism was destruction of donor-Ag-stimulated T cells in the periphery by CP treatment. The second mechanism was intrathymic clonal deletion of donor-reactive T cells, such as V beta 6+ T cells, correlating strongly with intrathymic mixed chimerism. The clonal deletion, however, was not always essential for the maintenance of the skin allografts, because DBA/2 skin survived even after the clonal deletion terminated and V beta 6+ T cells reappeared in the periphery of the recipient BALB/c mice. The third mechanism was generation of tolerogen-specific suppressor T cells, especially in the late stage of the tolerance. In contrast, the clonal anergy that is evidenced by the specific suppression of mixed lymphocyte reaction in the recipient BALB/c mice after injecting with DBA/2 spleen cells alone was not considered as a significant mechanism in prolonging skin allograft survival because such anergic mice showed accelerated rejection of the skin allografts. These results may suggest practical hierarchy of the mechanisms of CP-induced allograft tolerance.  相似文献   

Effects of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) on graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) have been actively investigated since the discovery of the immunomodulation property of MSCs about a decade ago. Human clonal MSCs (hcMSCs) were isolated from human bone marrow aspirate according to our newly established isolation protocol called subfractionation culturing method, and were evaluated for their efficacy on GVHD treatment, using a mouse MHC-matched B6 → BALB.B GVHD model system. Although the hcMSCs can suppress the allogeneic proliferation of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells in in vitro, the administration of the hcMSCs failed to reduce the GVHD-related mortality of the murine recipients. One of the reasons might be that murine cytokines such as IFN-γ and TNF-α cannot activate the hcMSCs. Based on these results, we suggest that xenogeneic MSCs may not be used for the treatment of GVHD.  相似文献   

IL-18 prevents the development of chronic graft-versus-host disease in mice   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
The development of chronic graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), which is induced by the transfer of DBA/2 spleen cells into (C57BL/6 x DBA/2)F1 (BDF1) mice, is closely related to diminished donor anti-host CTL activity and host B cell hyperactivation. Therefore, an approach which activates donor CD8+ T cells or suppresses donor CD4+ T cell-host B cell interaction may have clinical utility in the treatment of chronic GVHD. We have previously demonstrated that IL-18 induces the development of naive CD8+ T cells into type I effector cells in DBA/2 anti-BDF1 MLC. In this paper we examined the effect of IL-18 administration on the development of chronic GVHD in mice. The treatment was started before or after the onset of clinical evidence of the disease. Regardless of the treatment schedule, IL-18 significantly decreased immunological parameters indicative of chronic GVHD, such as elevated serum IgG antinuclear Abs, IgG1, and IgE levels, and host B cell numbers and their activation. Importantly, IL-18-treated mice did not show the same acute GVHD-like symptoms reported for IL-12 treatment, because there was no weight loss, death, or severe immunodeficiency as indicated by a decrease in IL-2 and IFN-gamma production by Con A-stimulated spleen cells. In contrast, IL-18 treatment partially but significantly restored the production of these cytokines. Data further suggested that these IL-18-mediated therapeutic effects may be due to the induction of donor CD8+ CTL, the decrease in donor CD4+ T cell numbers, and a down-regulation of host B cell MHC class II expression. Thus, our results suggest that IL-18 has beneficial effects in the prevention and treatment of chronic GVHD.  相似文献   

Extrathymic clonal deletion of self-reactive cells in athymic mice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The repertoire of T cells present in congenitally athymic mice was studied by flow cytometric analysis on populations of T cells expanded polyclonally in vitro. Athymic (BALB/c x C57BL/6)F1 mice have levels of potentially autoreactive V beta 3- and V beta 11-bearing T cells that are significantly higher than those of euthymic CB6F1 mice. Examination of potentially autoreactive cells in athymic AKR mice, however, yielded contrasting results. V beta 6+ cells, which are deleted intrathymically in normal AKR mice, are present in the repertoire of young (less than 6-wk-old) AKR nu/nu mice. Isolation of a cloned CD4+V beta 6+ cell line with Mls-1a reactivity from young AKR nu/nu mice indicates that the correlation between TCR usage and specificity is consistent with that described in euthymic mice and that this population contains autoreactive T cells that are not anergic. By 6 mo of age, however, cells expressing V beta 6 are no longer detectable. Inability to detect these cells is not simply caused by failure to expand these cells in culture, because freshly isolated populations from old nude mice exhibit the same selective absence of V beta 6-bearing cells. The data strongly suggest that extrathymic deletion, rather than clonal anergy, accounts for the apparent absence of autoreactive V beta 6-bearing cells in aged AKR nu/nu mice.  相似文献   

The concept of clonal deletion of immune cells that carry an autoreactive antigen receptor was a central prediction of Burnet's clonal selection theory. A series of classical experiments in the late 1980s revealed that certain immature thymocytes upon encounter of 'self' are indeed removed from the T-cell repertoire before their release into the blood circulation. A second essential cornerstone of immunological tolerance, not anticipated by Burnett, has more recently surfaced through the discovery of Foxp3(+) regulatory T cells (Treg). Intriguingly, it appears that the expression of an autoreactive T-cell receptor is a shared characteristic of T cells that are subject to clonal deletion as well as of those deviated into the Treg lineage. This is all the more striking as Treg differentiation for the most part branches off from mainstream CD4T cell development during thymocyte maturation in the thymus, that is, it may neither temporally nor spatially be separated from clonal deletion. This raises the question of how an apparently identical stimulus, namely the encounter of 'self' during thymocyte development, can elicit fundamentally different outcomes such as apoptotic cell death on the one hand or differentiation into a highly specialized T-cell lineage on the other hand. Here, we will review the T-cell intrinsic and extrinsic factors that have been implicated in intrathymic Treg differentiation and discuss how these parameters may determine whether an autoreactive major histocompatibility complex class II-restricted thymocyte is deviated into the Treg lineage or subject to clonal deletion.  相似文献   

The gene for kidney androgen-regulated protein (KAP) is the most abundant and specific gene expressed in mouse kidney proximal tubule cells, where it is tightly regulated by steroid and thyroid hormones in different tubule segments. Despite the cell-specific expression, strict regulatory mechanisms, and relative abundance, nothing is known of the function of its encoded protein, which does not exhibit known structural or functional domains, or homologies with other sequences in the data bases. We raised monoclonal antibodies against KAP, which specifically recognize a protein with an apparent molecular mass of 20 kDa in crude kidney homogenates, the distribution and regulation of which parallel that of its mRNA. To gain insight into its function, we performed a yeast two hybrid screen and determined that KAP specifically interacts with cyclophilin B. Furthermore, cyclosporine A (CsA)-treated mice exhibited a significant decrease in KAP levels, and tetracycline-controlled overexpression of KAP in stably transfected proximal tubule cells significantly decreased the toxic effects of CsA. Taken together, these results indicate a functional relationship among KAP-, cyclophilin B-, and CsA-mediated nephrotoxicity and suggest an important role of KAP in renal physiology, providing new data on the molecular mechanisms implied in the toxic effects of CsA.  相似文献   

Transferring DBA/2 spleen cells into (C57BL/10xDBA/2) F1 (referred to as BDF1) mice induces a chronic graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), characterized by the production of Th(2) cytokines, hypergammaglobulinemia, and immune complex-mediated glomerulonephritis that resembles systemic lupus erythematosus. DNA motif consisting of an unmethylated CpG dinucleotide flanked by two 5' purines and two 3' pyrimidines (CpG ODN) induces Th(1) cytokine production in mice. This study examines the effect of administering CpG ODN to mice undergoing chronic GVHD, based on the premise that altering Th(1)/Th(2) activity might beneficially impact on disease progression.GVHD BDF1 mice injected with DBA/2 spleen cells were treated with weekly intraperitoneal injection of 50 microg CpG ODN. This treatment significantly suppressed the production of IgG anti-DNA autoantibody and reduced the development of glomerulonephritis. Serum IgG2a titers were higher in the CpG ODN than in non-CpG control group, whereas IgG1 titers were unchanged. As predicted, IFN-gamma levels were significantly higher in the CpG ODN-treated group, while IL-4 levels were lower, resulting in a shift in the Th(1)/Th(2) cytokine ratio. Results suggest that CpG ODN administration may be of therapeutic benefit in chronic GVHD.  相似文献   

Xiao ZY  Zhou WX  Zhang YX  Cheng JP  He JF  Yang RF  Yun LH 《Life sciences》2007,81(19-20):1403-1410
Roquinimex is an immunomodulator that can effectively inhibit the development of several autoimmune diseases in animal models, but the mechanism is still unknown. In this study, we investigated the effect of roquinimex on chronic graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) in mice, a well-established model for human systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Oral administration of roquinimex significantly suppressed the development of proteinuria and ameliorated nephritis symptoms in chronic GVHD mice. In addition, renal histopathology and immunohistochemistry studies revealed reduced glomerulonephritis and decreased IgG deposition in chronic GVHD mice treated with roquinimex. Chronic GVHD is characterized by a predominance of Th2 cytokines, and proinflammatory cytokines that also play an important role in the pathology of tissue damage. Therefore, we focused on the effect of roquinimex on cytokine production. Chronic GVHD mouse splenocytes exhibited severely reduced interferon (IFN)-gamma production in response to Concanavalin (Con A) stimulation and an overt Th2 skewness. Roquinimex treatment, however, induced IFN-gamma production and restored the Th1/Th2 cytokine balance, although only a minimal effect of roquinimex on interleukin (IL)-4 secretion was observed. The production of the proinflammatory cytokines TNF-alpha and IL-1 beta by peritoneal macrophages from lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-treated GVHD mice was significantly inhibited by roquinimex treatment. These data suggested that the beneficial effect of roquinimex on lupus might, at least in part, result from a restoration of Th1/Th2 cytokine balance and inhibition of inflammatory cytokine production.  相似文献   

We reported that both donor CD4(+) T and B cells in transplants were required for induction of an autoimmune-like chronic graft-versus-host disease (cGVHD) in a murine model of DBA/2 donor to BALB/c recipient, but mechanisms whereby donor B cells augment cGVHD pathogenesis remain unknown. In this study, we report that, although donor B cells have little impact on acute GVHD severity, they play an important role in augmenting the persistence of tissue damage in the acute and chronic GVHD overlapping target organs (i.e., skin and lung); they also markedly augment damage in a prototypical cGVHD target organ, the salivary gland. During cGVHD pathogenesis, donor B cells are activated by donor CD4(+) T cells to upregulate MHC II and costimulatory molecules. Acting as efficient APCs, donor B cells augment donor CD4(+) T clonal expansion, autoreactivity, IL-7Rα expression, and survival. These qualitative changes markedly augment donor CD4(+) T cells' capacity in mediating autoimmune-like cGVHD, so that they mediate disease in the absence of donor B cells in secondary recipients. Therefore, a major mechanism whereby donor B cells augment cGVHD is through augmenting the clonal expansion, differentiation, and survival of pathogenic CD4(+) T cells.  相似文献   

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