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It is now well established that the activity of certain liver enzymes displays sex differences and that administration of human growth hormone to male rats alters the liver metabolism in a "female" direction. In this work we studied steroid sulfatase activity and binding of estradiol-17 beta in livers from intact rats and found a sex difference, with considerably higher enzyme activity in male as compared to female liver tissue. Continuous infusion of native and recombinant human growth hormone and estradiol-17 beta to male rats reduced sulfatase activity to "female" levels. A specific binding of estradiol-17 beta with receptor properties was found in the rat livers, but the concentration of binding sites did not change after administration of growth hormone or estradiol in this group of intact animals. Our data confirm previous reports that continuous administration of human growth hormone "feminize" liver metabolism, and since estradiol was found to have an identical effect on sulfatase activity it is suggested that the effect of estradiol-17 beta in this respect may be indirect, mediated via an altered secretory pattern of rat growth hormone.  相似文献   

Hypophysectomy results in a marked decrease in glutamine synthetase activity of rat liver homogenates. The enzyme is affected to a lesser extent in the kidneys and is not influenced in the brain. Bovine growth hormone treatment of hypophysectomized rats elevates the diminished glutamine synthetase activity in liver and kidneys but has no effect on the brain enzyme. Adrenalectomy also results in decreased liver glutamine synthetase activity although less than the decline seen with hypophysectomy. Cortisol treatment has no effect on glutamine synthetase activity in hypophysectomized animals. Our results suggest that growth hormone is involved in the regulation of liver glutamine synthetase activity. This regulation may be important in the utilization of α-amino nitrogen from glucogenic amino acids associated with growth hormone enhanced glucose production.  相似文献   

Earlier studies have revealed, upon hypophysectomy, a specific increase in mitochondrial urea cycle enzymes, namely carbamyl phosphate synthetase and ornithine transcarbamylase. Administration of growth hormone to hypophysectomized rats brought these enzyme activities back to normal. Since growth hormone plays a role in the formation of citrulline and ultimately urea, in the present study its effect on the levels of N-acetyl-L-glutamate, an allosteric activator of carbamyl phosphate synthetase has been investigated. A significant increase in N-acetyl-L-glutamate concentration in rat liver on hypophysectomy and its reversal back to normal levels on growth hormone administration was reported. These results suggest that the lack of growth hormone tends to amplify urea production by the liver.  相似文献   

Growth hormone, oxytocin, parathyroid hormone, prolactin and lysine vasopressin strongly stimulate mitotic activity in rat thymocyte populations maintained in vitro. These hormones have no mitotic effect on cells maintained in calcium-free medium. It is concluded that they stimulate mitosis only indirectly by sensitising the mitotically competent segment of a thymocyte population to the action of calcium. The stimulatory action of calcium itself is opposed by low concentrations of the mucopolysaccharide chondroitin sulphate. However, the inhibitory action of chondroitin sulphate can be overcome by growth hormone. A possible common mechanism of action of these hormones on mitotically competent cells is discussed.  相似文献   

Steroid sulfatase activity was quantified in liver microsomes from hypophysectomized adult female rats treated with estradiol and continuous or intermittent human growth hormone (hGH). Hypophysectomy clearly enhanced sulfatase activity as compared to intact female rats. Normal female values were completely restored by continuous infusion of hGH (1.4 i.u./kg/day). Neither the same dose of hGH given as two daily injections nor estrogen replacement therapy had any effect. It is concluded that liver microsome sulfatase activity in the non-pregnant rat is regulated by the sexually dimorphic secretory pattern of GH.  相似文献   

Albumin synthesis and catabolism were respectively measured by McFarlane's (1963) sodium [(14)C]carbonate method and I-labelled albumin in hypophysectomized rats, both untreated and treated with growth hormone. Hypophysectomy resulted in a decrease in both albumin synthesis and catabolic rates. These changes as shown by pair-feeding experiments could not be ascribed to decreased food intake alone. Growth hormone was shown to partially restore both albumin synthesis and catabolic rates. It is proposed that growth hormone stimulates albumin synthesis and that its effect on albumin catabolism is secondary to changes in the mass of the intravascular albumin pool.  相似文献   

Long-term (7 and 14 days) hypophysectomy resulted in a striking decrease in growth hormone releasing hormone-like immunoreactivity (GHRH-LI) in the median eminence (ME) of adult male rats, evaluated by both radioimmunoassay and immunohistochemistry. Treatment with human GH (125 μg/rat, twice daily IP for 14 days) prevented, though partially, depletion of GHRH-LI from the ME, as assessed by both methods. These results demonstrate that circulating GH levels regulate the function of GHRH-producing structures, via a feedback mechanism.  相似文献   

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