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The modular visual system of jumping spiders (Salticidae) divides characteristics such as high spatial acuity and wide-field motion detection between different pairs of eyes. A large pair of telescope-like anterior-median (AM) eyes is supported by 2-3 pairs of 'secondary' eyes, which provide almost 360 degrees of visual coverage at lower resolution. The AM retinae are moveable and can be pointed at stimuli within their range of motion, but salticids have to turn to bring targets into this frontal zone in the first place. We describe how the front-facing pair of secondary eyes (anterior lateral, AL) mediates this through a series of whole-body 'tracking saccades' in response to computer-generated stimuli. We investigated the 'response area' of the AL eyes and show a clear correspondence between the physical margins of the retina and stimulus position at the onset of the first saccade. Saccade frequency is maximal at the margin of AL and AM fields of view. Furthermore, spiders markedly increase the velocity with which higher magnitude tracking saccades are carried out. This has the effect that the time during which vision is impaired due to motion blur is kept at an almost constant low level, even during saccades of large magnitude.  相似文献   

The stability of visual perception is partly maintained by saccadic suppression: the selective reduction of visual sensitivity that accompanies rapid eye movements. The neural mechanisms responsible for this reduced perisaccadic visibility remain unknown, but the Lateral Geniculate Nucleus (LGN) has been proposed as a likely site. Our data show, however, that the saccadic suppression of a target flashed in the right visual hemifield increased with an increase in background luminance in the left visual hemifield. Because each LGN only receives retinal input from a single hemifield, this hemifield interaction cannot be explained solely on the basis of neural mechanisms operating in the LGN. Instead, this suggests that saccadic suppression must involve processing in higher level cortical areas that have access to a considerable part of the ipsilateral hemifield.  相似文献   

In extremely rapid maneuvers, animals including man can launch ballistic motor patterns that cannot immediately be corrected. Such patterns are difficult to direct at targets that move in three-dimensional space, and it is presently unknown how animals learn to acquire the precision required. Archer fish live in groups and are renowned for their ballistic hunting technique in which they knock down stationary aerial insect prey with a precisely aimed shot of water. Here we report that these fish can learn to release their shots so as to hit prey that moves rapidly at great height, a remarkable accomplishment in which the shooter must take both the target's three-dimensional motion as well as that of its rising shot into account. To successfully perform in the three-dimensional task, training with horizontal motion suffices. Moreover, all archer fish of a group were able to learn the complex sensomotor skill from watching a performing group member, without having to practice. This instance of social learning in a fish is most remarkable as it could imply that observers can "change their viewpoint," mapping the perceived shooting characteristics of a distant team member into angles and target distances that they later must use to hit.  相似文献   

Detection of targets that move within visual clutter is a common task for animals searching for prey or conspecifics, a task made even more difficult when a moving pursuer needs to analyze targets against the motion of background texture (clutter). Despite the limited optical acuity of the compound eye of insects, this challenging task seems to have been solved by their tiny visual system. Here we describe neurons found in the male hoverfly,Eristalis tenax, that respond selectively to small moving targets. Although many of these target neurons are inhibited by the motion of a background pattern, others respond to target motion within the receptive field under a surprisingly large range of background motion stimuli. Some neurons respond whether or not there is a speed differential between target and background. Analysis of responses to very small targets (smaller than the size of the visual field of single photoreceptors) or those targets with reduced contrast shows that these neurons have extraordinarily high contrast sensitivity. Our data suggest that rejection of background motion may result from extreme selectivity for small targets contrasting against local patches of the background, combined with this high sensitivity, such that background patterns rarely contain features that satisfactorily drive the neuron.  相似文献   

The prevention of malaria infections is one of the most important functions that any clinician can perform for those traveling to tropical geographic regions where malaria risks are present. The prophylaxis question has become complicated by continued emergence of chloroquine-resistant strains of Plasmodium falciparum, the recent appearance of Plasmodium vivax resistance, and the availability of a wide choice of antimalarial pharmaceuticals. Chemoprophylaxis may produce different toxicities among various patient populations. With increasing numbers of women who travel during their professional lives, there are potential implications for using chemoprophylaxis during pregnancy. Children are unable to tolerate certain antimalarials because of toxicities unique for them. In some instances, the safest and most palatable formulations for children are not even available in the United States and must be purchased in Canada or elsewhere. Reliance upon chemoprophylaxis alone has proven to be increasingly futile. With the introduction of new repellent formulations and nontoxic insecticides for use on clothing or bed netting, there are non-pharmacologic adjunctive measures which can now be considered first-line for the prevention of malaria infections.  相似文献   

Climate impacts are now widely reported from coastal marine systems, but less is known for the open ocean. Here we review progress in understanding impacts on large pelagic species presented at an international workshop for the Climate Impacts on Oceanic Top Predators programme, and discuss the future with regard to the next phase of adaptation-focused research. Recent highlights include a plan to map the distribution of key species in the foodweb using both acoustics and biochemical techniques, and development of a new data sharing and access tool for fisheries and associated data, including socio-economic information. A common research focus in pelagic ecosystems is on understanding climate variability and climate change impacts on marine species, but a greater emphasis on developing future scenarios and adaptation options is needed. Workshop participants also concluded that engagement with and provision of science support to regional fisheries management organisations are critical elements for ensuring successful uptake of research. This uptake will be required for future management of fisheries as global warming continues such that some open ocean top predators can be sustainably harvested, impacts on conservation-dependent species can be avoided, and ecosystem function is not compromised.  相似文献   

Saccadic facilitation in natural backgrounds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In visual systems with a fovea, only a small portion of the visual field can be analyzed with high accuracy. Saccadic eye movements shift that center of gaze around several times a second. Saccades have been characterized in great detail and depend critically on a number of visual properties of the stimuli. However, typical experiments have used bright spots on dark backgrounds, while our natural environment has a highly characteristic rich spatial structure. Here we show that the saccadic system, unlike the perceptual system, is able to compensate for the masking caused by structured backgrounds. Consequently, saccadic latencies in the context of natural backgrounds are much faster than unstructured backgrounds at equal levels of visibility. The results suggest that whenever a structured background acts to mask the visibility of the saccade target, it simultaneously preactivates saccadic circuitry and thus ensures a fast reaction to potentially critical stimuli that are difficult to detect in our environment.  相似文献   

The saccadic eye movement related potentials (SEMRPs) enable to study brain mechanisms of the sensorimotor integration. SEMRPs provide insight into various cognitive mechanisms related to planning, programming, generation and execution of the saccadic eye movements. SEMRPs can be used to investigate pathophysiological mechanisms of several disorders of the central nervous system. Here we shortly summarize basic findings concerning the significance of SEMRP components, their relationship to the functional brain asymmetry and visual attention level as well as changes related to certain neuropsychological disorders.  相似文献   

Human subjects were asked to hit moving targets as quickly as they could. Nevertheless the speed with which the subjects moved toward identical stimuli differed between trials. We examined whether the subjects compensated for a lower initial acceleration by aiming further ahead of the target. We found that the initial acceleration of the hand and its initial direction were hardly correlated. Thus subjects did not aim further ahead when they hit more slowly. This supports our earlier suggestion that the acceleration of the hand and the direction in which it moves are controlled separately.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster has historically been the premier model system for understanding the molecular and genetic bases of complex behaviors. In the last decade technical advances, in the form of new genetic tools and electrophysiological and optical methods, have allowed investigators to begin to dissect the neuronal circuits that generate behavior in the adult. The blossoming of circuit analysis in this organism has also reinforced our appreciation of the inadequacy of wiring diagrams for specifying complex behavior. Neuromodulation and neuronal plasticity act to reconfigure circuits on both short and long time scales. These processes act on the connectome, providing context by integrating external and internal cues that are relevant for behavioral choices. New approaches in the fly are providing insight into these basic principles of circuit function.  相似文献   

Current opinion holds that human colour vision is mediated primarily via a colour-opponent pathway that carries information about both wavelength and luminance contrast (type I). However, some authors argue that chromatic sensitivity may be limited by a different geniculostriate pathway, which carries information about wavelength alone (type II). We provide psychophysical evidence that both pathways may contribute to the perception of moving, chromatic targets in humans, depending on the nature of the visual discrimination. In experiment 1, we show that adaptation to drifting, red-green stimuli causes reductions in contrast sensitivity for both the detection and direction discrimination of moving chromatic targets. Importantly, the effects of adaptation are not directionally specific. In experiment 2, we show that adaptation to luminance gratings results in reduced sensitivity for the direction discrimination, but not the detection of moving chromatic targets. We suggest that sensitivity for the direction discrimination of chromatic targets is limited by a colour-opponent pathway that also conveys luminance-contrast information, whereas the detection of such targets is limited by a pathway with access to colour information alone. The properties of these pathways are consistent with the known properties of type-I and type-II neurons of the primate parvocellular lateral geniculate nucleus and their cortical projections. These findings may explain the known differences between detection and direction discrimination thresholds for chromatic targets moving at low to moderate velocities.  相似文献   

Associating movement directions or endpoints with monetary rewards or costs influences movement parameters in humans, and associating movement directions or endpoints with food reward influences movement parameters in non-human primates. Rewarded movements are facilitated relative to non-rewarded movements. The present study examined to what extent successful foveation facilitated saccadic eye movement behavior, with the hypothesis that foveation may constitute an informational reward. Human adults performed saccades to peripheral targets that either remained visible after saccade completion or were extinguished, preventing visual feedback. Saccades to targets that were systematically extinguished were slower and easier to inhibit than saccades to targets that afforded successful foveation, and this effect was modulated by the probability of successful foveation. These results suggest that successful foveation facilitates behavior, and that obtaining the expected sensory consequences of a saccadic eye movement may serve as a reward for the oculomotor system.  相似文献   

Stimuli flashed briefly around the time of saccadic eye movements are subject to complex distortions: compression of space and time; underestimate of numerosity. Here we show that saccadic distortions extend to abstract quantities, affecting the representation of symbolic numerical magnitude. Subjects consistently underestimated the results of rapidly computed mental additions and subtractions, when the operands were briefly displayed before a saccade. However, the recognition of the number symbols was unimpaired. These results are consistent with the hypothesis of a common, abstract metric encoding magnitude along multiple dimensions. They suggest that a surprising link exists between the preparation of action and the representation of abstract quantities.  相似文献   

Utilization of spectral-correlation methods of EEG analysis, due to necessary averaging in time, does not make it possible to detect dynamic phenomena in spatial-temporal organization of brain potentials. Non-traditional method is presented of quantitative evaluation of the changes of spatial-temporal correlation of cortical potentials--comparison of successive momentary potentials relief (electroencephalotopograms--EETG). Joint utilization of dynamics of similarity coefficients of successive EETG (Ket), mean values of EETG (Yet) and some other parameters allows to judge about dynamic properties of spatial correlations of potentials of freely moving animals in adaptation process to the environment during which alternation is established of the active and passive phases in decaminute intervals. Quantitative evaluation of spatial-temporal organization of the parameters of rabbits cortical potentials in these phases and in transition periods has revealed their informative possibilities.  相似文献   



Anorexia Nervosa (AN) has a mortality rate among the highest of any mental illness, though the factors involved in the condition remain unclear. Recently, the potential neurobiological underpinnings of the condition have become of increasing interest. Saccadic eye movement tasks have proven useful in our understanding of the neurobiology of some other psychiatric illnesses as they utilise known brain regions, but to date have not been examined in AN. The aim of this study was to investigate whether individuals with AN differ from healthy individuals in performance on a range of saccadic eye movements tasks.


24 females with AN and 25 healthy individuals matched for age, gender and premorbid intelligence participated in the study. Participants were required to undergo memory-guided and self-paced saccade tasks, and an interleaved prosaccade/antisaccade/no-go saccade task while undergoing functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).


AN participants were found to make prosaccades of significantly shorter latency than healthy controls. AN participants also made an increased number of inhibitory errors on the memory-guided saccade task. Groups did not significantly differ in antisaccade, no-go saccade or self-paced saccade performance, or fMRI findings.


The results suggest a potential role of GABA in the superior colliculus in the psychopathology of AN.  相似文献   

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