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Crystal structures are reported for the D85S and D85S/F219L mutants of the light-driven proton/hydroxyl-pump bacteriorhodopsin. These mutants crystallize in the orthorhombic C222(1) spacegroup, and provide the first demonstration that monoolein-based cubic lipid phase crystallization can support the growth of well-diffracting crystals in non-hexagonal spacegroups. Both structures exhibit similar and substantial differences relative to wild-type bacteriorhodopsin, suggesting that they represent inherent features resulting from neutralization of the Schiff base counterion Asp85. We argue that these structures provide a model for the last photocycle intermediate (O) of bacteriorhodopsin, in which Asp85 is protonated, the proton release group is deprotonated, and the retinal has reisomerized to all-trans. Unlike for the M and N photointermediates, where structural changes occur mainly on the cytoplasmic side, here the large-scale changes are confined to the extracellular side. As in the M intermediate, the side-chain of Arg82 is in a downward configuration, and in addition, a pi-cloud hydrogen bond forms between Trp189 NE1 and Trp138. On the cytoplasmic side, there is increased hydration near the surface, suggesting how Asp96 might communicate with the bulk during the rise of the O intermediate.  相似文献   

The photochemical behaviour of an analogous bacteriorhodopsin (9,12-Ph-BR) which contains the sterically fixed 9,12-phenylretinal has been investigated with picosecond spectroscopy. The following results have been obtained. No ground-state intermediate photoproduct is found in agreement with the previous observation that 9,12-Ph-BR does not exhibit proton pumping under illumination. The excited singlet state has a lifetime of τS = 10 ± 2 ps. This lifetime agrees favourably with the value calculated from the radiative lifetime τrad = 6.2 ns and the fluorescence quantum efficiency of 1.2·10−3. Excited-state absorption occurs which results in fluorescence in the ultraviolet region. These various observations differ drastically from the corresponding findings on bacteriorhodopsin. Most important for an understanding of the differences is the fact that 9,12-phenylretinal does not isomerize in the protein's binding site in contrast to retinal. Our data therefore suggest that the formation of the intermediate K observed in bacteriorhodopsin is accompanied by the all-trans to 13-cis isomerization.  相似文献   

We report the crystal structure of a bromide-bound form of the D85S mutant of bacteriorhodopsin, bR(D85S), a protein that uses light energy rather than ATP to pump halide ions across the cell membrane. Comparison of the structure of the halide-bound and halide-free states reveals that both displacements of individual side-chain positions and concerted helical movements occur on the extracellular side of the protein. Analysis of these structural changes reveals how this ion pump first facilitates ion uptake deep within the cell membrane and then prevents the backward escape of ions later in the pumping cycle. Together with the information provided by structures of intermediate states in the bacteriorhodopsin photocycle, this study also suggests the overall design principles that are necessary for ion pumping.  相似文献   

Bacteriorhodopsin, a light-driven proton pump found in the purple membrane of Halobacterium salinarum, exhibits purple at neutral pH but its color is sensitive to pH. Here, structures are reported for an acid blue form and an alkaline purple form of wild-type bacteriorhodopsin. When the P622 crystal prepared at pH 5.2 was acidified with sulfuric acid, its color turned to blue with a pKa of 3.5 and a Hill coefficient of 2. Diffraction data at pH 2-5 indicated that the purple-to-blue transition accompanies a large structural change in the proton release channel; i.e. the extracellular half of helix C moves towards helix G, narrowing the proton release channel and expelling a water molecule from a micro-cavity in the vicinity of the retinal Schiff base. In this respect, the acid-induced structural change resembles the structural change observed upon formation of the M intermediate. But, the acid blue form contains a sulfate ion in a site(s) near Arg82 that is created by re-orientations of the carboxyl groups of Glu194 and Glu204, residues comprising the proton release complex. This result suggests that proton uptake by the proton release complex evokes the anion binding, which in turn induces protonation of Asp85, a key residue regulating the absorption spectrum of the chromophore. Interestingly, a pronounced structural change in the proton release complex was also observed at high pH; i.e. re-orientation of Glu194 towards Tyr83 was found to take place at around pH 10. This alkaline transition is suggested to be accompanied by proton release from the proton release complex and responsible for rapid formation of the M intermediate at high pH.  相似文献   

Membrane vesicles prepared from an extreme halophile strain, HT (JCM 9743), showed no bacteriorhodopsin activity. However, a DNA fragment, amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), appeared to encode the C to G helices of a bacteriorhodopsin(bR)-like protein. With the PCR product as a probe, the gene coding for a novel bacteriorhodopsin was cloned from the genomic DNA of the strain HT. The open reading frame of the gene was ligated with the promoter region of the bop gene of Halobacterium salinarum bR, and expressed in a bR-deficient host strain, L33, using the plasmid vector pXLNov-R. The purplish membrane fraction purified from cells of a transformant exhibited a cyclic photoreaction characteristic of bacteriorhodopsin. Received: August 12, 1997 / Accepted: October 20, 1997  相似文献   

13C NMR spectra of [3-13C]Ala- and [1-13C]Val-labeled D85N mutant of bacteriorhodopsin (bR) reconstituted in egg PC or DMPC bilayers were recorded to gain insight into their secondary structures and dynamics. They were substantially suppressed as compared with those of 2D crystals, especially at the loops and several transmembrane αII-helices. Surprisingly, the 13C NMR spectra of [3-13C]Ala-D85N turned out to be very similar to those of [3-13C]Ala-bR in lipid bilayers, in spite of the presence of globular conformational and dynamics changes in the former as found from 2D crystalline preparations. No further spectral change was also noted between the ground (pH 7) and M-like state (pH 10) as far as D85N in lipid bilayers was examined, in spite of their distinct changes in the 2D crystalline state. This is mainly caused by that the resulting 13C NMR peaks which are sensitive to conformation and dynamics changes in the loops and several transmembrane αII-helices of the M-like state are suppressed already by fluctuation motions in the order of 104-105 Hz interfered with frequencies of magic angle spinning or proton decoupling. However, 13C NMR signal from the cytoplasmic α-helix protruding from the membrane surface is not strongly influenced by 2D crystal or monomer. Deceptively simplified carbonyl 13C NMR signals of the loop and transmembrane α-helices followed by Pro residues in [1-13C]Val-labeled bR and D85N in 2D crystal are split into two peaks for reconstituted preparations in the absence of 2D crystalline lattice. Fortunately, 13C NMR spectral feature of reconstituted [1-13C]Val and [3-13C]Ala-labeled bR and D85N was recovered to yield characteristic feature of 2D crystalline form in gel-forming lipids achieved at lowered temperatures.  相似文献   

The transfer of a proton from the retinal Schiff base to the nearby Asp85 protein group is an essential step in the directional proton-pumping by bacteriorhodopsin. To avoid the wasteful back reprotonation of the Schiff base from Asp85, the protein must ensure that, following Schiff base deprotonation, the energy barrier for back proton-transfer from Asp85 to the Schiff base is larger than that for proton-transfer from the Schiff base to Asp85. Here, three structural elements that may contribute to suppressing the back proton-transfer from Asp85 to the Schiff base are investigated: (i) retinal twisting; (ii) hydrogen-bonding distances in the active site; and (iii) the number and location of internal water molecules. The impact of the pattern of bond twisting on the retinal deprotonation energy is dissected by performing an extensive set of quantum-mechanical calculations. Structural rearrangements in the active site, such as changes of the Thr89:Asp85 distance and relocation of water molecules hydrogen-bonding to the Asp85 acceptor group, may participate in the mechanism which ensures that following the transfer of the Schiff base proton to Asp85 the protein proceeds with the subsequent photocycle steps, and not with back proton transfer from Asp85 to the Schiff base.  相似文献   

A spectroscopic and functional analysis of two point-mutated bacteriorhodopsins (BRs) from phototrophic negative halobacterial strains is reported. Bacteriorhodopsin from strain 384 contains a glutamic acid instead of an aspartic acid at position 85 and BR from strain 326 contains asparagine instead of aspartic acid at position 96. Compared to wild-type BR, the M formation in BR Asp85---Glu is accwelerated approximately 10-fold, whereas the M decay in BR Asp96---Asn is slowed down approximately 50-fold at pH6. Purple membrane sheets containing the mutated BRs were oriented and immobilized in polyacrylamide gels or adsorbed to planar lipid films. The measured kinetics of the photocurrents under various conditions agree with the observed photocycle kinetics. The ineffectivity of BR Asp85---Glu resides in the dominance of an inactive species absorbing maximally at approximately 610 nm, while BR Asp96---Asn is ineffective due to its slow photocycle. These experimental results suggest that aspartic acid 96 plays a crucial role for the reprotonation of the Schiff base. Both residues are essential for an effective proton pump.  相似文献   

The chromoprotein bacteriorhodopsin from Halobacterium halobium has been incorporated into liposomes made of a fully synthetic, polymerizable lipid. Bacteriorhodopsin is found to be active in these polymer liposomes. The advantage in the use of such polymer systems concerning long-term stability in comparison with liposomes made of natural lipid is demonstrated.  相似文献   

We produced the L intermediate of the photocycle in a bacteriorhodopsin crystal in photo-stationary state at 170 K with red laser illumination at 60% occupancy, and determined its structure to 1.62 A resolution. With this model, high-resolution structural information is available for the initial bacteriorhodopsin, as well as the first five states in the transport cycle. These states involve photo-isomerization of the retinal and its initial configurational changes, deprotonation of the retinal Schiff base and the coupled release of a proton to the extracellular membrane surface, and the switch event that allows reprotonation of the Schiff base from the cytoplasmic side. The six structural models describe the transformations of the retinal and its interaction with water 402, Asp85, and Asp212 in atomic detail, as well as the displacements of functional residues farther from the Schiff base. The changes provide rationales for how relaxation of the distorted retinal causes movements of water and protein atoms that result in vectorial proton transfers to and from the Schiff base.  相似文献   

Transcellular transport in epithelial cells plays an important role in providing such physiological functions as excretion of cytotoxic substances or reabsorption of metabolites useful for the body life activity. These functions have been shown to be performed by the mechanisms—symport, antiport, ion pumps, and channels—that often function cooperatively. Models for kinetic peculiarities of the substrate transport with the aid of the above mechanisms are widely described in the literature. Much less attention is paid to modeling of cooperative activity of transporters that have different transport mechanisms. In this work we propose a mathematical model for flux coupling of three transporters—the ion pump, symporter, and antiporter as well as of two substrates, one of which (A) can be transported simultaneously by the symport and antiport mechanisms, while the other (B)—only by the latter mechanism. Analysis of the model has shown that for the pair of substrates (A and B) the flux coupling becomes possible if the following conditions are met: (1) the substrate A flux into the internal cell volume using the symport mechanism is to exceed its antiporter-realized flux in the opposite direction; (2) probability of reorientation from one side of membrane to the other side for the antiporter loaded with the substrate is to be essentially higher than that for empty transporter. The proposed model can be used for comparing efficiency both of excretion and of reabsorption of cell metabolites in representatives of different taxa.  相似文献   

Cobalamin-independent methionine synthase (MetE) catalyzes the direct transfer of a methyl group from methyltetrahydrofolate to l-homocysteine to form methionine. Previous studies have shown that the MetE active site coordinates a zinc atom, which is thought to act as a Lewis acid and plays a role in the activation of thiol. Extended X-ray absorption fine structure studies and mutagenesis experiments identified the zinc-binding site in MetE from Escherichia coli. Further structural investigations of MetE from Thermotoga maritima lead to the proposition of two models: “induced fit” and “dynamic equilibrium”, to account for the catalytic mechanisms of MetE. Here, we present crystal structures of oxidized and zinc-replete MetE from Streptococcus mutans at the physiological pH. The structures reveal that zinc is mobile in the active center and has the possibility to invert even in the absence of homocysteine. These structures provide evidence for the dynamic equilibrium model.  相似文献   

Structural changes in the proton pumping cycle of wild-type bacteriorhodopsin were investigated by using a 3D crystal (space group P622)prepared by the membrane fusion method. Protein-protein contacts in the crystal elongate the lifetime of the M intermediate by a factor of approximately 100,allowing high levels of the M intermediate to accumulate under continuous illumination. When the M intermediate generated at room temperature was exposed to a low flux of X-rays (approximately 10(14) photons/mm2), this yellow intermediate was converted into a blue species having an absorption maximum at 650 nm. This color change is suggested to accompany a configuration change in the retinal-Lys216 chain. The true conformational change associated with formation of the M intermediate was analyzed by taking the X-radiation-induced structural change into account. Our result indicates that, upon formation of the M intermediate, helix G move stowards the extra-cellular side by, on average, 0.5 angstroms. This movement is coupled with several reactions occurring at distal sites in the protein: (1) reorientation of the side-chain of Leu93 contacting the C13 methyl group of retinal, which is accompanied by detachment of a water molecule from the Schiff base; (2) a significant distortion in the F-G loop, triggering destruction of a hydrogen bonding interaction between a pair of glutamate groups (Glu194 and Glu204); (3) formation of a salt bridge between the carboxylate group of Glu204 and the guanidinium ion of Arg82, which is accompanied by a large distortion in the extra-cellular half of helix C; (4)noticeable movements of the AB loop and the cytoplasmic end of helix B. But, no appreciable change is induced in the peptide backbone of helices A,D, E and F. These structural changes are discussed from the viewpoint of translocation of water molecules.  相似文献   

For structural investigation of the L intermediate of bacteriorhodopsin, a 3D crystal belonging to the space group P622 was illuminated with green light at 160 K and subsequently with red light at 100 K. This yielded a approximately 1:4 mixture of the L intermediate and the ground-state. Diffraction data from such crystals were collected using a low flux of X-rays ( approximately 2 x 10(15) photons/mm2 per crystal), and their merged data were compared with those from unphotolyzed crystals. These structural data, together with our previous data, indicate that the retinal chromophore, which is largely twisted in the K-intermediate, takes a more planar 13-cis, 15-anti configuration in the L intermediate. This configurational change, which is accompanied by re-orientation of the Schiff base N-H bond towards the intracellular side, is coupled with a large rotation of the side-chain of an amino acid residue (Leu93) making contact with the C13 methyl group of retinal. Following these motions, a water molecule, at first hydrogen-bonded to the Schiff base and Asp85, is dragged to a space that is originally occupied by Leu93. Diffraction data from a crystal containing the M intermediate showed that this water molecule moves further towards the intracellular side in the L-to-M transition. It is very likely that detachment of this water molecule from the protonated Schiff base causes a significant decrease in the pKa of the Schiff base, thereby facilitating the proton transfer to Asp85. On the basis of these observations, we argue that the vertical movement of a water molecule in the K-to-L transition is a key event determining the directionality of proton translocation in the protein.  相似文献   

The set of blasticidin S (BS) and blasticidin S deaminase (BSD) is a widely used selectable marker for gene transfer experiments. BSD is a member of the cytidine deaminase (CDA) family; it is a zinc-dependent enzyme with three cysteines and one water molecule as zinc ligands. The crystal structures of BSD were determined in six states (i.e. native, substrate-bound, product-bound, cacodylate-bound, substrate-bound E56Q mutant, and R90K mutant). In the structures, the zinc position and coordination structures vary. The substrate-bound structure shows a large positional and geometrical shift of zinc with a double-headed electron density of the substrate that seems to be assigned to the amino and hydroxyl groups of the substrate and product, respectively. In this intermediate-like structure, the steric hindrance of the hydroxyl group pushes the zinc into the triangular plane consisting of three cysteines with a positional shift of approximately 0.6 A, and the fifth ligand water approaches the opposite direction of the substrate with a shift of 0.4 A. Accordingly, the zinc coordination is changed from tetrahedral to trigonal bipyramidal, and its coordination distance is extended between zinc and its intermediate. The shift of zinc and the recruited water is also observed in the structure of the inactivated E56Q mutant. This novel observation is different in two-cysteine cytidine deaminase Escherichia coli CDA and might be essential for the reaction mechanism in BSD, since it is useful for the easy release of the product by charge compensation and for the structural change of the substrate.  相似文献   

Upregulation of proton extrusion is critical for tumor cell survival in an ischemic microenvironment with a lower extracellular pH (pHe). Lower pHe and higher intracellular pH (pHi) benefit cancer cells for invasion and growth. Vacuolar H+-ATPases (V-H+-ATPases) play a critical role in regulating the transmembrane pH gradient. Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPI), mainly treating acid-related diseases, could inhibit the expression of V-H+-ATPases. We have investigated whether PPI decreases the pHi of the human gastric adenocarcinoma cell line, SGC7901, by inhibiting V-H+-ATPases so as to enhance the cytotoxicity of anti-tumor drugs. We have assessed the optimal treatment time, pretreatment dosage of PPI and the possible mechanism of action. PPI exceeding 10 μg/ml inhibited protein expression of V-H+-ATPases in a dose-dependent manner, decreased the pHi value and reversed the transmembrane pH gradient, whereas PPI at final concentration of 1 μg/ml could not. Changes of the pH gradient were positively correlated with PPI concentration. The inhibitory effects of PPI on V-H+-ATPases primarily occurs from 12 h to 24 h after PPI pretreatment (P < 0.05). The pHi value of SGC7901 was lowest 24 h after PPI pretreatment (P < 0.05). Administration of anti-tumor drugs 24 h after PPI pretreatment produced the most cytotoxic effects on SGC7901 (P < 0.05) and significantly improved the early and total apoptosis rates (P < 0.01). PPI exceeding 20 μg/ml also significantly reduced the ADR-releasing index, thereby enhancing the intracellular ADR concentration (P < 0.01). Therefore, PPI could enhance the cytotoxic effects of anti-tumor drugs on the SGC7901 cells.  相似文献   

A large amount of experimental data on the characteristics of the cardiac Na+/K+ pump have been accumulated, but it remains difficult to predict the quantitative contribution of the pump in an intact cell because most measurements have been made under non-physiological conditions. To extrapolate the experimental findings to intact cells, we have developed a comprehensive Na+/K+ pump model based on the thermodynamic framework (Smith and Crampin, 2004) of the Post-Albers reaction cycle combined with access channel mechanisms. The new model explains a variety of experimental results for the Na+/K+ pump current (INaK), including the dependency on the concentrations of Na+ and K+, the membrane potential and the free energy of ATP hydrolysis. The model demonstrates that both the apparent affinity and the slope of the substrate-INaK relationship measured experimentally are affected by the composition of ions in the extra- and intracellular solutions, indirectly through alteration in the probability distribution of individual enzyme intermediates. By considering the voltage dependence in the Na+- and K+-binding steps, the experimental voltage-INaK relationship could be reconstructed with application of experimental ionic compositions in the model, and the view of voltage-dependent K+ binding was supported. Re-evaluation of charge movements accompanying Na+ and K+ translocations gave a reasonable number for the site density of the Na+/K+ pump on the membrane. The new model is relevant for simulation of cellular functions under various interventions, such as depression of energy metabolism.  相似文献   

The crystal structures of Boc-(D) Val-(D) Ala-Leu-Ala-OMe (vaLA) and Boc-Val-Ala-Leu-(D) Ala-OMe (VALa) have been determined. vaLA crystallises in space group P2(1),2(1),2(1), with a = 9.401 (4), b = 17.253 (5), c = 36.276 (9)A. V = 5,884 (3) A3, Z = 8, R = 0.086. VALa crystallises in space group P2(1) with a = 9.683 (9), b = 17.355 (7), c = 18.187 (9) A, beta = 95.84 (8) degrees , V = 3,040(4) A3, Z = 4, R = 0.125. There are two molecules in the asymmetric unit in antiparallel beta-sheet arrangement in both the structures. Several of the Calpha hydrogens are in hydrogen bonding contact with the carbonyl oxygen in the adjacent strand. An analysis of the observed conformational feature of D-chiral amino acid residues in oligopeptides, using coordinates of 123 crystal structures selected from the 1998 release of CSD has been carried out. This shows that all the residues except D-isoleucine prefer both extended and alphaL conformation though the frequence of occurence may not be equal. In addition to this, D-leucine, valine, proline and phenylalanine have assumed alphaR conformations in solid state. D-leucine has a strong preference for helical conformation in linear peptides whereas they prefer an extended conformation in cyclic peptides.  相似文献   

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