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The phytelephantoid group, considered very highly specialized among the 15 major groups of palms, includes only three dioecious genera which are distinguished by multipartite flowers. Staminate flowers of these genera have from 120 to over 900 stamens, the largest number known in palms. Developmental material shows centrifugal inception of stamens in Palandra and Phytelephas, and the course of the trunk bundles indicates centrifugal initiation of stamens in Ammandra. Stamens of all three genera are supplied by large trunk bundles that develop acropetally following the different centrifugal expansion of the floral apex in each genus. Branches of the trunk bundles form later to supply stamen primordia as they develop. Polyandric androecia occur in ten of the major groups of palms. Other multistaminate genera show expansion and change in shape of the floral apex before stamen initiation. Centrifugal development appears to represent a different method of expansion of the floral apex to accommodate increase in stamen number in this group. Centrifugal inception of stamens in monocotyledons has previously been established only for two genera of Butomaceae.  相似文献   

InMazus pumilus, all the floral appendages are initiated in acropetal sequence in the second cell layer (except stamens) of the floral primordium by periclinal divisions. The actinomorphic calyx tube is formed due to zonal growth. The zygomorphy in corolla is evident from the inception of petal primordia which arise sequentially as independent units in order of one anterior, a pair of anterio-lateral followed by a pair of posterio-lateral. Later these primordia exhibit differential growth because of which zygomorphy becomes more pronounced. The upper corolla tube is formed by interprimordial growth and lower corolla tube by zonal growth. Stamens are initiated in the third layer of the floral apex. Unlike sepals and petals, in the development of stamens (4) underlying cells of corpus also contribute. Posterior stamen is absent. The stamens become epipetalous because of interprimordial and zonal growth in the common region below the bases of petals as well as stamens. The two carpel primordia arise as crescent shaped structures which become continuous due to interprimordial growth. The ovary is formed by a ring of zonal meristem. The style develops later between stigma and ovary because of intercalary growth. The residual apex grows vertically along with the ovary and forms the septum of the ovary. All the floral appendages exhibit similar pattern of histogenesis and early growth suggesting thereby the appendicular nature of these appendages.  相似文献   

The flowers of mangrove Rhizophoraceae (tribe Rhizophoreae) are adapted to three different pollination mechanisms. Floral development of representative species of all four genera suggests that the ancestral flower of the tribe was unspecialized, with successively initiated whorls of separate sepals, petals, antisepalous stamens, and antipetalous stamens; at its inception, the gynoecium had a united, half-inferior ovary and separate stigmatic lobes. This developmental pattern is found in Rhizophora mangle (wind-pollinated) and Ceriops decandra (insect-pollinated). In Kandelia, all floral organs distal to the sepals are initiated simultaneously, and there has apparently been an evolutionary amplification in the number of stamens to about six times the number of petals. Explosive pollen release evolved independently in C. tagal and in Bruguiera. In the former, all stamens belong to one whorl and arise simultaneously upon a very weakly differentiated androecial ring primordium. In Bruguiera, the androecial ring is pronounced, and two whorls of stamens arise upon it; the primordia of the antisepalous whorl arise first but are closer to the center of the apex than the antipetalous stamen primordia. The antisepalous stamens bend toward and are enclosed by the petals early in development. In all genera, the inferior ovary develops by zonal growth of receptacular tissue; additional intercalary growth above the placenta occurs in Bruguiera. In general, floral specialization is accompanied by an increase in the width of the floral apex compared to the size of the primordia, increasing fusion of the stylar primordia, and decreasing prominence of the superior portion of the ovary. Apparent specializations of petal appendages for water storage, including the presence of sub-terminal hydathodes (previously unreported in any angiosperm), were found in two species in which flowers remain open during the day but were absent from two species normally pollinated at night or at dawn. Distinctive tribal characteristics that may aid in phylogenetic analysis include the mode of development of the inferior ovary; the aristate, bifid, usually fringed petals that individually enclose one or more stamens; the intrastaminal floral disc; and the initially subepidermal laticiferous cell layer in the sepals and ovary.  相似文献   

Trillium apetalon Makino is unique amongTrillium in having apetalous flowers. Using scanning electron microscope, the early floral development was observed in comparison with that ofT. kamtschaticum Pallas ex Pursh having petalous flowers. Morphologically petal primordia closely resemble stamen primordia in their more or less narrow and radially symmetric shape and are clearly distinct from sepal primordia with broad bases. Early in floral development sepal primordia are first initiated and subsequently two whorls of three primordia each are formed in rapid sequence, the first three at the corners and the second three at the sides of the triangular floral apex. Based on comparison in position and early developmental processes of their primordia, petals and outer stamens ofTrillium kamtschaticum are equivalent to outer stamens and inner stamens ofT. apetalon. The replacement of petals by outer stamens apparently leads to the loss of petals inTrillium apetalon flowers. Such a replacement can be interpreted in terms of homeosis. The replacement of the petal whorl leads to the serial replacement of the subsequent whorls: outer stamens by inner stamens, and inner stamens by gynoecium inTrillium apetalon. The term ‘serial homeosis’ is introduced for this serial replacement.  相似文献   

Inflorescence and floral organogenesis and development of the bushy perennial legume Astragalus lagopoides of the section Hymenostegis were studied by means of epi-illumination light microscopy. Based on our observations, the primordia of lanceolate racemose inflorescences are born in the axils of leaves. Each inflorescence apex initiates acropetally bracts and floral apices for some time and then eventually ceases meristematic activity and forms an oblong-shaped terminal structure. The formation of such atypical terminal protrusion on the inflorescence meristem is judged to be a diagnostic feature for well-organized cessation of meristem morphogenesis. Pentamerous perfect flowers of the plant show strong zygomorphy and marked overlap in time of initiation among different organ primordia. Unexpectedly, sepal initiation is bidirectional starting from the lateral sides of the floral apex. Other significant developmental feature includes the existence of two types of common primordia, which are formed successively. From the primary common primordia there are produced antesepalous stamens and secondary common primordia. In comparison, the five secondary common primordia subdivide into a petal and an antepetalous stamen primordia. Initiation of two different types of common primordia is possibly the result of rising overlap in time of initiation of organs and demonstrates an advanced developmental style in the genus Astragalus.  相似文献   

Sanguinaria canadensis is a member of the Papaveraceae that normally has eight petals rather than four as is usual in the family. Using epi-illumination microscopy to study floral development, we show that the four additional petal primordia are initiated in positions that correspond to the first four stamen positions in species of the Papaveraceae with four petals. Also, these additional petal primordia share early developmental features with stamen primordia: at inception they are circular in outline, and the relationship between organ length and width while very young is similar. The developmental pathway of the additional petals combines both stamen and petal features: initially stamenlike in appearance, they develop into typical petals. The additional petals of S. canadensis can therefore be interpreted as homeotic because petal features are expressed in stamen positions. Organogenesis in the ‘Multiplex’ cultivar is similar to that of its wild progenitor, but during development all primordia in the androecial region become petals. This cultivar, as well as variants within natural populations, show that replacement of stamens with petals occurs within the species.  相似文献   

Floral development in Sonja white clover was examined usingscanning electron microscopy. Florets and bracts were foundto arise from common primordia initiated as protuberances fromthe apical meristematic area of the inflorescence. The patternof floret initiation on the inflorescence was acropetal, theoldest florets resting basally. Floral organ initiation withineach floret was acropetal, petals being initiated before stamens.Floret development was zygomorphic, each whorl of floral organsdeveloping unidirectionally from the abaxial side. There wasfound to be overlapping in the timing of initiation and developmentof these organs. Antesepalous stamens were found initially tooutgrow their antepetalous counterparts. Early petal developmentwas synpetalous. Eglandular hairs were found basally on thecalyx cup and on the pedicel. Procumbent hairs were found tobe more numerous and randomly distributed on the abaxial surfacesof the mature calyx cup. Trifolium repens L., Sonja cultivar, white clover, scanning electron microscopy, floral development, inflorescence  相似文献   

The inflorescence and floral development of Caldesia grandis Samuel is reported for the first time in this paper. The basic units of the large cymo‐thyrsus inflorescence are short panicles that are arranged in a pseudowhorl. Each panicle gives rise spirally to three bract primordia also arranged in a pseudowhorl. The branch primordia arise at the axils of the bracts. Each panicle produces spirally three bract primordia with triradiate symmetry (or in a pseudowhorl) and three floral primordia in the axils of the bract primordia. The apex of the panicle becomes a terminal floral primordium after the initiations of lateral bract primordia and floral primordia. Three sepal primordia are initiated approximately in a single whorl from the floral primordium. Three petal primordia are initiated alternate to the sepal primordia, but their subsequent development is much delayed. The first six stamen primordia are initiated as three pairs in a single whorl and each pair appears to be antipetalous as in other genera of the Alismataceae. The stamen primordia of the second whorl are initiated trimerously and opposite to the petals. Usually, 9–12 stamens are initiated in a flower. There is successive transition between the initiation of stamen and carpel primordia. The six first‐initiated carpel primordia rise simultaneously in a whorl and alternate with the trimerous stamens, but the succeeding ones are initiated in irregular spirals, and there are 15–21 carpels developed in a flower. Petals begin to enlarge and expand when anthers of stamens have differentiated microsporangia. Such features do not occur in C. parnassifolia. In the latter, six stamen primordia are initiated in two whorls of three, carpel primordia are initiated in 1–3 whorls, and there is no delay in the development of petals. C. grandis is thus considered more primitive and C. parnassifolia more derived. C. grandis shares more similarities in features of floral development with Alsma, Echinodorus, Luronium and Sagittaria. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2002, 140 , 39–47.  相似文献   

泽苔草的花器官发生   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
本文用扫描电镜观察了泽苔草的花器官发生过程,观察结果表明:花萼以螺旋状方式向心发生,花瓣以接近轮状方式近同时发生,不存在花瓣雄蕊复合原基。雄蕊和心皮均以轮状向心方式发生,6枚雄蕊分两轮分别在对萼和对瓣的位置先后发生,至发育的后期排成一轮,但仍分别处于对萼和对瓣的位置;随后发生的第一轮3个心皮原基与3枚萼片相对,第二、三轮心皮原基分别为1~3个,与前一轮心皮相间排列向心发生。本文首次揭示了泽苔草花被的外轮3个萼片螺旋状发生方式,这种螺旋状方式很可能是泽泻科植物的花部结构在进化过程中适应环境而保留下来的一种较原始的叶性特征。  相似文献   

Kocyan A 《Annals of botany》2007,100(2):241-248
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Individual flowers of the monocot Curculigo racemosa (Hypoxidaceae, Asparagales) are regularly polyandrous. To evaluate the significance of this almost unique character among Asparagales for flower evolution of asparagoid monocots, flowers of C. racemosa were studied comparatively. METHODS: Anthetic flowers as well as early floral developmental stages were studied by light and scanning electron microscopy. KEY RESULTS: Despite the polyandry, floral development is similar to that of other Asparagales with a developmental gradient from adaxial to abaxial. Stamens initiate simultaneously and the diameter of staminal primordia is about half of that in species with six anthers. The number of stamens is not fixed (12-26) and varies within the same inflorescence. Surprisingly, the gynoecium can be four- or six-locular, besides the normal trimerous state. CONCLUSIONS: The discovery of a polyandrous Curculigo reveals plasticity of stamen number at the base of Asparagales. Orchidaceae - sister to all other Asparagales - has a reduced stamen number (three, two or one), whereas in Hypoxidaceae - part of the next diverging clade - either the normal monocot stamen number (six), polyandry (this study) or the loss of three anthers (Pauridia) occurs. However, at present it is impossible to decide whether the flexibility in stamen number is autapomorphic for each group or whether it is a synapomorphy. The small size of stamen primordia of Curculigo is conspicuous. It allows more space for additional androecial primordia. Stamens are initiated as independent organs, and filaments are not in bundles, hence C. racemosa is not secondarily polyandrous as may be the case in the distantly related Gethyllis of asparagoid Amaryllidaceae. The increase in carpel number is a rare phenomenon in angiosperms. A possible explanation for the polyandry of C. racemosa is that it is a natural SUPERMAN-deficient mutant, which shows an increase of stamens, or ULTRAPETALA or CARPEL FACTORY mutants, which are polyandrous and changed in carpel number.  相似文献   

The floral development and vascular anatomy of Nitraria retusa were investigated in order to understand its characteristic androecium of 15 stamens and to clarify the systematic position of the genus relative to Zygophyllaceae. Sepals arise in a helical sequence and are relatively small at maturity. Petals are initiated almost simultaneously or in a rapid helical sequence. Five stamen primordia arise opposite the sepals. Next, two other antesepalous primordia are incepted centrifugally to the first primordia on the remaining receptacular surface. The outer stamens tend to be squeezed between the petals and upper stamens and appear to make up an antepetalous whorl of stamens. Three carpels arise from a low ringwall and grow into a hairy trilocular pistil. In each locule a single pendulous ovule is present. Disclike nectarial tissue is initiated in pits between the stamens and petals. Long trichomes develop on its surface. It is concluded that the androecium is linked with a haplostemonous condition because the stamens of each triplet develop on strictly localized sectors. The distinction between stamens arising on complex primordia and the inception of three independent units is explained by the “principle of variable proportions.” The vasculature also tends to confirm that the outer stamen pairs belong to antesepalous triplets.  相似文献   

RONSE DECRAENE, L.-P. & SMETS, E., 1991. The impact of receptacular growth on polyandry in the Myrtales. The androecium of the Myrtales shows a wide variation in structure and development, linked with an original diplostemony. The difference between a centrifugal stamen inception in Lythraceae against a centripetal inception in other families has been a major issue in discussing the internal relationships of the Myrtales. The first stamens usually arise as pairs opposite the petals on primary androecial primordia. It is shown that the number of stamens that are initiated and the difference between the direction of development of more stamens are based on the extent of growth of the receptacle after the inception of the primary androecial primordia. In Lagerstroemia indica , receptacular growth takes place between stamens and petals providing room for a centrifugal development. In the Punicaceae and Myrtaceae growth of the receptacle occurs between the androecium and gynoecium, leading to a centripetal development of the stamens. The development of a ring-wall is discussed and a comparison is made with other types of complex polyandry.  相似文献   

The floral ontogeny of Pisum sativum shows a vertical order of succession of sepals, petals plus carpel, antesepalous stamens, and antepetalous stamens. Within each whorl, unidirectional order is followed among the organs, beginning on the abaxial side of the flower, as in most papilionoids. Unusual features include the four common primordia which precede initiation of discrete petal and antesepalous stamen primordia, and the marked overlap of organ initiations between whorls which are usually separately initiated. The stamens arise in free condition, then become diadelphous by intercalary growth at the base of nine stamens, and finally become pseudomonadelphous by surface fusion between the vexillary stamen filament and the adjacent edges of the filament tube. The early initiation of the carpel is not unique among papilionoids, but is somewhat unusual.  相似文献   

The mature flower ofHarungana madagascariensis (Choisy)Poir. has an androecium of five antipetalous fascicles, consisting of four stamens each. The stamen fascicles alternate with five indented nectary scales. A SEM-study of the floral development, as well as a study of the floral anatomy was carried out to understand whether the nectariferous scales represent staminodia or are receptacular in nature and consequently whether or not the androecium ofHarungana, and theClusiaceae in general, is originally diplostemonous. The five petals originate by the splitting of petal-stamen complexes. Next the upper part of each complex differentiates basipetally in four stamens. The stamens remain fascicled and are lifted on a long stalk at maturity. Five carpel primordia are initiated united in a low ringwall. The five nectary scales appear after carpel inception and develop an external morphology reminiscent of anthers. The floral anatomy reveals an independent origin of sepal median traces and common sepal lateral traces, free petal traces, stamen fascicle traces and alternating vascular tissue which supplies the nectaries. The petal-stamen complexes are the result of a retardation in petal inception, linked with the absorption of petal tissue into the stamen primordia. The development of the stamen fascicles is discussed; it is suggested that they are of a secondary nature and do not appear as a reduction from a multistaminate androecium. The external morphology and vascular anatomy of the scales speaks in favour of a staminodial nature. The comparison with some other species of theClusiaceae gives evidence of a diplostemonous ancestry of the androecium.  相似文献   

In many flowering plants, flowers consist of two peripheral organs, sepals and petals, occurring in outer two whorls, and two inner reproductive organs, stamens and carpels. These organs are arranged in a concentric pattern in a floral meristem, and the organ identity is established by the combined action of floral homeotic genes expressed along the whorls. Floral organ primordia arise at fixed positions in the floral meristem within each whorl. The RABBIT EARS (RBE) gene is transcribed in the petal precursor cells and primordia, and regulates petal initiation and early growth in Arabidopsis thaliana. We investigated the spatial and temporal expression pattern of a RBE protein fused to the green fluorescent protein (GFP). Expression of the GFP:RBE fusion gene under the RBE cis-regulatory genomic fragment rescues the rbe petal defects, indicating that the fusion protein is functional. The GFP signal is located to the cells where RBE is transcribed, suggesting that RBE function is cell-autonomous. Ectopic expression of GFP:RBE under the APETALA1 promoter causes the homeotic conversion of floral organs, resulting in sterile flowers. In these plants, the class B homeotic genes APETALA3 and PISTILLATA are down-regulated, suggesting that the restriction of the RBE expression to the petal precursor cells is crucial for flower development.  相似文献   

The inflorescence of Houttuynia cordata produces 45–70 sessile bracteate flowers in acropetal succession. The inflorescence apical meristem has a mantle-core configuration and produces “common” or uncommitted primordia, each of which bifurcates to form a floral apex above, a bract primordium below. This pattern of organogenesis is similar to that in another saururaceous plant, Saururus cernuus. Exceptions to this unusual development, however, occur in H. cordata at the beginning of inflorescence activity when four to eight petaloid bract primordia are initiated before the initiation of floral apices in their axils. “Common” primordia also are lacking toward the cessation of inflorescence apical activity in H. cordata when primordia become bracts which may precede the initiation of an axillary floral apex. Many of these last-formed bracts are sterile. The inflorescence terminates with maturation of the meristem as an apical residuum. No terminal flowers or terminal gynoecia were found, although subterminal gynoecia or flowers in subterminal position may overtop the actual apex and obscure it. Individual flowers have a tricarpellate syncarpous gynoecium and three stamens adnate to the carpels; petals and sepals are lacking. The order of succession of organs is: two lateral stamens, median stamen, two lateral carpels, median carpel. The three carpel primordia almost immediately are elevated as part of a gynoecial ring by zonal growth of the receptacle below the attachment of the carpels. The same growth elevates the stamen bases so that they appear adnate to the carpels. The trimerous condition in Houttuynia is the result of paired or solitary initiations rather than trimerous whorls. Symmetry is bilateral and zygomorphic rather than radial. No evidence of spiral arrangement in the flower was found.  相似文献   

马先蒿属花冠无喙类的花器官发生   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对花冠无喙类密穗马先蒿(Pedicularis densispica)和大王马先蒿(P.rex)的花器官电镜扫描发现,两种不同花冠型(无齿和具齿)的马先蒿花部器官发生和发育初期十分相似,表现为明显的单轴对称。2个萼片原基首先发生于花顶的近轴侧位,然后沿花顶边缘向远轴端发育形成--马蹄形结构。密穗马先蒿在近轴中部又出现1枚萼片原基,随后马蹄形结构分化出4枚萼片,并与近轴中部的原基愈合后构成5齿萼片;而大王马先蒿的2齿萼片直接由马蹄形结构发育而成。5枚独立的花瓣原基随后发生,但发育相对滞后;除近轴中部位置1枚空缺外,4枚雄蕊原基与花瓣原基位置呈交互发生;2个心皮原基同时在拱形花顶的近轴和远轴端发生,剩余的花顶形成中间的隔膜,并与2个心皮形成中轴胎座。对马先蒿与金鱼草(Antirrhinum majus)和毛地黄(Digitalis purpurea)花器官发生和发育初期的特征进行了比较,讨论了马先蒿属花冠对称性变化的意义。  相似文献   

In both male and female flowers of H. morsus-ranae the primordia of the floral appendages appear in an acropetal succession consisting of alternating trimerous whorls. In the male flower a whorl of sepals is followed by a whorl of petals, three whorls of stamens, and a whorl of filamentous staminodes. The mature androecial arrangement therefore consists of two antisepalous stamen whorls, an antipetalous whorl of stamens, and antipetalous staminodes. Shortly before anthesis, basal meristematic upgrowth between filaments of adjacent whorls produces paired stamens, joining Whorls 1 and 3, and Whorl 2 with the staminodial whorl. A central domelike structure develops between the closely appressed filaments of the inner stamen and staminodial whorl, giving the structure a lobed appearance. After petal inception in the female flower a whorl of antisepalous staminodes develop, each of which may bifurcate to form a pair of staminodes. During staminode development a girdling primordium arises by upgrowth at the periphery of the floral apex. The girdling primordium rapidly forms six gynoecial primordia, which then go on to produce six free styles with bifid stigmas. Intercalary meristem activity, below the point of floral appendage attachment, leads to the production of a syncarpous inferior ovary with six parietal placentae. The styles and carpels remain open along their ventral sutures. During the final stages of female floral development, several hundred ovules develop along the carpel walls, and three nectaries develop dorsally and basally on the three antipetalous styles.  相似文献   

Zippelia begoniaefolia Bl., a monotypic species having characteristics of both Piperaceae and Saururaceae, has racemes of about 20 small flowers lacking a perianth, each with six free stamens and a four-carpellate syncarpous gynoecium. The inflorescence apical meristem initiates bracts acropetally and helically, each of which subtends a later initiated single floral apex; there are no “common” primordia. The six stamens are initiated as two lateral pairs and two solitary successive primordia, the latter two opposite in median sagittal positions. Four carpel primordia are initiated as a lateral pair and two successively initiated in the median sagittal plane. This order of organ inception is unique among Piperaceae and Saururaceae. Intercalary growth below carpellary attachment raises them up on a common cylindrical base that becomes the syncarpous ovary, covered with unique glochidiate hairs and containing a single basal ovule. The free portions of the carpels become the reflexed papillate stigmas. The floral vascular system has a single bundle at base that branches to supply the bract and flower traces. The floral vasculature is similar but not identical to that of Saururus (Saururaceae) and some Piper species (Piperaceae). Plesiomorphic character states of Zippelia that are shared with Saururus include hypogyny, free stamens, cleft stigma, and a similar floral groundplan. Synapomorphies, derived shared character states that unite Zippelia with Piperaceae, include syncarpy, solitary ovule, basal placentation, fused ventral carpellary bundles, and a double vascular cylinder in the stem. Cladistic analysis aligns Zippelia with Piperaceae because they share apomorphies, and because Zippelia shares only plesiomorphies with Saururus.  相似文献   

大戟科麻疯树属三种植物花器官发生   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用扫描电子显微镜观察了大戟科Euphorbiaceae麻疯树属Jatropha麻疯树J. curcas L.、佛肚树J. podagrica Hook.和棉叶麻疯树J. gossypifolia L.花器官发生。结果表明: 麻疯树、佛肚树和棉叶麻疯树花萼原基均为2/5型螺旋发生。在同一个种不同的花蕾中, 花萼的发生有两种顺序: 逆时针方向和顺时针方向。远轴面非正中位的1枚先发生。5枚花瓣原基几乎同时发生。雄花中雄蕊两轮, 外轮对瓣, 内轮对萼。研究的3种麻疯树属植物雄蕊发生方式有两种类型: 麻疯树亚属麻疯树的5枚外轮雄蕊先同时发生, 5枚内轮雄蕊后同时发生, 佛肚树亚属佛肚树和棉叶麻疯树雄蕊8-9枚, 排成两轮, 内外轮雄蕊同时发生。雌花的3枚心皮原基为同时发生。麻疯树属单性花, 雌花的子房膨大而雄蕊退化, 雄花的雄蕊正常发育, 子房缺失。根据雄蕊发生方式, 支持将麻疯树属分为麻疯树亚属subgen. Jatropha和佛肚树亚属subgen. Curcas。  相似文献   

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