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Ectinosomatid material was examined from extensive collections around the British Isles and from several additional world localities and museum collections, permitting a revision of the genus Halectinosoma. This paper describes 12 morphologically similar species and erects five new species. H. sarsi (Boeck) is regarded as species incertae sedis, while H. sarsi sensu Sars (1904) is redescribed as H. pseudosarsi sp. nov.; H. sarsi sensu T. & A. Scott (1894) is synonymized with H. canaliculatum (Por). H. propinquum is regarded as a junior subjective synonym of H. chrystalli (T. Scott). H. clavatum (Sars) is resurrected, having previously been regarded as a synonym of H. brunneum (Brady). A key for the identification of females belonging to this group of species is provided.  相似文献   

A new genus Simplicaris (Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Parastenocarididae) is established to accommodate two species collected from deep groundwater in Italy, S. lethaea sp. nov. and S. veneris (Cottarelli & Maiolini, 1980) comb. nov. Parastenocaris hippuris Hertzog, 1938 and P. aedes Hertzog, 1938 are ranked as incertae sedis within the genus. Members display complete absence of leg 5 in both sexes and an unusual elongation of the first exopodal segments of legs 1–4, in which exp-1 is distinctly longer than exp-2 or -3, or as long as exp-2 and -3 combined. As the systematic status of the family Parastenocarididae and of the type genus Parastenocaris is still in flux, a list of phylogenetically informative characters is proposed, along with a discussion of their various states in representative members of the family. The genus Parastenocaris sensu stricto is redefined to comprise only the brevipes -group. The remaining members of the genus are considered Parastenocaris sensu lato pending a thorough revision of the family.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 140 , 417−436.  相似文献   

During the analysis of phytal meiobenthic samples collected from a rocky-sandy beach in the state of Nayarit, in the Mexican Pacific, several specimens of harpacticoid copepods were obtained and taxonomically examined. These specimens were found to represent an undescribed species of the peltidiid genus Peltidium Philippi, 1839. The new species, Peltidium nayarit sp. n. is described herein. It resembles Peltidium nichollsi Geddes and Peltidium lerneri Geddes from Bahamas but also the widespread Peltidium speciosum Thompson & Scott and Peltidium purpureum Philippi. The new species from the Mexican Pacific differs from its known congeners by its possession of a unique combination of characters, including a modified pectinate seta on the antennary exopod, three terminal setae on the second endopodal segment of leg 1, third exopodal segment of leg 1 with three elements, inner terminal claw twice as long as outer claw, female fifth leg with 5 exopodal setae, exopodal setae I-III stout, spinulose and seta IV being as long as seta V. This is the second species of the family known to be distributed in the Eastern Tropical Pacific and in Mexico. Pending additional data, the distribution of this species appears to be restricted to this area of the Mexican Pacific.  相似文献   

Members of a new genus and species of harpacticoid copepod crustacean appeared in samples from semi-terrestrial (moist arboreal mosses, wet soil) and aquatic (bromeliad tanks, Sphagnum moss, rock pools, stream) habitats in a remnant of the Atlantic Forest in south-eastern Brazil. The new taxon, for which we propose the name Pindamoraria boraceiae sp. nov. , is distinguished by a unique combination of characters, in particular the segmentation and setation pattern of legs 1–4 in both sexes, the structure of leg 5 in the female, and the strongly modified claw of the maxilliped in the male. It most resembles the canthocamptid genera Moraria , Pseudomoraria , Morariopsis and Paramorariopsis . Both previous records of species of Moraria from South America refer to members of Antarctobiotus , which is not considered a member of the Moraria group: Moraria (Kuehneltiella) neotropica Löffler has previously been transferred to Antarctobiotus ; and we propose herein the transfer of Moraria kummeroworum Ebert & Noodt to Antarctobiotus as well. In the New World, the genus Moraria extends only as far south as Honduras; and Pseudomoraria , Morariopsis and Paramorariopsis are Old World genera. The new species from Brazil is therefore the only member of the Moraria group known from South America.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 139, 81–92.  相似文献   

The presumed amphiatlantic distribution of Leptopontia cwmicauda T. Scott, 1902 (Copepoda: Harpacticoida) is reviewed and the species being redescribed on the basis of a single male from the Isle of Sylt. Examination of other material previously attributed to L. curvicauda , collected in South Carolina and a wide range of localities in northwestern Europe, resulted in the discovery of four new, morphologically similar species: L. dovpori sp. no v., L. flandrica sp. no v., L. punctata sp. nov. and L. americana sp. Nov . In addition, two new species, L. mediterranea sp. Nov . and L. breviarticulata sp. Nov . are described from the Mediterranean and the Galapagos archipelago, respectively. L. curvicauda sensu Marinov (1971) and sensu Apostolov (1973) from the Black Sea and sensu Klie (1950) from Helgoland are regarded as species inquirendae. A revised diagnosis of the genus Leptopontia T. Scott is presented.  相似文献   

Hyperbenthic harpacticoid samples from Japanese hydrothermal vents in the Okinawa Trough and cold seep sites in Sagami Bay were examined and resulted in the discovery of four new species belonging to three new genera of Aegisthidae (Copepoda: Harpacticoida). Females of Nudivorax todai gen. et sp. nov. possess a large area of flexible integument between the cephalosome and the first pedigerous somite which is suggestive of a gorging feeding strategy. Main diagnostic characters separating the new genus from other Aegisthidae are provided by the unusually short caudal rami, the complete lack of intcgumcntal surface lamellae, and the presence in the male of a linear array of pores along the rostral margin which appears to be sensory in function. Scabrantenna yooi gen. et sp. nov. displays several similarities with Aegisthus aculeatus Giesbrecht, 1891 but is highly distinctive in its male morphology which includes extremely atrophied mouthparts and a unique prehensile antenna. Jamstecia terazakii gen. et sp. nov. is only known from a single female caught in the Okinawa Trough. Jamstecia gen. nov. is most closely related to Andromastax Conroy-Dalton & Huys, 1999 but can be distinguished on the basis of the elongate antennules, the antennary morphology, the absence of lateral spinous processes on the cephalosome and swimming legs 2–4, and differences in the mandibular palp and armature of the maxilliped. Andromastax cephaloceratus sp. nov. differs from the type species A. muricatus Conroy-Dalton & Huys, 1998 primarily in the presence of long spinous processes on the cephalosome and the absence of the inner seta on the female P5.  相似文献   

In the course of a comparative analysis of the species included in the copepod genus Monstrillopsis Sars, a new species of the genus was discovered. The new species, Monstrillopsis chilensis n. sp., was found in a plankton sample collected in coastal waters off central Chile in the Southeastern Pacific. The adult female is similar to females of the type species M. dubia Scott and related forms but differs from its congeners by a combination of characters including: (1) a pair of small cephalic processes present between bases of antennules; (2) deep corrugations present on proximo-lateral surface of fifth pedigerous somite; (3) exopodal lobe of fifth leg not distally elongated; and (4) endopodal lobe of fifth legs short. This is the first record of the genus in the Southeastern Pacific and the second record of any monstrilloid in Chile. A comparative analysis of the species assigned to Monstrillopsis allowed a clarification of the generic characters and limits. The most important apomorphic characters in the genus are the presence of four caudal setae and modifications of the male antennule; other potentially useful characters are the pattern of antennule segmentation and the uniform presence of a reduced inner lobe of the fifth leg. The female of Monstrilla reticulata Davis should be retained in Monstrilla, but the purportedly conspecific male is probably a Monstrillopsis. Monstrillopsis ciqroi Suárez-Morales and M. angustipes Isaac should be transferred to Monstrilla. Haemocera filogranarum Malaquin is probably a species of Monstrillopsis. Monstrillopsis zernowi is tentatively retained in this genus as an aberrant form. A key for the identification of the species of this genus is included.  相似文献   

Both sexes of Echinosunaristes bathyalis gen. ct sp. n. are described from the rectum of a deepwater spatangoid sea-urchin Palaeopneustes sp. taken off San Salvador Island, Bahamas. The new genus displays strong sexual dimorphism in body form, size, antennules and caudal rami. E. bathyalis can also be readily distinguished from the other members of the family by the specialized geniculation mechanism of the male antennule, the atypical reductions in the mouthparts and the unusual facies of the swimming legs. On the basis of the structure of the genital field in both sexes, Echinosunaristes is placed in the Sunaristes lineage which groups species that arc primarily associated with crustacean hosts. A ncw genus Intersunaristes is established to accommodate Sunaristes curticaudata Thompson & A. Scott, 1903 and S. dardani Humes & Ho, 1969. Canuella paenelanitica Fiers, 1992 is formally transferred to the genus Elanella Por, 1984. Records of Canuellidae associated with other invertebrates arc compiled and a key to the 17 genera of the family is presented.  相似文献   

Shimode  Shinji  Toda  Tatsuki  Kikuchi  Tomohiko 《Hydrobiologia》2000,432(1-3):127-131
A new Ryocalanoid copepod, Ryocalanus spinifrons, collected by the MTD net system at a depth of 1400 m from the southwestern part of Sagami Bay, Japan, is described. The new species is morphologically very close to R. infelix Tanaka, 1956 (female unknown) from the Izu region of Sagami Bay. It is distinguished from other species by the presence of 12 long spinules on the ventral inner side of the fifth pedigerous somite, nine setae on the coxal epipodite of the maxillule and nine large robust spinules on the coxal segment of the fourth leg. The row of five robust spines on the paragnath distinguishes R. spinifrons.  相似文献   

Reid  Janet W. 《Hydrobiologia》1988,167(1):429-434
Yansacyclops ferrarii, new genus, new species (Copepoda: Cyclopoida) is described from the plankton of Rios Guamá and Acará Grande near Belém, State of Pará, Brazil.  相似文献   

A new genus and a new species of Canthocamptidae: Maraenobiotus canadensis and Neomaraenobiotus laurentiacus (Copepoda: Harpacticoida) are described and their taxonomic relationships are discussed. They have been collected from wet mosses in Northern Canada.  相似文献   

The cave-dwelling harpacticoid copepod fauna of Mexico is still yet to be known. There are only a few records related to karstic caves, but most refer to epigean forms. The analysis of samples collected in a cave system in Northern Mexico yielded two female specimens of an unknown harpacticoid copepod species which is described herein. It was assigned to the genus Stygonitocrella Petkovski, 1976 mainly because of the presence of a single endopodal segment on legs 1–4; the new species, S. mexicana n. sp. differs from its congeners by a combination of characters related to the segmentation and armature of the swimming legs 1–4, the fifth leg of the female, and the strcture of the antennae. Based on the current limits of Stygonitocrella, two new subgenera are proposed to recognize different morphological patterns based on the presence or absence of an inner baseoendopodal lobe in the female fifth leg, a character not evaluated before. This lobe is absent in the new species and in other five species now contained in the subgenus Eustygonitocrella. A lobe is present in the new subgenus Fiersiella, also with six species. This is the second record of Stygonitocrella in North America, after S. (Fiersiella) sequoyahi Reid, Hunt & Stanley, 2003; it is the only North American cave-dwelling species of the genus. It is suggested that the influence of marine transgressions in Northern Mexico was related to the origin of the new species as part of a group of troglobitic forms originated from marine interstitial ancestors that colonized the freshwater caves. A key for the identification of all the known species of Stygonitocrellais also provided.  相似文献   

Karaytug S  Sak S  Alper A 《ZooKeys》2010,(53):1-12
Male and female of Odaginiceps korykosensis sp. n. (Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Tetragonicipitidae), collected in the intertidal zone of Kızkalesi beach along the Mediterranean coast of Turkey (Mersin Province), are described. The new species is the fifth member of the genus and can easily be distinguished from the other species by the presence of four setae/spines on the second endopodal segment of P4 and by the structure of the caudal rami. Previously, representatives of the genus Odaginiceps have been reported from Gulf of Mexico, off Bermuda and Kenya. Odaginiceps korykosensis sp. n. is the first record of the genus in the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

Stoch  Fabio 《Hydrobiologia》1997,350(1-3):49-61
Lessinocamptus n. gen. is established toaccomodate three species from northern Italian caves.It can be ascribed to the family Canthocamptidae Sars1906 and is distinguished from the other genera by thecombined characters of: antenna exopod 1-segmented andbearing 3 setae (or 1 seta and 1 spine); mandibularpalp 2-segmented with distal article bearing 5 setae;swimming legs exopods 3-segmented; setal formula ofexopods: P1 0.0.022; P2 0.1.112; P3 0.1.212; P4 0.1.212; P1endopod 2-segmented; P2 endopod 1- or2-segmented; female P3 endopod 1- or 2-segmented, maleP3 endopod 3-segmented and modified as usual inCanthocamptinae; male P5 baseoendopod with 2 spinesand exopod with 3 spiniform setae. Three species aredescribed in detail: L. caoduroi n.sp. from thevadose zone of Lessinian caves, L. insoletus(Chappuis 1928) and L. pivai n.sp. from caveBuso della Rana near Vicenza.  相似文献   

A new genus and new species of the family Darcythompsoniidae Lang (1936), and a new record of Darcythompsonia fairliensis (T. Scott, 1899), from a coastal lagoon in the south-eastern Gulf of California (Mexico), are reported and fully described and illustrated. Pabellonia olganoguerae gen. no v., sp.nov. shares features with Darcythompsonia T. Scott, 1906, such as the presence of a dimorphic second endopodal segment of the male second swimming leg, and with Kristensenia Por, 1983, the lack of sexual dimorphism in the caudal rami, anal operculum and urosomites. Thus it is considered closely related to these genera, and to represent a third component of mis lineage. Some notes on the biogeography of Darcythompsonia T. Scott, 1906, are also presented.  相似文献   

A new genus and new species of the family Cletopsyllidae Huys & Willems, 1989 from deep-sea sediment in the Gulf of Mexico, are reported and fully described and illustrated. The new genus Pentacletopsyllus (type species: P. montagni sp. n.) can be distinguished from the four known genera of the family by antennule segmentation, length ratio of first and second endopodal segments of P1, and armature pattern on P5 exopod. It also differs from its sister genera by the rostrum being bifid at the tip, third segment of the female antennule having a smooth posterior margin, the baseoendopod of P5 with biarticulate outer setophore bearing basal seta, and female caudal rami without lobate expansion. A revised key to species of the family Cletopsyllidae Huys & Willems, 1989 is provided.  相似文献   

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