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条螽属和桑螽属雌性发声刺的比较观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石福明  蒋书楠 《昆虫学报》2002,45(Z1):28-30
 报道了对尖翅条螽Ducetia attenuata Xia et Liu、日本条 螽D. japonica(Thunberg)、施氏条螽D. strelkovi Gorochov et Storozhenk o和中华桑螽K uwayamaea chinensis(Brunner)、长翅桑螽K. longipennis Shi et Zheng、札 幌桑螽K.sap porensis Mats.et Shir.的雌性发声刺的观察结果。这6个种的雌性发声刺在数量与 形态上具较明显的差异。  相似文献   

五种掩耳螽雌性发声刺的比较观察(直翅目:露螽科)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文报道了露螽科Phaneropteridae掩耳螽属ElimaeaStal5种雌性发声刺,不同种发声刺的数目,形态和分布不同,露螽科雌性的发声刺,可以作为鉴定雌性为一个特征。  相似文献   

报道了采自湖北神农架的条螽属Ducetia Stal 1新种,即刺条螽Ducetia spina sp.nov.,同时首次描述了尖翅条螽Ducetia attenuate Xia et Liu雌性的外部形态。模式标本保存于山西师范大学生命科学学院标本室。  相似文献   

常岩林  石福明 《昆虫学报》1999,42(3):303-306
记述了条螽属一新种郑氏条螽Ducetia zhengi新种;首次描述了施氏条螽Ducetia strelkovi Gorochov的雌虫。模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所。  相似文献   

记述中国刺膝螽属Cyrtopsis Bey-Bienko,19621新亚属和1新种,制作了亚属及种的检索表,模式标本保存在中国科学院上海昆虫博物馆。  相似文献   

石福明  郑哲民 《昆虫学报》1999,42(4):401-405
报道了桑螽属三种雄性发声器结构并记述一新种长翅桑螽 Kuwayamaea longipennis sp. nov.,该新种与札幌桑螽 Kuwayamaea sapporensis Matsumura et Shiraki, 1908 和中华桑螽 Kuwayamaea chinensis (Brunner,1878) 相似,同前者的主要区别:雄性声锉和发声齿不同,下生殖板端部分枝,雌性后翅长于前翅;同后者的主要区别:雄性声锉和发声齿显著不同。模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所。  相似文献   

对多曲缺翅螽Anelytra multicurvata Shi et Qiu,2009与扁尾缺翅螽Anelytra compressa Shiet Qiu,2009的雌性首次进行了描述,并附有特征图与照片.多曲缺翅螽雌性较雄性稍大;前胸背板后缘微凹,侧片腹缘稍弯曲,肩凹明显;前翅短,后缘到达后胸背板基部;第10腹节背板...  相似文献   

露螽科六种雌性发声器的比较研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
报道了露螽科6种维性的发声器,主要包括发声刺的数目、分布、排列及其形态结构。露螽科的雌性发声刺,可以作为鉴定雌性的一个特征。  相似文献   

主要研究了日本条螽Ducetia japonica(Thunberg)不同地理种群雄性的呜声特征。日本条螽重庆(北碚)种群与四川(美姑)种群雄性鸣声特征相似,这两个种群与陕西(关中)种群雄性鸣声特征差异较显著。同时,观察发现日本条螽四川(雅安)种群和陕西(关中)种群雄性发声器结构相似,与重庆(北碚)种群雄性发声器的结构差异较显著。  相似文献   

刘宪伟  周敏 《昆虫学报》2007,50(6):610-615
本文报道中国涤螽属Decma Gorochov,1993一新亚属副涤螽亚属Paradecma和一新种双刺副涤螽Decma (Paradecma) bispinosa sp. nov.,并附中国种检索表和缅甸异涤螽Decma (Idiodecma) birmanica (Bey-Bienko, 1971)雌性特征新描述。模式标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所。  相似文献   

许升全  郑哲民 《昆虫学报》2002,45(5):700-704
从20世纪60年代至今的一些研究已基本肯定了蝗虫雌性下生殖板的分类价值。本文选择了中国剑角蝗科6属10种蝗虫对其雌性下生殖板进行了形态学和演化分析。结果表明雌性下生殖板的形态在研究的6属内都是稳定的,属间差异明显。这6个属的系统发育关系为:(卡蝗属((佛蝗属,戛蝗属),(菊蝗属(蝗属,剑角蝗属)))),这一结果和形态分类是一致的,支持长腹蝗亚科从剑角蝗科分开。文中还分析了剑角蝗科雌性下生殖板各性状的演化方向。  相似文献   

Bruno Massa 《ZooKeys》2015,(472):77-102
The results of the study of many specimens preserved in different European museums are reported. The tribe Terpnistrini Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1878 is resurrected. The distribution of the following species is enhanced: Pardalota asymmetrica Karsch, 1896, Diogena denticulata Chopard, 1954, Diogena fausta (Burmeister, 1838), Plangiopsis adeps Karsch, 1896, Poreuomena sanghensis Massa, 2013 and Tylopsis continua (Walker, 1869). Further, for their peculiar characteristics, two African representatives of the American genus Symmetropleura Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1878 are included in two new genera: Symmetrokarschia africana (Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1878), comb. n. and Symmetroraggea dirempta (Karsch, 1889), comb. n. A new genus and species from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Angustithorax spiniger gen. n., sp. n., and a new genus and species from Tanzania, Arostratum oblitum gen. n., sp. n. are described. Finally Melidia claudiae sp. n. and Atlasacris brevipennis sp. n. are described and compared with related species.  相似文献   

We compared the pupal stridulatory organs of 35 species and one subspecies of Iberian Lycaenidae using scanning electron microscopy. The studied species belong to the tribes Theclini, Eumaeini, Lycaenini, and Polyommatini. Nine species do not show stridulatory organs on the pupae but all other species possess them. Stridulatory organs are formed by a stridulatory plate (pars stridens) placed on the fifth abdominal segment and a file (plectron) in the sixth abdominal segment. The plate has tubercles in the Theclini and Lycaenini, tubercles, ridges, or undulations in the Eumaenini, and tubercles, teeth, or unspecialized structures in the Polyommatini. Morphological differences can be found in the files of the different tribes, regarding the number of teeth, their form and size. Cuticular formations of the organs were studied on a surface of 2,500 µm2 and the average of ridges, tubercles, and teeth was measured searching for relevant taxonomic information. Stridulatory organs were thought to be an adaptation to myrmecophily but we show that they are present both in myrmecophilous and nonmyrmecophilous species; therefore, we suggest that this trait probably did not evolve in relation with myrmecophily, but may be used to enhance relationships with ants. J. Morphol. 275:414–430, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Mate finding in the phaneropterid bushcricket Ancistrura nigrovittata is achieved by a duet, where the female replies with a short sound to the male song. In experiments with artificial song models we analysed the parameters necessary for eliciting a female response. A verse of the male song consists of a group of 5–9 syllabes which after an interval of about 400 ms is followed by a final syllable. The female response was shown to depend on two processes: (i) recognition of the syllable group as belonging to a conspecific male and (ii) perception of the final syllable as a trigger. Critical parameters for the recognition process are the duration of syllables and syllable pauses, as well as the number of syllables in a group. However, even with an optimal syllable group, the response probability still depends on the interval between the syllable group and the final syllable. The female only responds when the final syllable of the male song occurs within a 250 ms long time window begining approximately 250 ms after the end of the male's syllable group. Her reply consists of a single tick, which follows the male's final syllable with a latency of only 25 ms.  相似文献   

The vegetable leafminer (Liriomyza sativae [Burgess]) is a highly polyphagous pest that threatens vegetables and horticultural plants. Although sexual communication is a key component of the animal behavioral repertoire, the mechanism underlying sexual communication in L. sativae remains to be elucidated. Here, we used laser vibrometry to characterize the vibrational signals emitted by L. sativae during pair formation. By emitting trains of vibrational pulses (male calling) the male initiated communication on the host plant. The female then became immobile and responded to the male calling by emitting replies (female replies), which in turn triggered male replies consisting of a rapid series of chirps and trills. If the female replied, a continuous exchange of male and female replies ensued, representing a duet. In playback trials, a playback signal caused responses from the opposite sex. Moreover, scanning electron microscopy revealed vibration-producing stridulatory organs in both male and female individuals. The files in males were more developed than those in females, and older male specimens had more signs of abrasion. The results provide new insight into the mating biology of L. sativae.  相似文献   

In general, female fitness is greatly increased in gift‐giving insects. In katydids, this nuptial gift consists of a gelatinous mass produced by accessory glands: the spermatophylax, which is attached to the ampulla. During mating, males of the neotropical katydid Conocephalus ictus transfer a spermatophylax that is ingested by the females. Fecundity, egg‐laying rate and longevity were higher in females that consumed the spermatophylax than in those that did not. Also, female receptivity turned off after mating. Females actively rejected other males by hitting them with their forelegs and moving away. Their refractory period lasted as long as 17 d. Only a few females accepted a 2nd mating and died a few days later. In C. ictus, spermatophylax consumption can be beneficial for both males and females. On one hand, the compounds in the spermatophylax or the ejaculate could prevent or delay females from copulating with rivals, thus avoiding sperm competition. On the other hand, such compounds can improve the females’ opportunity to increase their lifespan and fecundity. Moreover, a rise in egg‐laying rate may lower the risk of female prereproductive death caused by rapid oviposition. In any case, the boost in female egg laying might also be beneficial for males because their number of offspring increases.  相似文献   

A comparative study of male and female genitalia was carried out in thirty‐seven Libyan species representing twenty genera of the family Acrididae. An attempt has been made to describe and illustrate the different structures, namely, epiphallus, aedeagus, subgenital plate, supra‐anal plate and cerci of the male, and spermatheca, ovipositor, subgenital plate, supra‐anal plate and cerci of the female, in Acridids, with an aim to discover their significance in order to make the identification of genera and species, together with other generic characters, more perfect and convenient. Distinct family characters are shield or bridge‐shaped condition of epiphallus; presence or absence of dorso‐lateral appendices, oval sclerites and lophi on epiphallus; divided, undivided or flexured condition of aedeagus; presence or absence of gonopore process on aedeagus; condition of apical and pre‐apical diverticula of spermatheca; presence or absence of glandular pouches of Cornstock and Kellog on female subgenital plate; and rudimentary or well developed condition of egg‐guide. Stable characters for separating the subfamilies are taken to be presence or absence of ancorae on epiphallus, long or short condition of aedeagal sclerites; elongate, slender or short and broad condition of ovipositor valves: presence or absence of Jannone's organs and setae on posterior margin of female subgenital plate; and shape of diverticula of spermatheca. Useful generic characters are shape of male subgenital plate, supra‐anal plate and cerci, broad or narrow condition of bridge, presence or absence of branch of bridge connecting lophi with bridge of epiphallus; mono‐, bi‐ or tri‐lobate condition of lophi of epiphallus, length and upcurved or downcurved condition of apical valve of aedeagus, shape of posterior margin of female subgenital plate, presence of setae on the whole posterior margin or confined to lateral margins only; and toothed, tuberculate or smooth condition of ovipositor valves, length of the lateral apodeme in relation to the dorsal valves. Specific characters are shape of egg‐guide of female subgenital plate, shape of ovipositor valves and apical tips, shape of male supra‐anal plate and cerci, size of anterior and posterior lobes of lophi of epiphallus, size and shape of ancorae, shape of apical valves of aedeagus; and size of apical and pre‐apical diverticula and presence of protuberance on pre‐apical diverticulum.  相似文献   

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