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Disc-electrophoresis of E. coli envelope proteins on SDS acrylamide gels reproducibly revealed up to 50 distinct polypeptide bands. Corresponding molecular weights ranged from 105,000 to 20,000 daltons or less. Major bands corresponded to molecular weights of 73,000, 48,000, 36,000 and 30,000 with the latter constituting up to 20% of the total envelope protein depending upon the method of isolation. Minimum levels of detection using stained gels equaled 0.25 μg protein or 1% of total sample analyzed; for a polypeptide of molecular weight 40,000 daltons this was calculated to be equivalent to 1,200 molecules per cell envelope. In envelopes from a cetB? mutant strain (refractory to colicin E2), an additional band, constituting up to 5% of the total envelope protein was present. The molecular weight of this protein, which was maximally present in wild type envelopes in only trace amounts, is 44,000 daltons, indicating a cellular concentration of approximately 6 × 103 molecules per envelope. This new band was not affected by heating envelope preparations to 100° prior to electrophoresis, but was largely eliminated by washing isolated envelopes in low ionic strength buffer, or by pre-incubating cells with trypsin prior to preparation of envelopes. Treatment of isolated envelopes with Triton X-100, which preferentially releases inner membrane proteins from the envelope (18), resulted in the extraction of a preponderance of the high molecular weight polypeptides, including the 44,000 dalton protein from envelopes of the mutant. The major polypeptides of the envelope and the low molecular weight components were not extracted by Triton X-100. The properties of the 44,000 dalton protein indicated that it is relatively loosely associated with the surface envelope and may be exposed on the external surface of the cytoplasmic membrane. Possible explanations for the appearance of this protein in mutant strains and its relationship to the inability of these to respond, specifically to surface bound colicin E2, will be discussed. Extensive analysis of envelopes from recA? mutants was also carried out and revealed an unusual amount of variation in polypeptide profiles obtained from different preparations. However, no consistent quantitative or qualitative difference between recA and rec+ strains was obtained. In recA, cetB double mutants, the increased level of the 44,000 dalton polypeptide was identical to that found in the rec+, cetB mutant.  相似文献   

Peptide-protein interaction as studied by gel filtration   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  

The quantity and quality of fractionated leaf proteins from different plant species were investigated. Leaf extracts (pH range 7.0–8.3) were prepared on a laboratory scale from greenhouse cultivated plants. The proteins were fractionated by differential centrifugation followed by gel filtration. Amaranthus caudatus and Chenopodium quinoa seem favourable for production of non-green leaf protein concentrates, since the water-soluble protein comprised nearly 50% of the extracted protein. The chlorophyll-associated protein in fresh extracts from these species was, however, difficult to sediment. A practical separation of chlorophyll-associated protein from the chlorophyll-free proteins will require some kind of pre-aggregation of the chlorophyll-associated proteins. In extracts from Dactylis glomerata, Lolium perenne and Vicia sativa a considerable proportion of the extracted protein sedimented rapidly, but at least for the grasses some of the chlorophyll-associated protein remained in the supernatants even after centrifugation at 30 000 g for 180 min. Practical separation of all the chlorophyll-associated protein from the extract requires some kind of pre-aggregation of the chlorophyll-associated proteins even for these species. The situation was similar for extracts from Helianthus annuus, but a very high percentage of the total chlorophyll-associated proteins could be sedimented at low centrifugation speed. Brassica oleracea was the most suitable species for the removal of the chlorophyll-associated proteins by centrifugation alone. Moreover, the proportion of chlorophyll-free protein in the extracts was relatively high, more than 40%. The in vitro digestibility of membrane-bound protein fractions was high for species with co-aggregation of water-soluble protein and membrane-bound protein. Causes underlying the different distributions of the chlorophyll-associated and chlorophyll-free proteins and the reason for the different size of the chlorophyll-containing particles are discussed.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli low molecular mass penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) include PBP4, PBP5, PBP6 and PBP6b. Evidence suggests that these proteins interact with the inner membrane via C-terminal amphiphilic alpha-helices. Nonetheless, the membrane interactive mechanisms utilized by the C-terminal anchors of PBP4 and PBP6b show differences to those utilized by PBP5 and PBP6. Here, hydrophobic moment-based analyses have predicted that, in contrast to the PBP4 and PBP6b C-termini, those of PBP5 and PBP6 are candidates to form oblique orientated alpha-helices. Consistent with these predictions, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) has shown that peptide homologs of the PBP4 and PBP5 C-terminal regions, P4 and P5, respectively, both possessed the ability to adopt alpha-helical structure in the presence of lipid. However, whereas P4 appeared to show a preference for interaction with the surface regions of dimyristoylglycerophosphoethanolamine and dimyristoylglycerophosphoglycerol membranes, P5 appeared to show deep penetration of both these latter membranes and dimyristoylglycerophosphocholine membranes. Based on these results, we have suggested that in contrast to the membrane anchoring of the PBP4 and PBP6b C-terminal alpha-helices, the PBP5 and PBP6 C-terminal alpha-helices may possess hydrophobicity gradients and penetrate membranes in an oblique orientation.  相似文献   

肝素是一种被广泛临床应用的抗凝血药物多糖。Heparosan是某些细菌荚膜中的GAG成分,其二糖骨架结构与脊椎动物中的肝素类似,可以作为肝素和硫酸乙酰肝素的生物合成前体。本文综述了肝素及肝素前体heparosan的功能与应用,heparosan在大肠杆菌K5中合成转运相关酶的研究,以及发酵法生产heparosan的研究进展,并对其应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

Endonucleolytic cutting by the essential Escherichia coli ribonuclease RNaseE has a central role in both the processing and decay of RNA. Previously, it has been shown that an oligoribonucleotide corresponding in sequence to the single-stranded region at the 5' end of RNAI, the antisense regulator of ColE1-type plasmid replication, is efficiently cut by RNaseE. Combined with the knowledge that alteration of the structure of stem-loops within complex RNaseE substrates can either increase or decrease the rate of cleavage, this result has led to the notion that stem-loops do not serve as essential recognition motifs for RNaseE, but can affect the rate of cleavage indirectly by, for example, determining the single-strandedness of the site or its accessibility. We report here, however, that not all oligoribonucleotides corresponding to RNaseE-cleaved segments of complex substrates are sufficient to direct efficient RNaseE cleavage. We provide evidence using 9 S RNA, a precursor of 5 S rRNA, that binding of structured regions by the arginine-rich RNA- binding domain (ARRBD) of RNaseE can be required for efficient cleavage. Binding by the ARRBD appears to counteract the inhibitory effects of sub-optimal cleavage site sequence and overall substrate conformation. Furthermore, combined with the results from recent analyses of E. coli mutants in which the ARRBD of RNase E is deleted, our findings suggest that substrate binding by RNaseE is essential for the normal rapid decay of E. coli mRNA. The simplest interpretation of our results is that the ARRBD recruits RNaseE to structured RNAs, thereby increasing the localised concentration of the N-terminal catalytic domain, which in turn leads to an increase in the rate of cleavage.  相似文献   

We have recently prepared some crosslinked derivatives of Escherichia coli beta-galactosidase by treating the enzyme with bisimidoesters. In this article, we report the results obtained when the native and these crosslinked derivatives are entrapped in polyacrylamide gel lattice. It was found that use of combination of three protective agents, viz., bovine serum albumin, cysteine, and lactose, during immobilization gave an increased yield of 190% in the case of DMA crosslinked preparation. In the case of native enzyme, the K(m), pH optimum, and temperature optimum were found to remain unchanged on immobilization. The DMA crosslinked preparation entrapped in polyacrylamide in the presence of BSA, lactose, and cysteine was found to be a significantly better catalyst and hydrolyzed 47% milk lactose as compared to 31% hydrolysis by entrapped native enzyme in 6 h.  相似文献   

研究了精氨酸缓冲液在不同浓度、pH值及提取时间下的周质蛋白提取率,并以溶菌酶法、渗透压休克法作为对比。结果表明浓度0.4 mol/L,pH值8.0,提取时间为45 min时,周质目的蛋白达到0.89 mg/g湿菌,相比其他方法,周质蛋白提取率分别提高93%、187%。实验得到一种高效、方便的大肠杆菌周质蛋白提取工艺,为周质表达的重组蛋白大规模生产奠定了基础。  相似文献   

This study presents two lines of genetic evidence consistent with the premise that CheW, a cytoplasmic component of the chemotactic signaling system of Escherichia coli, interacts directly with Tsr, the membrane-bound serine chemoreceptor. (i) We demonstrated phenotypic suppression between 10 missense mutant CheW proteins and six missense mutant Tsr proteins. Most of these mutant proteins had leaky chemotaxis defects and were partially dominant, implying relatively minor functional alterations. Their suppression pattern was allele specific, suggesting that the mutant proteins have compensatory conformational changes at sites of interactive contact. (ii) We isolated five partially dominant CheW mutations and found that four of them were similar or identical to the suppressible CheW mutant proteins. This implies that there are only a few ways in which CheW function can be altered to produce dominant defects and that dominance is mediated through interactions of CheW with Tsr. The amino acid replacements in these mutant proteins were inferred from their DNA sequence changes. The CheW mutations were located in five regularly spaced clusters in the first two-thirds of the protein. The Tsr mutations were located in a highly conserved region in the middle of the cytoplasmic signaling domain. The hydrophobic moments, overall hydrophobicities, and predicted secondary structures of the mutant segments were consistent with the possibility that they are located at the surface of the CheW and Tsr molecules and represent the contact sites between these two proteins.  相似文献   

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