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Melittin is a cytolytic peptide whose biological activity is lost upon binding to a six-residue peptide, Ac-IVIFDC-NH(2), with which it forms a highly insoluble complex. As a result, the structural analysis of the interaction between the two peptides is difficult. Solid-state NMR spectroscopy was used to study the interaction between melittin and the peptide inhibitor. Location of the binding site in the melittin-inhibitor complex was determined using lanthanide ions, which quench NMR resonances from molecular sites that are in close proximity to the unique ion binding site. Our results indicated that the inhibitor binding site in melittin is near Leu13, Leu16 and Ile17, but not near Leu6 or Val8. On the basis of these data we propose that the inhibitor binds to melittin in the vicinity of Ala15 to Trp19 and prevents insertion of melittin into cell membranes by disrupting the helical structure. Supporting evidence for this model was produced by determining the distance, using rotational resonance NMR, between the [1-(13)C] of Leu13 in melittin and the [3-(13)C] of Phe4 in the inhibitor.  相似文献   

NMR studies of a DNA containing 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine.   总被引:13,自引:6,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
The effects of hydroxylation at the C8 of a deoxyguanosine residue in DNA were studied by NMR analysis of a self-complementary dodecanucleotide, d(C1-G2-C3-oh8G4-A5-A6-T7-T8-C9-G10-C11-G12), which has an 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine (oh8dG) residue at the 4th position. NMR data indicate that the 8-hydroxyguanine (oh8G) base takes a 6,8-diketo tautomeric form and is base-paired to C with Watson-Crick type hydrogen bonds in a B-form structure. The thermal stability of the duplex is reduced, but the overall structure is much the same as that of the unmodified d(CGCGAATTCGCG) duplex. The structural changes caused by 8-hydroxylation of the deoxyguanosine, if any, are localized near the modification site.  相似文献   

Three monofluorocinnamoylchymotrypsins have been examined at pH 4 by fluorine NMR spectroscopy. Protein-induced fluorine chemical shifts are quite large (~7 ppm) when fluorine is present at the para position but nearly zero for ortho fluorine. The shifts roughly parallel those observed in complexes formed between the enzyme and the analogous N-acetylfluorophenylalanines, suggesting a similarity in molecular environment for the aromatic ring in both systems. Little correlation is found, however, between the shifts for the acylenzymes and those of the corresponding enzyme-cinnamate complexes, indicating that the environment for the aromatic ring in the complexes is dissimilar from that experienced by the aromatic group in the acylated enzyme. Solvent isotope effects (H2OD2O) on the fluorine chemical shifts for the fluorocinnamoylchymotrypsins are small and downfield. Fluorine NMR observations suggest that the presence of the fluorocinnamoyl group greatly stabilizes the enzyme toward denaturation in 8 m urea.  相似文献   

Interactions of proteins with other macromolecules or small molecules play important roles in most biological processes. Often, such interactions are weak and transient, and the complexes do not easily crystallize. NMR spectroscopy has the unique ability to retrieve information about these interactions and is increasingly used. Recent methodological developments have helped characterize weak protein interactions, and have in particular been applied to the study of proteins that are mostly unfolded alone but form well-defined complexes upon interaction. In addition, NMR methods have been applied to the identification and characterization of small chemicals that inhibit protein function, a primary objective of rational drug design.  相似文献   

Several polypeptides prepared by means of pyrocondensation have been the subject of structural investigations. Attention has been focused on the constitutional characterization of homo-and co-polymers containing Asp and Glu residues, whose role is essential for the formation of the so-called proteinoids. Contrary to the literature data based on chemical degradation, nmr studies show conclusively that in thermal poly-aspartic acid only β-peptide linkages are present. This result casts serious doubt on the role thermal condensation might have played in prebiotic polypeptide syntheses.  相似文献   

Analysis of published data concerning the solubility of different gases in water as dependent on temperature was carried out. These dependences could be described by mono-or bi-exponential functions. Solubilities of nitrogen and oxygen are additive and depend on their percentage in the atmosphere over the liquid. The temperature dependence of oxygen and nitrogen dissolved in water corresponds to that in the atmospheric air. Measurements of water spin-lattice relaxation times, changing with the concentration of dissolved paramagnetic oxygen, showed that oxygen could be substantially but not completely eliminated by saturation with any gas. The best method is the contact with a water-immiscible liquid of gas capacity higher than water. However, all this leads to an unstable state of a gas-water system, converging to equilibrium.  相似文献   

A review is given of the use of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy to study bacteriorhodopsin and bovine rhodopsin. Solution and solid-state approaches are included. The studies of the bacterial proton pump examine the chromophore, the peptide backbone, and the protein side chains. The studies of the bovine visual pigment are limited to the chromophore. Various forms of each pigment are considered. Both structural and dynamic features are addressed.  相似文献   

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Johnson MA  Rotondo A  Pinto BM 《Biochemistry》2002,41(7):2149-2157
Transferred nuclear Overhauser enhancement (TRNOE) experiments have been performed at 800 MHz to investigate the bound conformation of the hexapeptide DRPVPY, a functional molecular mimic of the group A Streptococcus cell-wall polysaccharide. The hexapeptide binds to the monoclonal antibody SA-3, mimicking the branched trisaccharide repeating unit, L-Rha-alpha-(1 --> 2)-(D-GlcNAc-beta-(1 --> 3))-alpha-L-Rha (Rha, rhamnose; GlcNAc, N-acetylglucosamine). The peptide adopts a tight turn conformation with close contacts between the side chains of valine and tyrosine. Relaxation network editing experiments (QUIET-NOESY) were used to confirm the validity of the observed contacts and to evaluate the presence of spin diffusion pathways. Saturation transfer difference (STD-NMR) experiments with selective saturation of protein resonances revealed enhancements of many of the peptide resonances due to close contacts between the peptide and the protein within the antibody combining site.  相似文献   

Antiamoebin I is a membrane-active peptaibol produced by fungi of the species Emericellopsis which is capable of forming ion channels in membranes. Previous structure determinations by x-ray crystallography have shown the molecule is mostly helical, with a deep bend in the center of the polypeptide, and that the backbone structure is independent of the solvent used for crystallization. In this study, the solution structure of antiamoebin was determined by NMR spectroscopy in methanol, a solvent from which one of the crystal structures was determined. The ensemble of structures produced exhibit a right-handed helical C terminus and a left-handed helical conformation toward the N-terminus, in contrast to the completely right-handed helices found in the crystal structures. The NMR results also suggest that a "hinge" region exists, which gives flexibility to the polypeptide in the central region, and which could have functional implications for the membrane insertion process. A model for the membrane insertion and assembly process is proposed based on the antiamoebin solution and crystal structures, and is contrasted with the assembly and insertion mechanism proposed for other ion channel-forming polypeptides.  相似文献   

Complex multifucosylated oligosaccharides are structural elements of glycoprotein and glycolipid subsets of larval, egg, and adult stages of Schistosoma, the parasitic worms that cause schistosomiasis, a serious disease affecting more than 200 million people in the tropics. The fucosylated structures are thought to play an important role in the immunology of schistosomiasis. Defined schistosomal oligosaccharides that enable immunological studies are difficult to obtain from natural sources. Therefore, we have chemically synthesized spacer-linked GlcNAc, Fucalpha1-3GlcNAc, Fucalpha1-2Fucalpha1-3GlcNAc, and Fucalpha1-2Fucalpha1-2Fucalpha1-3GlcNAc. This series of linear oligosaccharides was used to screen a library of anti-schistosome monoclonal antibodies by surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy. Interestingly, the reactive antibodies could be grouped according to their specificity for the different oligosaccharides tested, showing that these oligosaccharides form different immunological entities based on the number and linkage of the fucose residues. Subsequently, the thus defined monoclonal antibodies were used to visualize the expression of the corresponding oligosaccharide epitopes by adult Schistosoma mansoni worms.  相似文献   

Several polypeptides prepared by means of pyrocondensation have been the subject of structural investigations. Attention has been focused on the constitutional characterization of homo-and co-polymers containing Asp and Glu residues, whose role is essential for the formation of the so-called proteinoids. Contrary to the literature data based on chemical degradation, nmr studies show conclusively that in thermal poly-aspartic acid only beta-peptide linkages are present. This result casts serious doubt on the role thermal condensation might have played in prebiotic polypeptide syntheses.  相似文献   

Characterization of protein surface accessibility represents a new frontier of structural biology. A surface accessibility investigation for two structurally well-defined proteins, tendamistat and bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor, is performed here by a combined analysis of water-protein Overhauser effects and paramagnetic perturbation profiles induced by the soluble spin-label 4-hydroxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-piperidine-1-oxyl on NMR spectra. This approach seems to be reliable not only for distinguishing between buried and exposed residues but also for finding molecular locations where a network of more ordered waters covers the protein surface. From the presented set of data, an overall picture of the surface accessibility of the two proteins can be inferred. Detailed knowledge of protein accessibility can form the basis for successful design of mutants with increased activity and/or greater specificity.  相似文献   

The isomerization of poly-L -proline in different solvents has been studied by NMR spectroscopy. Different resonance signals for the CHα protons have been obtained for the two different helical conformations of thus compound, namely form I and form II.  相似文献   

Rabbits ingesting 4-fluorophenylalanine are known to incorporate small amounts of this fluorinated amino acid into their proteins. Carbonic anhydrase I isolated from the erythrocytes of animals so maintained exhibits a well-resolved fluorine NMR signal for each phenylalanine in the sequence. The chemical shifts of most of these signals respond to the binding of inhibitors, suggesting that most if not all of the tertiary structure of the enzyme adjusts to the presence of inhibitors at the active site.  相似文献   

Aurein 1.2 is an antimicrobial and anticancer peptide isolated from an Australian frog. To improve our understanding of the mechanism of action, two series of peptides were designed. The first series includes the N-terminal membrane anchor of bacterial glucose-specific enzyme IIA, aurein 1.2, and a newly identified aurein 1.2 analog from human LL-37 (LLAA). The order of antibacterial activity is LLAA>aurein 1.2>the membrane anchor (inactive). The structure of LLAA in detergent micelles was determined by (1)H NMR spectroscopy, including structural refinement by natural abundance (13)C(alpha), (13)C(beta), and (15)N chemical shifts. The hydrophobic surface area of the 3D structure is related to the retention time of the peptide on a reverse-phase HPLC column. The higher activity of LLAA compared to aurein 1.2 was attributed to additional cationic residues that enhance the membrane perturbation potential. The second peptide series was created by changing the C-terminal phenylalanine (F13) of aurein 1.2 to either phenylglycine or tryptophan. A closer or further location of the aromatic rings to the peptide backbone in the mutants relative to F13 is proposed to cause a drop in activity. Phenylglycine with unique chemical shifts may be a useful NMR probe for structure-activity relationship studies of antimicrobial peptides. To facilitate potential future use for NMR studies, random-coil chemical shifts for phenylglycine (X) were measured using the synthetic peptide GGXGG. Aromatic rings of phenylalanines in all the peptides penetrated 2-5 A below the lipid head group and are essential for membrane targeting as illustrated by intermolecular peptide-lipid NOE patterns.  相似文献   

Aurein 1.2 is an antimicrobial and anticancer peptide isolated from an Australian frog. To improve our understanding of the mechanism of action, two series of peptides were designed. The first series includes the N-terminal membrane anchor of bacterial glucose-specific enzyme IIA, aurein 1.2, and a newly identified aurein 1.2 analog from human LL-37 (LLAA). The order of antibacterial activity is LLAA > aurein 1.2 >> the membrane anchor (inactive). The structure of LLAA in detergent micelles was determined by 1H NMR spectroscopy, including structural refinement by natural abundance 13Cα, 13Cβ, and 15N chemical shifts. The hydrophobic surface area of the 3D structure is related to the retention time of the peptide on a reverse-phase HPLC column. The higher activity of LLAA compared to aurein 1.2 was attributed to additional cationic residues that enhance the membrane perturbation potential. The second peptide series was created by changing the C-terminal phenylalanine (F13) of aurein 1.2 to either phenylglycine or tryptophan. A closer or further location of the aromatic rings to the peptide backbone in the mutants relative to F13 is proposed to cause a drop in activity. Phenylglycine with unique chemical shifts may be a useful NMR probe for structure-activity relationship studies of antimicrobial peptides. To facilitate potential future use for NMR studies, random-coil chemical shifts for phenylglycine (X) were measured using the synthetic peptide GGXGG. Aromatic rings of phenylalanines in all the peptides penetrated 2-5 Å below the lipid head group and are essential for membrane targeting as illustrated by intermolecular peptide-lipid NOE patterns.  相似文献   

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