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Stingless bees play an important ecological role as pollinators of many wild plant species in the tropics and have significant potential for the pollination of agricultural crops. Nevertheless, conservation efforts as well as commercial breeding programmes require better guidelines on the amount of genetic variation that is needed to maintain viable populations. In this context, we carried out a long-term genetic study on the stingless bee Melipona scutellaris to evaluate the population viability consequences of prolonged breeding from a small number of founder colonies. In particular, it was artificially imposed a genetic bottleneck by setting up a population starting from only two founder colonies, and continued breeding from it for a period of over 10?years in a location outside its natural area of occurrence. We show that despite a great reduction in the number of alleles present at both neutral microsatellite loci and the sex-determining locus relative to its natural source population, and an increased frequency in the production of sterile diploid males, the genetically impoverished population could be successfully bred and maintained for at least 10?years. This shows that in stingless bees, breeding from a small stock of colonies may have less severe consequences than previously suspected. In addition, we provide a simulation model to determine the number of colonies that are needed to maintain a certain number of sex alleles in a population, thereby providing useful guidelines for stingless bee breeding and conservation efforts.  相似文献   

Biological invasions represent an important component of global change, with potentially huge detrimental effects on native biological biodiversity and ecosystems. Knowledge about invasion history provides information about the invasion process and the origin and genetic composition of invading populations. To clarify the source and invasive routes of a successful world-wide invader, the veined rapa whelk, Rapana venosa, genetic variability of samples from five representative native populations from coasts of Japan and China and 13 worldwide invasive populations was analyzed using 11 nuclear microsatellite loci. A dramatic decrease of genetic variation was detected in the invasive populations compared with the native populations. The results demonstrated that R. venosa was capable of establishing itself in many areas despite a dramatic genetic bottleneck, suggesting that a remarkable reduction of genetic diversity is not a limiting factor for short-term success of this invasive species. Considering the lack of mitochondrial variation previously observed in the invasive populations, the dramatic genetic bottleneck and the allele distribution detected using microsatellites suggested that the original introduced Black Sea population could have been founded by very few individuals, perhaps only a single female and a single male. The initial invasive Black Sea population was likely an accidental introduction from Japan, and then invaded the Adriatic Sea by range expansion, which served as a source for subsequent invasive populations in Europe and America by various transport vectors. In addition, microsatellite alleles in the invasive populations showed a tendency to mutate with the addition or deletion of a single repeat, which is consistent with the stepwise mutation model. Our findings provide a good example of how an aquatic invader with a drastic genetic bottleneck and very low genetic diversity rapidly expands its geographical range.  相似文献   

Successful invasion of a food web in a chemostat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A food web in a chemostat is considered in which an arbitrary number of competitor populations compete for a single, essential, nonreproducing, growth-limiting substrate, and an arbitrary number of predator populations prey on some or all of the competitor populations. Although any number of predator populations may prey on the same competitor population, each predator population preys on only one competitor population. The dynamics of substrate uptake is modeled by Lotka-Volterra or Michaelis-Menten (Holling type I or II), but the dynamics of competitor uptake is restricted to Lotka-Volterra. Based on certain parameters, the model predicts the asymptotic survival or extinction of each of the different populations and suggests how competitor and/or predator populations could successfully invade the chemostat with or without causing a diverse ecosystem to crash. Similarly, it suggests how the elimination of certain populations could result in a more diverse or less diverse system.  相似文献   

Molecular genetic analyses show that introduced populations undergoing biological invasions often bring together individuals from genetically disparate native-range source populations, which can elevate genotypic variation if these individuals interbreed. Differential admixture among multiple native-range sources explains mitochondrial haplotypic diversity within and differentiation among invasive populations of the lizard Anolis sagrei. Our examination of microsatellite variation supports the hypothesis that lizards from disparate native-range sources, identified using mtDNA haplotypes, form genetically admixed introduced populations. Furthermore, within-population genotypic diversity increases with the number of sources and among-population genotypic differentiation reflects disparity in their native-range sources. If adaptive genetic variation is similarly restructured, then the ability of invasive species to adapt to new conditions may be enhanced.  相似文献   

Most invasive species established in Europe originate from either Asia or North America, but little is currently known about the potential of the Anatolian Peninsula (Asia Minor) and/or the Near East to constitute invasion sources. Mediterranean forests are generally fragile ecosystems that can be threatened by invasive organisms coming from different regions of the Mediterranean Basin, but for which historical data are difficult to gather and the phylogeographic patterns are still poorly understood for most terrestrial organisms. In this study, we characterized the genetic structure of Megastigmus schimitscheki, an invasive seed‐feeding insect species originating from the Near East, and elucidated its invasion route in South‐eastern France in the mid 1990s. To disentangle the evolutionary history of this introduction, we gathered samples from the main native regions (Taurus Mountains in Turkey, Lebanon and Cyprus) and from the invaded region that we genotyped using five microsatellite markers and for which we sequenced the mitochondrial Cytochrome Oxidase I gene. We applied a set of population genetic statistics and methods, including approximate Bayesian computation. We proposed a detailed phylogeographic pattern for the Near East populations, and we unambiguously showed that the French invasive populations originated from Cyprus, although the available historical data strongly suggested that Turkey could be the most plausible source area. Interestingly, we could show that the introduced populations were founded from an extremely restricted number of individuals that realized a host switch from Cedrus brevifolia to C. atlantica. Evolutionary hypotheses are discussed to account for this unlikely scenario.  相似文献   

Genetic correlations are the most commonly studied of all potential constraints on adaptive evolution. We present a comprehensive test of constraints caused by genetic correlation, comparing empirical results to predictions from theory. The additive genetic correlation between the filament and the corolla tube in wild radish flowers is very high in magnitude, is estimated with good precision (0.85 ± 0.06), and is caused by pleiotropy. Thus, evolutionary changes in the relative lengths of these two traits should be constrained. Still, artificial selection produced rapid evolution of these traits in opposite directions, so that in one replicate relative to controls, the difference between them increased by six standard deviations in only nine generations. This would result in a 54% increase in relative fitness on the basis of a previous estimate of natural selection in this population, and it would produce the phenotypes found in the most extreme species in the family Brassicaceae in less than 100 generations. These responses were within theoretical expectations and were much slower than if the genetic correlation was zero; thus, there was evidence for constraint. These results, coupled with comparable results from other species, show that evolution can be rapid despite the constraints caused by genetic correlations.  相似文献   

Abstract During biological invasions, multiple introductions can provide opportunities for admixture among genetically distinct lineages. Admixture is predicted to contribute to invasion success by directly increasing fitness through hybrid vigour or by enhancing evolutionary potential within populations . Here, we demonstrate genome‐wide admixture during an invasion that substantially boosted fitness in the cosmopolitan weed, Silene vulgaris. We identified three divergent demes in the native European range that expanded from glacial refugia and experienced historical admixture in a well‐known suture zone. During recent invasion of North America, multiple introductions created additional opportunities for admixture. In common garden experiments, recombinant genotypes from North America experienced a two‐fold increase in fitness relative to nonrecombinants, whereas recombinant genotypes from Europe showed no lasting fitness benefits. This contrast implicates hybrid vigour behind the boost in fitness and supports the hypothesis that admixture can lead to fitness increases that may catapult invasion into a new range.  相似文献   

Invasive plants generally escape from specialist herbivores of their native ranges but may experience serious damage from generalists. As a result, invasive plants may evolve increased resistance to generalists and tolerance to damage. To test these hypotheses, we carried out a common garden experiment comparing 15 invasive populations with 13 native populations of Chromolaena odorata, including putative source populations identified with molecular methods and binary choice feeding experiments using three generalist herbivores. Plants from invasive populations of C. odorata had both higher resistance to three generalists and higher tolerance to simulated herbivory (shoot removal) than plants from native populations. The higher resistance of plants from invasive populations was associated with higher leaf C content and densities of leaf trichomes and glandular scales, and lower leaf N and water contents. Growth costs were detected for tolerance but not for resistance, and plants from invasive populations of C. odorata showed lower growth costs of tolerance. Our results suggest that invasive plants may evolve to increase both resistance to generalists and tolerance to damage in introduced ranges, especially when the defense traits have low or no fitness costs. Greater defenses in invasive populations may facilitate invasion by C. odorata by reducing generalist impacts and increasing compensatory growth after damage has occurred.  相似文献   

Adaptation in marine invasion: a genetic perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  


Background and Aims

Ongoing and previous range expansions have a strong influence on population genetic structure of plants. In turn, genetic variation in the new range may affect the population dynamics and the expansion process. The annual Ceratocapnos claviculata (Papaveraceae) has expanded its Atlantic European range in recent decades towards the north and east. Patterns of genetic diversity were investigated across the native range to assess current population structure and phylogeographical patterns. A test was then made as to whether genetic diversity is reduced in the neophytic range and an attempt was made to identify source regions of the expansion.


Samples were taken from 55 populations in the native and 34 populations in the neophytic range (Sweden, north-east Germany). Using amplified fragment length polymorphism markers an analysis was made of genetic variation and population structure (Bayesian statistical modelling) and population differentiation was quantified. Pollen/ovule ratio was analysed as a proxy for the breeding system.

Key Results

Genetic diversity at population level was very low (mean He = 0·004) and two multilocus genotypes dominated large parts of the new range. Population differentiation was strong (FST = 0·812). These results and a low pollen/ovule ratio are consistent with an autogamous breeding system. Genetic variation decreased from the native to the neophytic range. Within the native range, He decreased towards the north-east, whereas population size increased. According to the Bayesian cluster analysis, the putative source regions of the neophytic range are situated in north-west Germany and adjacent regions.


Ceratocapnos claviculata shows a cline of genetic variation due to postglacial recolonization from putative Pleistocene refugia in south-west Europe. Nevertheless, the species has expanded successfully during the past 40 years to southern Sweden and north-east Germany where it occurs as an opportunistic neophyte. Recent expansion was mainly human-mediated by single long-distance diaspore transport and was facilitated by habitat modification.  相似文献   

Social barriers have been shown to reduce gene flow and contribute to genetic structure among populations in species with high cognitive capacity and complex societies, such as cetaceans, apes and humans. In birds, high dispersal capacity is thought to prevent population divergence unless major geographical or habitat barriers induce isolation patterns by dispersal, colonization or adaptation limitation. We report that Iberian populations of the red‐billed chough, a social, gregarious corvid with high dispersal capacity, show a striking degree of genetic structure composed of at least 15 distinct genetic units. Monitoring of marked individuals over 30 years revealed that long‐distance movements over hundreds of kilometres are common, yet recruitment into breeding populations is infrequent and highly philopatric. Genetic differentiation is weakly related to geographical distance, and habitat types used are overall qualitatively similar among regions and regularly shared by individuals of different populations, so that genetic structure is unlikely to be due solely to isolation by distance or isolation by adaptation. Moreover, most population nuclei showed relatively high levels of genetic diversity, suggesting a limited role for genetic drift in significantly differentiating populations. We propose that social mechanisms may underlie this unprecedented level of genetic structure in birds through a pattern of isolation by social barriers not yet described, which may have driven this remarkable population divergence in the absence of geographical and environmental barriers.  相似文献   


The common smoothhound, Mustelus mustelus, is an epibenthic species targeted by fisheries around the world driven by the increasing demand for shark products. Given the wide-spread occurrence of this species and corresponding lack of molecular data in many areas of said distribution, baseline molecular assessments of this commercially important shark may contribute to finer-scale analyses in areas in which this species is targeted. Therefore, population genetic analyses were conducted along the East Atlantic, from the Mediterranean Sea to the south-east coast of Africa, using microsatellite markers and the mitochondrial control region (mtCR). Overall, M. mustelus displayed low to moderate genetic diversity, with the Mediterranean populations appearing to exhibit the lowest mitochondrial diversity, and the west African populations displaying the lowest nuclear diversity. Microsatellite analysis indicated strong genetic differentiation between the three regions, with finer-scale population structure in each region, without correlation between genetic and geographical distance. For the mtCR sequences, a total of 18 haplotypes were identified, with a high degree of divergence discernable between the regions, largely in accordance with the microsatellite data. The study documents a remarkable level of population isolation across a vast area, suggesting little or no present-day connectivity among extant populations. The findings may serve as an essential baseline for global population management and commercial traceability of this threatened shark.


Although climate warming has been widely demonstrated to induce shifts in the timing of many biological events, the phenological consequences of other prominent global change drivers remain largely unknown. Here, we investigated the effects of biological invasions on the seasonality of leaf litter decomposition, a crucial freshwater ecosystem function. Decomposition rates were quantified in 18 temperate shallow lakes distributed along a gradient of crayfish invasion and a temperature‐based model was constructed to predict yearly patterns of decomposition. We found that, through direct detritus consumption, omnivorous invasive crayfish accelerated decomposition rates up to fivefold in spring, enhancing temperature dependence of the process and shortening the period of major detritus availability in the ecosystem by up to 39 days (95% CI: 15–61). The fact that our estimates are an order of magnitude higher than any previously reported climate‐driven phenological shifts indicates that some powerful drivers of phenological change have been largely overlooked.  相似文献   

Recent theoretical and experimental models have revealed the role played by evolution during species spread, and in particular have questioned the influence of genetic drift at range edges. By investigating the spread of an aquatic invader in patchy habitats, we quantified genetic drift and explored its consequences for genetic diversity and fitness. We examined the interplay of gene flow and genetic drift in 36 populations of the red swamp crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, in a relatively recently invaded wetland area (30 years, Brière, northwest France). Despite the small spatial scale of our study (15 km2), populations were highly structured according to the strong barrier of land surfaces and revealed a clear pattern of colonization through watercourses. Isolated populations exhibited small effective sizes and low dispersal rates that depended on water connectivity, suggesting that genetic drift dominated in the evolution of allele frequencies in these populations. We also observed a significant decrease in the genetic diversity of isolated populations over only a 2‐year period, but failed to demonstrate an associated fitness cost using fluctuating asymmetry. This study documents the possible strong influence of genetic drift during the spread of a species, and such findings provide critical insights into the current context of profound rearrangements in species distributions due to global change.  相似文献   

Climate change and biological invasions are two major global environmental challenges. Both may interact, e.g. via altered impact and distribution of invasive alien species. Even though invasive species play a key role for compromising the health of honey bees, the impact of climate change on the severity of such species is still unknown. The small hive beetle (SHB, Aethina tumida, Murray) is a parasite of honey bee colonies. It is endemic to sub‐Saharan Africa and has established populations on all continents except Antarctica. Since SHBs pupate in soil, pupation performance is governed foremost by two abiotic factors, soil temperature and moisture, which will be affected by climate change. Here, we investigated SHB invasion risk globally under current and future climate scenarios. We modelled survival and development time during pupation (=pupal performance) in response to soil temperature and soil moisture using published and novel experimental data. Presence data on SHB distribution were used for model validation. We then linked the model with global soil data in order to classify areas (resolution: 10 arcmin; i.e. 18.6 km at the equator) as unsuitable, marginal and suitable for SHB pupation performance. Under the current climate, the results show that many areas globally yet uninvaded are actually suitable, suggesting considerable SHB invasion risk. Future scenarios of global warming project a vehement increase in climatic suitability for SHB and corresponding potential for invasion, especially in the temperate regions of the Northern hemisphere, thereby creating demand for enhanced and adapted mitigation and management. Our analysis shows, for the first time, effects of global warming on a honey bee pest and will help areas at risk to prepare adequately. In conclusion, this is a clear case for global warming promoting biological invasion of a pest species with severe potential to harm important pollinator species globally.  相似文献   

Viruses within the genus Norovirus of the family Caliciviridae are the major cause of acute, nonbacterial gastroenteritis worldwide. Human noroviruses are genetically diverse, with up to 57% divergence in capsid protein sequences, and comprise three genogroups. The significance of such genetic diversity is not yet understood. The discovery of murine norovirus (MNV) and its ability to productively infect cultured murine macrophages and dendritic cells has provided an opportunity to determine the functional consequences of norovirus diversity in vitro and in vivo. Therefore, we compared the full-length genomes of 21 new MNV isolates with five previously sequenced MNV genomes and demonstrated a conserved genomic organization consisting of four open reading frames (ORFs) and a previously unknown region of nucleotide conservation in ORF2. A phylogenetic analysis of all 26 MNV genomes revealed 15 distinct MNV strains, with up to 13% divergence at the nucleotide level, that comprise a single genotype and genogroup. Evidence for recombination within ORF2 in several MNV genomes was detected by multiple methods. Serological analyses comparing neutralizing antibody responses between highly divergent strains suggested that the MNV genogroup comprises a single serotype. Within this single genogroup, MNV strains exhibited considerable biological diversity in their ability to grow in culture and to infect and/or persist in wild-type mice. The isolation and characterization of multiple MNV strains illustrate how genetic analysis may underestimate the biological diversity of noroviruses and provide a molecular map for future studies of MNV biology.  相似文献   

C M Sloop  D R Ayres  D R Strong 《Heredity》2011,106(4):547-556
Invasive hybrids and their spread dynamics pose unique opportunities to study evolutionary processes. Invasive hybrids of native Spartina foliosa and introduced S. alterniflora have expanded throughout San Francisco Bay intertidal habitats within the past 35 years by deliberate plantation and seeds floating on the tide. Our goals were to assess spatial and temporal scales of genetic structure in Spartina hybrid populations within the context of colonization history. We genotyped adult and seedling Spartina using 17 microsatellite loci and mapped their locations in three populations. All sampled seedlings were hybrids. Bayesian ordination analysis distinguished hybrid populations from parent species, clearly separated the population that originated by plantation from populations that originated naturally by seed and aligned most seedlings within each population. Population genetic structure estimated by analysis of molecular variance was substantial (FST=0.21). Temporal genetic structure among age classes varied highly between populations. At one population, the divergence between adults and 2004 seedlings was low (FST=0.02) whereas at another population this divergence was high (FST=0.26). This latter result was consistent with local recruitment of self-fertilized seed produced by only a few parental plants. We found fine-scale spatial genetic structure at distances less than ∼200 m, further supporting local seed and/or pollen dispersal. We posit a few self-fertile plants dominating local recruitment created substantial spatial genetic structure despite initial long-distance, human dispersal of hybrid Spartina through San Francisco Bay. Fine-scale genetic structure may more strongly develop when local recruits are dominated by the offspring of a few self-fertile plants.  相似文献   

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