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Synopsis The silky shark, Carcharhinus falciformis, and scalloped hammerhead, Sphyrna lewini, represent >80% of the shark by-catch of the winter swordfish/tuna longline fishery of the northwestern Gulf of Mexico. This catch represents a potential supplemental fishery, yet little is known of the life histories of the two species. This report relates reproductive biology data to age and growth estimates for 135 C. falciformis and 78 S. lewini. Unlike other regional populations, C. falciformis in the Gulf of Mexico may have a seasonal 12 month gestation period. Males mature at 210–220 cm TL (6–7 yr); females at >225 cm TL (7–9 yr). Application of age at length data for combined sexes produced von Bertalanffy growth model parameter estimates of L = 291 cm TL, K = 0.153, t0 = −2.2 yr. Adult male S. lewini outnumbered adult females in catches because of differences in the distributions of the sexually segregated population. Males mature at 180 cm TL (10 yr); females at 250 cm TL (15 yr). von Bertalanffy parameter estimates for combined sexes of this species were L = 329 cm TL, K = 0.073, to = −2.2 yr.  相似文献   

Reproductive aspects ofAlopias superciliosus in the northwestern Pacific were described in detail, on the basis of 629 specimens (429 females and 200 males) collected from January 1984 to October 1984 and from October 1992 to March 1994.Alopias superciliosus embryos are oophagous. Six developmental stages (3 encapsulative and 3 posthatching) based on embryonic morphology and source of nutrition were recognized. The species bears 2 embryos per litter, their size at birth being between 135 and 140 cm TL. The sex ratio of embryos was 1∶1. Total length of females at maturity was 332–341. 1. cm; of males 270.1–287.6 cm. The gestation period could not be determined because most adult females were pregnant throughout the year. The typical reproductive strategy ofA. superciliosus is the production of a few large embryos per litter, with no fixed mating or birthing season.  相似文献   

Analyses of morphometric parameters of the black pomfret, Parastromateus niger, in the Kuwaiti waters of the Arabian Gulf during a 44‐month study revealed the following length‐length relationships: TL (cm) = 0.63 + 1.15SL (females), TL (cm) = 0.94 + 1.14SL (males) and TL (cm) = 0.75 + 1.15SL (both sexes including juveniles). The 95% CI of the exponent in length‐weight relationship varied from 2.788 to 2.796 in females, 2.726 to 2.732 in males, 2.779 to 2.784 for both sexes and 2.590 to 2.613 in juveniles, all indicating an allometric relationship. Simultaneous analysis of Fulton’s condition factor (K) and GSI indicate that spawning in black pomfret peaks in May and June even though the fish remain in good condition throughout the spawning season. The Fulton’s condition factor was statistically discriminatory in determining the well‐being of P. niger. Variation in average maximum condition was significant between sexes and also higher in 2004 as compared to 2005. The mean size at first sexual maturity (SL50%) was 17.5 cm for males and 29 cm for females. Fecundity ranged from 71 305 to 3 895 449 eggs and correlated positively with: (a) ovary‐free body weight (P < 0.05), standard length (P < 0.05) and ovary weight (P < 0.05), and negatively with egg size (P > 0.05). Fecundity‐total length relationship was best described by the logarithmic equation of the form F = 0.898 + 3.15 × TL3.15. The use of results of such morphometric studies in the management of the P. niger species in the Arabian Gulf is suggested due to its growing commercial importance.  相似文献   

The size, growth and reproductive biology of the giant mudskipper, Periophthalmodon schlosseri, was studied in the inter‐tidal mudflat of a mangrove swamp along a 0.4–0.6 × 5 km stretch of the Sepang coastal waters, Selangor Malaysia. The size ranges of the giant mudskipper specimens caught in the study area were between 10–27.5 cm TL (20.6 ± 3.1 cm) for males and 14.5–28.5 cm TL (21.9 ± 2.3 cm) for females. Male to female sex ratio during the study was 1 : 1.1. The estimated von Bertalanffy growth parameters were L = 29 cm and K = 1.4 year?1, with a growth performance index of Ø′ = 3.1. Otolith microstructure analysis revealed a strong correlation (Female: r = 0.920, n = 35; Male: r = 0.943, n = 41, P < 0.05) between the number of daily rings (number of days old) over the respective size ranges of male (8.5–19.5 cm SL) and female fish (11.8–22.3 cm SL). Four maturity stages were described to follow gonadal development based on external features; these stages were further validated through histological examination of the ovary and oocyte diameter measurements. The gonadal development cycle of P. schlosseri was asynchronous, as marked by the random mixture of early stages oocytes (diameter: 70.7 ± 14.9 μm) to matured stages (356.9 ± 20.2 μm), and had a prolonged spawning season extending from June to October. Monthly fluctuation of the gonadosomatic and hepatosomatic indices for this species was highly correlated (r = 0.126, P < 0.05).  相似文献   

The population dynamics parameters of Diplodus annularis from the eastern middle Adriatic Sea were studied. Total lengths of 1704 specimens ranging from 3.3 to 23.0 cm were obtained from commercial and fishery‐independent catches (2000–2002). The species spawns from April through the end of August, with a peak in May. Overall male to female ratio was 1.00 : 1.05. The species is a rudimentary hermaphrodite in the Adriatic Sea. Total lengths (TL) at 50% maturity were 9.0 cm for males and 10.0 cm for females. These estimated sizes were smaller than the minimum legal landing size (MLS = 15 cm) and greater than the actual minimum landing size (Lc = 7.1 cm) for the bottom trawl net. All specimens sampled were fully mature above 13 cm TL. The oldest individual was 13 years old. Length–weight relationship showed close to isometric growth (b = 3.073). Parameters of the von Bertalanffy growth equation were: L = 23.95 cm; K = 0.126 per year; t0 = −1.664 year; r2 = 0.896. The low value of total mortality (Z = 0.72) was a consequence of the relatively low rate of natural mortality (M = 0.39) and fishing mortality (F = 0.33). The exploitation ratio was E = 0.46. Estimated parameters and the relative yield‐per‐recruit analysis did not indicate any overexploitation of the species in the study area. However, the estimates include uncertainties and require further confirmation, especially of the natural mortality.  相似文献   

This study describes the size at first sexual maturity, length–weight relationships (LWR) in relation to size at first sexual maturity, and Fulton’s condition factor (KF) of Eutropiichthys vacha in the Ganges River, northwestern Bangladesh. Sampling was done using traditional fishing gear including cast nets, square lift nets and conical traps during January and April, and July to December 2010. For each individual, total length (TL) was measured to the nearest 0.01 cm, and total weight (BW) was determined to the nearest 0.01 g. The gonadosomatic index (GSI) was calculated by the equation, GSI (%) = (Gonad weight in g/BW) × 100. The size at first sexual maturity of males and females was estimated by the relationship between gonadosomatic index and total length. A total of 583 specimens (289 males; 294 females) ranging from 8.30 to 27.00 cm TL and 3.16 to 159.50 g BW were analyzed. Sizes at first sexual maturity for male and female E. vacha were 13.15 and 14.00 cm TL, respectively. The analysis of covariance (ancova ) revealed significant differences in slope and intercept between early and late phases for males (F = 4.532, P < 0.001) and females (F = 21.984, P < 0.001). The KF was not significantly correlated with TL for males (rs = 0.052; P = 0.378), but was highly correlated for females (rs = ?0.165; P = 0.005). This study establishes a strong base for monitoring changes in length at first sexual maturity attributable to high fishing pressures or other reasons within the Ganges and associated river ecosystems.  相似文献   

The tub gurnard Chelidonichthys lucerna has been identified by ICES as a potential commercial species in the northeast Atlantic with recommendations made to monitor landings and discards and to derive information on population biology for stock assessment purposes, however, data are lacking for the species in the northeast Atlantic. Therefore, aims of this study were to provide data on the size/age‐structure and patterns of growth, maturity and mortality of C. lucerna in Northwest Wales, UK, and in doing so to provide data on the biological characteristics of the most northerly population studied to date for comparison with the existing data for southerly Mediterranean populations. Data on the age, growth and maturity of C. lucerna were collected by otter trawling (73 mm cod‐end stretched mesh size) in the coastal waters of Northwest Wales, UK in October (2000–2011, excluding 2006). Total length (TL) of fish sampled ranged between 10.5–41.0 cm (males) and 10.4–57.5 cm (females). The majority of the female fish were between 20–30 cm TL (60.2%) and the majority of the male fish between 20–30 cm TL (58.3%) respectively. TL/weight (W) relations for male and female fish were similar and the combined data was described by W = 0.0067 TL3.10. Age of fish ranged between 1–7 years old for female fish and 1–5 years old for male fish respectively with the majority of female fish 3 years old (40%) and the majority of male fish 3 years old (37%). The age structures of female and male tub gurnards were not significantly different with the older age classes consisting predominantly of female fish. Both males and females exhibited similar asymptotic growth patterns and the combined von Bertalanffy growth function was TLt = 51.6 (1 ? e [?0.25(t + 0.41)]). Instantaneous rates of total mortality were calculated as 1.04 year?1 for males and 1.11 year?1 for females. The size (L50) and age at first maturity (A50) were estimated to be 29.1 cm TL and 2.8 years for males, 27.7 cm TL and 2.7 years for females and 28.0 cm TL and 2.8 years for both sexes combined. The results of this study provide the first information on the biology and population dynamics of C. lucerna in the Irish Sea, the first data collected in the northeast Atlantic since 1985 and the most northerly population studied to date.  相似文献   

The reproduction of any fish species may be influenced by environmental factors, knowledge of which is required for an adequate control of the reproductive process to improve culture practices. Thus, the reproduction of a wild population of bullseye puffer, Sphoeroides annulatus (Jenyns, 1842), and the influence of temperature, photoperiod, lunar cycle and tide level were analyzed. Ovarian ripeness is asynchronous, and the ovary may ripen again at least once following spawning. Testes also display an asynchronous ripeness, but once sexual maturity is attained, spermatozoa are continually produced and released. The reproduction is highly seasonal, with an intense spawning period during the spring‐summer, when the sea surface temperature is 22.5–30.9°C and a 11–14 h photoperiod. The observations suggest that the timing of spawning is synchronized by a semi‐lunar cycle together with the rise of the average tide level. Size at first maturation was similar for females (28.2 cm TL) and males (28.6 cm TL). However, some specimens may start their gonad maturation when are as small as 19 cm TL.  相似文献   

The present study describes the size at first sexual maturity, fecundity, length–weight (LWRs) and length–length relationships (LLRs) of the pool barb, Puntius sophore, using data obtained from different geographical locations in Bangladesh. A total of 905 specimens were caught by traditional fishing gear from March 2010 to February 2011. Additionally, a total of 121 females were collected from a commercial catch of the Padma River during June–July 2011 to estimate size at first maturity and to determine fecundity. Total length (TL), fork length (FL) and standard length (SL) were measured with digital slide calipers. Individual body weights (BW) were determined for all specimens, and gonad weights (GW) from 121 females were weighed to an accuracy of 0.001 g. The female gonadosomatic index (GSI) was calculated as [GSI (%) = (GW/BW) × 100]. Female size at first maturity was estimated using GSI and TL as indicators, and estimated as 5.00 cm TL in the Padma River. Specimens larger than 5.00 cm TL were used to determine fecundity. Mean total fecundity was 5300 ± 2700, ranging from 1580 to 16590. A positive exponential correlation was recorded between total fecundity and total length (r2 = 0.421). Relative fecundity ranged from 466 to 4036 (mean 1100 ± 580) in the Padma River. The LWR of pooled data for sexes combined was estimated as BW = 0.0155 TL2.98 as ancova revealed no significant differences in LWRs between rivers (P > 0.05). All LLRs were highly correlated (r2 > 0.983; P < 0.001), and ancova analyses further indicated that LLRs did not differ between rivers (P > 0.05). These results will help in further studies on the population assessment of the species.  相似文献   

Chimaera carophila (n = 45) and Hydrolagus homonycteris (n = 11), two deep‐sea chimaerids rarely caught in the waters off New Zealand, were collected from research trawl catches and commercial fishery catches around New Zealand at depths between 400 and 1300 m, between 2014 and 2016. Additional preserved specimens of both species (n = 58) from museum collections were analysed for size, sex and maturity. External assessment of male claspers and a combination of internal assessments of female gonad mass and oviducal gland width, were used to determine maturity. For both species, length at first maturity was 0·70–0·82 of their maximum observed chimaera length (LC), with females maturing at a larger size. Length at maturity for C. carophila (LC range: 28·7–103·9 cm) was estimated at 72·5 cm LC for males (n = 163) and 82·5 LC for females (n = 58). In H. homonycteris, length at maturity (length range: 78·6–99·8 cm LC) was estimated at 79·1 cm LC for males (n = 51) and 80·1 cm LC for females (n = 17). Ovarian fecundity was up to 31 for C. carophila and sperm storage was confirmed in the oviducal gland of this species. Both species preyed on benthic invertebrates. Some C. carophila and H. homonycteris inhabit depths beyond most current fisheries, but both species appear to be relatively rare and have reproductive parameters characteristic of low productivity, which may make these species vulnerable to population decline if mortality was to increase in the future.  相似文献   

The present study describes the length–weight relationship (LWR), condition factor (K) and size at first maturity of a cobitid loach, Lepidocephalichthys goalparensis Pillai and Yazdani, 1976 of the family Cobitidae in Assam, India. A total of 716 specimens (males = 324, females = 392) ranging from 3.06 to 7.01 cm total length (TL) and 0.17–2.27 g body weight (BW) were analyzed. The overall value of the allometric coefficient b for the LWR indicated negative allometric growth (<3.00) for both males (2.774) and females (2.993). The size at first maturity (TL50) for female L. goalparensis was estimated to be 5.6 cm TL. The condition factor values ranged from 0.56 to 1.35 in mature females. This is the first time that the biological parameters have been studied in this species.  相似文献   

The dusky flathead (Platycephalus fuscus) is an important teleost harvested by recreational and commercial fishers throughout its endemic distribution along eastern Australia. This study indicates that the species has an extended spawning period throughout the austral summer, with females in spawning condition occurring in lower estuarine and coastal waters. Total length (L50) and age (A50) at which 50% (±1 SE) of the population was mature was 31.72 (±1.08) cm TL and 1.22 (±0.44) years for males and 56.75 (±0.60) cm TL and 4.55 (±0.13) years for females. The von Bertalanffy growth parameters differed significantly between sexes; females grew faster and attained a greater maximum TL and age than males. The largest female was 98.5 cm TL (7.5 kg), and the oldest 16 years, whereas the largest male was 61.5 cm TL (1.58 kg) and 11 years of age. A tag‐and‐release study identified the exchange of sub‐adult and mature‐sized individuals among estuaries. Determinations of length‐based management regulations for the species are compounded by the large gender‐based differences in growth and length‐at‐maturity. Current minimum legal lengths of 30–40 cm TL protect approximately 3–9% of the female spawning population. Alternative management options, including harvest slot sizes, need to be investigated and tested.  相似文献   

Reproductive traits of Oxyurichthys tentacularis, a most demanded fish in Ashtamudi Lake, S. India were studied from samples collected using gill net, cast net and dip net during 2013–2015. Sexes were separated by observing the urogenital papilla in males and the gonads. Five maturity stages were identified by examining the gonads. Though advanced maturity stages were encountered throughout the year, higher preponderance of ripe gonads was discernible during August to November and February to April. Gonadosomatic indices indicated same trend in both sexes. The length at first maturity was 86.67 mm in males and 80.17 mm in females. The absolute fecundity ranged from 5,112 (102 mm TL) to 52,431(175 mm TL). Fecundity established linear relationships with total length, body weight and ovary weight. Ova diameter studies revealed that spawning takes place in batches at regular intervals and the species is a multiple spawner. The ratio of males to females was found to be 1:0.7 (χ2 = 10.8; p < 0.05). The pooled average for the whole period showed a perceptible dominance of male population in all of the months except in January (χ= 2.3; p > 0.05) could be observed.  相似文献   

Size at sexual maturity, reproductive cycle, and fecundity of the guitarfish, Rhinobatos hynnicephalus, were examined in Ariake Bay, Japan. Females reached sexual maturity at a larger size than males [total length (TL) at 50% sexual maturity: males, 431 mm; females, 476 mm]. Monthly gonadosomatic indices of males decreased abruptly from July to August. Histological examinations confirmed the presence of mature spermatozoa in the testes in July, with semen in seminal vesicles in July and August. Preovulatory ova were observed in females with near-term embryos in August. Parturition occurred in August, immediately followed by mating, ovulation, and fertilization. Gestation period is approximately 1 year. Fertilized uterine eggs without embryonic development were present throughout the annual reproductive cycle. Embryonic development began in June and ended in August, indicating that R. hynnicephalus undergoes embryonic diapause (9 months). Fecundity increased with TL and ranged from 1 to 9 (mean, 4.4) embryos per litter.  相似文献   

The grey gurnard Eutrigla gurnardus (L.) has been identified by ICES as a potential commercial species in the NE Atlantic with recommendations made to derive information on population biology for stock assessment purposes. However, data on the population biology of this species is limited. In this study, data on the age, growth and maturity of grey gurnard were collected by otter trawling in the coastal waters of northwest Wales and Eastern Anglesey. Total length (TL) of fish sampled ranged between 2.1–33.0 cm (male) and 1.9–36.9 cm (female) with the majority of female (70.8%) fish between 11 and 20 cm TL and male fish (70.5%) between 11 and 18 cm TL. The percentage of fish >20 cm TL was larger for females (30.4%) compared to males (17.6%). Total weight (TW) for female and male grey gurnard in the stratified subsample ranged from 1.9 to 499.9 g for females and 2.1–390.0 g for males, with the majority of female (66.3%) and male (76.1%) fish between 10 and 60 g. TL/TW relations for male and female fish and both sexes combined were: TW = 0.006TL3.07, TW = 0.007TL3.03 and TW = 0.007TL3.05 respectively. Age structure (based on otolith reading) ranged between 0.5 and 7.5 years old for females and 0.5 to 5.5 years old for male with the majority of female (41.7%) and male (46.0%) fish aged as 1.5 years old. The age structure of female and male grey gurnards was significantly different with the majority of older fish (>2.5 years) being female. The von Bertalanffy growth functions were calculated as Lt = 32.4[1 ? e?0.24(t + 1.41)] for males, Lt = 45.9[1 ? e?0.16(t + 1.37)] for females and Lt = 44.0[1 ? e?0.18(t + 1.20)] for both sexes combined. Instantaneous rates of total mortality were similar for males and females and the combined Z value 1.00 year?1 with the natural mortality rate estimated as 0.33 year?1. The size at 50% maturity (L50) was estimated to be 25.3 cm TL for males, females and for both sexes combined. Age at 50% maturity (A50) was 3.2 years for both males and females. The results of this study provide the first information on the population biology of E. gurnardus in the Irish Sea, the first detailed study in the NE Atlantic since 1985 and helps to address the data gap identified by ICES in knowledge of the population biology of this species.  相似文献   

Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus is now the most abundant and commercially important tilapiine in Lake Victoria. From the total of 1 512 fish sampled from commercial gill net fisheries during 2014 and 2015, 809 (54%) were males and 672 (44%) were females, giving an overall sex ratio of 1.20 males: 1.00 females. The mean (± SE) length and weight for all fish were 28.7 (±0.1) cm TL and 506.6 (±7.1) g, respectively. The slope b of the length-weight relationship was 2.98, 3.01 3.01, for males, females, and combined sexes, respectively. The relative condition factor was 1.02 for males and 1.04 for females with little variation across the months of sampling. The length at 50% maturity was estimated as 31.0 cm TL for male Nile tilapia and 26.0 cm TL for females. Sixty percent of the fish in the commercial catches surveyed were below 30 cm TL. Comparisons with earlier studies in this system suggest an overall decline in size at maturity over the past 30 years, which may reflect intense fishing pressure.  相似文献   

Reproduction and maturation in the economically important, but data-deficient, Mustelus minicanis and M. norrisi were analysed using catches of populations exploited by a gillnet fishery during two years in the southern Caribbean Sea. In total, 691 female (mean ± SD total length–TL of 55.3 ± 5.8 cm) and 503 male (50.4 ± 4.9 cm TL) M. minicanis were assessed, with ~95% of all specimens deemed mature. Almost 25% of females were gravid (occurring between January and October) and with variable temporal development of up to six embryos (3.3 ± 1.2), implying protracted temporal parturition. Parity in the sex ratio of embryos, but not in landed catches, suggested sexual segregation across the fished area. The 50% sizes at maturity (M 50) (± SE) were similarly estimated at 45.11 (± 0.39) and 45.48 (± 0.42) cm TL for females and males, respectively. Relatively fewer (235) M. norrisi were landed, with samples comprising 150 females (82.6 ± 18.1 cm TL) and 85 males (75.5 ± 17.7 cm TL). More than 30% of both sexes were immature. Ten percent of females were gravid (up to 11 embryos) and present in catches between October and February, coinciding with the northern hemisphere autumn/winter. Female and male M 50s were 76.65 (± 1.16) and 69.63 (± 1.92) cm TL, respectively. The results imply variable inter-specific reproductive plasticity and the need for further life-history studies. Increasing gillnet selectivity might represent a simple precautionary management option for concurrently regulating catches of the smaller-bodied M. minicanis during peak abundances of gravid females and similar-sized juvenile M. norrisi.  相似文献   

Ninety four scalloped hammerhead sharks, Sphyrna lewini (53 females and 41 males) ranging in size from 121 to 321cm total length (TL), were collected from surface gillnetters operating off northeastern Brazil and throughout the southwestern equatorial Atlantic Ocean between January and December 1996. A common regression for TL and eviscerated weight (EW) was calculated as, logEW = –11.786 + 2.889 logTL. Females and males were categorised into reproductive stages (4 and 2, respectively) according to morphological changes in their gonads. Size at sexual maturity for females was estimated to be 240cm, while males appeared to mature at between 180 and 200cm. Gravid females had between 2 and 21 embryos or pups, varying in TL from 3 to 38cm. There was no relationship between maternal length and size of litter. Copulation and parturition appear to occur outside the sampled area and possibly closer to the coast. With the exception of slightly lower uterine and ovarian fecundities, the results support the few existing data on the reproductive cycle of S. lewini in other areas.  相似文献   

All hybrid plants from interspecific crosses among the three species, Sonchus asper (L.) Hill, S. oleraceus L., and S. arvensis L., were male-sterile, but the progeny of the cross S. arvensis X S. oleraceus and reciprocal cross produced seed after backcrossing to the male parent. Hybrid plants from crosses between S. oleraceus and S. asper lacked vigor. Cytological data indicated that S. arvensis has one genome in common with S. asper and that S. oleraceus is an autotetraploid (2n = 36) with no genomes in common with S. arvensis or S. asper.  相似文献   

The study of the reproduction of Diplodus vulgaris (Geoff.) as part of a base‐line study of the fishery resources of the south‐west coast of Portugal, was based on the analysis of the spawning season, gonad maturation, size at maturity, fecundity and hermaphroditism. The spawning season is relatively long, from December to March, with peaks in January and February. No significant differences were found either in the sex ratio (M : F = 1.01) over the year or by size. The size at first maturity (L50) for all sexes and undetermined individuals combined was 18.33 cm total length (TL), with no significant differences between males and females. The estimated L50 is considerably greater than the minimum legal size in Portugal of 15.0 cm. Mean absolute fecundity (Fa) was 131 127 oocytes, ranging from 31 523 to 250 608. The relationship between absolute fecundity and total length (TL) (Fa = 25 398 TL – 484 426) and somatic weight (SW) (Fa = 878.8SW – 71 416) was of the linear type. The mean number of oocytes per gram of somatic weight was 526, ranging from 194 to 887. The reproductive strategy of this species is characterized by a rudimentary hermaphroditism with possible protandry, as evidenced by the existence of individuals in sexual transition.  相似文献   

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