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Control of nerve-cell excitability is crucial for normal brain function. Two main groups of inhibitory neurotransmitter receptors--GABA(A) and glycine receptors--fulfil a significant part of this role. To mediate fast synaptic inhibition effectively, these receptors need to be localized and affixed opposite nerve terminals that release the appropriate neurotransmitter at multiple sites on postsynaptic neurons. But for this to occur, neurons require intracellular anchoring molecules, as well as mechanisms that ensure the efficient turnover and transport of mature, functional inhibitory synaptic receptor proteins. This review describes the dynamic regulation of synaptic GABA(A) and glycine receptors and discusses recent advances in this rapidly evolving field.  相似文献   

Injection of subconvulsive doses of strychnine blocking the inhibitory synapses significantly increases the reflex activity of the respiratory muscle evoked by stimulation of the sciatic nerve as well as by inhalation of hypercapnic gas mixture. Thus the inhibitory synapses prevent the extreme hypocapnia evoked by hyperventilation.  相似文献   

Experience-dependent modifications of neural circuits and function are believed to heavily depend on changes in synaptic efficacy such as LTP/LTD. Hence, much effort has been devoted to elucidating the mechanisms underlying these forms of synaptic plasticity. Although most of this work has focused on excitatory synapses, it is now clear that diverse mechanisms of long-term inhibitory plasticity have evolved to provide additional flexibility to neural circuits. By changing the excitatory/inhibitory balance, GABAergic plasticity can regulate excitability, neural circuit function and ultimately, contribute to learning and memory, and neural circuit refinement. Here we discuss recent advancements in our understanding of the mechanisms and functional relevance of GABAergic inhibitory synaptic plasticity.  相似文献   

The control of synaptic inhibition is crucial for normal brain function. More than 20 years ago, glycine and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) were shown to be the two major inhibitory neurotransmitters. They can be released independently from different terminals or co-released from the same terminal to activate postsynaptic glycine and GABA(A) receptors. The anchoring protein gephyrin is involved in the postsynaptic accumulation of both glycine and GABA(A) receptors. In lower brain regions, both receptors can be concentrated in synapses, whereas in higher brain regions, glycine receptors are mostly excluded from postsynaptic sites. The activation of glycine and/or GABA(A) receptors determines the strength and precise timing of inhibition. Therefore, tight regulation of postsynaptic glycine versus GABA(A) receptor localization is crucial for optimizing synaptic inhibition in neurons. This review focuses on recent findings and discusses questions concerning the specificity of postsynaptic inhibitory neurotransmitter receptor accumulation during inhibitory synapse formation and development.  相似文献   

Individual cortical synapses are known to exhibit a very complex short-time dynamic behaviour in response to simple “naturalistic” stimulation. We describe a computational study of the experimentally obtained excitatory post-synaptic potential trains of individual cortical synapses. By adopting a new nonlinear modelling scheme we construct robust and repeatable models of the underlying dynamics. These models suggest that cortical synapses exhibit a wide range of either periodic or chaotic dynamics. For stimulus at a fixed rate our models predict that the response of the individual synapse will vary from a fixed point to periodic and chaotic, depending on the frequency of stimulus. Dynamics for individual synapses vary widely, suggesting that the individual behaviour of synapses is highly tuned and that the dynamic behaviour of even a small network of synapse-coupled neurons could be extremely varied.  相似文献   

GABAA receptor trafficking-mediated plasticity of inhibitory synapses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Luscher B  Fuchs T  Kilpatrick CL 《Neuron》2011,70(3):385-409
Proper developmental, neural cell-type-specific, and activity-dependent regulation of GABAergic transmission is essential for virtually all aspects of CNS function. The number of GABA(A) receptors in the postsynaptic membrane directly controls the efficacy of GABAergic synaptic transmission. Thus, regulated trafficking of GABA(A) receptors is essential for understanding brain function in both health and disease. Here we summarize recent progress in the understanding of mechanisms that allow dynamic adaptation of cell surface expression and postsynaptic accumulation and function of GABA(A) receptors. This includes activity-dependent and cell-type-specific changes in subunit gene expression, assembly of subunits into receptors, as well as exocytosis, endocytic recycling, diffusion dynamics, and degradation of GABA(A) receptors. In particular, we focus on the roles of receptor-interacting proteins, scaffold proteins, synaptic adhesion proteins, and enzymes that regulate the trafficking and function of receptors and associated proteins. In addition, we review neuropeptide signaling pathways that affect neural excitability through changes in GABA(A)R trafficking.  相似文献   

Summary Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) was introduced directly into the cerebral cortex of adult rats, which were allowed to survive for 60 min before perfusion fixation. After the tissue had been incubated to demonstrate HRP at the LM and EM levels, blocks of cortical tissue were taken at varying distances from the injection site. These eight blocks of tissue constituted a time sequence for HRP diffusion.Qualitative examination of the presynaptic terminals showed that the most commonly encountered profiles are the plain synaptic vesicles, many of which accumulate tracer. In some terminals labelled vesicles are lined-up in tubular fashion. Other profiles commonly labelled are coated vesicles, tubular and vacuolar cisternae, and plain and coated pinocytotic vesicles.Quantitative analyses based on the number of terminals containing labelled profiles demonstrate an early rise in the rate of labelling of both plain synaptic vesicles and coated vesicles, after which synaptic vesicle labelling rises slowly towards a plateau. By contrast, there is a late parallel increase in the rate of labelling of coated vesicles and cisternae. A more detailed analysis, based on the actual numbers of labelled and total profiles within each presynaptic terminal, highlight early and late periods of rapid labelling for plain synaptic vesicles, coated vesicles and cisternae. A further aspect of HRP incorporation studied, concerns its uptake into four delineated regions of the presynaptic terminal.Our data indicate that membrane uptake into the presynaptic terminal is accomplished mainly via coated vesicles, although plain synaptic vesicles may also be involved. Coated vesicles, in turn, appear to give rise directly to plain synaptic vesicles, with some coalescing to produce vacuolar cisternae. The latter are involved in a two-way interchange of membrane with tubular cisternae, plain synaptic vesicles and coated vesicles. An additional source of plain synaptic vesicles are the tubular cisternae. Exocytosis of plain synaptic vesicles constitutes the mechanism by which transmitter is released from the presynaptic terminal.Supported by the Nuffield Foundation. We are grateful to Mr. M. Austin for help with the photography  相似文献   

Receptors for γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and its agonists display a considerable tolerance to the size of the agonist molecule. By considering the potencies of four rigid GABA analogues, it is possible to construct a model for the elasticity of the receptor. Using this model in conjunction with the probability distributions of the charge separations of 12 GABA agonists, based on classical potential energy calculations, interaction probabilities are calculated which enable the molecular structure of the agonists to be correlated with their pharmacological activity.  相似文献   

Spikes were recorded extracellularly and IPSPs intracellularly from auditory cortical neurons of cats immobilized with D-tubocurarine in response to stimulation of geniculo-cortical fibers. Fibers whose stimulation induces IPSPs in auditory cortical neurons mainly have low thresholds. When two stimuli, each of which separately evoked an IPSP of maximal amplitude, were applied to them the shortest interval at which the second stimulus evoked an effect was 2.5–3 msec. This effect consisted of an increase in the duration of the integral IPSP, the amplitude of which either remained unchanged or increased under these circumstances by only 5–10%. The interval at which a separate IPSP appeared in response to the second stimulus depended on the duration of the ascending phase of the IPSP and varied from 4 to 22 msec for different neurons. The amplitude of the second IPSP in this case depended on the interval between stimuli. Under moderately deep pentobarbital anesthesia the number of neurons responding to stimulation of the geniculo-cortical fibers by spikes fell sharply but the number of neurons responding by primary IPSPs remained almost unchanged. Under very deep pentobarbital anesthesia, when spike responses of the cortical neurons completely disappeared, the IPSPs also were completely suppressed. It is concluded that inhibitory neurons of the auditory cortex are excited by thick low-threshold fibers, they have a short refractory period, and they are resistant to the narcotic action of pentobarbital.  相似文献   

Characterizing the relation between weight structure and input/output statistics is fundamental for understanding the computational capabilities of neural circuits. In this work, I study the problem of storing associations between analog signals in the presence of correlations, using methods from statistical mechanics. I characterize the typical learning performance in terms of the power spectrum of random input and output processes. I show that optimal synaptic weight configurations reach a capacity of 0.5 for any fraction of excitatory to inhibitory weights and have a peculiar synaptic distribution with a finite fraction of silent synapses. I further provide a link between typical learning performance and principal components analysis in single cases. These results may shed light on the synaptic profile of brain circuits, such as cerebellar structures, that are thought to engage in processing time-dependent signals and performing on-line prediction.  相似文献   

S Rieubland  A Roth  M Häusser 《Neuron》2012,75(2):190-193
In a theoretical study in this issue of Neuron,Gidon and Segev (2012) identify several new principles governing how inhibition interacts with excitation in active dendrites. They show that inhibitory synapses can interact with excitability at a distance, effectively "throwing their voices" in the dendritic tree, such that distributed inhibitory synapses can act synergistically to provide a global veto of dendritic excitability.  相似文献   

Neuroligins are cell adhesion proteins that are thought to instruct the formation and alignment of synaptic specializations. The three known rodent neuroligin isoforms share homologous extracellular acetylcholinesterase-like domains that bridge the synaptic cleft and bind beta-neurexins. All neuroligins have identical intracellular C-terminal motifs that bind to PDZ domains of various target proteins. Neuroligin 1 is specifically localized to glutamatergic postsynaptic specializations. We show here that neuroligin 2 is exclusively localized to inhibitory synapses in rat brain and dissociated neurons. In immature neurons, neuroligin 2 is found at synapses and also at GABAA receptor aggregates that are not facing presynaptic termini, indicating that postsynaptic mechanisms lead to synaptic recruitment of neuroligin 2. Our findings identify neuroligin 2 as a new cell adhesion protein specific for inhibitory synapses and open new avenues for identifiying the constituents of this unique type of postsynaptic specialization.  相似文献   

A group of central auditory neurons residing in the lateral superior olivary nucleus (LSO) responds selectively to interaural level differences and may contribute to sound localization. In this simple circuit, ipsilateral sound increases firing of LSO neurons, whereas contralateral sound inhibits the firing rate via activation of the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB). During development, individual MNTB fibers arborize within the LSO, but they undergo a restriction of their boutons that ultimately leads to mature topography. A critical issue is whether a distinct form of inhibitory synaptic plasticity contributes to MNTB synapse elimination within LSO. Whole-cell recording from LSO neurons in brain slices from developing gerbils show robust long-term depression (LTD) of the MNTB-evoked IPSP/Cs when the MNTB was activated at a low frequency (1 Hz). These inhibitory synapses also display mixed GABA/glycinergic transmission during development, as assessed physiologically and immunohistochemically (Kotak et al. 1998). While either glycine or GABAA receptors could independently display inhibitory LTD, focal delivery of GABA, but not glycine, at the postsynaptic-locus induces depression. Furthermore, the GABAB receptor antagonist, SCH-50911, prevents GABA or synaptically induced depression. Preliminary evidence also indicated strengthening of inhibitory transmission (LTP) by a distinct pattern of inhibitory activity. These data support the idea that GABA is crucial for the expression inhibitory LTD and that this plasticity may underlie the early refinement of inhibitory synaptic connections in the LSO.  相似文献   

We study the dynamics and bifurcations of noise-free neurons coupled by gap junctions and inhibitory synapses, using both delayed delta functions and alpha functions to model the latter. We focus on the case of two cells, as in the studies of Chow and Kopell (2000) and Lewis and Rinzel (2003), but also show that stable asynchronous splay states exist for globally coupled networks of N cells dominated by subthreshold electrical coupling. Our results agree with those of Lewis and Rinzel (2003) in the weak coupling range, but our Poincaré map analysis yields more information about global behavior and domains of attraction, and we show that the explicit discontinuous maps derived using delayed delta functions compare well with the continuous history-dependent, implicitly-defined maps derived from alpha functions. We find that increased bias currents, super-threshold electrical coupling and synaptic delays promote synchrony, while sub-threshold electrical coupling and fast synapses promote asynchrony. We compare our analytical results with simulations of an ionic current model of spiking cells, and briefly discuss implications for stimulus response modes of locus coeruleus and for central pattern generators. Action Editor: F. Skinner  相似文献   

D A Moshkov  N R Tiras 《Tsitologiia》1987,29(2):156-160
The cytoskeleton of afferent chemical synapses, with various ultrastructure of contact zones, was examined in the Mauthner cells of the goldfish. The synapses with combined active zones and desmosome-like specialized contacts possessed a well developed cytoskeleton consisting of filaments and microtubules oriented towards the synaptic apposition. Regular arrays of synaptic vesicles oriented in the same direction were observed beyond and near the active zones. The cytoskeleton of the synapses lacking desmosome-like formations was diffusely organized throughout the boutons. The distribution of vesicles in the vicinity of active zones was also not ordered. The role of cytoskeleton in organization of the two morphologically distinct synapses is discussed. A special function of cytoskeleton as an intermediary between synaptoplasm and membrane is regarded as a necessary basis for plasticity of excitatory rather than inhibitory synapses.  相似文献   

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