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 The hedgehog family of intercellular signalling molecules have essential functions in patterning both Drosophila and vertebrate embryos. Drosophila has a single hedgehog gene, while vertebrates have evolved at least three types of hedgehog genes (the Sonic, Desert and Indian types) by duplication and divergence of a single ancestral gene. Vertebrate Sonic-type genes typically show conserved expression in the notochord and floor plate, while Desert- and Indian-type genes have different patterns of expression in vertebrates from different classes. To determine the ancestral role of hedgehog in vertebrates, I have characterised the hedgehog gene family in amphioxus. Amphioxus is the closest living relative of the vertebrates and develops a similar body plan, including a dorsal neural tube and notochord. A single amphioxus hedgehog gene, AmphiHh, was identified and is probably the only hedgehog family member in amphioxus, showing the duplication of hedgehog genes to be specific to the vertebrate lineage. AmphiHh expression was detected in the notochord and ventral neural tube, tissues that express Sonic-type genes in vertebrates. This shows that amphioxus probably patterns its ventral neural tube using a molecular pathway conserved with vertebrates. AmphiHh was also expressed on the left side of the pharyngeal endoderm, reminiscent of the left-sided expression of Sonic hedgehog in chick embryos which forms part of a pathway controlling left/right asymmetric development. These data show that notochord, floor plate and possibly left/right asymmetric expression are ancestral sites of hedgehog expression in vertebrates and amphioxus. In vertebrates, all these features have been retained by Sonic-type genes. This may have freed Desert-type and Indian-type hedgehog genes from selective constraint, allowing them to diverge and take on new roles in different vertebrate taxa. Received: 20 July 1998 / Accepted: 23 September 1998  相似文献   

The chordates include vertebrates plus two groups of invertebrates(the cephalochordates and tunicates). Previous embryonic fatemaps of the cephalochordate amphioxus (Branchiostoma) were influencedby preconceptions that early development in amphioxus and ascidiantunicates should be fundamentally the same and that the earlyamphioxus embryo, like that of amphibians, should have ventralmesoderm. Although detailed cell lineage tracing in amphioxushas not been done because of limited availability of the embryosand because cleavage is radial and holoblastic with the blastomeresnearly equal in size and not tightly adherent until the mid-blastulastage, a compilation of data from gene expression and function,blastomere isolation and dye labeling allows a more realisticfate map to be drawn. The revised fate map is substantiallydifferent from that of ascidians. It shows (1) that the anteriorpole of the amphioxus embryo is offset dorsally from the animalpole only by about 20°, (2) that the ectoderm/mesendodermboundary (the future rim of the blastopore) is at the equatorof the blastula, which approximately coincides with the 3rdcleavage plane, and (3) that there is no ventral mesoderm duringthe gastrula stage. Involution or ingression of cells over theblastopore lip is negligible, and the blastopore, which is posterior,closes centripetally as if by a purse string. During the gastrulastage, the animal pole shifts ventrally, coming to lie about20° ventral to the anterior tip of the late gastrula/earlyneurula. Comparisons of the embryos of amphioxus and vertebratesindicate that in spite of large differences in the mechanicsof cleavage and gastrulation, anterior/posterior and dorsal/ventralpatterning occur by homologous genetic mechanisms. Therefore,the small, nonyolky embryo of amphioxus is probably a reasonableapproximation of the basal chordate embryo before the evolutionof determinate cleavage in the tunicates and the evolution largeamounts of yolk in basal vertebrates.  相似文献   

Members of the netrin gene family have been identified in vertebrates, Drosophila and Caenorhabditis elegans and found to encode secreted molecules involved in axon guidance. Here I use the conserved function of netrins in triploblasts, coupled with the phylogenetic position of amphioxus (the closest living relative of the vertebrates), to investigate the evolution of an axon guidance cue in chordates. A single amphioxus netrin gene was isolated by PCR and cDNA library screening and named AmphiNetrin. The predicted AmphiNetrin protein showed high identity to other netrin family members but differed in that the third of three EGF repeats found in other netrins was absent. Molecular phylogene-tic analysis showed that despite the absent EGF repeat AmphiNetrin is most closely related to the vertebrate netrins. AmphiNetrin expression was identified in embryonic notochord and floor plate, a pattern similar to that of vertebrate netrin-1 expression. AmphiNetrin expression was also identified more widely in the posterior larval brain, and in the anterior extension of the notochord that underlies the anterior of the amphioxus brain. All of these areas of expression are correlated with developing axon trajectories: The floor plate with ventrally projecting somatic motor neurons and Rohde cell projections, the posterior brain with the ventral commissure and primary motor centre and the anterior extension of the notochord with ventrally projecting neurons associated with the median eye. Amphioxus is naturally cyclopaedic and also lacks the ventral brain cells that the induction of which results in the splitting of the vertebrate eye field and, when missing, result in cyclopaedia. These cells normally express netrins required for developing axon tracts in the brain, and the expression of AmphiNetrin in the anterior extension of the notochord underlying the brain may explain how amphioxus is able to maintain ventral guidance cues while lacking these cells. Received: 15 November 1999 / Accepted: 27 January 2000  相似文献   

The embryology of amphioxus has much in common with vertebrate embryology, reflecting a close phylogenetic relationship between the two groups. Amphioxus embryology is simpler in several key respects, however, including a lack of pronounced craniofacial morphogenesis. To gain an insight into the molecular changes that accompanied the evolution of vertebrate embryology, and into the relationship between the amphioxus and vertebrate body plans, we have undertaken the first molecular level investigation of amphioxus embryonic development. We report the cloning, complete DNA sequence determination, sequence analysis and expression analysis of an amphioxus homeobox gene, AmphiHox3, evolutionarily homologous to the third-most 3' paralogous group of mammalian Hox genes. Sequence comparison to a mammalian homologue, mouse Hox-2.7 (HoxB3), reveals several stretches of amino acid conservation within the deduced protein sequences. Whole mount in situ hybridization reveals localized expression of AmphiHox3 in the posterior mesoderm (but not in the somites), and region-specific expression in the dorsal nerve cord, of amphioxus neurulae, later embryos and larvae. The anterior limit to expression in the nerve cord is at the level of the four/five somite boundary at the neurula stage, and stabilises to just anterior to the first nerve cord pigment spot to form. Comparison to the anterior expression boundary of mouse Hox-2.7 (HoxB3) and related genes suggests that the vertebrate brain is homologous to an extensive region of the amphioxus nerve cord that contains the cerebral vesicle (a region at the extreme rostral tip) and extends posterior to somite four.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Gli proteins and the control of spinal-cord patterning   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Jacob J  Briscoe J 《EMBO reports》2003,4(8):761-765

Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) signaling plays a critical role during dorsoventral (DV) patterning of the developing neural tube by modulating the expression of neural patterning genes. Overlapping activator functions of Gli2 and Gli3 have been shown to be required for motoneuron development and correct neural patterning in the ventral spinal cord. However, the role of Gli2 and Gli3 in ventral hindbrain development is unclear. In this paper, we have examined DV patterning of the hindbrain of Shh(-/-), Gli2(-/-) and Gli3(-/-) embryos, and found that the respective role of Gli2 and Gli3 is not only different between the hindbrain and spinal cord, but also at distinct rostrocaudal levels of the hindbrain. Remarkably, the anterior hindbrain of Gli2(-/-) embryos displays ventral patterning defects as severe as those observed in Shh(-/-) embryos suggesting that, unlike in the spinal cord and posterior hindbrain, Gli3 cannot compensate for the loss of Gli2 activator function in Shh-dependent ventral patterning of the anterior hindbrain. Loss of Gli3 also results in a distinct patterning defect in the anterior hindbrain, including dorsal expansion of Nkx6.1 expression. Furthermore, we demonstrate that ventral patterning of rhombomere 4 is less affected by loss of Gli2 function revealing a different requirement for Gli proteins in this rhombomere. Taken together, these observations indicate that Gli2 and Gli3 perform rhombomere-specific function during DV patterning of the hindbrain.  相似文献   

We have targetted the chick gene Flik with antisense oligodeoxynucleotide treatment at gastrular stages, when it is expressed in organiser-derived structures of the midline (K. Patel et al., 1996, Dev. Biol. 178, 327-342). A specific syndrome of deficient axial patterning and holoprosencephaly is produced. Most aspects of this syndrome can be understood as due to attenuation of dorsalising and neural-inducing signals during gastrulation, followed by failure to maintain the later signals from chordamesoderm/neural midline that pattern the mesodermal and neural cross sections during subsequent stages. Anatomical effects are first apparent at early neurula stages and correspond with what might be expected from a reduced counteraction of the ventralising Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) pathway at the earlier stages, coupled with inadequate Sonic hedgehog (Shh) signalling subsequently. Delay in the clearing of BMP-4 RNA expression from the presumptive neural region at gastrulation is indeed seen, though chordin RNA expression within organiser derivatives remains normal. Subsequently, specific attenuation of chordamesoderm and neural midline Shh expression is observed. Brief preincubation of stage 4 chick blastoderms in supernatant from Xenopus oocytes that have been injected with Flik RNA prolongs and enhances the competence of their peripheral epiblast to respond to neural inductive signals from grafted Hensen's nodes. This effect specifically mimics that recently observed using microg/ml solutions of recombinant Follistatin (D. J. Connolly et al., 1999, Int. J. Dev. Biol., in press), further suggesting that Flik protein might act in vivo by somehow modulating activity of signalling pathways through BMP or other TGFbeta-related ligands. We discuss the significance of the observations in relation to recent ideas about neural induction, about possible redundancy in gene action, and about subsequent patterning of the axial cross section, suggesting that a Flik function in autocrine/paracrine maintenance of later midline Shh signalling represents a role of the gene separate from that in primary dorsalisation/neural induction.  相似文献   

 Homologs of the Drosophila snail gene have been characterized in several vertebrates. In addition to being expressed in mesoderm during gastrulation, vertebrate snail genes are also expressed in presumptive neural crest and/or its derivatives. Given that neural crest is unique to vertebrates and is considered to be of fundamental importance in their evolution, we have cloned and characterized the expression of a snail gene from amphioxus, a cephalochordate widely accepted as the sister group of the vertebrates. We show that, at the amino acid sequence level, the amphioxus snail gene is a clear phylogenetic outgroup to all the characterized vertebrate snail genes. During embryogenesis snail expression initially becomes restricted to the paraxial or presomitic mesoderm of amphioxus. Later, snail is expressed at high levels in the lateral neural plate, where it persists during neurulation. Our results indicate that an ancestral function of snail genes in the lineage leading to vertebrates is to define the paraxial mesoderm. Furthermore, our results indicate that a cell population homologous to the vertebrate neural crest may be present in amphioxus, thus providing an important link in the evolution of this key vertebrate tissue. Received: 11 May 1998 / Accepted: 2 August 1998  相似文献   

Retinoic acid signaling and the evolution of chordates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
In chordates, which comprise urochordates, cephalochordates and vertebrates, the vitamin A-derived morphogen retinoic acid (RA) has a pivotal role during development. Altering levels of endogenous RA signaling during early embryology leads to severe malformations, mainly due to incorrect positional codes specifying the embryonic anteroposterior body axis. In this review, we present our current understanding of the RA signaling pathway and its roles during chordate development. In particular, we focus on the conserved roles of RA and its downstream mediators, the Hox genes, in conveying positional patterning information to different embryonic tissues, such as the endoderm and the central nervous system. We find that some of the control mechanisms governing RA-mediated patterning are well conserved between vertebrates and invertebrate chordates, such as the cephalochordate amphioxus. In contrast, outside the chordates, evidence for roles of RA signaling is scarce and the evolutionary origin of the RA pathway itself thus remains elusive. In sum, to fully understand the evolutionary history of the RA pathway, future research should focus on identification and study of components of the RA signaling cascade in non-chordate deuterostomes (such as hemichordates and echinoderms) and other invertebrates, such as insects, mollusks and cnidarians.  相似文献   

The cDNA encoding beta-microseminoprotein-like (beta-MSPL) was identified from the gut cDNA library of amphioxus. It contains a 336 bp open reading frame corresponding to a deduced protein of 111 amino acids and has eight cysteines conserved and located at the same positions as those in the vertebrate beta-MSPs. At amino acid level, it shares 12-20% similarity to the vertebrate beta-MSPs, and seems lacking the signal peptide at the N-terminus. This not only confirms that beta-MSP is a rapidly evolving protein during phylogeny, but also provides further data on the degree of diversity between species of this protein. RT-PCR and Northern blotting show that amphioxus beta-MSPL is expressed in all tissues examined, suggesting that beta-MSPL plays a fundamental role. However, in situ hybridization reveals that positive hybridization signals were present in all blastomeres of the embryos from 4-cell to gastrula stages, while its expression is restricted exclusively to notochord, somites and primitive gut in neurulae and larvae, and disappears in the ectoderm including the neural tube differentiated from the ectoderm. This suggests that beta-MSPL is possibly involved in the differentiation of ectoderm during embryonic development of cephalochordate amphioxus though it is ubiquitously expressed in embryos prior to gastrula stage and in the adult animal.  相似文献   

SUMMARY The full-length sequence and developmental expression of an amphioxus Wnt gene ( AmphiWnt8 ) are described. In amphioxus embryos, the expression patterns of AmphiWnt8 suggest patterning roles in the forebrain, in the hindgut, and in the paraxial mesoderm that gives rise to the muscular somites. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that a single Wnt8 subfamily gene in an ancestral chordate duplicated early in vertebrate evolution into a Wnt8 clade and a Wnt8b clade. Coincident with this gene duplication, the functions of the ancestral AmphiWnt8 -like gene appear to have been divided between vertebrate Wnt8b (exclusively neurogenic, especially in the forebrain) and vertebrate Wnt8 (miscellaneous, especially in early somitogenesis). Amphioxus AmphiWnt8 and its vertebrate Wnt8 homologs probably play comparable roles in the early dorsoventral patterning of the embryonic body axis.  相似文献   

The products of Hox-4 genes appear to encode position in developing vertebrate limbs. In chick embryos, a number of different signalling regions when grafted to wing buds lead to duplicated digit patterns. We grafted tissue from the equivalent regions in mouse embryos to chick wing buds and assayed expression of Hox-4 genes in both the mouse cells in the grafts and in the chick cells in the responding limb bud using species specific probes. Tissue from the mouse limb polarizing region and anterior primitive streak respecify anterior chick limb bud cells to give posterior structures and lead to activation of all the genes in the complex. Mouse neural tube and genital tubercle grafts, which give much less extensive changes in pattern, do not activate 5'-located Hox-4 genes. Analysis of expression of Hox-4 genes in mouse cells in the grafted signalling regions reveals no relationship between expression of these genes and strength of their signalling activity. Endogenous signals in the chick limb bud activate Hox-4 genes in grafts of mouse anterior limb cells when placed posteriorly and in grafts of mouse anterior primitive streak tissue. The activation of the same gene network by different signalling regions points to a similarity in patterning mechanisms along the axes of the vertebrate body.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding has greatly facilitated studies of taxonomy, biodiversity, biological conservation, and ecology. Here, we establish a reliable DNA barcoding library for Chinese snakes, unveiling hidden diversity with implications for taxonomy, and provide a standardized tool for conservation management. Our comprehensive study includes 1638 cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) sequences from Chinese snakes that correspond to 17 families, 65 genera, 228 named species (80.6% of named species) and 36 candidate species. A barcode gap analysis reveals gaps, where all nearest neighbour distances exceed maximum intraspecific distances, in 217 named species and all candidate species. Three species-delimitation methods (ABGD, sGMYC, and sPTP) recover 320 operational taxonomic units (OTUs), of which 192 OTUs correspond to named and candidate species. Twenty-eight other named species share OTUs, such as Azemiops feae and A. kharini, Gloydius halys, G. shedaoensis, and G. intermedius, and Bungarus multicinctus and B. candidus, representing inconsistencies most probably caused by imperfect taxonomy, recent and rapid speciation, weak taxonomic signal, introgressive hybridization, and/or inadequate phylogenetic signal. In contrast, 43 species and candidate species assign to two or more OTUs due to having large intraspecific distances. If most OTUs detected in this study reflect valid species, including the 36 candidate species, then 30% more species would exist than are currently recognized. Several OTU divergences associate with known biogeographic barriers, such as the Taiwan Strait. In addition to facilitating future studies, this reliable and relatively comprehensive reference database will play an important role in the future monitoring, conservation, and management of Chinese snakes.  相似文献   

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