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Humans are remarkably adept at recognizing objects across a wide range of views. A notable exception to this general rule is that turning a face upside down makes it particularly difficult to recognize. This striking effect has prompted speculation that inversion qualitatively changes the way faces are processed. Researchers commonly assume that configural cues strongly influence the recognition of upright, but not inverted, faces. Indeed, the assumption is so well accepted that the inversion effect itself has been taken as a hallmark of qualitative processing differences. Here, we took a novel approach to understand the inversion effect. We used response classification to obtain a direct view of the perceptual strategies underlying face discrimination and to determine whether orientation effects can be explained by differential contributions of nonlinear processes. Inversion significantly impaired performance in our face discrimination task. However, surprisingly, observers utilized similar, local regions of faces for discrimination in both upright and inverted face conditions, and the relative contributions of nonlinear mechanisms to performance were similar across orientations. Our results suggest that upright and inverted face processing differ quantitatively, not qualitatively; information is extracted more efficiently from upright faces, perhaps as a by-product of orientation-dependent expertise.  相似文献   

Face perception is fundamental to human social interaction. Many different types of important information are visible in faces and the processes and mechanisms involved in extracting this information are complex and can be highly specialized. The importance of faces has long been recognized by a wide range of scientists. Importantly, the range of perspectives and techniques that this breadth has brought to face perception research has, in recent years, led to many important advances in our understanding of face processing. The articles in this issue on face perception each review a particular arena of interest in face perception, variously focusing on (i) the social aspects of face perception (attraction, recognition and emotion), (ii) the neural mechanisms underlying face perception (using brain scanning, patient data, direct stimulation of the brain, visual adaptation and single-cell recording), and (iii) comparative aspects of face perception (comparing adult human abilities with those of chimpanzees and children). Here, we introduce the central themes of the issue and present an overview of the articles.  相似文献   

Faces are among the most important visual stimuli we perceive, informing us not only about a person's identity, but also about their mood, sex, age and direction of gaze. The ability to extract this information within a fraction of a second of viewing a face is important for normal social interactions and has probably played a critical role in the survival of our primate ancestors. Considerable evidence from behavioural, neuropsychological and neurophysiological investigations supports the hypothesis that humans have specialized cognitive and neural mechanisms dedicated to the perception of faces (the face-specificity hypothesis). Here, we review the literature on a region of the human brain that appears to play a key role in face perception, known as the fusiform face area (FFA). Section 1 outlines the theoretical background for much of this work. The face-specificity hypothesis falls squarely on one side of a longstanding debate in the fields of cognitive science and cognitive neuroscience concerning the extent to which the mind/brain is composed of: (i) special-purpose ('domain-specific') mechanisms, each dedicated to processing a specific kind of information (e.g. faces, according to the face-specificity hypothesis), versus (ii) general-purpose ('domain-general') mechanisms, each capable of operating on any kind of information. Face perception has long served both as one of the prime candidates of a domain-specific process and as a key target for attack by proponents of domain-general theories of brain and mind. Section 2 briefly reviews the prior literature on face perception from behaviour and neurophysiology. This work supports the face-specificity hypothesis and argues against its domain-general alternatives (the individuation hypothesis, the expertise hypothesis and others). Section 3 outlines the more recent evidence on this debate from brain imaging, focusing particularly on the FFA. We review the evidence that the FFA is selectively engaged in face perception, by addressing (and rebutting) five of the most widely discussed alternatives to this hypothesis. In section 4, we consider recent findings that are beginning to provide clues into the computations conducted in the FFA and the nature of the representations the FFA extracts from faces. We argue that the FFA is engaged both in detecting faces and in extracting the necessary perceptual information to recognize them, and that the properties of the FFA mirror previously identified behavioural signatures of face-specific processing (e.g. the face-inversion effect). Section 5 asks how the computations and representations in the FFA differ from those occurring in other nearby regions of cortex that respond strongly to faces and objects. The evidence indicates clear functional dissociations between these regions, demonstrating that the FFA shows not only functional specificity but also area specificity. We end by speculating in section 6 on some of the broader questions raised by current research on the FFA, including the developmental origins of this region and the question of whether faces are unique versus whether similarly specialized mechanisms also exist for other domains of high-level perception and cognition.  相似文献   

Plant pigments: the many faces of light perception   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Good reviews have been published over the years regarding many aspects of plant response to light, such as important advances in understanding the molecular mechanisms of light perception, signaling and control of gene expression by the photoreceptors. Moreover, many efforts have been undertaken on the manipulation of these mechanisms to improve horticultural crop production. In this paper we present an overview about the photoreceptors, the relationship between their absorptive and reflective properties and their control of plant development as well perspectives focused on photomorphogenesis manipulation.  相似文献   

Total tRNA was purified from skeletal muscle of young, adult and old female albino rats. Age-dependent variation of total tRNA was the same with respect to tRNA content and biological activity as measured by amino acid acceptor capacity. The tRNA content was more in young rats and showed a gradual decrease in the adult and old rats. The relative abundancy of eleven aminoacyl-tRNAs were checked at each age and during aging. Arginyl, glutamyl and tyrosyl-tRNAs do not show any quantitative or qualitative change with age.  相似文献   

Summary Gastrin/cholecystokinin-like (G/CCK) peptides from the haemolymph of two penaeidsPenaeus japonicus andP. stylirostris (Crustacea, Decapoda) were characterized by gel filtration. In starved shrimps, four classes of peptides were found. One fraction elutes in the void volume, a second has a molecular weight around 5 kDa, a third between 1 and 2.5 kDa, and the fourth fraction is composed of very small peptides. Differences exist between the two species concerning the relative proportion of each molecule.After a meal, there is a two-fold increase of total G/CCK-like peptides and marked qualitative changes are described. Briefly, high molecular weight fractions decrease while low molecular ones increase. After 5 h a return to the initial concentrations is observed. These changes are more pronounced inP. stylirostris. Such variations suggests a role for these peptides in regulation of crustacean digestive processes.  相似文献   

 A neural network model is constructed to mimic the processing involved in semantic and working memory when subliminal effects are involved. These effects involve modifications of reaction time to later inputs, according to whether or not there has been conscious or unconscious processing of the earlier input. The model is constructed of two separate modules: one (a semantic memory module) allowing for processing at a semantic, but unconscious, level, and the other (a working memory module) for conscious experience. The latter module, although a replica of the earlier one, has different lateral connectivity and output function from the former. The model is shown to give a good fit to Marcel’s data on the processing of polysemous words. Further tests are suggested for the model, and a possible cortical implementation suggested. The relevance of the model to recent approaches to consciousness is also explored. Received: 7 February 1995/Accepted in revised form: 14 November 1995  相似文献   

Disturbances in normal intestinal and vaginal microflora in women have recently become quite frequent. This accounts for the need of bacteriological laboratories for introduction of reliable methods for the diagnosis of such disturbances. Correct methodological approaches to objective evaluation of the state of intestinal and vaginal microflora are described. The methods used in the study of anaerobic microflora (lacto- and bifidobacteria, eubacteria, peptostreptococci, clostridia, bacteriods, fusobacteria) and facultative anaerobic microorganisms (enterobacteria, staphylococci, streptococci, Gardnerella, fungi of the genus Candida) have been analyzed. All stages of the study are described in consecutive order: the transportation of the material under study, its treatment in a laboratory, the spectrum of selective nutrient media for the isolation of microorganisms, methods of their identification.  相似文献   

Proteins present in and secreted into the lumen of various regions of the stallion epididymis were characterized qualitatively and quantitatively by two-dimensional electrophoresis. Using this proteomic approach, 201 proteins were found in the lumen and 117 were found that were secreted by the epithelium in various parts of the organ. Eighteen proteins made up 92.6% of the total epididymal secretory activity, lactoferrin (41.2%) and clusterin (24.8%) being the most abundant. Procathepsin D, HE1/CTP (cholesterol transfer protein), GPX (glutathione peroxidase), beta-N-acetyl-hexosaminidase, and PGDS (prostaglandin D2 synthase) were the other major compounds secreted. The most abundant proteins found in the luminal fluid were albumin and the secreted proteins: lactoferrin, PGDS, GPX, HE1/CTP, and hexosaminidase. Three main secretory epididymal regions were identified from the protein pattern, i.e., regions E0-E2, E3-E5, and E6-E9. Region E0-E2 was characterized by the secretion of clusterin (53%), PGDS (44%), and GPX (6%). Region E3-E5 had the highest number of secreted proteins, the highest protein concentrations (60-80 mg/ml), and the highest spermatocrit value (85%). Lactoferrin (60% in E4), clusterin (29% in E3), hexosaminidase (10% in E3), and procathepsin D (6.9% in E4) were the most abundant proteins in this region. Region E6-E9, in which few region-specific secreted compounds were found, was characterized by a high quantity of lactoferrin in the luminal fluid (2-14 mg/ml). Comparison between the secretion of the major proteins and their concentrations in the lumen throughout the organ showed that the behavior of each protein is specific, in particular for the three isoforms of clusterin.  相似文献   

Rule NO  Garrett JV  Ambady N 《PloS one》2010,5(12):e14241


The study of social categorization has largely been confined to examining groups distinguished by perceptually obvious cues. Yet many ecologically important group distinctions are less clear, permitting insights into the general processes involved in person perception. Although religious group membership is thought to be perceptually ambiguous, folk beliefs suggest that Mormons and non-Mormons can be categorized from their appearance. We tested whether Mormons could be distinguished from non-Mormons and investigated the basis for this effect to gain insight to how subtle perceptual cues can support complex social categorizations.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Participants categorized Mormons'' and non-Mormons'' faces or facial features according to their group membership. Individuals could distinguish between the two groups significantly better than chance guessing from their full faces and faces without hair, with eyes and mouth covered, without outer face shape, and inverted 180°; but not from isolated features (i.e., eyes, nose, or mouth). Perceivers'' estimations of their accuracy did not match their actual accuracy. Exploration of the remaining features showed that Mormons and non-Mormons significantly differed in perceived health and that these perceptions were related to perceptions of skin quality, as demonstrated in a structural equation model representing the contributions of skin color and skin texture. Other judgments related to health (facial attractiveness, facial symmetry, and structural aspects related to body weight) did not differ between the two groups. Perceptions of health were also responsible for differences in perceived spirituality, explaining folk hypotheses that Mormons are distinct because they appear more spiritual than non-Mormons.


Subtle markers of group membership can influence how others are perceived and categorized. Perceptions of health from non-obvious and minimal cues distinguished individuals according to their religious group membership. These data illustrate how the non-conscious detection of very subtle differences in others'' appearances supports cognitively complex judgments such as social categorization.  相似文献   

The identity of an object is a fixed property, independent of where it appears, and an effective visual system should capture this invariance [1-3]. However, we now report that the perceived gender of a face is strongly biased toward male or female at different locations in the visual field. The spatial pattern of these biases was distinctive and stable for each individual. Identical neutral faces looked different when they were presented simultaneously at locations maximally biased to opposite genders. A similar effect was observed for perceived age of faces. We measured the magnitude of this perceptual heterogeneity for four other visual judgments: perceived aspect ratio, orientation discrimination, spatial-frequency discrimination, and color discrimination. The effect was sizeable for the aspect ratio task but substantially smaller for the other three tasks. We also evaluated perceptual heterogeneity for facial gender and orientation tasks at different spatial scales. Strong heterogeneity was observed even for the orientation task when tested at small scales. We suggest that perceptual heterogeneity is a general property of visual perception and results from undersampling of the visual signal at spatial scales that are small relative to the size of the receptive fields associated with each visual attribute.  相似文献   

Thymic selection is controlled in part by the avidity of the interaction between thymocytes and APCs. In agreement, the selective outcome can be modulated by altering the expression levels of selecting ligands on APCs. Here we test the converse proposition, i. e., whether changing TCR levels on thymocytes can alter the selective outcome. To this end, we have generated mice in which all thymocytes express two transgenic TCRs simultaneously (dual TCR-expressing (DTE) mice), the class I-restricted HY TCR and the class II-restricted AND TCR. Due to mutual dilution, surface expression levels of the two individual transgenic TCRs are diminished in DTE relative to single TCR-expressing mice. We find that thymic selection is highly sensitive to these reductions in TCR surface expression. Positive selection mediated by the AND and HY TCRs is severely impaired or abolished, respectively. Negative selection of the HY TCR in male DTE mice is also partly blocked, leading to the appearance of significant numbers of double positive thymocytes. Also, in the periphery of male, but not female, DTE mice, substantial numbers of single positive CD8bright cells accumulate, which are positively selected in the thymus but by a highly inefficient hemopoietic cell-dependent process. Overall our results favor the interpretation that the outcome of thymic selection is not determined solely by avidity and the resulting signal intensity, but is also constrained by other factors such as the nature of the ligand and/or its presentation by different subsets of APCs.  相似文献   

In this study, we tested the underlying mechanisms of early emotional prosody perception, especially examined whether change detection in oddball paradigm was caused by emotional category and physical properties. Using implicit oddball paradigms, the current study manipulated the cues for detecting deviant stimuli from standards in three conditions: the simultaneous changes in emotional category and physical properties (EP condition), change in emotional category alone (E condition), and change in physical properties alone (P condition). ERP results revealed that physical property change increased brain responses to deviant stimuli in the EP than in the E condition at early stage 90–160 ms, suggesting that physical property change of emotional sounds can also be detected at the early stage. At the later stage 160–260 ms, the simultaneous and respective changes in emotional category and physical properties were reliably detected, and the sum of the brain responses to the corresponding changes in E and P conditions was equal to the brain responses to the simultaneous changes in EP condition. Source analysis further revealed that stimuli-driven regions (inferior parietal lobule), temporal and frontal cortices were activated at early stage, while only frontal cortices for higher cognitive processing were activated at later stage. These findings suggest that emotional prosody changes in physical properties and emotion category are perceived as domain-general change information in emotional prosody perception.  相似文献   

《Cell reports》2023,42(7):112673
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Access to resources through ethnic group membership is often presumed to affect the intensity of ethnic identification. We examine this premise using survey data on three ethnic groups in Mauritius: Creoles, Hindus, and Muslims. Two key findings emerge from our research. First, access to material resources explains only a modest proportion of total variation in ethnic identification within each group. Second, the resources that affect ethnic identification differ significantly across groups. Access to political goods through group membership affects Hindu identification but is unrelated to ethnic identification among Creoles or Muslims. Conversely, access to economic goods affects Creole and Muslim identification but has no effect on Hindu identification. Explaining these group differences leads us beyond a basic means–ends instrumentalist model to identify conditions that likely mediate the relationship between individual interests and collective identification including the divisibility of economic goods relative to political goods in Mauritius.  相似文献   

Individuation and holistic processing of faces in rhesus monkeys   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Despite considerable evidence that neural activity in monkeys reflects various aspects of face perception, relatively little is known about monkeys' face processing abilities. Two characteristics of face processing observed in humans are a subordinate-level entry point, here, the default recognition of faces at the subordinate, rather than basic, level of categorization, and holistic effects, i.e. perception of facial displays as an integrated whole. The present study used an adaptation paradigm to test whether untrained rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) display these hallmarks of face processing. In experiments 1 and 2, macaques showed greater rebound from adaptation to conspecific faces than to other animals at the individual or subordinate level. In experiment 3, exchanging only the bottom half of a monkey face produced greater rebound in aligned than in misaligned composites, indicating that for normal, aligned faces, the new bottom half may have influenced the perception of the whole face. Scan path analysis supported this assertion: during rebound, fixation to the unchanged eye region was renewed, but only for aligned stimuli. These experiments show that macaques naturally display the distinguishing characteristics of face processing seen in humans and provide the first clear demonstration that holistic information guides scan paths for conspecific faces.  相似文献   

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