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Aim To assess at a broad scale the vulnerability of Mediterranean vegetation to alien plant invasion under different climatic and disturbance scenarios. Location We simulated the vegetation biogeography and dynamics on five of the main islands of the Mediterranean Basin: Mallorca, Corsica, Sardinia, Crete and Lesvos. Methods We used LPJ‐GUESS, a generalized ecosystem model based on dynamic processes describing establishment, competition, mortality and ecosystem biogeochemistry. We simulated the vegetation distribution and dynamics using a set of plant functional types (PFTs) based on bioclimatic and physiological parameters, which included tree and shrub PFTs defined especially for the Mediterranean. Additionally, two invasive PFTs, an invasive tree type and an invasive herb type, were defined and used to estimate the vulnerability to invasion of a range of different ecosystems. The model was used to simulate climate changes and associated changes in atmospheric [CO2] to 2050 according to two SpecialReport on Emissions Scenarios climate scenarios (A1Fi and B1) combined with mean disturbance intervals of 3 and 40 years. Results The simulations and scenarios showed that the effect of climate change alone is likely to be negligible in many of the simulated ecosystems, although not all. The simulated progression of an invasion was highly dependent on the initial ecosystem composition and local environmental conditions, with a particular contrast between drier and wetter parts of the Mediterranean, and between mountain and coastal areas. The rate of ecosystem disturbance was the main factor controlling susceptibility to invasion, strongly influencing vegetation development on the shorter time scale. Main conclusions Further invasion into Mediterranean island ecosystems is likely to be an increasing problem: our simulations predict that, in the longer term, almost all the ecosystems will be dominated by exotic plants irrespective of disturbance rates.  相似文献   

Summary During five different periods between Nov. 1982 and Aug. 1983, the diurnal patterns exhibited in photosynthetic CO2 uptake and stomatal conductance were observed under natural conditions on twigs of Cistus salvifolius, a Mediterranean semi-deciduous shrub which retains a significant proportion of its leaves through the summer drought. During the same periods, net photosynthesis at saturating CO2 partial pressure was measured on the same twigs as a function of irradiance at different temperatures. From these data, photosynthetic capacity, defined here as the CO2- and light-saturated net photosynthesis rate, was obtained as a function of leaf temperature. C. salvifolius is a winter growing species, shoot growth being initiated in Nov. and continuing through May. Photosynthetic capacity was quite high in Nov., March and June, exceeding 40 mol m-2 s-1 at optimum temperature. In Dec., photosynthetic capacity was somewhat reduced, perhaps due to low night-time temperatures (<5°C) during the measurement period. In Aug., capacity in oversummering shoots at optimum temperature fell to less than 8 mol m-2 s-1, due to water trees and perhaps leaf aging. Seasonal changes in maximal photosynthetic rates under ambient conditions were similar, and like those found in co-occurring evergreen sclerophylls. Like the evergreens, Cistus demonstrated considerable stomatal control of transpirational water loss, particularly in oversummering leaves. During each measurement period except Aug. when capacity was quite low, the maximum rates of net photosynthesis measured under ambient conditions were less than half the measured photosynthetic capacities at comparable temperatures, suggesting an apparent excess nitrogen investment in the photosynthetic apparatus.  相似文献   

Spatial heterogeneity of abiotic factors influences the structure and function of forests and must be taken into account for their conservation and sustainable management. In this study, we evaluate the heterogeneity of abiotic environmental variables in managed cork oak (Quercus suber L.) forests in southern Spain at patch, site and regional scales. The extent of spatial heterogeneity depended on the environmental variable examined and the scale considered. For example, soil Mn and P and light availability in the understorey were very heterogeneous at the regional scale, while soil N had low regional heterogeneity, but high spatial variability, at patch scale, attributed to open overstorey and grazing disturbance. There was a general trend of increasing heterogeneity with spatial scale. We also study the effects of a silvicultural practice—shrub clearing on the forest environment and its consequence for spatial heterogeneity. Shrub clearing increased understorey light and decreased its spatial heterogeneity with idiosyncratic effects on soil properties and their spatial heterogeneity at each site. Finally, we compare the heterogeneity (estimated by the coefficient of variation) obtained in these cork oak forests with a database compiled from published studies on other forest environments. The comparison revealed a remarkable extent of abiotic heterogeneity in the cork oak forests studied, suggesting that a sustainable management of these forests should combine intrinsic and human induced abiotic heterogeneity to preserve crucial ecological processes and to maintain high levels of biodiversity.  相似文献   

Quercus suber L. is the primary source of industrial cork, which can be legally collected every 9 years. The main objective of this work was to test the efficiency of an application of an antitranspirant, at three different concentrations, after the bark stripping. For this purpose, several measurements of the gas exchange, water potential, total chlorophylls and the carotenoids contents were determined in cork oak trees, at two times in a day, morning and afternoon. The antitranspirant film was applied immediately after stripping. Transpiration rate showed a significant increase in the afternoon. The parameters, water potential, photosynthetic rates, stomatal conductance and the intrinsic water use efficiency, showed a significant decrease from morning to afternoon. The difference between pigments concentration was not significant throughout the day. Water potential and transpiration rate were high in the treatments with lower antitranspirant concentration. However, the treatment with a higher paraffin concentration showed larger photosynthesis rate. This result suggests that the loss of water observed for the stripping surface can be minimized by a larger concentration of the antitranspirant.  相似文献   

Leonardi  S.  Rapp  M.  Denes  A. 《Plant Ecology》1992,99(1):219-224
Located at 1100 m above sea level, on the western site of the Etna volcano, the ecophysiology of the Mount Minardo holm oak coppice has been investigated for more then twenty years. In this stand, now 31 years old, the above ground biomass amounts to 15000 g m-2 of organic material, including leaves and perennial woody material. During these 31 years, the mean annual production has been around 775 g m-2. The yearly mean litterfall amounts to 310 g m-2, including 200 g m-2 of leaves, mostly two years old. The soil surface is covered by a litter layer amounting to 3150 g m-2. Each year, following Jenny's decomposition rate and field measurements, 290 g m-2 of the litter turns into CO2, or becomes incorporated in the soil organic matter.  相似文献   

全球陆地生态系统光合作用与呼吸作用的温度敏感性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
游桂莹  张志渊  张仁铎 《生态学报》2018,38(23):8392-8399
基于全球647套通量数据,定量分析了全球尺度下生态系统光合作用和呼吸作用的温度敏感性(Q10)随纬度、气候和植被的分布规律。结果表明:在全球尺度下,光合作用和呼吸过程的温度敏感性(Q10,G和Q10,R)都随纬度的升高而增加,其中Q10,G和Q10,R的均值分别为3.99±0.21和2.28±0.074。除热带多树草原、常绿落叶林外,Q10,G均大于Q10,R值。不同植被类型的温度敏感性存在显著性差异,表现为:针叶林阔叶林;落叶林常绿林,其中生态系统的季节性变异是造成差异的主要原因。当植被类型和纬度区域共同影响Q10值时,植被类型对Q10值的总变异贡献更大。气候类型对Q10,G和Q10,R都有显著影响。在气候带上,干旱带的Q10,G最小,而冷温带的Q10,G最高。不同气候类型下(除温带草原气候外)的Q10,G都大于Q10,R。在极端条件下,温度可能不在是主导因素,而水分对温度敏感性的影响不可忽略,今后的研究需要更多的关注生态系统温度敏感性对水分变化的响应。  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal changes in canopy structure were studied in 1988 and 1989 in a Mediterranean Quercus ilex forest in north-eastern Spain. Due to differences in precipitation patterns the 1989 growing season was drier than the 1988 growing season. Sampling was conducted in parallel at two sites which represent endpoints along a slope gradient within a watershed (ridge top at 975 m, and valley bottom at 700 m). At both sites, similar inter-annual changes in canopy structure were observed in response to differences in water availability. Samples harvested in the upper 50 cm of the canopy during 1989 exhibited a decrease in both average leaf size and the ratio of young to old leaf and stem biomass relative to samples obtained in 1988. At the whole canopy level, a decrease in leaf production efficiency and an increase in the stem to leaf biomass ratio was observed in 1989. Temporal changes in canopy leaf area index (LAI) were not statistically significant. Average LAI values of Q. ilex at the two sites were not significantly different despite differences in tree stature and density (4.6 m2 m–2 at the ridge top, and 5.3 m2 m–2 at the valley bottom). Vertical distribution of leaves and stems within the canopy was very similar at the two locations, with more than 60% of the total LAI in the uppermost metre of the canopy. The possible significance of such an LAI distribution on the canopy carbon budget is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a detailed phytosociological analysis of forests in the NW catchment of the Gola River in Kumaun Himalaya, 29°19–29°27N and 79°32–79°42E. Fourteen sites and 56 stands at elevations ranging from 1200 to 2523 m and covering the following five forest types were investigated: Pinus roxburghii, mixed, Quercus leucotrichophora, Q. lanuginosa, and Q. floribunda. The basal cover of the forests differed according to slope position and aspect. The three oak forests had more basal cover than the other two, and Q. lanuginosa had the most. The performance of individual tree and shrub species and the number of saplings and seedlings differed according to slope position and aspect. The mixed forest had the greatest tree diversity, and among the others diversity increased with increasing basal cover. The diversity of trees, saplings, and herb layer was greatest on aspects with intermediate temperature and moisture conditions; whereas that of shrubs and seedlings increased towards the cooler (and wetter) and warmer (and drier) exposures. There was a positive relation between the diversity of shrubs plus seedlings and trees plus saplings in P. roxburghii and mixed forests; whereas this relationship was inverse in the three oak forests. In general, the dominance-diversity curves for the tree layer followed a geometric series conforming to the niche pre-emption situation in communities of low diversity. Among the forests, the regeneration was best in Q. lanuginosa and worst in Q. leucotrichophora.Nomenclature follows: Osmaston (1926).Finacial support from the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi and the Indian Space Research Organisation, Banglore is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

This study aimed to address which factors, other than topography, contribute to the floristic variation of forested slopes. The natural forest studied is located in the Sudoeste Alentejano e Costa Vicentina Nature Park (southwestern Portugal). We sampled topographic, edaphic, floristic and community structure variables along three bottom–top hillside transects. Multivariate analyses of soil variables (by PCA), and of woody species composition and floristic–environmental relationships (by CCA and pCCA) were performed. Environmental–floristic trends strongly associated with the elevation gradient were identified. At lower altitudes, the lowest species richness, the highest soil fertility, and the tallest and most dense (least available light) canopy occurred. The spatial variation in woody species composition and abundance was closely associated with Zn availability in the soil and litter groundcover, but these varibles had significant spatial structure in the studied forest. The non-spatially structured species variance was better predicted by soil NO3 and NH4+. The spatial variation of species data not shared with environmental variables was also calculated. We suggest that the influence of topographic gradient on the variation of edaphic variables and on the distribution and abundance of woody species was mediated by overstorey tree composition. Locally dominant tree species, in particular Quercus faginea and Quercus suber, may function as ecosystem engineers promoting environmental changes (i.e., Zn availability in soil, litter accumulation and light availability) that influence overall floristic variation.  相似文献   

This work sets out to establish ecomorphological and phenomorphological patterns in the constituent flora of an Iberian Maytenus senegalensis plant community in order to relate it with or separate it from other types of Mediterranean vegetation. This plant community contains tall shrubs, scrubs, palms and vines of a variety of families. Typical ecomorphological adaptations to the Mediterranean climate were observed in the community studied: an abundance of thorny species or species with tomentose leaves and photosynthetic stems, small leaves and a high presence of species with organs capable of post-fire regeneration. However, the community also showed hybrid characteristics between scrubland (predominantly malacophyllous leaves lasting 9 months on average and low biomass) and tall shrubland communities (predominance of phanerophytes up to 3 m in height, predominantly smooth bark, periodical reposition of leaves, mean lifespan of plants 25 years and mainly fleshy fruit). The community also presents an outstanding quantity of amphiphytes (29%). From a phenological point of view, the formation of buds in winter, flowering in spring, summer–autumn seed dispersal and leaf shedding in summer are typical of other Mediterranean communities, while fructification and growth lasting three seasons, as in the case of Maytenus shrubland, is not. The RVA phenophasic index (balance between reproductive and vegetative phenophases) with values of 0.4–2 shows an intermediate value between typical shrubland (0.3–1) and forest community (1–2) values. The APC index (period of phenophasic activity of the community) differentiates it from others, since it remains at 100% for seven months, three of which are winter months. Phenophasic patterns (overlapping, or not, of flower bud formation, flowering and growth) show how similar M. senegalensis shrubland is to forests because of the absence of phenophase pattern type A (characteristic in open-scrublands); in addition, we have detected a new pattern (type G), still regarded as exclusive to M. senegalensis. As regards the existence of coenomorphs (group of species with similar morpho-functional strategies), the studied community showed much greater diversity than other communities studied to date, with an Strategies Richness index (SRi) of 0.79 (11 groups covering the 14 species existing), pointing to the co-existence of a great variety of eco-phenomorphological strategies, each with a successful response to the same ecological conditions. Finally, some of the species in the community, e.g. Asparagus horridus, Chamaerops humilis and M. senegalensis, stand out because of their unique ecomorphological and phenological characteristics.  相似文献   

The phenology of Quercus suber L., a dominant species of the montados in the Iberian Peninsula, was studied for 2 years in southwest Portugal. The seasonal progression of phenological events was analyzed in seven trees. Selected branches were examined monthly for shoot elongation, leaf number, branching, flowering, and fruiting. Radial stem growth and specific leaf weight were also studied. Active growth was observed from early spring to early summer. Reserves accumulated during winter and high photosynthetic activity in early spring apparently supported this strong development. The growth flush started with stem radial increment, which seemed to be impaired by spring rainfall. Male inflorescence production was the next phenological event. Old leaves were shed during new twig and leaf emergence. Shoot elongation and the number of new leaves produced were well correlated with the previous-year shoot's length, and were not clearly related to climatic factors. Radial growth resumed in autumn at a lower rate than in the previous spring, a possible consequence of a reserve depletion due to lower photosynthetic production in summer and investment on fruit maturation, which was complete by late autumn. Premature and excessive new leaf production were apparently subjected to self-pruning strategies related to the development of each tree's crown. Younger cork-oaks produced shorter and fewer shoots per module, and more sclerophyllous leaves than the older ones. A high intra-specific variability was observed in all the results.  相似文献   

A holm oak forest was exposed to an experimental drought during 5 years to elucidate the growth responses of the dominant species Quercus ilex, Arbutus unedo and Phillyrea latifolia. Soil water availability was partially reduced, about 15% as predicted for this area for the next decades by GCM and ecophysiological models, by plastic strips intercepting rainfall and by ditch exclusion of water runoff. The stem diameter increment was highly correlated with annual rainfall in all species, and drought treatment strongly reduced the diameter increment of Q. ilex (41%) and specially of A. unedo (63%), the species showing higher growth rates. Stem mortality rates were highly correlated with previous stem density, but drought treatment increased mortality rates in all species. Q. ilex showed the highest mortality rates (9% and 18% in control and drought plots, respectively), and P. latifolia experienced the lowest mortality rates (1% and 3% in control and drought plots, respectively). Drought strongly reduced the increment of live aboveground biomass during these 5 years (83%). A. unedo and Q. ilex experienced a high reduction in biomass increment by drought, whereas P. latifolia biomass increment was insensitive to drought. The different sensitivity to drought of the dominant species of the holm oak forest may be very important determining their future development and distribution in a drier environment as expected in Mediterranean areas for the next decades. These drier conditions could thus have strong effects on structure (species composition) and functioning (carbon uptake and biomass accumulation) of these Mediterranean forests.  相似文献   

Ultrasonic acoustic emissions were measured in Quercus ilex trees of a Mediterranean forest in Catalonia (NE Spain) each season from summer of 2004 to autumn of 2005. Acoustic emissions were maximum during hot and dry summer periods. Acoustic emissions started below 17% soil moisture, 0.85 RWC, and 2.5 MPa leaf water potential. They were negatively correlated with soil moisture and leaf water potential. The relationship between acoustic emissions and leaf water potential was the strongest, indicating that xylem tension is the most important factor inducing both cavitation (acoustic emissions) and a decrease in leaf water potential. Future increase of xylem cavitation derived from climate change may result in growth and survival limitations for this species in the drier southern limits of its current distribution.  相似文献   

Immature embryos of Quercus acutissima were collected weekly beginning 5 weeks post-fertilization and cultured on modified MS(Murashige and Skoog) medium containing 1,000 mg/l glutamine and 5 mM proline with different combinations of IBA(0.5–10.0 mg/l) and BA(0 or 1.0 mg/l) in light. The highest percentage of embryogenic cultures occurred on the medium containing 0.5 mg/l IBA or 1.0 mg/l BA and 0.5 mg/l IBA. Four weeks after initiation, the embryogenic cultures were transferred to MS medium without plant growth regulators and cultured for 4 weeks. The somatic embryos were then transferred to germination medium. The best germination results were achieved from WPM(Woody Plant Medium) containing 0.1 mg/l BA. Plantlets from somatic embryos were incubated on WPM supplemented with 0.2 mg/l BA for 4 weeks and plantlets with well developed shoots and roots were transplanted to perlite and peat moss(11, v/v) mixtures and placed in a culture room. After being hardened off for 8 weeks, they were transferred outdoors where they grew.Abbreviation BA N6-benzyladenine - IBA indole-3-butyric acid - GA3 gibberellic acid - ABA abscisic acid - MS Murashige & Skoog Medium - WPM Woody Plant medium  相似文献   

Gökçeoğlu  M. 《Oecologia》1988,77(2):242-249
Summary Net nitrogen mineralization of a grassland-, Quercus coccifera shrub- and Pinus brutia forest-site within the Aegean region was investigated continuously through a year by field and standard incubation methods. Seasonal fluctuations resulting from field incubation are marked in grassland and shrub, but less pronounced in the forest. They are mainly associated with the changes in soil moisture being at minimum in the mediterranean summer. The annual yield of N mineralization is high in grassland and shrub (7.5 and 6.6 h·m-1), but low in the forest (2.8 g·m-1), where nitrification is inconspicuous. The reasons for this surprising phenomenon are discussed. N-mineralization is highly elevated in all sites under the favourable conditions of standard incubation (potential mineralization) and the seasonal differences as well as those between the sites are largely diminished.  相似文献   

The pre-climax epiphytic communities of forests from the Spanish Mediterranean region (Central Plateau) were studied by numerical and traditional floristic methods. One hundred phytosociological relevés were analyzed through a classical numerical approach based on hard partitions improved by PCoA — Principal Coordinates Analysis — ordinations. Two groups easily related to two different suballiances included in Frullanion dilatatae Lecointe 1975, Ulotenion crispae (Barkman 1958) Lecointe 1975 and Fabronienion pusillae Barkman 1958 were detected. Two new syntaxa within the ass. Ortotrichetum lyellii (Allorge 1922) Lecointe 1975 are proposed. Phytogeography, syntaxonomy and ecology of these communities are discussed.  相似文献   

The correlation between the phenologic stage of the inflorescence and the microspore development stage was studied. Cytological examinations of the development of microspores during in vitro anther culture of cork oak (Quercus suber L.), were carried out during the first four weeks of culture. To observe the division occurring in the microspores, anthers were taken randomly from the cultures after heat shock treatment and were stained with DAPI. Most of the anthers responding to a heat stress treatment contained 91 % vacuolated microspores, indicating that this developmental stage is responsive to embryogenesis induction in cork-oak microspores. After the heat shock treatment some cork-oak microspores were induced and initiated the embryogenic pathway with the occurrence of numerous symmetric mitosis, producing structures with two to ten or more nuclei. These lead to the formation of high numbers of multicellular cork-oak microspores (pro-embryos). Twenty-forty days after induction, small white globular and cotyledonal embryos were observed, which further developed root and shoot, regenerating plantlets.  相似文献   

Cork oak (Quercus suber) somatic embryos were coated with alginate for the production of synthetic seeds and their storability for commercialization was investigated. Also, the automatic monitoring of somatic embryo growth with a digital system of image capture was tested. A power regression model was fitted between size and fresh weight (Adjusted R-squared = 0.96). This method permitted growth assessment without contamination risk and opens the possibility of an automated control of culture growth for the future up scaling of plant production. Conversion rate of synthetic seeds was higher on medium supplemented with mineral nutrients than on medium without nutrients. Also, when the somatic embryos were coated without mineral nutrients added to the capsule, conversion rate was significantly lower. The addition of sucrose to the capsule had no significant effect on the conversion rate. No differences were recorded between 50 and 100 mM CaCl2 for capsule complexation. Synthetic seeds were cold stored at 4°C for two months without significant loss of conversion capacity. The present study reports the first attempts to determine optimal storage time and conditions for conversion of encapsulated somatic embryos of cork oak.  相似文献   

Fifty plant extracts, four oil cakes and eight antagonistic organisms were tested against Bipolaris oryzae (Cochliobolus miyabeanus), the causal agent of brown spot disease of rice. In vitro studies indicated that two leaf extracts, Nerium oleander and Pithecolobium dulce exerted the higher percent inhibition to mycelial growth (77.4, 75.1%) and spore germination (80.3, 80.0%) of B. oryzae. Among the four oil cake extracts tested in vitro against B. oryzae, neem cake extract showed the maximum inhibition percent to mycelial growth (80.18%) and spore germination (81.13%) of the pathogen followed by mahua cake extract, castor and gingelly cake extract. Trichoderma viride (Tv2) was significantly effective in inhibiting the mycelial growth (62.92%) and spore germination (77.03%) of the pathogen followed by Trichoderma harzianum (Th5) and Trichoderma reesei (Tr3). The promising leaf extracts, oil cake extracts and antagonistic microorganisms were further evaluated for their efficacies in disease management under glasshouse and field conditions. In glasshouse studies, post-infectional spraying of rice plants with neem cake extract, N. oleander leaf extract and T. viride (Tv2) was significantly effective in reducing the incidence of brown spot of rice by 66, 52 and 45 percent respectively. Two rounds of spraying of rice plants with neem cake extract, N. oleander leaf extract and T. viride (Tv2) in the field at initial appearance of disease and 15 days later reduced the incidence of brown spot (70, 53 and 48% disease reduction respectively) and increased the yield by 23, 18 and 15 percent respectively.  相似文献   

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