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The visibility and resolution of a tomographic reconstruction containing multiple copies of discrete particles can be enhanced by averaging subtomograms after they are corrected aligned. However, the “missing wedge” in electron tomography can easily lead to erroneous alignment. We have explored a Fourier space cross-correlation method with a proper weighting scheme to align and average different sets of volumetric data, each of which has different missing data due to the limited specimen tilts. This approach depends neither on a preexisting template, nor an exact knowledge of the geometry, orientation, or amount of the missing data. This paper introduces a procedure where the missing data might be gradually “filled in” by consecutively aligning and averaging volumes with different orientations of their missing data. We have validated these techniques by a set of simulated data with various symmetries and extent of missing data. We have also successfully applied these procedures to experimental cryo-electron tomographic data [Chang, J.T., Schmid, M.F., Rixon, F.J., and Chiu, W., 2007. Electron cryotomography reveals the portal in the herpesvirus capsid. J. Virol. 81, 2065–2068; Schmid, M.F., Paredes, A.M., Khant, H.A., Soyer, F., Aldrich, H.C., Chiu, W., and Shively, J.M., 2006. Structure of Halothiobacillus neapolitanus carboxysomes by cryo-electron tomography. J. Mol. Biol. 364, 526–535]. 相似文献
Unique structures in a tumor herpesvirus revealed by cryo-electron tomography and microscopy 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Dai W Jia Q Bortz E Shah S Liu J Atanasov I Li X Taylor KA Sun R Zhou ZH 《Journal of structural biology》2008,161(3):428-438
Gammaherpesviruses, including the human pathogens Epstein–Barr virus and Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus, are causative agents of lymphomas and other malignancies. The structural characterization of these viruses has been limited due to difficulties in obtaining adequate amount of virion particles. Here we report the first three-dimensional structural characterization of a whole gammaherpesvirus virion by an emerging integrated approach of cryo-electron tomography combined with single-particle cryo-electron microscopy, using murine gammaherpesvirus-68 (MHV-68) as a model system. We found that the MHV-68 virion consists of distinctive envelope and tegument compartments, and a highly conserved nucleocapsid. Two layers of tegument are identified: an inner tegument layer tethered to the underlying capsid and an outer, flexible tegument layer conforming to the overlying, pleomorphic envelope, consistent with the sequential viral tegumentation process inside host cells. Surprisingly, comparison of the MHV-68 virion and capsid reconstructions shows that the interactions between the capsid and inner tegument proteins are completely different from those observed in alpha and betaherpesviruses. These observations support the notion that the inner layer tegument across different subfamilies of herpesviruses has evolved significantly to confer specific characteristics related to viral–host interactions, in contrast to a highly conserved capsid for genome encapsidation and protection. 相似文献
Stereological tools are the gold standard for accurate (i.e., unbiased) and precise quantification of any microscopic sample. The past decades have provided a broad spectrum of tools to estimate a variety of parameters such as volumes, surfaces, lengths, and numbers. Some of them require pairs of parallel sections that can be produced by either physical or optical sectioning, with optical sectioning being much more efficient when applicable. Unfortunately, transmission electron microscopy could not fully profit from these riches, mainly because of the large depth of field. Hence, optical sectioning was a long-time desire for electron microscopists. This desire was fulfilled with the development of electron tomography that yield stacks of slices from electron microscopic sections. Now, parallel optical slices of a previously unimagined small thickness (2-5 nm axial resolution) can be produced. These optical slices minimize problems related to overprojection effects, and allow for direct stereological analysis, e.g., volume estimation with the Cavalieri principle and number estimation with the optical disector method. Here, we demonstrate that the symbiosis of stereology and electron tomography is an easy and efficient way for quantitative analysis at the electron microscopic level. We call this approach quantitative 3D electron microscopy. 相似文献
Mark Hildebrand Sang Kim Dan Shi Keana Scott Sriram Subramaniam 《Journal of structural biology》2009,166(3):316-328
Ion-abrasion scanning electron microscopy (IASEM) takes advantage of focused ion beams to abrade thin sections from the surface of bulk specimens, coupled with SEM to image the surface of each section, enabling 3D reconstructions of subcellular architecture at 30 nm resolution. Here, we report the first application of IASEM for imaging a biomineralizing organism, the marine diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana. Diatoms have highly patterned silica-based cell wall structures that are unique models for the study and application of directed nanomaterials synthesis by biological systems. Our study provides new insights into the architecture and assembly principles of both the “hard” (siliceous) and “soft” (organic) components of the cell. From 3D reconstructions of developmentally synchronized diatoms captured at different stages, we show that both micro- and nanoscale siliceous structures can be visualized at specific stages in their formation. We show that not only are structures visualized in a whole-cell context, but demonstrate that fragile, early-stage structures are visible, and that this can be combined with elemental mapping in the exposed slice. We demonstrate that the 3D architectures of silica structures, and the cellular components that mediate their creation and positioning can be visualized simultaneously, providing new opportunities to study and manipulate mineral nanostructures in a genetically tractable system. 相似文献
Analyzing a randomized trial on breast self-examination with noncompliance and missing outcomes 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Recently, instrumental variables methods have been used to address non-compliance in randomized experiments. Complicating such analyses is often the presence of missing data. The standard model for missing data, missing at random (MAR), has some unattractive features in this context. In this paper we compare MAR-based estimates of the complier average causal effect (CACE) with an estimator based on an alternative, nonignorable model for the missing data process, developed by Frangakis and Rubin (1999, Biometrika, 86, 365-379). We also introduce a new missing data model that, like the Frangakis-Rubin model, is specially suited for models with instrumental variables, but makes different substantive assumptions. We analyze these issues in the context of a randomized trial of breast self-examination (BSE). In the study two methods of teaching BSE, consisting of either mailed information about BSE (the standard treatment) or the attendance of a course involving theoretical and practical sessions (the new treatment), were compared with the aim of assessing whether teaching programs could increase BSE practice and improve examination skills. The study was affected by the two sources of bias mentioned above: only 55% of women assigned to receive the new treatment complied with their assignment and 35% of the women did not respond to the post-test questionnaire. Comparing the causal estimand of the new treatment using the MAR, Frangakis-Rubin, and our new approach, the results suggest that for these data the MAR assumption appears least plausible, and that the new model appears most plausible among the three choices. 相似文献
The molecular graphics program Sculptor and the command-line suite Situs are software packages for the integration of biophysical data across spatial resolution scales. Herein, we provide an overview of recently developed tools relevant to cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET), with an emphasis on functionality supported by Situs 2.7.1 and Sculptor 2.1.1. We describe a work flow for automatically segmenting filaments in cryo-ET maps including denoising, local normalization, feature detection, and tracing. Tomograms of cellular actin networks exhibit both cross-linked and bundled filament densities. Such filamentous regions in cryo-ET data sets can then be segmented using a stochastic template-based search, VolTrac. The approach combines a genetic algorithm and a bidirectional expansion with a tabu search strategy to localize and characterize filamentous regions. The automated filament segmentation by VolTrac compares well to a manual one performed by expert users, and it allows an efficient and reproducible analysis of large data sets. The software is free, open source, and can be used on Linux, Macintosh or Windows computers. 相似文献
Jennifer Jiang Kuan Yu Cheong Paul G. Falkowski Wei Dai 《Journal of structural biology》2021,213(3):107746
A long-standing challenge in cell biology is elucidating the structure and spatial distribution of individual membrane-bound proteins, protein complexes and their interactions in their native environment. Here, we describe a workflow that combines on-grid immunogold labeling, followed by cryo-electron tomography (cryoET) imaging and structural analyses to identify and characterize the structure of photosystem II (PSII) complexes. Using an antibody specific to a core subunit of PSII, the D1 protein (uniquely found in the water splitting complex in all oxygenic photoautotrophs), we identified PSII complexes in biophysically active thylakoid membranes isolated from a model marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Subsequent cryoET analyses of these protein complexes resolved two PSII structures: supercomplexes and dimeric cores. Our integrative approach establishes the structural signature of multimeric membrane protein complexes in their native environment and provides a pathway to elucidate their high-resolution structures. 相似文献
Imputation, weighting, direct likelihood, and direct Bayesian inference (Rubin, 1976) are important approaches for missing data regression. Many useful semiparametric estimators have been developed for regression analysis of data with missing covariates or outcomes. It has been established that some semiparametric estimators are asymptotically equivalent, but it has not been shown that many are numerically the same. We applied some existing methods to a bladder cancer case-control study and noted that they were the same numerically when the observed covariates and outcomes are categorical. To understand the analytical background of this finding, we further show that when observed covariates and outcomes are categorical, some estimators are not only asymptotically equivalent but also actually numerically identical. That is, although their estimating equations are different, they lead numerically to exactly the same root. This includes a simple weighted estimator, an augmented weighted estimator, and a mean-score estimator. The numerical equivalence may elucidate the relationship between imputing scores and weighted estimation procedures. 相似文献
Electron tomography is the leading technique to elucidate the structure of complex biological specimens. Due to the resolution needs, huge reconstructions are required. Grid computing has the potential to face the significant computational demands involved. However, there are a number of key issues, such as stability or difficult user-grid interaction, that currently preclude fully exploitation of its potential. EGEETomo is a user-friendly application that facilitates the interaction with the grid for the non-specialized user and automates job submission and supervision. In addition, EGEETomo is supplied with an automated fault recovery mechanism, which is key to make all the work transparent to the user. EGEETomo significantly accelerates tomographic reconstruction by exploiting the computational resources in the EGEE grid with minimal user intervention. AVAILABILITY: http://www.ace.ual.es/~jrbcast/EGEETomo.tar.gz 相似文献
Zbigniew Starosolski Marek Szczepanski Manuel Wahle Mirabela Rusu Willy Wriggers 《Biophysical reviews》2012,4(3):223-229
The low radiation conditions and the predominantly phase-object image formation of cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) result in extremely high noise levels and low contrast in the recorded micrographs. The process of single particle or tomographic 3D reconstruction does not completely eliminate this noise and is even capable of introducing new sources of noise during alignment or when correcting for instrument parameters. The recently developed Digital Paths Supervised Variance (DPSV) denoising filter uses local variance information to control regional noise in a robust and adaptive manner. The performance of the DPSV filter was evaluated in this review qualitatively and quantitatively using simulated and experimental data from cryo-EM and tomography in two and three dimensions. We also assessed the benefit of filtering experimental reconstructions for visualization purposes and for enhancing the accuracy of feature detection. The DPSV filter eliminates high-frequency noise artifacts (density gaps), which would normally preclude the accurate segmentation of tomography reconstructions or the detection of alpha-helices in single-particle reconstructions. This collaborative software development project was carried out entirely by virtual interactions among the authors using publicly available development and file sharing tools. 相似文献
C. Laforsch E. Christoph C. Glaser M. Naumann C. Wild W. Niggl 《Coral reefs (Online)》2008,27(4):811-820
The surface area of corals represents a major reference parameter for the standardization of flux rates, for coral growth
investigations, and for investigations of coral metabolism. The methods currently used to determine the surface area of corals
are rather approximate approaches lacking accuracy, or are invasive and often destructive methods that are inapplicable for
experiments involving living corals. This study introduces a novel precise and non-destructive technique to quantify surface
area in living coral colonies by applying computed tomography (CT) and subsequent 3D reconstruction. Living coral colonies
of different taxa were scanned by conventional medical CT either in air or in sea water. Resulting data volumes were processed
by 3D modeling software providing realistic 3D coral skeleton surface reconstructions, thus enabling surface area measurements.
Comparisons of CT datasets obtained from calibration bodies and coral colonies proved the accuracy of the surface area determination.
Surface area quantifications derived from two different surface rendering techniques applied for scanning living coral colonies
showed congruent results (mean deviation ranging from 1.32 to 2.03%). The validity of surface area measurement was verified
by repeated measurements of the same coral colonies by three test persons. No significant differences between all test persons
in all coral genera and in both surface rendering techniques were found (independent sample t-test: all n.s.). Data analysis of a single coral colony required approximately 15 to 30 min for a trained user using the
isosurface technique regardless of the complexity and growth form of the latter, rendering the method presented in this study
as a time-saving and accurate method to quantify surface areas in both living coral colonies and bare coral skeletons.
Communicated by Biology Editor Dr Michael Lesser 相似文献
Stereological tools are the gold standard for accurate (i.e., unbiased) and precise quantification of any microscopic sample. The past decades have provided a broad spectrum of tools to estimate a variety of parameters such as volumes, surfaces, lengths, and numbers. Some of them require pairs of parallel sections that can be produced by either physical or optical sectioning, with optical sectioning being much more efficient when applicable. Unfortunately, transmission electron microscopy could not fully profit from these riches, mainly because of the large depth of field. Hence, optical sectioning was a long-time desire for electron microscopists.This desire was fulfilled with the development of electron tomography that yield stacks of slices from electron microscopic sections. Now, parallel optical slices of a previously unimagined small thickness (2–5 nm axial resolution) can be produced. These optical slices minimize problems related to overprojection effects, and allow for direct stereological analysis, e.g., volume estimation with the Cavalieri principle and number estimation with the optical disector method.Here, we demonstrate that the symbiosis of stereology and electron tomography is an easy and efficient way for quantitative analysis at the electron microscopic level. We call this approach quantitative 3D electron microscopy. 相似文献
Murphy GE Narayan K Lowekamp BC Hartnell LM Heymann JA Fu J Subramaniam S 《Journal of structural biology》2011,(3):268-278
We report methodological advances that extend the current capabilities of ion-abrasion scanning electron microscopy (IA-SEM), also known as focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy, a newly emerging technology for high resolution imaging of large biological specimens in 3D. We establish protocols that enable the routine generation of 3D image stacks of entire plastic-embedded mammalian cells by IA-SEM at resolutions of ∼10–20 nm at high contrast and with minimal artifacts from the focused ion beam. We build on these advances by describing a detailed approach for carrying out correlative live confocal microscopy and IA-SEM on the same cells. Finally, we demonstrate that by combining correlative imaging with newly developed tools for automated image processing, small 100 nm-sized entities such as HIV-1 or gold beads can be localized in SEM image stacks of whole mammalian cells. We anticipate that these methods will add to the arsenal of tools available for investigating mechanisms underlying host-pathogen interactions, and more generally, the 3D subcellular architecture of mammalian cells and tissues. 相似文献
Sosinsky GE Crum J Jones YZ Lanman J Smarr B Terada M Martone ME Deerinck TJ Johnson JE Ellisman MH 《Journal of structural biology》2008,161(3):359-371
The emergence of electron tomography as a tool for three dimensional structure determination of cells and tissues has brought its own challenges for the preparation of thick sections. High pressure freezing in combination with freeze substitution provides the best method for obtaining the largest volume of well-preserved tissue. However, for deeply embedded, heterogeneous, labile tissues needing careful dissection, such as brain, the damage due to anoxia and excision before cryofixation is significant. We previously demonstrated that chemical fixation prior to high pressure freezing preserves fragile tissues and produces superior tomographic reconstructions compared to equivalent tissue preserved by chemical fixation alone. Here, we provide further characterization of the technique, comparing the ultrastructure of Flock House Virus infected DL1 insect cells that were (1) high pressure frozen without fixation, (2) high pressure frozen following fixation, and (3) conventionally prepared with aldehyde fixatives. Aldehyde fixation prior to freezing produces ultrastructural preservation superior to that obtained through chemical fixation alone that is close to that obtained when cells are fast frozen without fixation. We demonstrate using a variety of nervous system tissues, including neurons that were injected with a fluorescent dye and then photooxidized, that this technique provides excellent preservation compared to chemical fixation alone and can be extended to selectively stained material where cryofixation is impractical. 相似文献
Alba Hernández-Martín Tania González-García Margaret Lawlor Lesley Preston Vicente Gotor Susana Fernández Miguel Ferrero 《Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry》2013,21(24):7779-7789
C-3-substituted 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 analogues were synthesized as tools to directly measure levels of vitamin D in biological samples. The strategy involves vinyloxycarbonylation of the 3β-hydroxy group and formation of a carbamate bond with a hydroxyl or amino group at the end of the alkyl chain. Biotinylated conjugates of synthesized derivatives were generated to be linked with vitamin D binding protein (DBP). The spacer group present in the alkyl chain is important in the binding of antibodies to the analogue–DBP complex. When compared to 25-hydroxyvitamin D3-DBP, the binding of some antibodies to the analogue–DBP complex of the 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 derivative 10 that posses an 8-aminoctyl alkyl chain is significantly reduced, but this analogue displaced [26,27-3H]-25-hydroxyvitamin D3 from DBP. In contrast, the 8-hydroxyoctyl alkyl chain analogue 9 showed less displacement. 相似文献
Dorenbeck U Schreyer AG Plendl PJ Hees H Feuerbach S Held P 《Birth defects research. Part A, Clinical and molecular teratology》2005,73(9):628-633
BACKGROUND: Symmelia is a rare birth defect, often combined with severe malformations of the urogenital system and the lower gastrointestinal tract. Additionally, a deformed pelvis and various degrees of separation of the lower limbs are present. CASES: We report the examination findings of 3 autopsy specimens of symmelia using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) with 3-dimensional (3D) reconstructions, and conventional X-ray. CONCLUSIONS: MRI and CT with the addition of 3D visualization can be used additionally with autopsy and conventional X-ray images in the investigation of such complex anatomical abnormalities. 相似文献
Tomislav Ivankovic Christian Geindreau Philipe Séchet Zhujun Huang Jean M. F. Martins 《Biofouling》2016,32(10):1235-1244
The development of a reliable model allowing accurate predictions of biofilm growth in porous media relies on a good knowledge of the temporal evolution of biofilm structure within the porous network. Since little is known about the real 3-D structure of biofilms in porous media, this work was aimed at developing a new experimental protocol to visualize the 3-D microstructure of the inside of a porous medium using laboratory X-ray microtomography. A reliable and reproducible methodology is proposed for (1) growing a biofilm inside a porous medium, and (2) X-ray tomography-based characterization of the temporal development of the biofilm at the inlet of the biofilter. The statistical analysis proposed here also validates the results presented in the literature based on a biofilm structure single measurement. 相似文献
Twenty four hours after dosing of pregnant rats with 3H vitamin D3 i.v. the sulfoconjugate was detected only in the kidney. In contrast, 24 or 48 hours after 3H vitamin D3 i.v. dosing the vitamin D3 sulfoconjugate was detected in the plasma, liver, kidney and mammary glands of lactating mother rats. 相似文献
目的:探讨螺旋CT扫描及三维重建技术在股骨颈骨折分型及治疗中的应用价值。方法:选择2010年5月~2013年5月期间我院收治的股骨颈骨折患者237例为研究对象,根据患者扫描检查方式的不同将其分为对照组(112例)和观察组(125例),对照组患者行髋关节X线正位扫描,观察组行髋关节正位64排螺旋CT扫描,两组均根据扫描结果进行分型并制定相应的治疗方案,比较两组患者骨折内固定手术后2年的股骨头坏死率及骨折不愈合率。结果:两组行骨折内固定手术比例比较,差异无统计学意义(P0.05);术后2年,对照组股骨头坏死5例(22.73%),骨不连6例(27.27%);观察组股骨头坏死1例(3.70%),骨不连1例(3.70%),观察组患者股骨头坏死率及骨折不愈合率均显著低于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:螺旋CT扫描及三维重建成像能够全面、准确显示股骨颈骨折的损伤情况,有助于骨折的正确分型和治疗方法的选择,改善预后。 相似文献