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Predation is a key process driving coral reef fish population dynamics, with higher per capita prey mortality rates on reefs with more predators. Reef predators often forage together, and at high densities, they may either cooperate or antagonize one another, thereby causing prey mortality rates to be substantially higher or lower than one would expect if predators did not interact. However, we have a limited mechanistic understanding of how prey mortality rates change with predator densities. We re-analyzed a previously published observational dataset to investigate how the foraging response of the coney grouper (Cephalopholis fulva) feeding on the bluehead wrasse (Thalassoma bifasciatum) changed with shifts in predator and prey densities. Using a model-selection approach, we found that per-predator feeding rates were most consistent with a functional response that declines as predator density increases, suggesting either antagonistic interactions among predators or a shared antipredator behavioral response by the prey. Our findings suggest that variation in predator density (natural or anthropogenic) may have substantial consequences for coral reef fish population dynamics.  相似文献   

Determining how prey learn the identity of predators and match their vigilance with current levels of threat is central to understanding the dynamics of predator–prey systems and the determinants of fitness. Our study explores how feeding history influences the relative importance of olfactory and visual sensory modes of learning, and how the experience gained through these sensory modes influences behaviour and survival in the field for a juvenile coral reef damselfish. We collected young fish immediately prior to their settlement to benthic habitats. In the laboratory, these predator-naïve fish were exposed to a high- or low-food ration and then conditioned to recognize the olfactory cues (odours) and/or visual cues from two common benthic predators. Fish were then allowed to settle on reefs in the field, and their behaviour and survival over 70 h were recorded. Feeding history strongly influenced their willingness to take risks in the natural environment. Conditioning in the laboratory with visual, olfactory or both cues from predators led fish in the field to display risk-averse behaviour compared with fish conditioned with sea water alone. Well-fed fish that were conditioned with visual, chemical or a combination of predator cues survived eight times better over the first 48 h on reefs than those with no experience of benthic predator cues. This experiment highlights the importance of a flexible and rapid mechanism of learning the identity of predators for survival of young fish during the critical life-history transition between pelagic and benthic habitats.  相似文献   

Predator–prey size (PPS) relationships are determined by predator behaviour, with the likelihood of prey being eaten dependent on their size relative to that of the consumer. Published PPS relationships for 30 pelagic or benthic marine fish species were analysed using quantile regression to determine how median, lower and upper prey sizes varied with predator size and habitat. Habitat effects on predator foraging activity/mode, morphology, growth and natural mortality are quantified and the effects on PPS relationships explored. Pelagic species are more active, more likely to move by caudal fin propulsion and grow more rapidly but have higher mortality rates than benthic species, where the need for greater manoeuvrability when foraging in more physically complex habitats favours ambush predators using pectoral fin propulsion. Prey size increased with predator size in most species, but pelagic species ate relatively smaller prey than benthic predators. As pelagic predators grew, lower prey size limits changed little, and prey size range increased but median relative prey size declined, whereas the lower limit increased and median relative prey size was constant or increased in benthic species.  相似文献   

  1. Predator–prey models are often used to represent consumptive interactions between species but, typically, are derived using simple experimental systems with little plasticity in prey or predator behaviours. However, many prey and predators exhibit a broad suite of behaviours. Here, we experimentally tested the effect of density-dependent prey and predator behaviours on per capita relative mortality rates using Florida bass (Micropterus floridanus) consuming juvenile Bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus).
  2. Experimental ponds were stocked with a factorial design of low, medium, and high prey and predator densities. Prey mortality, prey–predator behaviours, and predator stomach contents were recorded over or after 7 days. We assumed the mortality dynamics followed foraging arena theory. This pathologically flexible predator–prey model separates prey into invulnerable and vulnerable pools where predators can consume prey in the latter. As this approach can represent classic Lotka–Volterra and ratio-dependent dynamics, we fit a foraging arena predator–prey model to the number of surviving prey.
  3. We found that prey exhibited density-dependent prey behaviours, hiding at low densities, shoaling at medium densities, and using a provided refuge at high densities. Predators exhibited ratio-dependent behaviours, using an ambush foraging mode when one predator was present, hiding in the shadows at low prey–high predator densities, and shoaling at medium and high prey–high predator densities. The foraging arena model predicted the mortality rates well until the high prey–high predator treatment where group vigilance prey behaviours occurred and predators probably interfered with one another resulting in the model predicting higher mortality than observed.
  4. This is concerning given the ubiquity of predator–prey models in ecology and natural resource management. Furthermore, as Allee effects engender instability in population regulation, it could lead to inaccurate predictions of conservation status, population rebuilding or harvest rates.

Structurally complex habitats provide cover and may hinder the movement of animals. In predator–prey relationships, habitat structure can decrease predation risk when it provides refuges for prey or hinders foraging activity of predators. However, it may also provide shelter, supporting structures and perches for sit-and-wait predators and hence increase their predation rates. We tested the effect of habitat structure on prey mortality in aquatic invertebrates in short-term laboratory predation trials that differed in the presence or absence of artificial vegetation. The effect of habitat structure on prey mortality was context dependent as it changed with predator and prey microhabitat use. Specifically, we observed an ‘anti-refuge’ effect of added vegetation: phytophilous predators that perched on the plants imposed higher predation pressure on planktonic prey, while mortality of benthic prey decreased. Predation by benthic and planktonic predators on either type of prey remained unaffected by the presence of vegetation. Our results show that the effects of habitat structure on predator–prey interactions are more complex than simply providing prey refuges or cover for predators. Such context-specific effects of habitat complexity may alter the coupling of different parts of the ecosystem, such as pelagic and benthic habitats, and ultimately affect food web stability through cascading effects on individual life histories and trophic link strengths.  相似文献   

Top predators can have different foraging modes that may alter their interactions and effects on food webs. Interactions between predators may be non-additive resulting from facilitation or interference, whereas their combined effects on a shared prey may result in emergent effects that are risk enhanced or risk reduced. To test the importance of multiple predators with different foraging modes, we examined the interaction between a cruising predator (largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides) and an ambush predator (muskellunge, Esox masquinongy) foraging on a shared prey (bluegill sunfish, Lepomis macrochirus) with strong anti-predator defense behaviors. Additive and substitution designs were used to compare individual to combined predator treatments in experimental ponds. The multiple predator interaction facilitated growth of the cruising predator in the combined predator treatments, whereas predator species had substitutable effects on the growth of the ambush predator. The combined predator treatments created an emergent effect on the prey; however, the direction was dependent on the experimental design. The additive design found a risk-reducing effect, whereas the substitution design found a risk-enhancing effect for prey fish. Indirect effects from the predators weakly extended to lower trophic levels (i.e., zooplankton community). Our results highlight the need to consider differences in foraging mode of top predators, interactions between predators, and emergent effects on prey to understand food webs.  相似文献   

Foraging behaviors of the piscivorous cornetfish Fistularia commersonii were observed at shallow reefs in Kuchierabu-jima Island, southern Japan. This fish foraged on two types of prey fishes: one was reef fish that typically dwell on or near substrata (e.g., Tripterygiidae and Labridae), and the other was pelagic fish that shoal in the water column (e.g., Clupeidae and Carangidae). The prey sizes, prey types and foraging behaviors changed as the predator size increased. Prey sizes were largely limited by gape size of the cornetfish, and small predators consumed small prey. The small cornetfish (10–30 cm in total length) fed only on reef fish captured after stalking (where the fish slowly approaches the prey and then suddenly attacks). The stalking was done either solitarily or in foraging association with conspecifics. Large fish (30–120 cm) fed on both types of fishes by stalking and/or chasing (where the fish chases the prey using its high mobility and attacks), either solitarily or in foraging association with con- or heterospecifics. Thus, chasing was only performed by the large cornetfish against pelagic prey fish in associative foraging with other con- and heterospecific predators. As their body sizes increased, F. commersonii began to show a diversification of foraging behaviors, which was strongly related not only to the habitat types and anti-predatory behaviors of the prey fishes but also to associative foraging with con- or heterospecifics, which improves their foraging success.  相似文献   

Synthesis Predation risk experienced by individuals living in groups depends on the balance between predator dilution, competition for refuges, and predator interference or synergy. These interactions operate between prey species as well: the benefits of group living decline in the presence of an alternative prey species. We apply a novel model‐fitting approach to data from field experiments to distinguish among competing hypotheses about shifts in predator foraging behavior across a range of predator and prey densities. Our study provides novel analytical tools for analyzing predator foraging behavior and offers insight into the processes driving the dynamics of coral reef fish. Studies of predator foraging behavior typically focus on single prey species and fixed predator densities, ignoring the potential importance of complexities such as predator dilution; predator‐mediated effects of alternative prey; heterospecific competition; or predator–predator interactions. Neglecting the effects of prey density is particularly problematic for prey species that live in mixed species groups, where the beneficial effects of predator dilution may swamp the negative effects of heterospecific competition. Here we use field experiments to investigate how the mortality rates of a shoaling coral reef fish (a wrasse: Thalassoma amblycephalum), change as a result of variation in: 1) conspecific density, 2) density of a predator (a hawkfish: Paracirrhites arcatus), and 3) presence of an alternative prey species that competes for space (a damselfish: Pomacentrus pavo). We quantify changes in prey mortality rates from the predator's perspective, examining the effects of added predators or a second prey species on the predator's functional response. Our analysis highlights a model‐fitting approach that discriminates amongst multiple hypotheses about predator foraging in a community context. Wrasse mortality decreased with increasing conspecific density (i.e. mortality was inversely density‐dependent). The addition of a second predator doubled prey mortality rates, without significantly changing attack rate or handling time – i.e. there was no evidence for predator interference. The presence of a second prey species increased wrasse mortality by 95%; we attribute this increase either to short‐term apparent competition (predator aggregation) or to a decrease in handling time of the predator (e.g. through decreased wrasse vigilance). In this system, 1) prey benefit from intraspecific group living though a reduced predation risk, and 2) the benefit of group living is reduced in the presence of an alternative prey species.  相似文献   

Climate‐driven range shifts are ongoing in pelagic marine environments, and ecosystems must respond to combined effects of altered species distributions and environmental drivers. Hypoxic oxygen minimum zones (OMZs) in midwater environments are shoaling globally; this can affect distributions of species both geographically and vertically along with predator–prey dynamics. Humboldt (jumbo) squid (Dosidicus gigas) are highly migratory predators adapted to hypoxic conditions that may be deleterious to their competitors and predators. Consequently, OMZ shoaling may preferentially facilitate foraging opportunities for Humboldt squid. With two separate modeling approaches using unique, long‐term data based on in situ observations of predator, prey, and environmental variables, our analyses suggest that Humboldt squid are indirectly affected by OMZ shoaling through effects on a primary food source, myctophid fishes. Our results suggest that this indirect linkage between hypoxia and foraging is an important driver of the ongoing range expansion of Humboldt squid in the northeastern Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

Diet specificity is likely to be the key predictor of a predator's vulnerability to changing habitat and prey conditions. Understanding the degree to which predatory coral reef fishes adjust or maintain prey choice, in response to declines in coral cover and changes in prey availability, is critical for predicting how they may respond to reef habitat degradation. Here, we use stable isotope analyses to characterize the trophic structure of predator–prey interactions on coral reefs of the Keppel Island Group on the southern Great Barrier Reef, Australia. These reefs, previously typified by exceptionally high coral cover, have recently lost much of their coral cover due to coral bleaching and frequent inundation by sediment‐laden, freshwater flood plumes associated with increased rainfall patterns. Long‐term monitoring of these reefs demonstrates that, as coral cover declined, there has been a decrease in prey biomass, and a shift in dominant prey species from pelagic plankton‐feeding damselfishes to territorial benthic algal‐feeding damselfishes, resulting in differences in the principal carbon pathways in the food web. Using isotopes, we tested whether this changing prey availability could be detected in the diet of a mesopredator (coral grouper, Plectropomus maculatus). The δ13C signature in grouper tissue in the Keppel Islands shifted from a more pelagic to a more benthic signal, demonstrating a change in carbon sources aligning with the change in prey availability due to habitat degradation. Grouper with a more benthic carbon signature were also feeding at a lower trophic level, indicating a shortening in food chains. Further, we found a decline in the coral grouper population accompanying a decrease in total available prey biomass. Thus, while the ability to adapt diets could ameliorate the short‐term impacts of habitat degradation on mesopredators, long‐term effects may negatively impact mesopredator populations and alter the trophic structure of coral reef food webs.  相似文献   

Multiple predator effects in an intertidal food web   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. We examined the effects of multiple predators from an intertidal boulder food web to test whether and how three different predator species affected the survival of a small amphipod species. 2. Predators were chosen because they differ in their foraging mode, two feeding at the bottom and in benthic refuges (nemertean and shrimp) and one in the water-column (juveniles of a fish). 3. Mortality of amphipods was not affected by nemerteans, but was high in the presence of shrimp or fish. Highest mortalities were observed in predator-combinations that contained both shrimp and fish. Amphipods responded to shrimp by escaping into the water column, while they avoided fish by remaining in the refuge. We conclude that predator-specific defence causes conflicts for prey when both shrimp and fish are present. 4. Comparing observed effects of multiple predators with expected effects revealed risk enhancement for the shrimp + fish combination. A comparison of different predictive models revealed that the multiplicative model was most appropriate, although additive models may work well under certain conditions. 5. Based on known consumption-ranges of the predators used, we conclude that nemerteans were saturated with prey while fish were far from their saturation point. A predator's functional response curve (prey consumption in relation to prey abundance) determines its impact on prey populations. This knowledge appears essential in order to predict whether prey organisms face risk enhancement, risk reduction or additive effects of multiple predators.  相似文献   

Most organisms possess anti-predator adaptations to reduce their risk of being consumed, but little is known of the adaptations prey employ during vulnerable life-history transitions when predation pressures can be extreme. We demonstrate the use of a transition-specific anti-predator adaptation by coral reef fishes as they metamorphose from pelagic larvae to benthic juveniles, when over half are consumed within 48 h. Our field experiment shows that naturally settling damselfish use olfactory, and most likely innate, predator recognition to avoid settling to habitat patches manipulated to emit predator odour. Settlement to patches emitting predator odour was on average 24-43% less than to control patches. Evidence strongly suggests that this avoidance of sedentary and patchily distributed predators by nocturnal settlers will gain them a survival advantage, but also lead to non-lethal predator effects: the costs of exhibiting anti-predator adaptations. Transition-specific anti-predator adaptations, such as demonstrated here, may be widespread among organisms with complex life cycles and play an important role in prey population dynamics.  相似文献   

Most marine fishes have pelagic larvae that settle to benthic juvenile/adult habitats. Ecologists have argued that mortality rates are particularly high during the settlement transition, but relevant data have been sparse. Recently, researchers have used several novel techniques to estimate the magnitude of predation mortality during the settlement transition. We used meta-analysis to determine that for 24 taxonomically diverse species in geographically widespread locations, an estimated 55.7% (CI: 43.0–65.5%) of juveniles were consumed within 1–2 days of settlement. Such high mortality highlights this brief period as a key phase in the life history of fishes and supports the view that these communities are strongly influenced by predation. Additionally, we argue that because predators have such strong effects on juvenile survival, the population and community dynamics of reef fishes may be linked to human exploitation of reef predators.  相似文献   

A laboratory experiment was conducted to determine whether the sea star Asterias forbesi and the naticid gastropod Euspira heros feed on surfclams, Spisula solidissima, in an additive or non-additive manner. Predators were allowed to feed on clams with conspecifics and in the presence of the other predator species. Clam mortality (measured as the rate of decline of clam number) and predator feeding rates were noted. To determine the effects of temperature on interactions among the predators, the experiment was conducted at three different temperatures. At all temperatures, feeding rate of each predator was not affected by the presence of the other species, and clam mortality in the presence of both predators was predictable from mortality in the presence of a single predator species. These additive interactions are most likely a result of habitat partitioning between the predators, with naticid snails being infaunal and sea stars being epifaunal. Previous studies in a variety of systems show no clear pattern of occurrence of non-additive interactions. Relatively small differences in predator or prey behavior may be responsible for the presence or absence of non-additive interactions. Received: 6 August 1998 / Accepted: 25 January 1999  相似文献   

Patterns in juvenile mortality rates can have a profound affect on the distribution and abundance of adult individuals, and may be the result of a number of interacting factors. Field observations at Lizard Island (Great Barrier Reef, Australia) showed that for a coral reef damselfish, Pomacentrus moluccensis, juvenile mortality (over 1 year) varied between 20 and almost 100% among sites. Correlative data showed that juvenile mortality increased as a function of initial densities (recruitment), predator densities and the availability of preferred coral substrata. A multiple regression showed that these three variables together did not explain significantly more variation in mortality than the single factor showing the strongest relationship. This appeared to be because recruitment, predator densities and preferred coral substrata were all highly correlated, suggesting that one, two or all of these factors may be influencing juvenile mortality rates. One hypothesis was that density-dependent mortality in juveniles was the result of an interaction between predators (which appear to aggregate at high-recruitment sites) and the availability of preferred substrata (predator refuges). We tested this hypothesis by using both laboratory and field experiments to see whether fish predation could significantly alter survivorship of this damselfish, and whether this impact was dependent upon the coral substratum. The laboratory experiment was designed to test the effects of three common predators (Pseudochromis fuscus, Cephalopholis boenak and Thalassoma lunare) and three different coral substrata that varied in their complexity (Pocillopora damicornis, Acropora nasuta and A. nobilis) on the survival of juvenile Pomacentrus moluccensis. There was a significant interaction between predator species and microhabitat in determining survival. Pseudochromis fuscus and C. boenak were both significantly better at capturing juvenile damselfish than T. lunare. Juvenile survivorship was significantly better when they were given the more complex corals, Pocillopora damicornis and A. nasuta, compared with those given the open-structured species A. nobilis. This pattern reflects habitat selection in the field. Predators differed in their strike rates and the proportion of strikes that were successful, but all exhibited greater success at prey capture where A. nobilis was provided as shelter. The interaction between the effect of predator species and microhabitat structure on damselfish survival was tested in the field for a cohort of juvenile Pomacentrus moluccensis. We examined juvenile survival in the presence and absence of two predators that co-occur on natural patch reefs (C. boenak and Pseudochromis fuscus). The experimental patch reefs we used for this purpose were constructed from both high complexity (Pocillopora damicornis) and low complexity (A. nobilis) coral substrata. Both juveniles and predators were translocated to reefs at natural densities. The effects of predation were clearly dependent upon the microhabitat. Reefs of the high-complexity coral with predators supported the same high numbers of Pomacentrus moluccensis as the reefs with no resident predators. However, damselfish abundance was significantly lower on low-complexity reefs with resident predators, relative to the other treatments. Background rates of loss were high, even on preferred coral in the absence of the manipulated predator, suggesting that transient predators may be even more important than the residents. We suggest that adult abundances in this species were strongly influenced by the densities of different predators and the availability of preferred refuges. Received: 3 April 1997 / Accepted: 26 August 1997  相似文献   

Griffen BD  Byers JE 《Oecologia》2006,146(4):608-614
Prey are often consumed by multiple predator species. Predation rates on shared prey species measured in isolation often do not combine additively due to interference or facilitation among the predator species. Furthermore, the strength of predator interactions and resulting prey mortality may change with habitat type. We experimentally examined predation on amphipods in rock and algal habitats by two species of intertidal crabs, Hemigrapsus sanguineus (top predators) and Carcinus maenas (intermediate predators). Algae provided a safer habitat for amphipods when they were exposed to only a single predator species. When both predator species were present, mortality of amphipods was less than additive in both habitats. However, amphipod mortality was reduced more in rock than algal habitat because intermediate predators were less protected in rock habitat and were increasingly targeted by omnivorous top predators. We found that prey mortality in general was reduced by (1) altered foraging behavior of intermediate predators in the presence of top predators, (2) top predators switching to foraging on intermediate predators rather than shared prey, and (3) density reduction of intermediate predators. The relative importance of these three mechanisms was the same in both habitats; however, the magnitude of each was greater in rock habitat. Our study demonstrates that the strength of specific mechanisms of interference between top and intermediate predators can be quantified but cautions that these results may be habitat specific. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Antagonistic/synergistic interactions among predators foraging on the same prey have been assumed to play a major role in shaping community structure. Studies in systems with multiple predator species have shown that the strength of these interactions may not be predictable and is largely dependent on individual behavioural traits, species density and habitat complexity. Although the association of prey consumption and satiation of a foraging predator has long been recognized, there has been relatively little research on how prey availability affects multiple predators’ effects. In this work, we present a framework to investigate the variation in two coexisting/competing predators’ effects on prey risk as affected by the prey availability rate. Functional responses by each predator species were first studied in single-predator treatments. Then, the intra- and inter-specific competition was investigated by employing additive and substitutative experimental designs to highlight the nature of multiple effects. Intra- and interspecific interactions were found to be similar and there was risk reduction, and risk enhancement for the prey at intermediate and high levels, respectively, according to the multiplicative risk model (MRM). The results indicated that when similar predators are concerned, the outcomes of MRM may vary according to the functional response curve of these predators. Thus, studies involving a wide range of prey densities are required to explore the nature of interactions. Moreover, this kind of experimental data can contribute to unravelling complexities in theoretical approaches by earlier studies and ultimately promote understanding the effect of multiple predators on prey population regulation.  相似文献   

Detriments to post-bleaching recovery of corals   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Predicting the response of coral reefs to large-scale mortality induced by climate change will depend greatly on the factors that influence recovery after bleaching events. We experimentally transplanted hard corals from a shallow reef with highly variable seawater temperature (23–36°C) to three unfished marine parks and three fished reefs with variable coral predator abundance and benthic cover. The transplanted corals were fragmented colonies collected from a reef that was relatively undisturbed by the 1997–1998 warm-water temperature anomaly, one of the most extreme thermal events of the past century, and it was assumed that they would represent corals likely to succeed in the future temperature environment. We examined the effects of four taxa, two fragment sizes, an acclimation period, benthic cover components, predators and tourists on the survival of the coral fragments. We found the lowest survival of transplants occurred in the unfished marine parks and this could be attributed to predation and not tourist damage. The density of small coral recruits approximately 6 months after the spawning season was generally moderate (~40–60/m2), and not different on fished and unfished reefs. Coral recovery between 1998 and 2002 was variable (0–25%), low (mean of 6.5%), and not different between fished and unfished reefs. There was high variability in coral mortality among the three unfished areas despite low variation in estimates of predator biomass, with the highest predation occurring in the Malindi MNP, a site with high coralline algal cover. Stepwise multiple regression analysis with 14 variables of coral predators and substratum showed that coralline algae was positively, and turf algae negatively associated with mortality of the transplants, with all other variables being statistically insignificant. This suggests that alternate food resources and predator choices are more important than predator biomass in determining coral survival. Nonetheless, large predatory fish in areas dominated by coralline algae may considerably retard recovery of eurythermal corals. This will not necessarily retard total hard coral recovery, as other more predator-tolerant taxa can recover. Based on the results, global climate change will not necessarily favor eurythermal over stenothermal coral taxa in remote or unfished reefs, where predation is a major cause of coral mortality.  相似文献   

The combined effects of multiple predators often cannot be predicted from their independent effects. Emergent multiple predator effects (MPEs) include risk enhancement, where combined predators kill more prey than predicted by their individual effects, and risk reduction, where fewer prey are killed than predicted. Current methods for detecting MPEs are biased because they assume linear functional responses and/or no prey depletion. As a result, past studies overestimated the occurrence of risk enhancement for additive designs, and tended to overestimate the occurrence of risk reduction for substitutive designs. Characterising the predators' functional responses and accounting for prey depletion reduces biases in detection, estimation, interpretation and generalisation of the emergent effects of predator diversity on prey survival. These findings have implications beyond MPE's and should be considered in all studies aimed at understanding how multiple factors combine when demographic rates are density dependent.  相似文献   

Non-consumptive effects (NCEs) of predators occur as prey alters their habitat use and foraging decisions to avoid predation. Although NCEs are recognized as being important across disparate ecosystems, the factors influencing their strength and importance remain poorly understood. Ecological context, such as time of day, predator identity, and prey condition, may modify how prey species perceive and respond to risk, thereby altering NCEs. To investigate how predator identity affects foraging of herbivorous coral reef fishes, we simulated predation risk using fiberglass models of two predator species (grouper Mycteroperca bonaci and barracuda Sphyraena barracuda) with different hunting modes. We quantified how predation risk alters herbivory rates across space (distance from predator) and time (dawn, mid-day, and dusk) to examine how prey reconciles the conflicting demands of avoiding predation vs. foraging. When we averaged the effect of both predators across space and time, they suppressed herbivory similarly. Yet, they altered feeding differently depending on time of day and distance from the model. Although feeding increased strongly with increasing distance from the predators particularly during dawn, we found that the barracuda model suppressed herbivory more strongly than the grouper model during mid-day. We suggest that prey hunger level and differences in predator hunting modes could influence these patterns. Understanding how context mediates NCEs provides insight into the emergent effects of predator–prey interactions on food webs. These insights have broad implications for understanding how anthropogenic alterations to predator abundances can affect the spatial and temporal dynamics of important ecosystem processes.  相似文献   

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