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Like human speech, birdsong is a learned behavior that supports species and individual recognition. Norepinephrine is a catecholamine suspected to play a role in song learning. The goal of this study was to investigate the role of norepinephrine in bird''s own song selectivity, a property thought to be important for auditory feedback processes required for song learning and maintenance.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, we show that injection of DSP-4, a specific noradrenergic toxin, unmasks own song selectivity in the dorsal part of NCM, a secondary auditory region.


The level of norepinephrine throughout the telencephalon is known to be high in alert birds and low in sleeping birds. Our results suggest that norepinephrine activity can be further decreased, giving rise to a strong own song selective signal in dorsal NCM. This latent own song selective signal, which is only revealed under conditions of very low noradrenergic activity, might play a role in the auditory feedback and/or the integration of this feedback with the motor circuitry for vocal learning and maintenance.  相似文献   

Catecholaminergic (CA) neurons innervate sensory areas and affect the processing of sensory signals. For example, in birds, CA fibers innervate the auditory pathway at each level, including the midbrain, thalamus, and forebrain. We have shown previously that in female European starlings, CA activity in the auditory forebrain can be enhanced by exposure to attractive male song for one week. It is not known, however, whether hearing song can initiate that activity more rapidly. Here, we exposed estrogen-primed, female white-throated sparrows to conspecific male song and looked for evidence of rapid synthesis of catecholamines in auditory areas. In one hemisphere of the brain, we used immunohistochemistry to detect the phosphorylation of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), a rate-limiting enzyme in the CA synthetic pathway. We found that immunoreactivity for TH phosphorylated at serine 40 increased dramatically in the auditory forebrain, but not the auditory thalamus and midbrain, after 15 min of song exposure. In the other hemisphere, we used high pressure liquid chromatography to measure catecholamines and their metabolites. We found that two dopamine metabolites, dihydroxyphenylacetic acid and homovanillic acid, increased in the auditory forebrain but not the auditory midbrain after 30 min of exposure to conspecific song. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that exposure to a behaviorally relevant auditory stimulus rapidly induces CA activity, which may play a role in auditory responses.  相似文献   

Multimodal signaling contributes to efficient communication by improving signal efficacy and increasing signal information. Songbirds often combine dance displays with songs according to the socio-sexual context; therefore, the song is assumed to function differently depending on dance displays. In this study, we tested how dance displays affect song patterns and the responses of paired partners using male and female blue-capped cordon-bleus (Uraeginthus cyanocephalus). Blue-capped cordon-bleus are a socially monogamous estrildid finch, and both males and females perform songs and distinct “tap dance”-like displays. Songs with dance displays were longer and more stereotyped than songs without dance displays in both males and females. Furthermore, both male and female paired partners showed more gestural responses to songs with dance displays than those without dance displays. Songs without dance displays were performed under both isolated and paired conditions, whereas songs with dance displays were only performed when the focal bird was housed with a paired partner. These results suggest that songs had different functions depending on dance displays and social contexts. The multimodal display of blue-capped cordon-bleus seems to draw the attention of paired partners to the physical abilities of the performer.  相似文献   

Sexually dimorphic anatomy of brain areas is thought to be causally linked to sex differences in behaviour and cognitive functions. The sex with the regional size advantage (male or female) differs between brain areas and species. Among adult songbirds, males have larger brain areas such as the HVC (proper name) and RA (robust nucleus of the arcopallium) that control the production of learned songs. Forest weavers (Ploceus bicolor) mated pairs sing a unison duet in which male and female mates learn to produce identical songs. We show with histological techniques that the volume and neuron numbers of HVC and RA were > or =1.5 times larger in males than in females despite their identical songs. In contrast, using in-situ hybridizations, females have much higher (30-70%) expression levels of mRNA of a number of synapse-related proteins in HVC and/or RA than their male counterparts. Male-typical and female-typical sexual differentiation appears to act on different aspects of the phenotypes within the same brain areas, leading females and males to produce the same behaviour using different cellular mechanisms.  相似文献   

Vocalization is a common means of communication across vertebrates, but the evolutionary origins of the neural circuits controlling these behaviors are not clear. Peripheral mechanisms of sound production vary widely: fish produce sounds with a swimbladder or pectoral fins; amphibians, reptiles, and mammalians vocalize using a larynx; birds vocalize with a syrinx. Despite the diversity of vocal effectors across taxa, there are many similarities in the neural circuits underlying the control of these organs. Do similarities in vocal circuit structure and function indicate that vocal behaviors first arose in a single common ancestor, or have similar neural circuits arisen independently multiple times during evolution? In this review, we describe the hindbrain circuits that are involved in vocal production across vertebrates. Given that vocalization depends on respiration in most tetrapods, it is not surprising that vocal and respiratory hindbrain circuits across distantly related species are anatomically intermingled and functionally linked. Such vocal‐respiratory circuit integration supports the hypothesis that vocal evolution involved the expansion and functional diversification of breathing circuits. Recent phylogenetic analyses, however, suggest vocal behaviors arose independently in all major tetrapod clades, indicating that similarities in vocal control circuits are the result of repeated co‐options of respiratory circuits in each lineage. It is currently unknown whether vocal circuits across taxa are made up of homologous neurons, or whether vocal neurons in each lineage arose from developmentally and evolutionarily distinct progenitors. Integrative comparative studies of vocal neurons across brain regions and taxa will be required to distinguish between these two scenarios.  相似文献   

Social context has been shown to have a profound influence on brain activation in a wide range of vertebrate species. Best studied in songbirds, when males sing undirected song, the level of neural activity and expression of immediate early genes (IEGs) in several song nuclei is dramatically higher or lower than when they sing directed song to other birds, particularly females. This differential social context-dependent activation is independent of auditory input and is not simply dependent on the motor act of singing. These findings suggested that the critical sensory modality driving social context-dependent differences in the brain could be visual cues. Here, we tested this hypothesis by examining IEG activation in song nuclei in hemispheres to which visual input was normal or blocked. We found that covering one eye blocked visually induced IEG expression throughout both contralateral visual pathways of the brain, and reduced activation of the contralateral ventral tegmental area, a non-visual midbrain motivation-related area affected by social context. However, blocking visual input had no effect on the social context-dependent activation of the contralateral song nuclei during female-directed singing. Our findings suggest that individual sensory modalities are not direct driving forces for the social context differences in song nuclei during singing. Rather, these social context differences in brain activation appear to depend more on the general sense that another individual is present.  相似文献   

Male zebra finches learn to imitate a tutor's song through auditory and motor learning. The two main song control nuclei in the zebra finch forebrain, the higher vocal center (HVC) and the robust nucleus of the archistriatum (RA), receive cholinergic innervation from the ventral paleostriatum (VP) of the basal forebrain which may play a key role in song learning. By injecting neuroanatomical tracers, we found a topographically segregated pathway from nucleus ovoidalis (Ov) to VP that in turn projects in a topographic fashion to HVC and RA. Ov is a major relay in the main ascending auditory pathway. The results suggest that the cholinergic neurons in the VP responsible for song learning are regulated by auditory information from the Ov.  相似文献   

Reduced vocal diversity in founder populations of songbirds is particularly well described in congeners and conspecifics introduced to remote islands but has rarely been examined in species that have been introduced to both island and mainland systems across an expansive geographical range. We examined male between‐ and within‐song complexity variations between founder and native populations of the widely distributed Common Myna Acridotheres tristis and predicted reduced complexity within individuals from founder populations. The percentage of unique songs within a repertoire and within‐song complexity were significantly lower in Mynas from founder populations. This reduced song complexity suggests that vocal founder effects may be exhibited in both island and mainland founder populations.  相似文献   



Since, similarly to humans, songbirds learn their vocalization through imitation during their juvenile stage, they have often been used as model animals to study the mechanisms of human verbal learning. Numerous anatomical and physiological studies have suggested that songbirds have a neural network called ‘song system’ specialized for vocal learning and production in their brain. However, it still remains unknown what molecular mechanisms regulate their vocal development. It has been suggested that type-II cadherins are involved in synapse formation and function. Previously, we found that type-II cadherin expressions are switched in the robust nucleus of arcopallium from cadherin-7-positive to cadherin-6B-positive during the phase from sensory to sensorimotor learning stage in a songbird, the Bengalese finch. Furthermore, in vitro analysis using cultured rat hippocampal neurons revealed that cadherin-6B enhanced and cadherin-7 suppressed the frequency of miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents via regulating dendritic spine morphology.

Methodology/Principal Findings

To explore the role of cadherins in vocal development, we performed an in vivo behavioral analysis of cadherin function with lentiviral vectors. Overexpression of cadherin-7 in the juvenile and the adult stages resulted in severe defects in vocal production. In both cases, harmonic sounds typically seen in the adult Bengalese finch songs were particularly affected.


Our results suggest that cadherins control vocal production, particularly harmonic sounds, probably by modulating neuronal morphology of the RA nucleus. It appears that the switching of cadherin expressions from sensory to sensorimotor learning stage enhances vocal production ability to make various types of vocalization that is essential for sensorimotor learning in a trial and error manner.  相似文献   

《Journal of Physiology》2013,107(3):203-209
Vocal interactions in songbirds can be used as a model system to investigate the interplay of intrinsic singing programmes (e.g. influences from vocal memories) and external variables (e.g. social factors). When characterizing vocal interactions between territorial rivals two aspects are important: (1) the timing of songs in relation to the conspecific’s singing and (2) the use of a song pattern that matches the rival’s song. Responses in both domains can be used to address a territorial rival. This study is the first to investigate the relation of the timing of vocal responses to (1) the vocal memory of a responding subject and (2) the selection of the song pattern that the subject uses as a response. To this end, we conducted interactive playback experiments with adult nightingales (Luscinia megarhynchos) that had been hand-reared and tutored in the laboratory. We analysed the subjects’ vocal response latencies towards broadcast playback stimuli that they either had in their own vocal repertoire (songs shared with playback) or that they had not heard before (unknown songs). Likewise, we compared vocal response latencies between responses that matched the stimulus song and those that did not. Our findings showed that the latency of singing in response to the playback was shorter for shared versus unknown song stimuli when subjects overlapped the playback stimuli with their own song. Moreover birds tended to overlap faster when vocally matching the stimulus song rather than when replying with a non-matching song type. We conclude that memory of song patterns influenced response latencies and discuss possible mechanisms.  相似文献   

Song crystallization is a prominent developmental phase of oscine birds in which there is a transition from a production of plastic vocal material to a performance of elaborated song patterns that are typical for adult birds. Here we show that crystallization can be related to a marked change in memory properties involved in supplementary learning of song occurring during this phase. We studied nightingales, Luscinia megarhynchos, a species renowned for its large repertoire of song types. After a period of early tutoring as fledglings, hand-reared subjects (N=8) were exposed to a set of temporally distributed training experiences as juveniles and young adults. Analyses of the birds' singing yielded clear evidence for late song learning and also a striking phase-related shift in their memory properties. New songs heard shortly before crystallization (at an age of 40-42 weeks) were imitated within a few days and their structural and syntactical ‘quality’ seemed not to be inferior to imitations developed from songs heard earlier. In contrast, none of the songs experienced soon after song crystallization (at 45-47 weeks) appeared as imitations in the repertoires of the young adults (at 48-55 weeks). However, birds had clearly memorized these songs, as they produced imitations of them in their second spring. Our findings show that auditory song acquisition in nightingales extends well into the phase of vocal production. At the same time, however, the boundary between an immediate and a delayed form of vocal imitation suggests that song crystallization reflects a marked change in memory properties. That is, song crystallization seems to constrain the ability to develop motor programs for song patterns that are heard even though these are committed to memory. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

Birdsong is a sexual signal that serves as an indicator of male quality. There is already abundant evidence that song elaboration reflects early life‐history because early developmental stress affects neural development of song control systems, and leaves irreversible adverse effects on song phenotypes. Especially in closed‐ended vocal learners, song features crystallized early in life are less subject to changes in adulthood. This is why less attention has been paid to lifelong song changes in closed‐ended learners. However, in the eyes of female birds that gain benefits from choosing mates based on male songs, not only past but also current conditions encoded in songs would be meaningful, given that even crystallized songs in closed‐ended learners would not be identical in the long term. In this study, we examine within‐individual song changes in the Java sparrow Lonchura oryzivora, with the aim of shedding light on the relationship between song and long‐term life history. Specifically, we compared song length, tempo, and song complexity measures between the point just after song crystallization and around 1 yr later, and also compared those traits between fathers and sons to clarify the effect of vocal learning. While it is not surprising that song complexity did not differ depending on age or between fathers and sons, we found that song length and tempo increased with age. Follow‐up analyses have revealed that frequency bandwidth and peak frequency of song notes also elevated with age. Our results show that song performance related to motor skills can be improved even after song crystallization. We also suggest that song performance in closed‐ended vocal learners gives a reliable clue for mate choice by reflecting male quality with aging.  相似文献   

Adult songbirds can incorporate new neurons into HVc, a telencephalic song control nucleus. Neuronal incorporation into HVc is greater in the fall than in the spring in adult canaries (open‐ended song learners) and is temporally related to seasonal song modification. We used the western song sparrow, a species that does not modify its adult song, to test the hypothesis that neuronal incorporation into adult HVc is not seasonally variable in age‐limited song learners. Wild song sparrows were captured during the fall and the spring, implanted with osmotic pumps containing [3H]thymidine, released onto their territories, and recaptured after 30 days. The density, proportion, and number of new HVc neurons were all significantly greater in the fall than in the spring. There was also a seasonal change in the incorporation of new neurons into the adjacent neostriatum that was less pronounced than the change in HVc. This is the first study of neuronal recruitment into the song control system of freely ranging wild songbirds. These results indicate that seasonal changes in HVc neuronal incorporation are not restricted to open‐ended song learners. The functional significance of neuronal recruitment into HVc therefore remains elusive. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 40: 316–326, 1999  相似文献   

神经递质在鸣禽脑中不仅是神经元间信号传递中介物质,还有资料表明它们通过在习鸣敏感期影响发声控制团间的突触联系的形成和突触可塑性,从而对鸣转类型的确定和巩固起重要作用,本文着重介绍了鸣禽发声控制核团内神经递质的分布及变化情况,并就神经递质在发声学习中的作用进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Song complexity in many songbirds is a trait subject to sexual selection. It is often associated with male territorial defence. Empirical studies testing differential male responses to rival song in vocally complex songbirds have, however, been scarce. We conducted playback experiments of the endemic New Zealand Tui Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae to test the aggressive response of territorial male Tui to rival songs with differing complexity levels. Overall, complex songs evoked significantly stronger responses from territorial males than did simple songs. Following playback of complex songs, focal males approached the playback more closely and rapidly, and responded with songs of higher complexity than they did to playback of simple songs. This suggests males could both distinguish between different levels of complexity within the Tui repertoire, and perceive a more complex song as a greater territorial threat. Our study is one of the first to demonstrate strong aggressive responses to increased levels of song complexity in a songbird species with highly complex vocalizations.  相似文献   



Like human infants, songbirds learn their species-specific vocalizations through imitation learning. The birdsong system has emerged as a widely used experimental animal model for understanding the underlying neural mechanisms responsible for vocal production learning. However, how neural impulses are translated into the precise motor behavior of the complex vocal organ (syrinx) to create song is poorly understood. First and foremost, we lack a detailed understanding of syringeal morphology.


To fill this gap we combined non-invasive (high-field magnetic resonance imaging and micro-computed tomography) and invasive techniques (histology and micro-dissection) to construct the annotated high-resolution three-dimensional dataset, or morphome, of the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) syrinx. We identified and annotated syringeal cartilage, bone and musculature in situ in unprecedented detail. We provide interactive three-dimensional models that greatly improve the communication of complex morphological data and our understanding of syringeal function in general.


Our results show that the syringeal skeleton is optimized for low weight driven by physiological constraints on song production. The present refinement of muscle organization and identity elucidates how apposed muscles actuate different syringeal elements. Our dataset allows for more precise predictions about muscle co-activation and synergies and has important implications for muscle activity and stimulation experiments. We also demonstrate how the syrinx can be stabilized during song to reduce mechanical noise and, as such, enhance repetitive execution of stereotypic motor patterns. In addition, we identify a cartilaginous structure suited to play a crucial role in the uncoupling of sound frequency and amplitude control, which permits a novel explanation of the evolutionary success of songbirds.  相似文献   

In seasonally breeding songbirds, the brain regions that control song behavior undergo dramatic structural changes at the onset of each annual breeding season. As spring approaches and days get longer, gonadal testosterone (T) secretion increases and triggers the growth of several song control nuclei. T can be converted to androgenic and estrogenic metabolites by enzymes expressed in the brain. This opens the possibility that the effects of T may be mediated via the androgen receptor, the estrogen receptor, or both. To test this hypothesis, we examined the effects of two bioactive T metabolites on song nucleus growth and song behavior in adult male white-crowned sparrows. Castrated sparrows with regressed song control nuclei were implanted with silastic capsules containing either crystalline T, 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone (DHT), estradiol (E(2)), or a combination of DHT+E(2). Control animals received empty implants. Song production was highly variable within treatment groups. Only one of seven birds treated with E(2) alone was observed singing, whereas a majority of birds with T or DHT sang. After 37 days of exposure to sex steroids, we measured the volumes of the forebrain song nucleus HVc, the robust nucleus of the archistriatum (RA), and a basal ganglia homolog (area X). All three steroid treatments increased the volumes of these three song nuclei when compared to blank-implanted controls. These data demonstrate that androgen and estrogen receptor binding are sufficient to trigger seasonal song nucleus growth. These data also suggest that T's effects on seasonal song nucleus growth may depend, in part, upon enzymatic conversion of T to bioactive metabolites.  相似文献   

Mechanisms regulating sexual differentiation of the zebra finch song system are not well understood. The present study was designed to more fully characterize secretory carrier membrane protein 1 (SCAMP1), which was identified in a cDNA microarray screen as showing increased expression in the forebrains of developing male compared with female zebra finches. We completed the sequence of the open reading frame and used in situ hybridization to compare mRNA in song control regions of juvenile (25-day-old) individuals. Expression was significantly greater in the HVC (used as a proper name) and robust nucleus of the arcopallium (RA) in males than in females. Immunohistochemistry revealed that SCAMP1 protein is also expressed in these two brain regions, and qualitatively appears greater in males. Western analysis confirmed that the protein is increased in the telencephalon of males when compared with females at 25 days of age. These results are consistent with the idea that SCAMP1 is involved in masculinization of these brain areas, perhaps facilitating the survival of cells within them.  相似文献   

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