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The plant cell wall is the structural basis of cellular form and thus forms a foundation on which morphogenesis builds organs and tissues. Enzymes capable of modifying major wall components are prominent candidates for regulating wall form and function. Xyloglucan endotransglucosylases/hydrolases (XTHs) are predicted to participate in xyloglucan integration and/or restructuring. XTHs are encoded by large gene families in plants; the Arabidopsis genome encodes 33 XTHs. To gain insight into the potential physiological relevance of the distinct members of this family, GUS reporter fusion genes were constructed, and plants expressing these transgenes were characterized to reveal spatial and temporal patterns of expression. In addition, Genevestigator sources were mined for comprehensive and comparative XTH expression regulation analysis. These data reveal that the Arabidopsis XTHs are likely expressed in every developmental stage from seed germination through flowering. All organs show XTH::GUS expression and most, if not all, are found to express multiple XTH::GUS genes. These data suggest that XTHs may contribute to morphogenesis at every developmental stage and in every plant organ. Different XTHs have remarkably diverse and distinct expression patterns indicating that paralogous genes have evolved differential expression regulation perhaps contributing to the maintenance of the large gene family. Extensive overlap in XTH expression patterns is evident; thus, XTHs may act combinatorially in determining wall properties of specific tissues or organs. Knowledge of gene-specific expression among family members yields evidence of where and when gene products may function and provides insights to guide rational approaches to investigate function through reverse genetics. Electronic supplementary material Electronic supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users.  相似文献   

胡杨是典型的抗旱树种。挖掘和鉴定胡杨的耐旱基因对于提高植物抗旱性具有重要意义。木葡聚糖内转糖苷酶/水解酶(XTH)是植物细胞壁重构过程中的关键酶,在植物逆境胁迫响应中发挥重要作用。我们前期已从胡杨叶片中克隆了PeXTH基因。本文利用Real-time PCR检测PeXTH基因在干旱胁迫下的表达水平。在此基础上,构建植物表达载体pMDC85-PeXTH,通过农杆菌介导法将PeXTH基因转入烟草,分析过表达PeXTH基因烟草的抗旱性。研究发现,胡杨叶片中PeXTH基因的表达受干旱胁迫诱导。干旱处理后,转PeXTH基因烟草的萌发率明显高于野生型烟草;与野生型植株相比,转基因植株的叶片失水速率明显降低。干旱胁迫下,转基因烟草的气孔开度仅为野生型烟草的51.2%~53.6%。结果表明,过表达PeXTH基因能够提高烟草的抗旱性。本研究丰富了对胡杨PeXTH基因功能的认识,为植物抗旱分子育种提供了重要的基因资源。  相似文献   

Xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolase (XTHs: EC and/or EC, a xyloglucan modifying enzyme, has been proposed to have a role during tomato and apple fruit ripening by loosening the cell wall. Since the ripening of climacteric fruits is controlled by endogenous ethylene biosynthesis, we wanted to study whether XET activity was ethylene-regulated, and if so, which specific genes encoding ripening-regulated XTH genes were indeed ethylene-regulated. XET specific activity in tomato and apple fruits was significantly increased by the ethylene treatment, as compared with the control fruits, suggesting an increase in the XTH gene expression induced by ethylene. The 25 SlXTH protein sequences of tomato and the 11 sequences MdXTH of apple were phylogenetically analyzed and grouped into three major clades. The SlXTHs genes with highest expression during ripening were SlXTH5 and SlXTH8 from Group III-B, and in apple MdXTH2, from Group II, and MdXTH10, and MdXTH11 from Group III-B. Ethylene was involved in the regulation of the expression of different SlXTH and MdXTH genes during ripening. In tomato fruit fifteen different SlXTH genes showed an increase in expression after ethylene treatment, and the SlXTHs that were ripening associated were also ethylene dependent, and belong to Group III-B (SlXTH5 and SlXTH8). In apple fruit, three MdXTH showed an increase in expression after the ethylene treatment and the only MdXTH that was ripening associated and ethylene dependent was MdXTH10 from Group III-B. The results indicate that XTH may play an important role in fruit ripening and a possible relationship between XTHs from Group III-B and fruit ripening, and ethylene regulation is suggested.  相似文献   

Xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolases (XTHs) are cell wall-modifying enzymes that align within three or four distinct phylogenetic subgroups. One explanation for this grouping is association with different enzymic modes of action, as XTHs can have xyloglucan endotransglucosylase (XET) or endohydrolase (XEH) activities. While Group 1 and 2 XTHs predominantly exhibit XET activity, to date the activity of only one member of Group 3 has been reported: nasturtium TmXH1, which has a highly specialized function and hydrolyses seed-storage xyloglucan rather than modifying cell wall structure. Tomato fruit ripening was selected as a model to test the hypothesis that preferential XEH activity might be a defining characteristic of Group 3 XTHs, which would be expressed during processes where net xyloglucan depolymerization occurs. Database searches identified 25 tomato XTHs, and one gene (SlXTH5) was of particular interest as it aligned within Group 3 and was expressed abundantly during ripening. Recombinant SlXTH5 protein acted primarily as a transglucosylase in vitro and depolymerized xyloglucan more rapidly in the presence than in the absence of xyloglucan oligosaccharides (XGOs), indicative of XET activity. Thus, there is no correlation between the XTH phylogenetic grouping and the preferential enzymic activities (XET or XEH) of the proteins in those groups. Similar analyses of SlXTH2, a Group 2 tomato XTH, and nasturtium seed TmXTH1 revealed a spectrum of modes of action, suggesting that all XTHs have the capacity to function in both modes. The biomechanical properties of plant walls were unaffected by incubation with SlXTH5, with or without XGOs, suggesting that XTHs do not represent primary cell wall-loosening agents. The possible roles of SlXTH5 in vivo are discussed.  相似文献   

Shin YK  Yum H  Kim ES  Cho H  Gothandam KM  Hyun J  Chung YY 《Planta》2006,224(1):32-41
Xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolases (XTHs) are a group of the enzymes that are responsible for reorganization of the cellulose–xyloglucan framework by catalyzing cleavage and religation of the xyloglucan chains in the plant cell wall. In this study, we report the isolation and characterization of a XTH gene from a pistil cDNA library of Brassica campestris. Sequence analysis of the gene, designated BcXTH1, revealed that it is homologous to the XTH9 gene of Arabidopsis. The highly conserved domain (DEIDFEFLG) found among all XTHs was also present in BcXTH1 but with the two amino acid substitutions (NEFDFEFLG) also found in Arabidopsis XTH9. These results suggest that BcXTH1 is the B. campestris homologue of XTH9. Expression analysis of BcXTH1 revealed that it was expressed in most of the plant organs. In situ hybridization showed that the gene is highly expressed in the floral primodia, especially in the epidermal cell layer. Southern blot analysis indicated that the BcXTH1 gene exists as a multi-copy gene in the B. campestris genome. The function of the BcXTH1 gene was deduced from using an overexpression strategy in Arabidopsis. Interestingly, the transgenic plants showed a pronounced cell expansion phenotype. Immunoelectron microscopy shows that BcXTH1 is localized almost exclusively to the cell wall, supporting our conclusion that it participates in the regulation of cell expansion in B. campestris.  相似文献   

This comprehensive overview of the xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolase (XTH) family of genes and proteins in bryophytes, based on research using genomic resources that are newly available for the moss Physcomitrella patens, provides new insights into plant evolution. In angiosperms, the XTH genes are found in large multi‐gene families, probably reflecting the diverse roles of individual XTHs in various cell types. As there are fewer cell types in P. patens than in angiosperms such as Arabidopsis and rice, it is tempting to deduce that there are fewer XTH family genes in bryophytes. However, the present study unexpectedly identified as many as 32 genes that potentially encode XTH family proteins in the genome of P. patens, constituting a fairly large multi‐gene family that is comparable in size with those of Arabidopsis and rice. In situ localization of xyloglucan endotransglucosylase activity in this moss indicates that some P. patens XTH proteins exhibit biochemical functions similar to those found in angiosperms, and that their expression profiles are tissue‐dependent. However, comparison of structural features of families of XTH genes between P. patens and angiosperms demonstrated the existence of several bryophyte‐specific XTH genes with distinct structural and functional features that are not found in angiosperms. These bryophyte‐specific XTH genes might have evolved to meet morphological and functional needs specific to the bryophyte. These findings raise interesting questions about the biological implications of the XTH family of proteins in non‐seed plants.  相似文献   

Plants encounter environmental stress challenges that are distinct from those of other eukaryotes because of their relative immobility. Therefore, plants may have evolved distinct regulatory mechanisms for conserved cellular functions. Plants, like other eukaryotes, share aspects of both calcium‐ and calmodulin‐based cellular signaling and the autophagic process of cellular renewal. Here, we report a novel function for an Arabidopsis calmodulin‐related protein, CML24, and insight into ATG4‐regulated autophagy. CML24 interacts with ATG4b in yeast two‐hybrid, in vitro pull‐down and transient tobacco cell transformation assays. Mutants with missense mutations in CML24 have aberrant ATG4 activity patterns in in vitro extract assays, altered ATG8 accumulation levels, an altered pattern of GFP–ATG8‐decorated cellular structures, and altered recovery from darkness‐induced starvation. Together, these results support the conclusion that CML24 affects autophagy progression through interactions with ATG4.  相似文献   

Cho SK  Kim JE  Park JA  Eom TJ  Kim WT 《FEBS letters》2006,580(13):3136-3144
Xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolase (XTH) has been recognized as a cell wall-modifying enzyme, participating in the diverse physiological roles. From water-stressed hot pepper plants, we isolated three different cDNA clones (pCaXTH1, pCaXTH2, and pCaXTH3) that encode XTH homologs. RT-PCR analysis showed that three CaXTH mRNAs were concomitantly induced by a broad spectrum of abiotic stresses, including drought, high salinity and cold temperature, and in response to stress hormone ethylene, suggesting their role in the early events in the abiotic-related defense response. Transgenic Arabidopsis plants that constitutively expressed the CaXTH3 gene under the control of the CaMV 35S promoter exhibited abnormal leaf morphology; the transgenic leaves showed variable degrees of twisting and bending along the edges, resulting in a severely wrinkled leaf shape. Microscopic analysis showed that 35S-CaXTH3 leaves had increased numbers of small-sized cells, resulting in disordered, highly populated mesophyll cells in each dorsoventral layer, and appeared to contain a limited amount of starch. In addition, the 35S-CaXTH3 transgenic plants displayed markedly improved tolerance to severe water deficit, and to lesser extent to high salinity in comparison with the wild-type plants. These results indicate that CaXTH3 is functional in heterologous Arabidopsis cells, thereby effectively altering cell growth and also the response to abiotic stresses. Although the physiological function of CaXTHs is not yet clear, there are several possibilities for their involvement in a subset of physiological responses to counteract dehydration and high salinity stresses in transgenic Arabidopsis plants.  相似文献   

The plant cell wall is a dynamic structure playing important roles in the control of plant cell growth and differentiation. These processes involve global reprogramming of the genome driven by dynamic changes in chromatin structure. The chromatin modifier ARABIDOPSIS HOMOLOG OF TRITHORAX (ATX1) methylates lysine residue 4 on histone H3 (H3K4me), acting as an epigenetic mark on associated genes. The remarkable overrepresentation in the ATX1-regulated gene fraction of genes encoding plasma membrane and cell wall-remodeling activities suggested a link between two separate factors affecting growth, development and adaptation in Arabidopsis: the wall-modifying activities regulating cell extension, growth and fate, and the epigenetic mechanisms regulating chromatin structure and gene expression. A co-regulated fraction of specific wall-modifying proteins suggests that they may function together. Here, we study the ATX1-dependent expression of the gene encoding the wall-loosening factor XTH33 as a test case for development- and tissue-specific effects displayed by the chromatin modifier. In addition, we show that XTH33 is, most likely, an integral plasma membrane protein. A putative transmembrane domain is conserved in some, but not all, XTH family members, suggesting that they may be differently positioned when functioning as wall modifiers.  相似文献   

Cyclic ADP-ribose (cADPR) was previously shown to activate transient expression of two abscisic acid (ABA)-responsive genes in tomato cells. Here, we show that the activity of the enzyme responsible for cADPR synthesis, ADP-ribosyl (ADPR) cyclase, is rapidly induced by ABA in both wild-type (WT) and abi1-1 mutant Arabidopsis plants in the absence of protein synthesis. Furthermore, in transgenic Arabidopsis plants, induced expression of the Aplysia ADPR cyclase gene resulted in an increase in ADPR cyclase activity and cADPR levels, as well as elevated expression of ABA-responsive genes KIN2, RD22, RD29a, and COR47 (although to a lesser extent than after ABA induction). Genome-wide profiling indicated that about 28% of all ABA-responsive genes in Arabidopsis are similarly up- and downregulated by cADPR and contributed to the identification of new ABA-responsive genes. Our results suggest that activation of ADPR cyclase is an early ABA-signaling event partially insensitive to the abi1-1 mutation and that an increase in cADPR plays an important role in downstream molecular and physiological ABA responses.  相似文献   

PEBP (phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein)家族包含保守的磷脂酰乙醇胺结合蛋白结构域,其中FT和TFL1蛋白构成植物成花素–反成花素系统调控植物的开花时间和株型结构被广泛关注。小鼠耳芥(Arabidopsis pumila)是早春短命植物,生长在古尔班通古特沙漠南缘荒漠地带,对环境具有较好的适应性。本研究对小鼠耳芥PEBP基因家族进行全基因组鉴定,发现其基因组包含11个PEBP基因(1个MFT、2个FT、2个TSF、2个TFL1、2个CEN和2个BFT),均由4个外显子与3个内含子组成。共线性分析表明,小鼠耳芥与拟南芥(A. thaliana)、琴叶拟南芥(A. lyrata) PEBP基因间存在11对共线性关系,PEBP家族在小鼠耳芥基因组中发生了明显的扩张,并且ApPEBP基因复制类型为全基因组复制/片段复制。组织表达分析发现ApMFT在种子中高表达,ApFT和ApBFT主要在花和果荚中表达,ApTFL1在茎尖中高表达,但ApCEN在根中高表达。进一步分析了6个ApPEBP基因在4种非生物胁迫下的表达特征,发现在10%PEG6000...  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis TCH genes were discovered as a consequence of their marked upregulation of expression in response to seemingly innocuous stimuli, such as touch. Further analyses have indicated that these genes are upregulated by a variety of diverse stimuli. Understanding the mechanism(s) and factors that control TCH gene regulation will shed light on the signalling pathways that enable plants to respond to changing environmental conditions. The TCH proteins include calmodulin, calmodulin-related proteins and a xyloglucan endotransglycosylase. Expression analyses and localization of protein accumulation indicate that the potential sites of TCH protein function include expanding cells and tissues under mechanical strain. We hypothesize that the TCH proteins may collaborate in cell wall biogenesis.  相似文献   

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