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 The number of mouse Tcra-V gene segments varies from one individual to another and is estimated to be about 100. Southern blot analysis revealed that most of the Tcra-V are organized in clusters composed of copies of Tcra-V belonging to different subfamilies. We analyzed in detail a Tcra-V subfamily and looked for new Tcra-V in order to improve the knowledge of the mouse Tcra locus organization. A series of genomic clones derived from the B10.A mouse strain enclosing these clusters was used to determined the structure of all the Tcra-V2. We were able to identify ten Tcra-V2. This study showed that the Tcra-V2 can be organized into three structural subgroups. The distribution of the genes along the Tcra locus, plus their structural organization, indicates that successive duplications occurred during the processes of expansion and contraction of the Tcra-V gene subfamilies. Several Tcra-V2 are also identical, indicating recent duplications. The most divergent Tcra-V2 differ by 7.4% nucleotides, leading to 5.2% differences in amino acid contents. Received: 8 August 1995 / Revised: 24 April 1996  相似文献   

Three highly homologous cDNAs encoding human pregnancy-specific beta 1-glycoprotein (SP1) were isolated from a human placental cDNA library. These cDNAs share greater than 90% nucleotide homology in their coding sequences, and greater than 79% of the encoded amino acids are homologous. Proteins encoded by these cDNAs are very similar to members of the carcinoembryonic antigen family and contain repeating domains, conserved disulfide bridges, and beta-sheet structure typical of the immunoglobulin gene superfamily. However, the high degree of sequence homology and relatively lesser degree of glycosylation among the SP1 proteins suggest that they exist as a unique family instead of being members of the CEA family. Both soluble and potentially membrane-bound forms of SP1 proteins were present in the placenta. Northern blot analysis using specific probes confirmed the expression of multiple mRNA species in human term placenta.  相似文献   

Rapid progress in sequencing of human and other genomes allows high-resolution analysis of their gene content on the basis of comparison between species. We have used a combined computer and biochemical approach to characterize 135 kb of human genomic sequence from 22q12 and discovered a new 10 exon gene, termed NIPSNAP1, located between the neurofibromatosis type 2 and the pK1.3 genes. The NIPSNAP1 gene spans 26 kb of genomic sequence and shows two large introns in the 5′-region. All exon–intron junctions contain the gt/ag consensus splice site. The putative promoter of the NIPSNAP1 gene is TATA-less and resides in a GC-rich island characteristic of housekeeping genes. The NIPSNAP1 mRNA is 2.1 kb, is expressed ubiquitously at variable levels, with the highest expression in liver, is terminated by an uncommon ATTAAA polyadenylation site, and is capable of encoding a 284-amino-acid protein. This NIPSNAP1 protein has a strong sequence similarity limited to the central portion of a hypothetical protein (acc. P34492) from chromosome III of C. elegans, in which the other portions resemble a 4-nitrophenylphosphatase domain and non-neuronal SNAP25-like protein. Thus, the NIPSNAP1 gene is a member of an evolutionarily well conserved, novel gene family with two members in human and mouse that have now been characterized, and one member in C. elegans. The second human gene, NIPSNAP2, is localized in the vicinity of marker D7S499 on chromosome 7. Although the function of the NIPSNAP protein family is unknown, clues about its role may reside in the co-expression of the C. elegans orthologue, within an operon encoding protein motifs known to be involved in vesicular transport.  相似文献   

In mammals, the most poorly understood P-type ATPases are those of the P(5) subfamily. To begin characterization of the mammalian P(5)-ATPases, BLAST searches of DNA sequence databases were performed. Five genes were identified in the mouse, human, dog, and rat genomes, and the coding sequences of the mouse genes, termed Atp13a1-Atp13a5, were determined. The intron/exon organization of Atp13a1 differs entirely from those of Atp13a2-5, which are closely related. Amino acid sequence comparisons between the five mouse and two yeast P(5)-ATPases suggest that Atp13a1 is orthologous to the yeast Cod1 gene and that Atp13a2-5 are orthologous to yeast Yor291w. Northern blot analysis showed that Atp13a1, Atp13a2, and Atp13a3 mRNAs were expressed in all mouse tissues, whereas Atp13a4 and Atp13a5 mRNAs were restricted to brain and stomach. While the substrate specificity of these transporters is unknown, their importance is underscored by the presence of homologs in fish, insects, worms, and other eukaryotes.  相似文献   

A recently identified Alu element (Leeflang et al. J. Mol. Evol. 1993, 37:559–565), referred to as the putative founder of the HS (PV) subfamily, was found to be present at orthologous loci in the human, chimpanzee, gorilla, and gibbon lineages. The evolution of this Alu suggested that it is a source gene in the evolution of Alu family repeats for one of the most recent subfamilies, HS. We have determined that this putative founder of the HS subfamily was not present at the orthologous loci in older primates, including old world and new world monkeys. Thus, this particular Alu locus has only been responsible for the establishment of a very small subfamily of Alu sequences. We have further demonstrated that this putative founder Alu was not responsible for the de novo Alu insertion into the neurofibromatosis-1 gene of an individual causing neurofibromatosis. Our data demonstrate that although the putative founder of the HS subfamily found by Leeflang et al. (1993) probably gave rise to one of the most recent subfamilies of Alu sequences, it has not been very active in retroposition. Correspondence to: T.H. Shaikh  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of members of an alpha-repeat subfamily shared by human chromosomes 14 and 22 is presented. This subfamily is organized into a higher-order repeat unit composed of a tandem repetition of an ordered array of four related but distinct 340-bp repeat dimers. An analogous situation has been described for a related but distinct subfamily shared by chromosomes 13 and 21. These two subfamilies were further shown not to be present on the homologous chimpanzee chromosomes and therefore must have arisen by rearrangement of the human genome after separation of the two species. The sequence homology between the 13/21 and the 14/22 subfamilies is about 85%. The 14/22 subfamily represents the only major alphoid DNA species on these two chromosomes and is not present elsewhere in the human genome. Fluorescent in situ hybridizations show that sequences from the 13/21 and 14/22 subfamilies can be used as specific markers for their respective chromosomes.  相似文献   

拟南芥R2R3-MYB家族第22亚族的结构与功能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
樊锦涛  蒋琛茜  邢继红  董金皋 《遗传》2014,36(10):985-994
拟南芥R2R3-MYB转录因子在拟南芥生长发育、代谢及响应生物和非生物胁迫的调控网络中具有重要作用。根据保守的氨基酸序列,R2R3-MYB转录因子被分为25个亚族,其中第22亚族包含AtMYB44、AtMYB77、AtMYB73和AtMYB70 4个基因,主要响应生物和非生物胁迫。文章从基因功能的相似性、基因表达的一致性和基因结构的保守性3方面综述了第22亚族的4个基因,并综合讨论了其在结构与功能上的冗余性和多样性。  相似文献   

Understanding the impact of gene knockouts on cellular physiology, and metabolism in particular, is centrally important to quantitative systems biology and metabolic engineering. Here, we present a comprehensive physiological characterization of wild-type Escherichia coli and 22 knockouts of enzymes in the upper part of central carbon metabolism, including the PTS system, glycolysis, pentose phosphate pathway and Entner–Doudoroff pathway. Our results reveal significant metabolic changes that are affected by specific gene knockouts. Analysis of collective trends and correlations in the data using principal component analysis (PCA) provide new, and sometimes surprising, insights into E. coli physiology. Additionally, by comparing the data-to-model predictions from constraint-based approaches such as FBA, MOMA and RELATCH we demonstrate the important role of less well-understood kinetic and regulatory effects in central carbon metabolism.  相似文献   

Parvulins and FKBPs are members of the peptidyl-prolyl cis/trans isomerases (PPIase) enzyme family whose role is to catalyze the interconversion between the cis trans forms of a peptide bond preceding internal proline residues in a polypeptide substrate. Members of the parvulin subfamily have been found to be involved in a variety of diseases, including Alzheimer's disease and cancer and are also considered possible antiparasitic targets. Genes Y110A2AL.13 (pin-1) and Y48C3A.16 (pin-4) were found in the worm's genome, possibly encoding parvulins. One is homologous to human and fly PIN1 whereas the other is homologous to human and fly PIN4. Both were expressed in Escherichia coli, purified and found to have in vitro PPIase activity. Expression levels of both genes, as well as the fkb genes (that encode FK506-binding proteins) were measured during development and under cold or heat stress conditions. The results revealed a potential role for these genes under temperature-related stress. RNAi silencing was performed for wild type and mutant strain worms under normal and cold or heat stress conditions. A reduced lifespan was observed when pin-4 dsRNA was fed to the fkb-5 deficient worms. Our work presents a first attempt to characterize the Caenorhabditis elegans parvulins and may present an interesting starting point for further experimentation concerning their role, along with the FKBP subfamily, in nematode physiology and their possible use as antiparasitic targets.  相似文献   

In insects, hydrophobic odorants are transported through the sensillar lymph to receptors on sensory neurons by odorant-binding proteins (OBPs). The beetle Tenebrio molitor, which is a pest of stored grain products, produces a set of 12-14-kDa OBP-like proteins in its hemolymph. The structure of one of these proteins and that of a moth pheromone-binding protein have been solved. Both proteins have at least six alpha-helices with an internal, hydrophobic, ligand-binding pocket, but the beetle OBP lacks one of the disulfide bonds immediately adjacent to this pocket. To explore this difference and to sample isoform diversity, T. molitor hemolymph OBPs were fractionated by size-exclusion chromatography and reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography. Selected fractions were reduced and alkylated, and tryptic peptides were sequenced by tandem mass spectrometry. Partial sequences of 7 different isoforms were obtained and used to clone 9 new cDNAs encoding OBPs with identities from 32 to 99%. The more divergent isoforms have numerous substitutions of hydrophobic residues that presumably alter the shape and specificity of the ligand-binding pocket. These isoforms all lack the same third disulfide bridge and are more similar to one another than to any of the 38 OBPs in Drosophila melanogaster. They have presumably arisen via gene duplication following separation of the major insect orders.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 enzymes (CYP450s) represent a superfamily of haem-thiolate proteins. CYP450s are most abundant in the liver, a major site of drug metabolism, and play key roles in the metabolism of a variety of substrates, including drugs and environmental contaminants. Interaction of two or more different drugs with the same enzyme can account for adverse effects and failure of therapy. Human CYP3A4 metabolizes about 50% of all known drugs, but little is known about the orthologous CYP450s in horses. We report here the genomic organization of the equine CYP3A gene cluster as well as a comparative analysis with the human CYP3A gene cluster. The equine CYP450 genes of the 3A family are located on ECA 13 between 6.97-7.53 Mb, in a region syntenic to HSA 7 99.05-99.35 Mb. Seven potential, closely linked equine CYP3A genes were found, in contrast to only four genes in the human genome. RNA was isolated from an equine liver sample, and the approximately 1.5-kb coding sequence of six CYP3A genes could be amplified by RT-PCR. Sequencing of the RT-PCR products revealed numerous hitherto unknown single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in these six CYP3A genes, and one 6-bp deletion compared to the reference sequence (EquCab2.0). The presence of the variants was confirmed in a sample of genomic DNA from the same horse. In conclusion, orthologous genes for the CYP3A family exist in horses, but their number differs from those of the human CYP3A gene family. CYP450 genes of the same family show high homology within and between mammalian species, but can be highly polymorphic.  相似文献   

K H Choo  E Earle    C McQuillan 《Nucleic acids research》1990,18(19):5641-5648
We describe a new subfamily of human satellite III DNA that is represented on two different acrocentric chromosomes. This DNA is composed of a tandemly repeated array of diverged 5-base-pair monomer units of the sequence GGAAT or GGAGT. These monomers are organised into a 1.37-kilobase higher-order structure that is itself tandemly reiterated. Using a panel of somatic cell hybrids containing specific human chromosomes, this higher-order structure is demonstrated on chromosomes 14 and 22, but not on the remaining acrocentric chromosomes. In situ hybridisation studies have localised the sequence to the proximal p-arm region of these chromosomes. Analysis by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) reveals that 70-110 copies of the higher-order structure are tandemly organised on a chromosome into a major domain which appears to be flanked on both sides by non-tandemly repeated genomic DNA. In addition, some of the satellite III sequences are interspersed over a number of other PFGE fragments. This study provides fundamental knowledge on the structure and evolution of the acrocentric chromosomes, and should extend our understanding of the complex process of interchromosomal interaction which may be responsible for Robertsonian translocation and meiotic nondisjunction involving these chromosomes.  相似文献   

ANGUSTIFOLIA (AN) is the first C-terminal binding protein (CtBP) gene from plants and controls leaf width and pattern of trichome branching in Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. We characterized an ortholog of AN from Ipomoea nil (L.) Roth (Japanese morning glory) and designated it Ipomoea nil's AN (IAN). IAN is a single-copy gene in the genome and is expressed ubiquitously in various organs of I. nil. IAN contains not only a D2-HDH motif, which is highly conserved within the CtBP family, but also LXCXE, NLS and PEST motifs, which are specific to the AN subfamily. The expression of IAN cDNA driven by the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter restored a defect in leaf expansion in the leaf width direction in the angustifolia-1 (an-1) mutant of Arabidopsis, suggesting that IAN retains a common function with AN. In contrast, the complementation by IAN of a defect in the trichome branching pattern on the leaf surface of the an-1 mutant was less effective than that observed for leaf shape. These results suggest that the mechanisms by which AN regulates leaf width and trichome branching are separable.  相似文献   

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