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We have characterized an unusual yeast phase specific protein from Histoplasma capsulatum. The protein, which we have called protein 6, is produced by the yeast cells which have been derepressed for sulfite reductase, and it can account for more than 40% of the total extract protein. Synthesis of both sulfite reductase and protein 6 is subject to cysteine repression. However, sulfite reductase activity is maximal in logarithmically growing cells whereas protein 6 is synthesized de novo and accumulated by stationary phase cells. The following are the major physicochemical properties of protein 6: (1) the native protein has a molecular weight of about 15 000; (2) electrophoresis on a sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel yielded a single band with a molecular weight 7600; (3) protein 6 is capable of reducing the dye, nitroblue tetrazolium, and cytochrome c, a property that has been found to be shared by a number of trypsin inhibitors, and (4) the molecule is negatively charge and is relatively resistant to proteolysis. The amino acid composition of protein 6 has been determined.  相似文献   

An inhibitor of ribonucleic acid polymerases has been obtained from the mycelial phase of Histoplasma capsulatum and partially characterized. The inhibitor, called histin, was purified 200-fold by heat treatment at 100 C and electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gels. Histin moved in electrophoresis as if negatively charged; it was insensitive to treatment with ribonuclease of deoxyribonuclease but was completely digested by Pronase. Sucrose gradient centrifugation suggests a molecular weight of 24,000. The possibility of a regulatory role for histin in the life cycle of H. capsulatum is discussed.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to characterize and compare T lymphocyte function from the vigorous and modulated liver granulomas of Schistosoma mansoni-infected mice. Although both types of lesion contained equal percentages of T lymphocytes, the T cell subset distribution was different. For vigorous lesions, the ratio of helper/effector to suppressor/cytotoxic T cells was 2 to 3:1. For modulated lesions the ratio was lower (1:1). Differences in the phenotypic profiles of vigorous and modulated granuloma (Gr) T cells were reflected in their functional activity. Vigorous Gr T cells were more active in lymphoproliferation, IL-2 production, and granuloma formation than those from modulated lesions. Moreover, modulated Gr T cells suppressed the functional activity of vigorous Gr T cells in a dose-dependent manner. The selective depletion of T cell subsets showed that phenotypically, the Gr delayed-hypersensitivity T cell is L3T4+, Lyt-1+ whereas the Gr Ts cell is an Lyt-2+ lymphocyte. Both of these T cell subsets are present in vigorous and modulated lesions. During acute infection, delayed-hypersensitivity T cell lymphocyte functions predominate, whereas Ts lymphocyte functions appear to prevail during chronic infection.  相似文献   

Histoplasma capsulatum is the most common cause of invasive fungal pulmonary disease worldwide. The interaction of H. capsulatum with a host is a complex, dynamic process. Severe disease most commonly occurs in individuals with compromised immunity, and the increasing utilization of immunomodulators in medicine has revealed significant risks for reactivation disease in patients with latent histoplasmosis. Fortunately, there are well developed molecular tools and excellent animal models for studying H. capsulatum virulence and numerous recent advances have been made regarding the pathogenesis of this fungus that will improve our capacity to combat disease.  相似文献   

Until recently, Histoplasma capsulatum was believed to harbour three varieties, var. capsulatum (chiefly a New World human pathogen), var. duboisii (an African human pathogen) and var. farciminosum (an Old World horse pathogen), which varied in clinical manifestations and geographical distribution. We analysed the phylogenetic relationships of 137 individuals representing the three varieties from six continents using DNA sequence variation in four independent protein‐coding genes. At least eight clades were idengified: (i) North American class 1 clade; (ii) North American class 2 clade; (iii) Latin American group A clade; (iv) Latin American group B clade; (v) Australian clade; (vi) Netherlands (Indonesian?) clade; (vii) Eurasian clade and (viii) African clade. Seven of eight clades represented genetically isolated groups that may be recognized as phylogenetic species. The sole exception was the Eurasian clade which originated from within the Latin American group A clade. The phylogenetic relationships among the clades made a star phylogeny. Histoplasma capsulatum var. capsulatum individuals were found in all eight clades. The African clade included all of the H. capsulatum var. duboisii individuals as well as individuals of the other two varieties. The 13 individuals of var. farciminosum were distributed among three phylogenetic species. These findings suggest that the three varieties of Histoplasma are phylogenetically meaningless. Instead we have to recognize the existence of genetically distinct geographical populations or phylogenetic species. Combining DNA substitution rates of protein‐coding genes with the phylogeny suggests that the radiation of Histoplasma started between 3 and 13 million years ago in Latin America.  相似文献   

Cysteine metabolism has been thought to be important to the phenomenon of dimorphism inHistoplasma capsulatum. We sought mutants with genetic blocks in the metabolism of cysteine by selection of colonies resistant to the toxic analogue, selenocystine. The 22 resistant strains thus obtained were all deficient in uptake of cystine from the surrounding medium but were normally able to convert from mycelium to yeast and back again. Furthermore, they had normal quantities of NADH-dependent cystine reductase when this enzyme was measured. We conclude that mutants defective in cystine uptake can be readily obtained by selection of colonies resistant to selenocystine, and that a lesion in cystine-uptake does not appear to affect the phenomenon of dimorphism in this organism.Preliminary reports of this work were presented at the Second International Congress of Mycology, Tampa, 1977 and at the first International Conference on Histoplasmosis, Atlanta, 1978.  相似文献   

Histoplasma capsulatum is a significant respiratory and systemic fungal pathogen. Although many molecular tools have been developed, the fulfillment of Koch's postulates to determine gene function has been hampered by obstacles to homologous gene targeting. Because H. capsulatum displays a considerable array of virulence mechanisms and has a 40-Mb genome that is currently being sequenced, the capability to perform high-throughput molecular manipulations would clearly be beneficial. Recent demonstration and application of experimental RNA interference (RNAi) technology promises a major contribution to advances in this area.  相似文献   

Sporulation characteristics of Histoplasma capsulatum   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

The chemical composition of yeast and mycelial cells of three strains ofHistoplasma capsulatum was analyzed and is expressed as per cent dry weight. Cultures were grown in a liquid synthetic medium, mycelial cells at 25°C and yeast at 37°C on gyrotory shakers. After 7 days, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), ribonucleic acid (RNA), and protein were higher in the yeast cells while mycelial cells contained more lipid and carbohydrate. The components of one strain were also studied at different stages of growth. The DNA in both yeast and mycelial cells remained relatively constant, but other components varied with the age of culture. In yeast cells the RNA level was 6.8 % at 2 days and then declined sharply remaining constant around 3.5 %. A protein content of 29 % on day 2 decreased gradually to 19 % on day 14. An initial lipid content of 21 % rose to 33 % on day 5 and then decreased. Similarly, an initial carbohydrate level of 17 % rose to 25 % on day 7 and then declined. The mycelial cells contained 4 % RNA up to 10 days followed by a slight decline to 3 % on day 14. A protein content of 20 % on day 5 increased to 24 % on day 10 and then decreased to 15 % on day 28. The lipid content of 33 % on day 5 rose to 38 % on day 7 and then decreased gradually. The carbohydrate level of 20 % at 5 days increased to 38 % on day 10 and declined gradually to 27 % after 28 days.
Résumé La composition chimique des cellules levuriformes et mycéliennes de trois souches deHistoplasma capsulatum a été déterminée. Le champignon a été cultivé dans un milieu synthétique liquide secoué à 25° C pour la phase mycélienne et à 37° C pour la phase levuriforme. Après 7 jours d'incubation, les cellules levuriformes étaient plus riches en acides nucléiques et en protéines que les cellules mycéliennes qui étaient par contre plus riches en lipides et en hydrates de carbone. La composition d'une des souches fut étudiée à différentes étapes de la croissance. La teneur en ADN des deux phases resta relativement constante mais des variations furent observées dans le cas des autres constituants chimiques. Pour ce qui est des levures, l'ARN qui constituait 6,8 % du poids des cellules sèches à deux jours, tomba rapidement à 3,5 % et resta constant. Les proteines passèrent de 29 % au deuxième jour à 19 % au quatorzième jour. Au contraire, la teneur en lipides passa d'un valeur initiale de 21 % à 33 % au cinquième jour, pour diminuer de nouveau par la suite. De même, une teneur initiale en hydrates de carbone de 17 % passa à 25 % au septième jour puis diminua par la suite. Dans les cas des cellules mycéliennes contenaient 4 % de ARN jusqu'au dizième jours, puis cette valeur tomba légèrement jusqu'à 3 % au quatorzième jour. Les protéines qui représentaient 20 % au cinquième jour augmentèrent jusqu'à 24 % au dizième jour pour tomber à 15 % au vingthuitième jour. La teneur en lipides de 33 % au cinquième jour augmenta jusqu'à 38 % au septième jour pour diminuer graduellement. De même les taux en hydrates de carbones qui représentaient 20 % au cinquième jour augmentèrent jusqu'à 38 % au dixième jour et diminuèrent graduellement jusqu'à 27 % au vingt-huitième jour.

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