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The contribution of hepatic glycogen to lipogenesis was studied in isolated, intact rat hepatocytes. To establish its importance as a substrate for lipogenesis, the glycogen of isolated hepatocytes was prelabelled with 14C from glucose. Evidence is presented that neither glucose nor glycogen constitute major sources of carbon for de novo synthesis of fatty acids and that less than 1% of glycogen is converted into fatty acids.  相似文献   

Hemoglobin (Hb) Tarrant was detected by its electrophoretic mobility on cellulose acetate (pH 8.4) and citrate agar (pH 6.2). On cellulose acetate it moved as a band between hemoglobins F and S, and on citrate agar as a band at hemoglobin S. The test for solubility in 2 M phosphate buffer with Na2S2O4 was negative. The new variant has a substitution of asparagine for aspartic acid in position 126 of the alpha-chain, one of the sites involved in the alpha1beta1 contact. Furthermore, in deoxyhemoglobin aspartic acid 126 of each alpha chain also forms a non-covalent electrostatic salt bridge with arginine 141 of the corresponding alpha chain (Perutz, M. F. and Ten Eyck, L. F. (1972) Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol. 36, 295-310 and Perutz, M. F. (1970) Nature 228, 726-739). As a consequence of this substitution in hemoglobin Tarrant, the deoxy conformation or T state is destabilized because these two bridges cannot be formed. This condition is reflected in high oxygen affinity and low cooperativity.  相似文献   

In normal deoxyhemoglobin A, the beta chain COOH-terminal peptide adopts a well ordered structure which is needed for the full expression of allosteric action. Our crystallographic studies of deoxyhemoglobin Creteil (beta 89 Ser replaced by Asn), a variant hemoglobin characterized by high oxygen affinity and a very low level of allosteric function, show that replacement of Ser 89 beta by asparagine causes severe disordering of the beta chain COOH-terminal tetrapeptide. This results, as shown by our spectroscopic studies, in the destabilization of the quaternary structure of deoxyhemoglobin Creteil. We find, furthermore, that the changes in tertiary structure observed in deoxyhemoglobin Creteil are common to other variant hemoglobins having similar functional abnormalities but very different changes in primary structure. In particular, direct comparison of the difference electron density map of deoxyhemoglobin Creteil with that of deoxyhemoglobin Nancy (beta 145 Tyr replaced by Asp) suggests that these two abnormal hemoglobins may have the same mechanism of dysfunction despite the very different nature of their respective sequence changes.  相似文献   

An abnormal human hemoglobin was found in a hemolysate from a 5-year-old healthy child living in Prato (Tuscany, Italy). Strutctural studies demonstrated a previously unreported amino acid substitution, alpha 31 (B12) Arg leads to Ser (this is an alpha 1 beta 1 contact). The new variant has been named Hb Prato. It was unstable in isopropanol and heat-denaturation tests, but has normal functional properties, with respect to whole blood studies. Family studies indicated that the variant had been inherited from the mother, a 39-year-old woman of Sicilian extraction. Hb Prato occurs at 20 and 28% in hemolysates from the boy and woman, respectively.  相似文献   

A new fast-moving alpha-chain Hb variant with an Asn leads to Asp substitution at position alpha-78 was found in a French-Acadian family living in Eastern Canada. The identical substitution was reported in Hb J-Singapore, which also had an additional Ala leads to Gly substitution at position alpha-79. The new variant, which did not result in any clinical symptoms, was named accordingly, Hb J-Singa.  相似文献   

High-resolution proton nuclear magnetic resonance studies of hemoglobins Providence-Asn (beta82EF6 Lys replaced by Asn) and Providence-Asp (beta82EF6 Lys replaced by Asp) show that different amino acid substitutions at the same position in the hemoglobin molecule have different effects on the structure of the protein molecule. Hemoglobin Providence-Asp appears to be in a low-affinity tertiary structure in both the deoxy and carbonmonoxy forms. Deoxyhemoglobin Providence-Asn has its beta heme resonance shifted downfield slightly from its position in normal adult hemoglobin; however, the tertiary structures of the heme pocket of hemoglobins A and Providence-Asn are very similar when both proteins are in the carbonmonoxy form. These results are consistent with the oxygen equilibrium measurements of Bonaventura, J., et al. [(1976) J. Biol. Chem. 251, 7563] which show that both Hb Providence-Asn and Hb Providence-Asp have oxygen affinities lower than normal adult hemoglobin, with Hb Providence-Asp having the lowest. Our studies of the effects of sodium chloride on the hyperfine shifted proton resonances of deoxyhemoglobins A, Providence-Asn, and Providence-Asp indicate that the beta82EF6 lysine is probably one, but not the only binding site for chloride ions.  相似文献   

The present report describes clinical, hematological and biochemical studies of a 27-year old Egyptian woman in whom a fast moving Hb variant was found. The abnormal Hb constituted 48% of the total erythrocyte Hb of the propositus and her father. Structural studies demonstrated that in the abnormal Hb lysine beta 65 is replaced by glutamine. The new Hb mutant is designated hemoglobin J Cairo beta 65 (E9) Lys leads to Gln. This substitution results in only a moderate decrease in cooperativity. No evidence of Hb instability was found. A slight anemic state has been observed in the propositus since she reached adolescence.  相似文献   

Recently, Ishimoto, Kuwata and Shotake reported a polymerizing hemoglobin found in Japanese monkey (Macaca fuscata) (J. Anthropol. Soc. Nippon 83, 233-243 (1975)). They separated the variant hemoglobin by gel filtration and from finger print results and from the fact that beta-mercaptoethanol dissociates the polymer deduced the substitution of an amino acid(s) by cysteine in the betaT10 peptide. We have purified the variant hemoglobin by ion-exchange chromatography using carboxymethyl cellulose after the protection of the reactive thiol groups with cystamine, and purified the betaT10 peptide and demonstrated that the usual glycine at beta 83 (EF 7) is substituted in the variant hemoglobin by cysteine.  相似文献   

Hemoglobin Fannin-Lubbock was found in a 9-year-old Mexican-American female. The abnormal hemoglobin was detected as a fast-moving variant by electrophoresis on cellulose acetate at pH 8.4. Structural analysis indicated a substitution in the beta-chain of aspartic acid for glycine at position 119, a position involved in the alpha1beta1 contact of the hemoglobin tetramer. This contact between unlike chains is larger and undergoes a smaller shift during the process of oxygenation and deoxygenation that the alpha1beta2 contact (Perutz, M.F., Muirhead, H., Cox, J.M. and Goaman, L.C.G. (1968) Nature 219, 131-139). Mutations in this contact tend to cause slight or no changes in functional behavior. Apart from a mild anemia, the propositus did not exhibit any obvious clinical symptoms.  相似文献   

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