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An approach to ultra-high load solid (gel) phase peptide synthesis is described in which a bead-form phenolic core polymer, crosslinked poly[N-{2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)ethyl}-acrylamide], is used as a support matrix at near theoretical maximum loading. Consecutive repeating units of the core polymer carry peptide chains undergling stepwise elongation. Synthesis proceeds through a series of solvated networks, which consist mainly of protected peptide. The solvated networks are deemed to be quasi-homogeneous, insofar as each has a regular covalent framework and each is believed to be uniformly distributed throughout the gel beads. Illustrative synthesis of two fully-protected acylpeptide hydrazide segments, corresponding to dynorphin(6–12) and to βh-endorphin (18–26), are described.  相似文献   

An efficient, low-cost, reaction strategy for the solid (gel) phase synthesis of peptides and protected peptide segments has been developed. The strategy involves the use of a new poly(acryloylmorpholine)-based phenolic support matrix, Koch-Light Peptide Resin A. Illustrative syntheses of N-terminal Boc- and Z-protected[Leu]- enkephalin derivatives, including C-terminal acid hydrazides and esters, are described. The strategy, which is effective for the synthesis of peptides at high matrix loadings, is adopted readily for large-scale application.  相似文献   

The solid (gel)-phase peptide synthesis of peptides, each containing an azaglutamine residue, has been examined. Procedures using various mono-, di- and tripeptide and carbazate fragments containing or relating to an azaglutamine (1) residue have been evaluated. N-Activation of the amino-terminus of a resin-bound peptide with bis-(2,4-dinitrophenyl)carbonate (2) yielded the terminal isocyanate species, which reacted with protected carbazates to give resin-bound protected peptides containing the aza-residue. By contrast, coupling of activated amino-acid derivates to the free amino-group of a resin-bound peptide with an aza-residue at the N-terminus was a slow and unsatisfactory process. It is concluded that the route yielding the best results involves the reaction of a protected amino-acyl carbazate to a resin-bound isocyanate-activated peptide.  相似文献   

The continuous flow syntheses of endothelin 1, proendothelin 2, ATP binding site of the CDC2 kinase 3, and fragment 18-30 of an actin 4, have been performed by using a polyacrylamide gel resin Expansin (about 0.6 mmol NH2/g) with the glycolamidic ester handle as labile anchorage. In addition, we report here a method of air oxidation which reduces the formation of side-products related to the formation of intermolecular disulfide bridges.  相似文献   

An insoluble graft copolymer consisting of the covalently bound polyoxyethylene to cross-linked polystyrene (HO-POE-PS) was prepared by anionic polymerization of ethylene oxide on the resin. The copolymer was then converted to the corresponding amino-polymer (H2N-POE-PS) and the latter was employed as the solid carrier for peptide synthesis. Although HO-POE-PS has successfully been employed as a carrier for peptide synthesis by the standard shaking procedure using t-butoxycarbonyl-amino acids, now we deemed it of interest to test its suitability for the continuous flow synthesis. Thus, the C-terminal octapeptide of the porcine insulin B chain (B23-30) was prepared by this procedure using a photolabile anchoring group and fluoren-9-ylmethoxycarbonyl-amino acids. All the reactions were carried out in a continuous flow manner in a steel column under pressure using a high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) system. At the end of the synthesis, a sample of the protected peptide was cleaved from the support by photolysis. For the cleavage of another sample, an aqueous solution of sodium carbonate was employed. The protected peptide was purified on silica gel and Sephadex-LH 20. All the protecting groups of a sample of the octapeptide were removed with piperidine/dimethylformamide and trifluoroacetic acid and the deblocked peptide was purified by ion-exchange chromatography. The free peptide was shown to be homogeneous by thin-layer chromatography, HPLC, and electrophoresis. The identify of the free octapeptide was confirmed by amino-acid analysis, 13C-nuclear magnetic resonance measurement and field-desorption mass spectrometry. The peptide was also shown to be free of racemization.  相似文献   

Expressed protein ligation (EPL) is a protein semisynthesis technique that allows the site-specific introduction of unnatural amino acids and biophysical probes into proteins. In the present study, we illustrate the utility of the approach through the generation of two semisynthetic proteins bearing spectroscopic probes. Dihydrofolate reductase containing a single (13)C probe in an active site loop was generated through the ligation of a synthetic peptide-alpha-thioester to a recombinantly generated fragment containing an N-terminal Cys. Similarly, c-Crk-II was assembled by the sequential ligation of three recombinant polypeptide building blocks, allowing the incorporation of (15)N isotopes in the central domain of the protein. These examples showcase the scope of the protein ligation strategy for selective introduction of isotopic labels into proteins, and the protocols described will be of value to those interested in using EPL on other systems.  相似文献   

Solid phase peptide synthesis method, which was introduced by Merrifield in 1963, has spawned the concept of combinatorial chemistry. In this review, we summarize the present technologies of solid phase peptide synthesis (SPPS) that are related to combinatorial chemistry. The conventional methods of peptide library synthesis on polymer support are parallel synthesis, split and mix synthesis and reagent mixture synthesis. Combining surface chemistry with the recent technology of microelectronic semiconductor fabrication system, the peptide microarray synthesis methods on a planar solid support are developed, which leads to spatially addressable peptide library. There are two kinds of peptide microarray synthesis methodologies: pre-synthesized peptide immobilization onto a glass or membrane substrate and in situ peptide synthesis by a photolithography or the SPOT method. This review also discusses the application of peptide libraries for high-throughput bioassays, for example, peptide ligand screening for antibody or cell signaling, enzyme substrate and inhibitor screening as well as other applications.  相似文献   

This paper describes the synthesis of two diastereoisomers of an imidazoline dipeptide mimetic (a 4,5 dihydroimidazole-4-carboxylic acid), suitably protected for incorporation into solid phase peptide synthesis (SPPS) using the Fmoc protocol, from a phenylalanine-derived thioimidate and an alpha,beta-diaminopropanoic acid ester, followed by protecting group manipulation.  相似文献   

To investigate side reactions during the activation of side chain unprotected asparagine in Fmoc-solid phase peptide synthesis the peptide Met-Lys-Asn-Val-Pro-Glu-Pro-Ser was synthesized using different coupling conditions for introduction of the asparagine residue. Asparagine was activated by DCC/HOBt, BOP (Castro's reagent) or introduced as the pentafluorophenyl ester. The resulting peptide products were analyzed by HPLC, mass spectrometry and Edman degradation. In the crude products varying amounts of beta-cyano alanine were found, which had been formed by dehydration of the side chain amide during carboxyl activation of Fmoc-asparagine. A homogeneous peptide was obtained by using either side chain protected asparagine derivatives with BOP mediated activation or by coupling of Fmoc-Asn-OPfp. Fmoc-Asn(Mbh)-OH and Fmoc-Asn(Tmob)-OH were coupled rapidly and without side reactions with BOP. For the side chain protected derivatives the coupling was as fast as that of other Fmoc-amino acid derivatives, whereas couplings of Fmoc-Asn-OH proceed more slowly. However, during acidolytic cleavage both protection groups, Mbh and Tmob, generate carbonium ions which readily alkylate tryptophan residues in a peptide. Tryptophan modification was examined using the model peptide Asn-Trp-Asn-Val-Pro-Glu-Pro-Ser. Alkylation could be reduced by addition of scavengers to the TFA during cleavage and side chain deprotection. A homogeneous peptide containing both, asparagine and tryptophan, was obtained only by coupling of Fmoc-Asn-OPfp.  相似文献   

Methodology is described here for the efficient parallel synthesis and cyclization of linear peptide libraries using intramolecular S-alkylation chemistry in combination with Multipin solid phase peptide synthesis (Multipin SPPS). The effective use of this methodology was demonstrated with the synthesis of a 72-member combinatorial library of cyclic thioether peptide derivatives of the conserved four-residue structural motif DD/EXK found in the active sites of the five crystallographically defined orthodox type II restriction endonucleases, EcoRV, EcoRI, PvuII, BamHI and BglI.  相似文献   

Aggregation phenomena of growing peptides on the resin have seldom been investigated. We report here how conformations are determined by FT-IR spectroscopy. Therefore the sequence 80–99 of HIV 1-protease was synthesized. After every coupling a resin sample was taken out of the reaction column and a FT-IR spectrum recorded. The results were compared with the UV monitoring obtained from another synthesis of the same peptide. © 1998 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to delineate strategic considerations and provide practical procedures to enable non-experts to synthesize peptides with a reasonable chance of success. This article is not encyclopedic but rather devoted to the Fmoc/tBu approach of solid phase peptide synthesis (SPPS), which is now the most commonly used methodology for the production of peptides. The principles of SPPS with a review of linkers and supports currently employed are presented. Basic concepts for the different steps of SPPS such as anchoring, deprotection, coupling reaction and cleavage are all discussed along with the possible problem of aggregation and side-reactions. Essential protocols for the synthesis of fully deprotected peptides are presented including resin handling, coupling, capping, Fmoc-deprotection, final cleavage and disulfide bridge formation.  相似文献   

Moz-amino acids were used in solid-phase synthesis of Leu-Ala-Gly-Val and thymosin alpha 1. It was found that the Moz-group can be removed rapidly and completely with 5-10% TFA in CH2Cl2. Some advantages of utilizing Moz-amino acids over Boc-amino acids in solid phase peptide synthesis are demonstrated.  相似文献   

Different resins were examined for their potential use in the solid phase synthesis of protected peptide amides using the 9-fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl (Fmoc) chemical protocol. The model protected peptide amide BocTyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-Leu-Arg(Pmc)NH2 (1) was synthesized on both the acid-labile 4-(2',4'-dimethoxyphenyl-Fmoc-aminomethyl)phenoxy resin (Rink amide resin) (2) and on resins containing the base-labile linker 4-hydroxymethylbenzoic acid. Of the resins examined only the methylbenzhydrylamine resin containing the 4-hydroxymethylbenzoic acid linkage, which was cleaved by ammonolysis in isopropanol, gave the model peptide 1 in good overall yield (53% including functionalization). Thus the synthesis of protected peptide amides by solid phase synthesis using Fmoc-protected amino acids with t-butyl-type side chain protecting groups is feasible. The choice of peptide-resin linkage and its cleavage conditions, however, are critical to the success of such syntheses. The potential application of this synthetic strategy to the preparation of novel peptide amides is discussed.  相似文献   

A preparative method for the preparation of large peptides is described. An advantageous theoretical weight of peptide/weight of starting resin ratio (tPw/Rw) of about 0.3 was successfully experimented. The esterification of the first amino acid was realized with a racemization of less than 1%. The study of the coupling conditions led to the use of a diluted acylating mixture that allowed a 56% consumption of the amino acid derivatives (percentage use of amino acids) introduced in the synthesis. The cost analysis of the synthesis showed that the recovery of the amino acid derivatives was not worthwhile. © 1998 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Kinetics and cleavage conditions of peptide amide synthesis were studied using the anchor molecules 5-(4'-aminomethyl-3',5'-dimethoxyphenoxy)valeric acid (4-ADPV-OH) and 5-(2'-aminomethyl-3'-5'-dimethoxyphenoxy) valeric acid (2-ADPV-OH). Unexpectedly the anchor amide alanyl-4-ADPV-NH2 was isolated and characterized as an intermediate during the cleavage with trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) of alanyl-4-ADPV-alanyl-aminomethyl-polystyrene to yield the alanine amide. As a matter of fact the NH--CH alpha bond of the alanyl spacer has to be cleaved to form this intermediate. Using TFA-dichloromethane (1:9) alanyl-4-ADPV-NH2 was obtained as a cleavage product in 50% yield within 60 min, whereas the isomeric alanyl-2-ADPV-NH2 was formed more slowly under these mild conditions. At high TFA concentration no difference between the 2- and 4-ADPV anchor was observed in the rate of formation of the free alanine amide. The presence of tryptophan amide in the cleavage mixture resulted in an anchor alkylated tryptophan amide, which remains stable in acidic solution but disappears rapidly in the presence of the resin. A low TFA/high TFA cleavage procedure is recommended for peptide amid synthesis applying the ADPV anchor.  相似文献   

Microwave energy represents an efficient manner to accelerate both the deprotection and coupling reactions in 9-fluorenylmethyloxycarbonyl (Fmoc) solid phase peptide synthesis (SPPS). Typical SPPS side reactions including racemization and aspartimide formation can occur with microwave energy but can easily be controlled by routine use of optimized methods. Cysteine, histidine, and aspartic acid were susceptible to racemization during microwave SPPS of a model 20mer peptide containing all 20 natural amino acids. Lowering the microwave coupling temperature from 80 degrees C to 50 degrees C limited racemization of histidine and cysteine. Additionally, coupling of both histidine and cysteine can be performed conventionally while the rest of the peptide is synthesized using microwave without any deleterious effect, as racemization during the coupling reaction was limited to the activated ester state of the amino acids up to 80 degrees C. Use of the hindered amine, collidine, in the coupling reaction also minimized formation of D-cysteine. Aspartimide formation and subsequent racemization of aspartic acid was reduced by the addition of HOBt to the deprotection solution and/or use of piperazine in place of piperidine.  相似文献   

A versatile system of solid-phase peptide synthesis based on polar polyamide resins, a range of reversible peptide-resin linkage agents, and Nα-t-butoxycarbonyl or fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl-amino acids has been developed. Principles used in the design of the method are discussed and illustrated by synthesis of a number of natural peptides. Application of these principles to oligodeoxyribonucleotide synthesis has provided for the first time a practical solid phase method in the nucleotide field.  相似文献   

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