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In this report, a model was developed for whole brain learning based on Curry's onion model. Curry described the effect of personality traits as the inner layer of learning, information-processing styles as the middle layer of learning, and environmental and instructional preferences as the outer layer of learning. The model that was developed elaborates on these layers by relating the personality traits central to learning to the different quadrants of brain preference, as described by Neethling's brain profile, as the inner layer of the onion. This layer is encircled by the learning styles that describe different information-processing preferences for each brain quadrant. For the middle layer, the different stages of Kolb's learning cycle are classified into the four brain quadrants associated with the different brain processing strategies within the information processing circle. Each of the stages of Kolb's learning cycle is also associated with a specific cognitive learning strategy. These two inner circles are enclosed by the circle representing the role of the environment and instruction on learning. It relates environmental factors that affect learning and distinguishes between face-to-face and technology-assisted learning. This model informs on the design of instructional interventions for physiology to encourage whole brain learning.  相似文献   

The Katalyst intervention program was piloted in fifth-grade classrooms at two Appalachian schools during the 2017–18 academic year as a potential educational resource to tackle the rising rates of obesity and chronic diseases in this region. The program consisted of four 60-minute modules, each based on a specific organ system. Each module incorporated hands-on lessons in physiology with an emphasis on preventing chronic disease through diet, nutrition, physical activity, and abstinence from drug and tobacco use. The modules were led by medical students and undergraduate volunteers who completed a two-day training. A 37-item survey assessing knowledge and perceptions regarding healthy lifestyles was administered to fifth grade participants prior to and following the intervention in order to assess the impact of the program. Additionally, educators at intervention schools were given a questionnaire post-intervention to provide feedback on the program. This paper describes the rationale, program design and execution, and conclusion of the Katalyst intervention program. It is anticipated that this program will reinforce current educational standards regarding diet, nutrition and physical activity in order to empower target students to establish healthy lifestyle behaviors and that programs modeled after the Katalyst curriculum may serve as a novel, viable option to health educators.  相似文献   

Abstract When tomato plants of the high-altitude species Lycopersicon hirsutum and of the cultivated Lycopersicon esculentum were grown at 24/18°C (day/night), the effects of temperature, photon flux density, and intercellular CO2 concentration up to about 600 μl l?1 on net CO2 uptake were similar in the two species. Acclimation of these plants at 12/6°C (day/night) resulted, after 4 d or longer, in a similar downward shift of about 5°C in the optimum temperature for CO2 uptake. However, in comparison with the cultivated species, the high-altitude plants achieved a higher rate of CO2 uptake at saturating concentrations of intercellular CO2, maintained a higher level of saturating-light CO2 uptake rate at 10°C after exposure to chilling stress (10°C and photon flux density of 400 μmol m?2s?1 d and 5°C night) for 7–18 d, and displayed a better capacity for rapid recovery after prolonged stress. The greater capacity for CO2 uptake observed in the high-altitude species during and after exposure to chilling stress was also reflected in its higher growth rate under those conditions compared with plants of L. esculentum. These advantages of the high-altitude species may partly explain its ability to survive and complete its life cycle under the environmental conditions prevailing in its natural habitat.  相似文献   

Learning via online activities (e-learning) was introduced to facilitate existing face-to-face teaching to encourage more effective student preparation and then informed participation in an undergraduate physiology laboratory-based course. Active learning was encouraged by hypothesis formation and predictions prior to classes, with opportunities for students to amend their e-learning submissions after classes. Automatic or tutor feedback was provided on student submissions. Evaluation of the course was conducted via student questionnaires, individual student interviews, and analysis of student marks in examinations and of the e-learning component. Student feedback on this entire subject in the university-wide quality of teaching survey was very high by University of Melbourne standards and most encouraging for the first implementation of such a curriculum modification. Results from further detailed surveys of student interactions and engagement and correlation analysis between student responses were also very supportive of the effectiveness of the course. There were no significant differences between examination marks in the new course with e-learning and the previous year without e-learning. However, there was a significant correlation between assessment of student e-learning work and their final examination mark. Correlation analysis between various survey responses helped interpret results and strengthened arguments for e-learning and suggested future improvements for student use of e-learning. This mode of e-learning used to support face-to-face learning activities in the laboratory can be adapted for other disciplines and may assist students in developing a greater appreciation and a deeper approach for learning from their practical class experiences.  相似文献   

For a period of three years, gelatin was used as a vehicle for administration of food, vitamin complex and drugs to laboratory maintained Callithrix penicillata and Callithrix jacchus marmosets and a breeding colony of C. penicillata. In both circumstances, results were satisfactory. The animals survived for long periods of time, with adult, young and juvenile primates in the breeding colony showing good physical condition.  相似文献   

Mutants able to utilize phenylacetamide as sole nitrogen source were isolated from the acetanilide (N-phenylacetamide)-utilizing Pseudomonas aeruginosa mutant strain AI3 and from its parent strain L10. Growth properties of the mutants (Ph strains) on amide media and the physicochemical properties of their amidases in cell free extracts indicated that their phenylacetamidase activities were attributable to alterations in their amidases. Differences in amide hydrolase specificities between the AI3-and the L10-Ph mutants were observed. The AI3 group had a high level of activity towards 4-nitrophenylacetamide, activity towards phenylacetyl-4-nitroaniline but, unlike strain AI3, no activity towards acetyl-4-nitroaniline; the L10 group had a low activity towards 4-nitrophenylacetamide, no activity towards phenylacetyl-4-nitroaniline but retained the low level of activity towards acetyl-4-nitroaniline exhibited by strain L10. Confirmation of the association between these altered specificition of alterations in amidases was obtained from analysis of the properties of phenylacetamidases purified from an AI3-Ph mutant (pH5) and an L 10-Ph mutant (Ph14). The original mutation in the amidase gene of strain AI3 appeared responsible for the differences between the two groups of Ph mutants and the binding interactions with acetanilide that it determined were eliminated in AI3-Ph mutants.  相似文献   

Many pathological conditions exist where tissues exhibit hypoxia or low oxygen tension. Hypoxic hypoxia arises when there is a reduction in the amount of oxygen entering the blood and occurs in healthy people at high altitude. In 1946, research sponsored by the United States Navy led to the collection and subsequent publication of masses of data demonstrating the physiological consequences and adaptations of ascent to high altitude. This article describes how a figure from a 1947 paper from the American Physiological Society Legacy collection (Houston CS, Riley RL. Respiratory and circulatory changes during acclimatization to high altitude. Am J Physiol 149: 565-588) may be used to allow students to review their understanding of some of the generalized effects of hypoxia on the body. In particular, this figure summarizes some of the adaptive responses that take place in the oxygen transport system as a consequence of prolonged hypoxia.  相似文献   

Students struggle with the volume and complexity of physiology terminology. We compared first-year undergraduate psychology students' learning of physiological terms using two teaching methods: one verbal (control group; n = 16) and one spatial and multisensory (experimental group; n = 19). The experimental group used clear plastic shower caps to mark brain regions and affix labels to another participant's head. The control group learned the material verbally through a game. When tested verbally, both the control and experimental groups recalled more of the 10 terms immediately after the activity (+106% and +83%, respectively) and 2 wk later (+53% and +31%, respectively) than at the pretest (P < 0.0005). When participants' knowledge was tested spatially (labeling a brain diagram), the experimental group recalled more terms at the posttest (+76%) and followup (+73%) than at the pretest (P < 0.0005), but the control group who showed no improvement at either time point (+12% and +14%, respectively). These findings support the notion that spatial and multisensory learning produces improved spatial recall over time while also supporting the notion of transfer-appropriate processing.  相似文献   

The biomedical sciences are a rapidly changing discipline that have adapted to innovative technological advances. Despite these many advances, we face two major challenges: a) the number of experts in the field is vastly outnumbered by the number of students, many of whom are separated geographically or temporally and b) the teaching methods used to instruct students and learners have not changed. Today's students have adapted to technology--they use the web as a source of information and communicate via email and chat rooms. Teaching in the biomedical sciences should adopt these new information technologies (IT), but has thus far failed to capitalize on technological opportunity. Creating a "digital textbook" of the traditional learning material is not sufficient for dynamic processes such as cellular physiology. This paper describes innovative teaching techniques that incorporate familiar IT and high-quality interactive learning content with user-centric instruction design models. The Virtual Labs Project from Stanford University has created effective interactive online teaching modules in physiology (simPHYSIO) and delivered them over broadband networks to their undergraduate and medical students. Evaluation results of the modules are given as a measure of success of such innovative teaching method. This learning media strategically merges IT innovations with pedagogy to produce user-driven animations of processes and engaging interactive simulations.  相似文献   

Students learn best when they are focused and thinking about the subject at hand. To teach physiology, we must offer opportunities for students to actively participate in class. This approach aids in focusing their attention on the topic and thus generating genuine interest in the mechanisms involved. This study was conducted to determine if offering voluntary active learning exercises would improve student understanding and application of the material covered. To compare performance, an anonymous cardiorespiratory evaluation was distributed to two groups of students during the fall (control, n = 168) and spring (treatment, n = 176) semesters. Students in both groups were taught by traditional methods, and students in the treatment group had the option to voluntary participate in two additional active learning exercises: 1) a small group discussion, where students would discuss a physiology topic with their Teaching Assistant before running BIOPAC software for the laboratory exercise and 2) a free response question, where students anonymously responded to one short essay question after the laboratory exercise. In these formative assessments, students received feedback about their present state of learning from the discussion with their peers and also from the instructor comments regarding perceived misconceptions. As a result of the participation in these activities, students in the treatment group had a better overall performance [χ(2) (degree of freedom = 1) = 31.2, P < 0.001] on the evaluation (treatment group: 62% of responses correct and control group: 49%) with an observed difference of 13% (95% confidence interval: 8, 17). In conclusion, this study presents sufficient evidence that when the opportunity presents itself, students become active participants in the learning process, which translates into an improvement in their understanding and application of physiological concepts.  相似文献   

Mitochondria perform many essential functions in eukaryotic cells. Being the main producers of ATP and the site of many catabolic and anabolic reactions, they participate in intracellular signaling, proliferation, aging, and formation of reactive oxygen species. Mitochondrial dysfunction is the cause of many diseases and even cell death. The functioning of mitochondria in vivo is impossible without interaction with other cellular compartments. Mitochondrial retrograde signaling is a signaling pathway connecting mitochondria and the nucleus. The major signal transducers in the yeast retrograde response are Rtg1p, Rtg2p, and Rtg3p proteins, as well as four additional negative regulatory factors–Mks1p, Lst8p, and two 14-3-3 proteins (Bmh1/2p). In this review, we analyze current information on the retrograde signaling in yeast that is regarded as a stress or homeostatic response mechanism to changes in various metabolic and biosynthetic activities that occur upon mitochondrial dysfunction. We also discuss relations between retrograde signaling and other signaling pathways in the cell.  相似文献   

Roberts, A. C., G. E. Butterfield, A. Cymerman, J. T. Reeves, E. E. Wolfel, and G. A. Brooks. Acclimatization to 4,300-m altitude decreases reliance on fat as a substrate. J. Appl. Physiol. 81(4): 1762-1771, 1996.We testedthe hypothesis that exposure to altitude decreases reliance on freefatty acids (FFA) as substrates and increases dependency on bloodglucose. Therefore, the effects of exercise, hypobaric hypoxia, andaltitude acclimatization on FFA, glycerol and net glucose uptake andrelease [ = 2(leg blood flow)(arteriovenous concentration)]and on fatty acid (FA) consumption by the legs (= 3 × glycerolrelease + FFA uptake) were measured. Because sympathetic responses havebeen implicated, we utilized nonspecific -blockade and observedresponses to exercise, altitude, and altitude acclimatization. Westudied six healthy -blocked men () and five matched controls (C)during rest and cycle ergometry exercise (88 W) at 49% of sea-level(SL) peak O2 uptake at the sameabsolute power output on acute altitude exposure (A1; barometric pressure = 430 Torr) and after 3 wk of chronic altitude exposure to4,300 m (A2). During exercise at SL, FA consumption rates increased (P < 0.05). On arrival at 4,300 m,resting leg FFA uptake and FA consumption rates were not significantlydifferent from those at SL. However, after acclimatization to altitude,at rest leg FA consumption decreased to essentially zero in both C and groups. During exercise at altitude after acclimatization, leg FAconsumption increased significantly, but values were less than at SL orA1 (P < 0.05), whereas glucoseuptake increased relative to SL values. Furthermore, -blockadesignificantly increased glucose uptake relative to control. We concludethat 1) chronic altitude exposure decreases leg FA consumption during rest and exercise;2) relative to SL, FFA uptakedecreases while glucose uptake increases during exercise at altitude;and 3) -blockade potentiatesthese effects.


Mycobacterium bovis Bacille Calmette Guérin (BCG) was first administered to humans in 1921 and has subsequently been delivered to an estimated 3 billion individuals, with a low incidence of serious complications. The vaccine is immunogenic and is stable and cheap to produce. Additionally, the vaccine can be engineered to express foreign molecules in a functional form, and this has driven the development of BCG as a recombinant vector to protect against infectious diseases and malignancies such as cancer. However, it is now clear that the existing BCG vaccine has proved insufficient to control the spread of tuberculosis, and a major focus of tuberculosis vaccine development programs is the construction and testing of modified forms of BCG. This review summarizes the strategies employed to develop recombinant forms of BCG and describes the potential of these vaccines to stimulate protective immunity and protect against Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection.  相似文献   

Water-dispersible beadlets of carotenoids were used as supplements for human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs), human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and human monocytes. Stability, cellular association and cytotoxicity of the carotenoid beadlets were compared with carotenoids delivered with tetrahydrofuran (THF). Incubations with lycopene, beta-carotene, lutein and astaxanthin dissolved in THF resulted in a lower stability in the medium, lower cellular association, and a higher standard deviation. Beadlets provided 60, 4, 6, and 2 times greater accumulation of lycopene, beta-carotene, lutein and astaxanthin, respectively, by PBMCs than THF. The cellular association of carotenoids delivered by THF seems to be more carotenoid-specific than when carotenoids are delivered by beadlets. After 48 h of incubation under cell culture conditions all of the four carotenoids (1 microM) delivered by beadlets to the medium showed a reduction less than 30%. In addition, no cytotoxic effect of the carotenoid beadlets or the vehicle alone was detected in a concentration range of 0.5-5 microM. The results show that beadlets are a non-toxic vehicle for supplementing and stabilizing carotenoids in culture media offering a reasonable compromise in term of cell accumulation efficiency.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of active-learning strategies on college students' achievement, motivation, and self-efficacy in a human physiology course for nonmajors. Variables were studied via a quasi-experimental, Solomon four-group design on 141 students at a small west-Texas university. Treatment groups were taught using a continuum-based, active-learning model implemented over the course of a semester. Control groups were taught using traditional didactic lecture methods. To assess the effects of the continuum-based active learning strategies, students were administered a comprehensive physiology content exam, the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire, and attitude surveys. Factorial analyses indicated that the treatment groups acquired significantly more content knowledge and were significantly more self-efficacious than students in the control groups. There were no significant differences in motivation. Attitude surveys indicated that students in both the treatment and control groups demonstrated a positive attitude toward active learning, believed it helped (or would help) them to learn the material, and would choose an active learning course in the future.  相似文献   

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