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红菜薹雄性不育系花药败育的细胞形态学观察   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
采用石蜡切片技术,在光学显微镜下系统研究了红菜薹(Brassica campestris L.ssp.chinensis L.var.utilis TsenetLee.)波里马胞质雄性不育系(Polima CMS)、红菜薹萝卜胞质雄性不育系(Ogura CMS)及相应保持系花药发育过程的细胞形态学特征。观察结果表明:红菜薹Polima CMS花药发育受阻于孢原细胞阶段,不形成花粉,属无花粉型,此不育系花药不形成绒毡层和中层;而红菜薹Ogura CMS花药败育发生于小孢子母细胞期或四分体时期,表现为绒毡层细胞异常,挤压四分体,导致四分体和绒毡层同时解体而败育。  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Dioecism characterizes many crop species of economic value, including kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa). Kiwifruit male sterility occurs at the microspore stage. The cell walls of the microspores and the pollen of the male-sterile and male-fertile flowers, respectively, differ in glucose and galactose levels. In numerous plants, pollen formation involves normal functioning and degeneration timing of the tapetum, with calcium and carbohydrates provided by the tapetum essential for male fertility. The aim of this study was to determine whether the anther wall controls male fertility in kiwifruit, providing calcium and carbohydrates to the microspores.


The events occurring in the anther wall and microspores of male-fertile and male-sterile anthers were investigated by analyses of light microscopy, epifluorescence, terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick-end labelling (TUNEL assay) and transmission electron microscopy coupled with electron spectroscopy. The possibility that male sterility was related to anther tissue malfunctioning with regard to calcium/glucose/galactose provision to the microspores was also investigated by in vitro anther culture.

Key Results

Both tapetum and the middle layer showed secretory activity and both degenerated by programmed cell death (PCD), but PCD was later in male-sterile than in male-fertile anthers. Calcium accumulated in cell walls of the middle layer and tapetum and in the exine of microspores and pollen, reaching higher levels in anther wall tissues and dead microspores of male-sterile anthers. A specific supply of glucose and calcium induced normal pollen formation in in vitro-cultured anthers of the male-sterile genotype.


The results show that male sterility in kiwifruit is induced by anther wall tissues through prolonged secretory activity caused by a delay in PCD, in the middle layer in particular. In vitro culture results support the sporophytic control of male fertility in kiwifruit and open the way to applications to overcome dioecism and optimize kiwifruit production.  相似文献   

Anther and pollen development in male-fertile and male-sterile green onions was studied. In the male-fertile line, both meiotic microspore mother ceils and tetrads have a callose wall. Mature pollen grains are 2-celled. The elongated generative cell with two bended ends displays a PAS positive cell wall. The tapetum has the character of both secretory and invasive types. From microspore stage onwards, many oil bodies or masses accumulate in the cytoplasm of the tapetal cells. The tapetum degenerates at middle 2-celled pollen stage. In male-sterile line, meiosis in microspore mother cells proceeds normally to form the tetrads. Pollen abortion occurs at microspore with vacuole stage. Two types of pollen abortion were observed. In type I, the protoplasts of the microspores contract and gradually disintegrate. At the same time the cytoplasm of microspores accumulates oil bodies which remain in the empty pollen. The tapetal cells behave normally up to the microspore stage and early stage of microspore abortion, but contain fewer oil bodies or masses than those in the male-fertilt line. At late stage of microspore abortion, three forms of the tapetal ceils can be observed: (1) the tapetal cells with degenerating protoplasts become flattened, (2) the tapetal cells enlarge but protoplasts retractor, (3) the cells break down and tile middle layer enlarges. In type Ⅱ, the cytoplasm degenerates earlier than the nucleus of the microspores and no protoplast is found in the anther locule. There are fibrous thickenings iii the endothecium of both types. It is difficult to verify whether the tapetum behavior and pollen abortion is the cause or the effect.  相似文献   

A spontaneous mutation causing male sterility has been detected in line BR97-17739 from the soybean breeding program conducted by Embrapa-National Soybean Research Center. Meiotic division and male gametophyte development were analyzed in 10 male-sterile, female-fertile plants. Meiotic process had few irregularities related to chromosome segregation and affected about 2% of tetrads. Despite the high frequency of normal microspores, pollen sterility was total. After callose dissolution, microspores were released into the anther loculle and interphase nucleus was displaced from the center to one side of the cell. Displacement continued throughout normal microspore mitosis (PMI). After telophase, the hemispherical phragmoplast marked the place of cytokinesis. A typical generative cell, adjacent to the plasma membrane, and the vegetative one, containing most of the cytoplasm, were formed. In spite of the well-formed generative cell, pollen mitosis (PMII) failed to occur. The generative cell degenerated and was completely destroyed. The 3:1 segregation for male sterility in this line and its progenies indicate that a single recessive gene controls mutation.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic male sterility has been found independently in soybean three times since 1995, but no microscopic investigation has been published. The purpose of this microscopic study was to establish the developmental sequence leading to sterility in a cytoplasmic male-sterile soybean line that has been found to be stable under all environmental conditions tested and to demarcate the temporal and spatial parameters that result in degeneration of the microspores and pollen grains. Light microscopy showed an abnormal development and/or premature degeneration of the tapetum after meiosis II, but some pollen grains persisted until after microspore mitosis. The pollen grains never completely filled with reserves. Premature formation of the endothecium also was evident. Histochemical staining for water-insoluble carbohydrates revealed an abnormal pattern of starch deposition in anther walls that coincided with lack of pollen filling. Electron microscopy showed degeneration of the inner mitochondrial membrane in the tapetal cells as the first detectable change leading to cell degeneration. Subsequently, the tapetal endoplasmic reticulum exhibited atypical concentric rings. Pollen grains displayed mitochondria with unusually enlarged inner mitochondrial spaces, degraded plastids, a rudimentary intine, and no starch or lipid reserves. Results link mitochondrial degeneration, premature formation of the endothecium, and energy deprivation to male sterility.  相似文献   

运用焦锑酸钾沉淀法研究了云南紫稻细胞质雄性不育系和保持系花药在发育过程中Ca^2 的分布特点。结果表明,保持系的花粉母细胞和小孢子的胞质内部基本无Ca^2 的沉淀,后期花粉外壁出现Ca^2 的沉淀;保持系早期的绒毡层细胞形态正常,胞内有少量Ca^2 沉淀,后期绒毡层细胞开始凋亡,胞质凝集,胞内出现大量Ca^2 的颗粒。不育系花粉母细胞在减数分裂时期败育,胞质液泡化,内部出现大量Ca^2 的沉淀;不育系绒毡层细胞形态正常,胞内无Ca^2 的沉淀。绒毡层与花粉母细胞、小孢子之间出现大量Ca^2 颗粒。探讨了不育系花药花粉母细胞中以及与绒毡层细胞之间Ca^2 的异常积累与雄性不育的关系。  相似文献   

用Olympus BH2型光学显微镜对甘蓝型油菜单显性核不育系(GMS)及其等位可育系小孢子发育过程进行解剖学观察,发现在正常小孢子发育过程中,绒毡层在小孢子发育的四分体前后开始解体,为小孢子继续发育提供营养,而不育系小孢子的败育在减数分裂前就已经发生,并且不能形成四分体,小孢子逐渐解体,且小孢子解体在绒毡层解体之前发生,最后花药成为干瘪的空壳,导致不育。  相似文献   

Receptor-like kinases (RLK) comprise a large gene family within the Arabidopsis genome and play important roles in plant growth and development as well as in hormone and stress responses. Here we report that a leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinase (LRR-RLK), RECEPTOR-LIKE PROTEIN KINASE2 (RPK2), is a key regulator of anther development in Arabidopsis. Two RPK2 T-DNA insertional mutants (rpk2-1 and rpk2-2) displayed enhanced shoot growth and male sterility due to defects in anther dehiscence and pollen maturation. The rpk2 anthers only developed three cell layers surrounding the male gametophyte: the middle layer was not differentiated from inner secondary parietal cells. Pollen mother cells in rpk2 anthers could undergo meiosis, but subsequent differentiation of microspores was inhibited by tapetum hypertrophy, with most resulting pollen grains exhibiting highly aggregated morphologies. The presence of tetrads and microspores in individual anthers was observed during microspore formation, indicating that the developmental homeostasis of rpk2 anther locules was disrupted. Anther locules were finally crushed without stomium breakage, a phenomenon that was possibly caused by inadequate thickening and lignification of the endothecium. Microarray analyses revealed that many genes encoding metabolic enzymes, including those involved in cell wall metabolism and lignin biosynthesis, were downregulated throughout anther development in rpk2 mutants. RPK2 mRNA was abundant in the tapetum of wild-type anthers during microspore maturation. These results suggest that RPK2 controls tapetal cell fate by triggering subsequent tapetum degradation, and that mutating RPK2 impairs normal pollen maturation and anther dehiscence due to disruption of key metabolic pathways.  相似文献   

在长春蒲公英(Taraxacum junpeianum Kitam.)株群中发现雄性不育现象,为研究其败育机理及特点,探寻其不育基因,采用形态观察法、石蜡切片技术和染色体压片法,对长春蒲公英野生型及其雄性不育株的花药发育过程和花粉母细胞减数分裂过程进行了观察。结果表明:(1)长春蒲公英雄性不育株花药中部发红、干瘪、无花粉散出。与野生型比较,雄性不育株雄蕊更短,子房更窄,种子形态更加狭长;(2)长春蒲公英雄性不育株败育时期为四分体到单核小孢子前期,败育方式为小孢子自身异常发育,绒毡层异常分解,互相粘连败育;(3)长春蒲公英雄性不育株花粉母细胞减数分裂二分体时期出现落后微核,随后产生极少四分体,并且四分体产生大量染色体桥,小孢子营养物质流失,彻底败育。因此,长春蒲公英雄性不育株败育彻底、稳定,并且有种的特点。小孢子自身异常发育和绒毡层异常分解是导致败育的主要原因。  相似文献   

栽培种籽粒苋(AmaranthushypochondriacusL。)是一种很有潜力的新型作物。它营养价值高、蛋白质含量丰富、氨基酸平衡好、耐旱、耐盐碱和酸、抗逆性强、适应性广,被认为是极有潜力的、为全球提供粮食的替代作物之一。但是籽粒苋千粒重仅0.7~1.2g,种子易散落、植株易倒伏。而且,籽粒苋花冠微小、花期无限,难于采用人工去雄授粉进行杂交育种。于是,和许多其它植物一样,籽粒苋中也找到了雄性不育株。但是它的小孢子发育过程及其败育时期和不育特征尚不清楚,为它的杂交育种研究带来不便。本文通过电镜对雄性可育和不育的两种籽粒苋小孢子分别进行了观察。发现不育小孢子败育起始于四分体释放以后的单核花粉期。在此之前小孢子的发育是一样的。花粉分化早期,孢原组织分化出初级造孢组织、绒毡层、中间层、药壁内层和表皮层(图1);造孢组织继续分裂,细胞不断扩大,形成小孢子母细胞(图2);小孢子母细胞不断增大,周围积累胼胝质并逐渐与绒毡层分离,出现大液泡(图3),小孢子母细胞减数分裂,四分体形成,包埋于胼胝质中;绒毡层有丝分裂,有双核细胞;大液泡消失;细胞壁开始降解(图4)。胼胝质逐渐消失,小孢子从四分体中释放以后(单核花粉期),  相似文献   

拟南芥雄性不育突变体ms1502的遗传及定位分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过EMS诱变、背景纯化与遗传分析,从拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)中筛选到了一棵隐性单基因控制的雄性不育突变体ms1502。细胞学观察发现,突变体在小孢子从四分体释放出后花药绒毡层过早衰亡,小孢子的内容物不正常地凝聚,最终无法形成正常的花粉粒。利用图位克隆的方法对该基因MSl502进行了定位,结果表明MS1502位于第4条染色体上分子标记F25124和T12H20之间105kb区间内。目前该区间内尚未见到花药发育必需基因(不育基因)的报道,因此MS1502是一个控制花粉发育的新基因。  相似文献   

丹参雄性不育系Sh-B的鉴定与花粉发育过程的解剖学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在显微水平上对新发现的丹参雄性不育系Sh-B花药发育过程进行了解剖学观察,并对其花粉活力和结实率进行了鉴定。结果显示:根据花器官及花药的形态、大小以及花丝的长度,可以将Sh-B不育株分为3个不育类型,即Sh-B1、Sh-B2和Sh-B3。这3种不育类型均属于雄性不育,其花丝不到正常可育株的1/2,花药干瘪而瘦小,内无花粉粒或花粉无活力;其根、茎、叶以及种子形态结构与正常可育植株基本相似。产生雄性不育的主要原因有:花粉囊药室内壁纤维层加厚,影响花药壁开裂;小孢子母细胞周围不产生胼胝质或产生的胼胝质很少;绒毡层细胞延迟解体;花粉粒畸形。在其花药发育的小孢子母细胞时期、四分体形成前期、单核期、双核期均可能产生雄性不育的小孢子或花粉粒。  相似文献   

利用活体压片、半薄及超薄切片技术,对栽培稻(Oryza sativa L.)花粉不育杂种F1及育性正常的亲本台中65离体培养前后的小孢子及花药壁进行细胞学研究.结果表明:与台中65相比,杂种F1的花粉小孢子在发育至单核中-晚期,出现比例较高的胞质凝聚小孢子和少量星型小孢子,正常小孢子和淀粉化小孢子比例降低.在离体条件下,胞质凝聚小孢子、星型小孢子、正常小孢子、液泡化小孢子、淀粉化小孢子的发育主要沿着胞质凝聚败育过程、孢子体发育过程、配子体发育过程、液泡化过程和淀粉化过程进行;药壁组织在离体条件下,杂种F1比台中65的绒毡层降解速度快,中层膨大程度高.杂种F1与台中65在离体培养下小孢子发育及药壁细胞学的差异主要是受到S-a座位内等位基因互作及离体培养环境的影响.  相似文献   

To gain further insight into the abortive stages and ultrastructural changes leading to pollen degeneration of a novel cytoplasmic male sterile radish 805A, we compared differences of cellular and subcellular structure of sterile anther with fertile anther by light and electron microscopy analysis. Two types of locule degeneration in sterile anther were detected, of which the time of degeneration occurred and completed was different. In type I, abnormality of pollen mother cells (PMCs) and tapetal cells, including condensation of cytoplasm and large vacuoles within tapetal cells, was shown at PMC stage. In type II, meiosis and early tetrad stage progressed normally except for large vacuoles that appeared in tapetal cells. Ultrastructural alterations of the cellular organization were observed in the type II locules, such as chromatin condensation at the periphery of the nucleus and degeneration of the karyotheca, compared with normal pollen development. The results suggested that the cytoplasmic male sterility anther degeneration was probably caused by dysfunctions of tapetum and vacuolation of tapetum, PMCs, and microspores. Thus, the identical factors, which induced CMS in the same cytoplasmic and nuclear genetic background, might affect development of tapetum and microspore at different stages during the cytoplasmic male sterile 805A anther development.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) in sunflower anthers is compared with its normal (N) line by using light and electron microscopy. Degeneration and disintegration of CMS tapetum and microspore tetrads occur after meiosis II, resulting in sterility. At the onset of meiosis, the CMS tapetum enlarges radially and shows signs of disorganization of organelles and walls. The developing CMS meiocytes and tetrads of microspores do not show these abnormalities when compared with their N counterparts. The CMS microspore tetrads remain viable until a rudimentary exine forms around each microspore. At this time, the radially enlarged tapetum disintegrates, followed by disintegration of the tetrads. In N-line microsporogenesis, a peripheral, dense tapetum is present at the tetrad stage, and as each locule enlarges, free spaces occur around the tetrads. After a rudimentary exine with associated spines and colpi is formed around each microspore, the callose holding each tetrad together dissolves, freeing the microspores for further development. Eventually the binucleate tapetum becomes plasmodial, persisting until the vacuolate pollen stage.  相似文献   

新型小麦胞质不育系花粉败育的细胞学观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
观察了1种新型小麦细胞质雄性不育素(CMS)-(野生二粒小麦)中国春CMS花药和花粉败育的细胞学过程,结果表明;(1)不育系在小孢子发育至单核晚期以前,除了雄蕊心皮化发生率(37.2%)较高外,其花药和花粉发育绝大多数与同核保持系相似,是正常的,仅少量表现异常而导致败育,异常现象主要有:雄蕊心皮化。药室合并,药壁组织喙状突起,绒毡层异常,小孢子母细胞粘连,减数分裂异常,小孢子异常等。(2)不育系花  相似文献   

D Worrall  D L Hird  R Hodge  W Paul  J Draper    R Scott 《The Plant cell》1992,4(7):759-771
Male sterility in a petunia cytoplasmic male sterile line has been attributed to the early appearance of active callase, a beta-1,3-glucanase, in the anther locule. This leads to premature dissolution of the callose walls surrounding the microsporogenous cells. We have mimicked this aspect of the petunia line in transgenic tobacco by engineering the secretion of a modified pathogenesis-related vacuolar beta-1,3-glucanase from the tapetum prior to the appearance of callase activity in the locule. Plants expressing the modified glucanase from tapetum-specific promoters exhibited reduced male fertility, ranging from complete to partial male sterility. Callose appearance and distribution are normal in the male sterile transgenic plants up to prophase I, whereupon callose is prematurely degraded. Meiosis and cell division occur normally. The resultant microspores have an abnormally thin cell wall that lacks sculpturing. The tapetum shows hypertrophy. Male sterility is probably caused by bursting of the aberrant microspores at a time corresponding to microspore release. These results demonstrate that premature callose degradation is sufficient to cause male sterility and suggest that callose is essential for the formation of a normal microspore cell wall.  相似文献   

绒毡层在拟南芥花药花粉发育过程中具有重要作用,包括分泌降解胼胝质的胼胝质酶、为花粉壁的形成提供原料以及为小孢子发育提供营养物质.本文通过对拟南芥雄性不育突变体st273的分析,研究了ST273基因在花药花粉发育过程中的功能.st273是通过T-DNA插入诱变野生型拟南芥得到的一株突变体,遗传分析表明st273是单隐性核基因控制的.利用图位克隆的方法对不育基因ST273进行了定位,结果表明ST273基因与拟南芥第三条染色体上分子标记CIW11连锁.生物信息学分析发现该分子标记附近有一个调控花粉发育的基因TDF1.测序分析结果表明在st273突变体中,TDF1基因第三个外显子上459位的碱基发生了由G459变成了A459的单碱基变化,导致ST273基因该位点提前终止突变.等位分析结果表明st273与tdf1是等位突变体.st273突变体营养生长期发育正常,但生殖生长发育出现异常.亚历山大染色结果显示st273突变体花药中没有花粉.组织切片观察结果表明,突变体花药绒毡层异常肥大且空泡化,四分体不能正常释放小孢子,最终无法形成花粉.这些结果揭示了ST273蛋白质参与调控了绒毡层和小孢子发育过程.  相似文献   

楸树(Catalpa bungei C.A.Meyer.)属紫葳科(Bignoniaceae)梓树属(Catalpa),落叶乔木,是我国特有的珍贵优质用材树种。本文用石蜡切片法对可育株和雄性不育株楸树的大、小孢子发生及雌、雄配子体发育过程进行了详细地比较观察。结果表明:可育株和不育株楸树雌蕊的发育基本相同,胚珠倒生,薄珠心,单珠被,胚囊发育为蓼型。可育株雄蕊花药四室,药隔薄壁组织发达;异型绒粘层,由药壁绒粘层和药隔绒粘层组成;花药壁表皮细胞在小孢子母细胞减数分裂前后开始径向伸长加厚,直到花药开裂并不降解,这可能与花药开裂有关;成熟花粉为四合花粉。雄性不育株花药的早期发育到次生造胞细胞时期与可育雄蕊的相同,小孢子母细胞减数分裂前绒毡层发育不充分;四分体时期,绒毡层细胞高度液泡化,细胞质稀薄,已提前降解,小孢子四分体因绒毡层结构和功能异常而不能正常发育,因此楸树雄性不育为结构型雄性不育。  相似文献   

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