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Reduced vocal diversity in founder populations of songbirds is particularly well described in congeners and conspecifics introduced to remote islands but has rarely been examined in species that have been introduced to both island and mainland systems across an expansive geographical range. We examined male between‐ and within‐song complexity variations between founder and native populations of the widely distributed Common Myna Acridotheres tristis and predicted reduced complexity within individuals from founder populations. The percentage of unique songs within a repertoire and within‐song complexity were significantly lower in Mynas from founder populations. This reduced song complexity suggests that vocal founder effects may be exhibited in both island and mainland founder populations.  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate causes and mechanisms controlling protandrous migration patterns (the earlier breeding area arrival of males relative to females) and inter-sexual differences in timing of migration in relation to the recent climate-driven changes in phenology. Using standardised ringing data from a single site for eight North European migratory passerines collected throughout 22 years, we analysed sex-differentiated migration patterns, protandry and phenology of the entire populations. Our results show protandrous patterns for the first as well as later arriving individuals for all studied species. Males show more synchronous migration patterns compared to females and, hence, first arriving females followed males more closely than later arriving individuals. However, we found no inter-sexual differences in arrival trends as both sexes advance spring arrival over time with the largest change for the first arriving individuals. These findings seem in support of the “mate opportunity” hypothesis, as the arrival of males and females is strongly coupled and both sexes seem to compete for early arrival. Changes in timing of arrival in males and females as a response to climatic changes may influence subsequent mating decisions, with subsequent feedbacks on population dynamics such as reproductive success and individual fitness. However, during decades of consistent earlier spring arrival in all phases of migration we found no evidence of inter-sexual phenological differences.  相似文献   

Whether migratory animals use similar resources during continental-scale movements that characterize their annual cycles is highly relevant to both individual performances and population dynamics. Direct knowledge of the locations and resources used by migrants during non-breeding is generally scarce. Our goal was to estimate migratory connectivity of a small Palaearctic long-distance migrant, the common nightingale Luscinia megarhynchos, and to compare resources used in non-breeding areas with resources used at the breeding grounds. We tracked individuals of three geographically separated populations and characterised their stable isotope niches during breeding and non-breeding over 2 years. Individuals spent the non-breeding period in population-specific clusters from west to central Africa, indicating strong migratory connectivity at the population level. Irrespective of origin, their isotopic niches were surprisingly similar within a particular period, although sites of residence were distant. However, niche characteristics differed markedly between breeding and non-breeding periods, indicating a consistent seasonal isotopic niche shift in the sampled populations. Although nightingales of distinct breeding populations migrated to different non-breeding areas, they chose similar foraging conditions within specific periods. However, nightingales clearly changed resource use between breeding and non-breeding periods, indicating adaptations to changes in food availability.  相似文献   

Monitoring patterns in biodiversity and phenology have become increasingly important given accelerating levels of anthropogenic change. Long‐term monitoring programs have reported earlier occurrence of spring activity, reflecting species response to climate change. Although tracking shifts in spring migration represents a valuable approach to monitoring community‐level consequences of climate change, robust long‐term observations are challenging and costly. Audio recordings and metrics of bioacoustic activity could provide an effective method for monitoring changes in songbird activity and broader biotic interactions. We used 3 years of spring and fall recordings at six sites in Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska, an area experiencing rapid warming and glacial retreat, to examine the utility of bioacoustics to detect changes in songbird phenology. We calculated the Acoustic Complexity Index (ACI), an algorithm representing an index of bird community complexity. Abrupt changes in ACI values from winter to spring corresponded to spring transition, suggesting that ACI may be an effective, albeit coarse metric to detect the arrival of migrating songbirds. The first peak in ACI shifted from April 16 to April 11 from 2012 to 2014. Changes in ACI were less abrupt in the fall due to weather events, suggesting spring recordings are better suited to indicate phenology. To ensure changes in ACI values were detecting real changes in songbird activity, we explored the relationship between ACI and song of three species: varied thrush   (Ixoreus naevius), Pacific wren (Troglodytes pacificus), and ruby‐crowned kinglet (Regulus calendula). ACI was positively related to counts of all species, but most markedly with song of the varied thrush, the most common species in our recordings and a known indicator of forest ecosystem health. We conclude that acoustic recordings paired with bioacoustic indices may be a useful method of monitoring shifts in songbird communities due to climate change and other sources of anthropogenic disturbance.  相似文献   

To maximize fitness, organisms must assess and select suitable habitat. Early research studying birds suggested that organisms consider primarily vegetation structural cues in their habitat choices. We show that experimental exposure to singing in the post-breeding period provides a social cue that is used for habitat selection the following year by a migrant songbird, the black-throated blue warbler (Dendroica caerulescens). Our experimental social cues coerced individuals to adopt territories in areas of very poor habitat quality where individuals typically do not occur. This indicates that social information can override typical associations with vegetation structure. We demonstrate that a strong settlement response was elicited because post-breeding song at a site is highly correlated with reproductive success. These results constitute a previously undocumented, but highly parsimonious mechanism for the inadvertent transfer of reproductive (public) information from successful breeders to dispersers. We hypothesize that post-breeding song is a pervasive and reliable cue for species that communicate vocally, inhabit temporally autocorrelated environments, produce young asynchronously and/or abandon territories after reproductive failure.  相似文献   

Boulet M  Gibbs HL 《Molecular ecology》2006,15(9):2505-2525
Birds of the Northern Hemisphere often harbour the genetic signature of postglaciation expansion but analyses identifying the location of refugia and the directionality of expansions are rare. Here we explore the evolutionary history of yellow warbler lineages, focusing on how these lineages recolonized their current range. We genotyped samples from 696 yellow warblers via direct sequencing of a 333-bp control region I mitochondrial DNA fragment or lineage-specific genotyping. Phylogenetic analysis revealed two monophyletic clades: a highly migratory group including previously identified eastern and western lineages and a less migratory group including a lineage consisting of tropical residents and a new 'southern' lineage localized in southwest United States. We then modelled the expansion of the eastern and western lineages, identified the location of potential refugia and assessed the importance of migration as a historical factor promoting gene flow. The expansion of the eastern lineage proceeded from a main refugia in the eastern United States, with possible contribution of an additional local refugia. In the western lineage, the expansion proceeded from a single refugia possibly located in western United States. Because two lineages overlapped to varying degrees in central North America, we suggest that the Canadian Prairies offered a bridge of riparian habitats where the lineages met after glacier retreat, while the US Central Great Plains acted as a barrier that limited secondary contact. Finally, gene flow was more important along the north-south axis of migration than away from it, suggesting spring migration played a role in the dispersal of lineages.  相似文献   

Early-life conditions have critical, long-lasting effects on the fate of individuals, yet early-life activity has rarely been linked to subsequent survival of animals in the wild. Using high-resolution GPS and body-acceleration data of 93 juvenile white storks (Ciconia ciconia), we examined the links between behaviour during both pre-fledging and post-fledging (fledging-to-migration) periods and subsequent first-year survival. Juvenile daily activity (based on overall dynamic body acceleration) showed repeatable between-individual variation, the juveniles'' pre- and post-fledging activity levels were correlated and both were positively associated with subsequent survival. Daily activity increased gradually throughout the post-fledging period, and the relationship between post-fledging activity and survival was stronger in individuals who increased their daily activity level faster (an interaction effect). We suggest that high activity profiles signified individuals with increased pre-migratory experience, higher individual quality and perhaps more proactive personality, which could underlie their superior survival rates. The duration of individuals’ fledging-to-migration periods had a hump-shaped relationship with survival: higher survival was associated with intermediate rather than short or long durations. Short durations reflect lower pre-migratory experience, whereas very long ones were associated with slower increases in daily activity level which possibly reflects slow behavioural development. In accordance with previous studies, heavier nestlings and those that hatched and migrated earlier had increased survival. Using extensive tracking data, our study exposed new links between early-life attributes and survival, suggesting that early activity profiles in migrating birds can explain variation in first-year survival.  相似文献   

The timing of annual life‐history events affects survival and reproduction of all organisms. A changing environment can perturb phenological adaptations and an important question is if populations can evolve fast enough to track the environmental changes. Yet, little is known about selection and evolutionary potential of traits determining the timing of crucial annual events. Migratory species, which travel between different climatic regions, are particularly affected by global environmental changes. To increase our understanding of evolutionary potential and selection of timing traits, we investigated the quantitative genetics of arrival date at the breeding ground using a multigenerational pedigree of a natural great reed warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) population. We found significant heritability of 16.4% for arrival date and directional selection for earlier arrival in both sexes acting through reproductive success, but not through lifespan. Mean arrival date advanced with 6 days over 20 years, which is in exact accordance with our predicted evolutionary response based on the breeder's equation. However, this phenotypic change is unlikely to be caused by microevolution, because selection seems mainly to act on the nongenetic component of the trait. Furthermore, demographical changes could also not account for the advancing arrival date. Instead, a strong correlation between spring temperatures and population mean arrival date suggests that phenotypic plasticity best explains the advancement of arrival date in our study population. Our study dissects the evolutionary and environmental forces that shape timing traits and thereby increases knowledge of how populations cope with rapidly changing environments.  相似文献   

Few regions have been more severely impacted by climate change in the USA than the Desert Southwest. Here, we use ecological genomics to assess the potential for adaptation to rising global temperatures in a widespread songbird, the willow flycatcher (Empidonax traillii), and find the endangered desert southwestern subspecies (E. t. extimus) most vulnerable to future climate change. Highly significant correlations between present abundance and estimates of genomic vulnerability – the mismatch between current and predicted future genotype–environment relationships – indicate small, fragmented populations of the southwestern willow flycatcher will have to adapt most to keep pace with climate change. Links between climate‐associated genotypes and genes important to thermal tolerance in birds provide a potential mechanism for adaptation to temperature extremes. Our results demonstrate that the incorporation of genotype–environment relationships into landscape‐scale models of climate vulnerability can facilitate more precise predictions of climate impacts and help guide conservation in threatened and endangered groups.  相似文献   

Genetic variation within and among five populations of the pearl oyster Pinctada fucata, from China (Daya Bay, Sanya Bay and Beibu Bay), Japan (Mie Prefecture) and Australia (Port Stephens) was studied using AFLP. Three primer pairs generated 184 loci among which 91.8-97.3% is polymorphic. An overall genetic diversity of 0.38 among populations and an average of 0.37 within populations (ranging from 0.35 in Japanese population to 0.39 in Beibu Bay population) were observed. Genetic differentiation among the five populations is low but significant as indicated by pairwise GST (0.0079-0.0404). AMOVA further shows that differentiation is significant among the five populations but is not significant at a broader geographical scale, among the three groups of Chinese, Japanese and Australian populations or among the two groups of Australian and north Pacific populations. The low level of genetic differentiation indicated that P. fucata populations in the west Pacific are genetically linked. Among the five populations, the Australian one is more differentiated from the others, based on both pairwise AMOVA and GST analyses, and is genetically isolated by distance as indicated by Mantel test. However, genetic differences among the three Chinese populations are not correlated with the geographic distances, suggesting that Hainan Island and Leizhou Peninsula may act as barriers blocking gene flow.  相似文献   

In migratory songbirds, older individuals are thought to be more efficient migrants than younger individuals. Age‐specific differences in migratory efficiency have been reported mainly in respect of arrival timing, energy stores, rate of energy accumulation, departure behaviour, and departure direction. Yet, these traits were rarely assessed simultaneously in a single species. We further lack information whether age‐specific differences in behavioural traits present in autumn still manifest to the same degree in spring. Here we used the northern wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe, a long‐distance nocturnal songbird migrant, and investigated age‐specific differences in energy stores at capture (autumn: 1059 birds/spring: 803 birds), rate of energy accumulation (168/147), nocturnal departure timing (126/105), and departure direction (94/77) for both seasons. We found that in autumn, young northern wheatears departed significantly later in the night than older birds. This difference was not observed in spring. The resulting advance in nocturnal departure timing by young birds from autumn to spring may be due to learning based on experience gained during autumn, and/or to selective disappearance of those young individuals showing late departure times during autumn. We found no age‐specific difference in any of the other migratory traits investigated. To get a better understanding of age effects in songbird migrants, we need to study the potential adjustments of migratory behaviour within the individual over its life time. By individually tracking songbirds throughout their lifetime, we could start estimating whether a certain migratory decision (fuelling, departure, orientation) translates into higher (or lower) fitness, and whether individuals adjust their migratory behaviour based on learning from ‘wrong decisions’.  相似文献   

As the influence of climate change on tropical forests becomes apparent, more studies are needed to understand how changes in climatic variables such as rainfall are likely to affect tree phenology. Using a twelve‐year dataset (2005–2016), we studied the impact of seasonal rainfall patterns on the fruiting phenology of 69 tree species in the rain forest of southeastern Madagascar. We found that average annual rainfall in this region has increased by >800 mm (23%) during this period relative to that recorded for the previous 40 years and was highly variable both within and between years. Higher monthly measures of fruiting richness and the intensity of fruiting in our sample community were associated with significantly higher levels of rainfall. We also found that less rainfall during the dry season, but not the wet season, was associated with a significant shift toward later timing of peak richness and peak intensity of fruiting in the subsequent 12 months; however, this pattern was driven primarily by an extreme drought event that occurred during the study period. Longer time scales of phenology data are needed to see whether this pattern is consistent. Madagascar is expected to experience more extremes in rainfall and drought with increasing climate change. Thus, the linkages between variable precipitation and the fruiting phenology of forest trees will have important consequences for understanding plant reproduction and the ability of Madagascar's wildlife to cope with a changing climate.  相似文献   

Population structure and gene flow were inferred from isozyme variation at 26 loci among five populations of Limnothlypis swainsonii (Swainson's Warbler; Parulidae), a Nearctic-Neotropic migrant songbird breeding in the unglaciated southeastern U.S.A. These populations exhibit relatively high levels of heterozygosity ( =0.083), and 16 of 26 loci were polymorphic in at least one population ( =0.385). Allelic frequencies were significantly heterogeneous at five loci, indicating a surprising degree of population structure for a migratory bird with no recognized subspecies ( F ST =0.043). Moderate levels of gene flow are inferred ( Nm =1.5 to 11.7), yet population structure does not fit an isolation-by-distance model. Genetic heterogeneity is mostly due to differentiation between an Arkansas population and four populations from the coastal plain (from Louisiana to Virginia). Genetic drift may be responsible for much of the observed structure, but the lack of obvious barriers to dispersal between Arkansas and the coastal plain suggests that differentiation has been maintained by some other mechanism(s). Vicariance events on the breeding range, a split wintering range, or both could contribute to the pattern of differentiation observed.  相似文献   

Individual heterogeneity can influence the dynamics of infectious diseases in wildlife and humans alike. Thus, recent work has sought to identify behavioural characteristics that contribute disproportionately to individual variation in pathogen acquisition (super-receiving) or transmission (super-spreading). However, it remains unknown whether the same behaviours enhance both acquisition and transmission, a scenario likely to result in explosive epidemics. Here, we examined this possibility in an ecologically relevant host–pathogen system: house finches and their bacterial pathogen, Mycoplasma gallisepticum, which causes severe conjunctivitis. We examined behaviours likely to influence disease acquisition (feeder use, aggression, social network affiliations) in an observational field study, finding that the time an individual spends on bird feeders best predicted the risk of conjunctivitis. To test whether this behaviour also influences the likelihood of transmitting M. gallisepticum, we experimentally inoculated individuals based on feeding behaviour and tracked epidemics within captive flocks. As predicted, transmission was fastest when birds that spent the most time on feeders initiated the epidemic. Our results suggest that the same behaviour underlies both pathogen acquisition and transmission in this system and potentially others. Identifying individuals that exhibit such behaviours is critical for disease management.  相似文献   


Identifying the geographical scale at which natural populations structure themselves is essential for conservation. One way to gauge this structure is by estimating local effective population size (Ne) and the associated measure of effective number of breeders (Nb), as the smaller and more isolated natural populations are, the smaller Ne and Nb they will present. However, as Ne and Nb are greatly influenced by demographic events and by both species’ behavior and biology, assessing the effectiveness of sample design is necessary to ensure the reliability of said estimates. Here, we first test the sample size effect on yearly Nb and generational Ne estimates from a lemon shark Negaprion brevirostris nursery in Bimini (The Bahamas) and subsequently compare these parameters to estimates of the minimal number of breeders based on pedigree reconstruction. We found that yearly estimates of Nb are positively correlated to annual variations in number of breeders estimated via pedigree reconstructions. Moreover, we measured that 30 individuals from a single cohort were sufficient to obtain reliable yearly estimates of Nb in Bimini’s lemon sharks. We then estimated generational Ne in 10 lemon shark nurseries across the Western Atlantic. Almost every nursery sampled represents an independent population on a generational time scale, with Ne rarely higher than 100 individuals. Our study reveals strong local population structure in lemon sharks, and thus their exposure to localized depletion or extirpation, suggesting that studies of coastal shark nursery areas could routinely estimate Ne and Nb to obtain management-relevant information on adult populations.



Flowering phenology in natural populations of Iris pumila   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In the present study, I examined flowering phenology of dwarf bearded ins, Iris pumila , using naturally occurring clones (three sites, four microsites) and clones transplanted between two sites representing two habitats Naturally occurring clones in contrasting habitats and microsites differed significantly in phenology, with exposition of the site or microsite being the most important Genotypes from more exposed habitats flowered earlier in both habitats and these differences were statistically significant Patterns of between-habitat and between-population differences were stable over years even though years differed markedly in the flowering onset Within-population genetic variability for flowering phenology was also found to be significant Although clones with dark-colored flowers tended to flower earlier in all habitats and microsites I failed to detect statistically significant differences in flowering time among color morphs Flowering phenology in I pumila is highly susceptible to environmental variability, but this factor has not prevented population divergence in flowering time Between-habitat differences in flowering time turned out to be a result of both phenotypic plasticity of individuals and genetic differentiation of populations  相似文献   

The genomes of Mus musculus and other rodent species share a long conserved family of sequences that are dispersed and abundant (approx. 20,000 copies), and that have several novel features of organization and evolution. EcoR1 restriction of M. musculus DNA reveals a prominent 1350 bp2 set of sequences. Two nonhomologous sequences of 850 and 500 bp, representing almost the total population of the 1350 bp repeats, were used to examine the detailed organization of the dispersed family and its surrounding sequences using a combination of restriction analysis and “Southern” hybridization. The 1350 bp sequence is contained within a longer repeating unit of approximately 3 kb that is dispersed amongst a wide variety of non-homologous and seemingly non-repetitive sequences. At some sites within the 3 kb repeat, considerable sequence heterogeneity has been found between members of the family, such that the family can be divided into largely non-overlapping subsets (or “segments”) according to the positioning of HinIII sites. Underlying the segmental organization there is a low background overlap of each segment with every other. Some but not all members of the family and its variants have been located on the X-chromosome in a Chinese hamster, M. musculus, X chromosome cell line: suggesting a wide genomic dispersion of the family. Homologous repeated sequences to the M. musculus 1350 bp repeat have been identified in species of Mus and Apodemus, with strikingly similar features of organization and dispersion. In M. spretus a 1350 bp sequence is contained within a dispersed repeat of at least 2·9 kb. However, the majority of M. spretus repeats contain an additional restriction site not present in the equivalent M. musculus array, suggesting a mechanism of widespread substitution or “conversion” of one variant by another in each genome. Apodemus sylvaticus possesses two dispersed and homologous families of 1350 bp and 1850 bp repetition, respectively, which contain sequences that have diverged from M. musculus to differing extents. A. mystacinus possesses only one family of dispersed and homologous repeats of 1850 bp. The majority of members within each Apodemus homologous family also contain characteristic variant restriction-site arrangements. The mechanisms underlying the spread of such variants within each array; the generation of segmental patterns; and the evolutionary conservation of this mouse interspersed family (MIF-1) are discussed in relation to the present knowledge of the organization and activity of other dispersed sequence families.  相似文献   

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